Cancer (tumors) Healing By Qigong Master Lin Kai Ting Ush , "powerful Healers From 1958"

Discussion in 'HEALTH AND WELLNESS' started by CULCULCAN, Mar 7, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Cancer (Tumors) Healing
    by Qigong Master Lin Kai Ting USH ,
    "powerful healers from 1958 -iT was The Year of The Golden Earth Dragon Foo DOG"
    ~susan lynne schwenger

    with Matei Georgescu


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    QiGong + Nutrition= Healing Master Lin Kai Ting was born in Beijing, China, in 1958.


    From his early childhood, Master Lin Kai Ting has been practicing Wushu
    – the Chinese martial arts, focusing on Shaolin Taolu and Shaolin Quan.

    Master Lin Kai Ting also practiced Yi Zhang Jing - a secret method taught only to a single line of disciples.

    His background in martial arts was the foundation for understanding the secrets of Qigong
    and attaining a high kung fu (a high degree of technique mastery).

    Since 1978 he has studied various styles, methods, and techniques under the guidance
    of several famous masters: Li Jing Feng, Pang He Ming, Yan Xin, and others.

    Over the years, Master Lin Kai Ting has been studying all five traditional Qigong styles:
    Taoist, Confucian, Buddhist, medical and martial arts Qigong.

    Having extensive knowledge of Chinese calligraphy and ancient Chinese culture,
    Master Lin Kai Ting has graduated from the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology in Beijing
    and has a specialization in Tuina
    – Chinese massage therapy.

    Master Lin Kai Ting has also graduated from the Faculty of Tourism, University of Beijing.

    In 1992, Qigong Master Lin Kai Ting visited Europe for the first time to give a series of lectures and seminars on Qigong.

    He settled in Romania where he started to deliver courses
    and seminars regularly to an ever-growing number of participants.

    The news about the success of these events soon crossed the borders of Romania
    and thus Master Lin Kai Ting
    was invited to deliver seminars and conferences
    across the United States of America and Europe:
    Germany, Bulgaria, Ireland, Norway, and Italy.

    QilinGong, the qigong style set up and taught by Master Lin Kai Ting,
    represents the “core” of all five major traditional qigong styles
    and it combines powerful methods and techniques adapted to the modern Western lifestyle.

    The name QilinGong is a combination of two words: Qilin and Gong.

    Qilin is a mythological Chinese creature, having a dragon’s head, a stag’s antlers,
    a tiger’s body, a lion’s tail, and a scale-covered body.

    The Qilin is a symbol of wisdom, serenity, and prosperity. Gong means mastership or skillfulness.

    The QilinGong practice does not require retirement or abandonment of social life.

    On the contrary, by practicing one feels more grounded and integrated into the society.

    Another feature of this method is that certain techniques can be incorporated in the daily routine
    and can be practiced simultaneously with activities like walking, standing, sitting, driving the car
    or even sleeping.

    QilinGong can be practiced 24 hours per day.

    Beyond techniques, QilinGong is a way of life based on the universal values
    and principles of humankind: morality, respect for life, love, and compassion.

    QilinGong - Maestrul

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Qilin is a mythological Chinese creature,
    having a dragon’s head, a stag’s antlers, a tiger’s body, a lion’s tail, and a scale-covered body.
    artist: susan lynne schwenger

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Ancient Chinese Healing,

    Qigong Dissolves Cancer Tumors

    How to Make a Cancer Tumor Dissolve in 40 Seconds!

    In China there’s a hospital that routinely dissolves cancerous tumors using the 5,000-year-old healing practice,
    called Qigong.

    In fact, there is a stunning videotape showing hospital practitioners
    dissolving a cancer patient’s orange-sized tumor in 40 seconds!.

    The Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Center is the world’s largest medicineless hospital.

    Four Qigong masters from the hospital dissolved the tumor described above
    while 2 doctors monitored the procedure via real-time CT scan.

    Since it opened its doors in 1980, the Center has treated more than 135,000 patients with 180 different diseases
    — and has achieved an overall success rate of 95 percent!

    Qigong (pronounced chee gong or chee kung) is a Chinese healing practice using movement, affirmations,
    breath work, visualizations and meditation, to improve the flow of the vital energy
    to improve the flow of the vital energy or life force called qi (pronounced chee).

    Qigong healing masters are able to accomplish healing simply by projecting qi on a patient
    — or on a part of the body afflicted with an ailment or disease.

    In the early 1980s, Lu Yan Fang, Ph.D., a senior scientist at the National Electro Acoustics Laboratory
    in Beijing, China, discovered that the hands of Qigong masters emitted high levels of low frequency acoustical waves.

    Every human being generates such acoustical waves, but the signals generated by the Qigong masters
    are 100 times more powerful than the average individual
    — and 1,000 times more powerful than those who are elderly or ill.

    Qigong may sound unbelievable to Western doctors who are untrained in energy healing methodologies.

    However, even Harvard physicians who have experienced Qigong healing admit
    they can feel electrical sensations in their bodies when a Qigong master
    projects his invisible healing energy onto them.
    Dr. Hong Liu, a Qigong master now residing in California, and author of Mastering Miracles,
    has demonstrated the ability to project qi that is lethal to cancer cells.

    While at Shanghai Red Cross Hospital, he emitted qi to kill cancer cells that were being cultured in a petri dish.

    The cancer cells in the dish died, while cancer cells in a control dish that received no qi continued to flourish.

    Qigong has been shown to help heal not just cancer but also cases of HIV/AIDS, coronary heart disease,
    hypertension, digestive problems, asthma, arthritis, insomnia, pain, depression and anxiety.

    Although the practice of Qigong takes years to master, there’s a shortcut, “self-service”
    form of Qigong called Chi Lel, which is taught at the Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Center.

    It is a scientific and progressive self-healing system consisting of a set of simple exercises
    which dissolve the blockages so that qi can flow throughout the body, bringing life to every cell.
    La Chi, Healing Yourself and Others

    One of those exercises is called La Chi. It is a simple and effective way of collecting qi
    and using it to heal yourself or others.
    Many people who have come to the Center, who have been healed of cancer
    and other diseases, achieved those amazing results by using this La Chi technique.

    Here’s how to do it:

    1. 1. Place your hands in front of you, away from your body, with the fingertips of both hands pointing at each other, and almost touching.

    1. 2. With your shoulders and hands relaxed, slowly move your hands outward until they are several inches apart. While doing this step, imagine that your pain or sickness is leaving your body and disappearing into infinity.

    1. 3. Move your hands back inward to the starting position until the fingertips almost touch. While doing this step, imagine that you are directing qi or life energy to the part of the body where it is needed.

    1. 4. Repeat the outward and inward hand movements (Steps 2 and 3) for several minutes or more while affirming to yourself that all pain and sickness are gone, and that you’re completely healed.
    For more information, read 101 Miracles of Natural Healing by Luke Chan,
    which explains the Chi Lel exercises more thoroughly,
    and tells the stories of 101 individuals who miraculously recovered from cancer,
    diabetes, arthritis, paralysis, heart disease, severe depression, systemic lupus
    and many other chronic illnesses.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Spring Forest Qigong Sitting Meditations with Master Chunyi Lin
    Guided Meditation

    by Master Chunyi Lin

    to Start Spring Forest Qigong

    Level 1 Class



    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Spring Forest Giqong Level One for Health - Sitting Meditations with Master Chunyi Lin
    • 2000 Chunyi Lin
    • Sickness is only extra energy in the body. We can heal ourselves by returning the extra energy back to the universe. Spring Forest Qigong practice helps you to remove energy blockages so that the energy can flow through the body in perfect balance.
    • In Sitting Meditations you use mainly mental concentration to open blockages and move Qi (life energy). You can do these meditation exercises sitting or lying down.
    • Small Universe Meditation. Helps you clear energy blockages along the front and back energy channels so that you will physically clear the roots of any sickness. By using mental concentration, controlled breathing and sound, you will open the major energy centers located along these two important channels.
    • Self-Concentration Meditation. Helps you to develop self-awareness and heal the body though mental activities. You will feel his healing energy as Master Chunyi Lin guides you through the meditation. You will discover the inner beauty of your body, increase your energy and strengthen your ability to heal yourself and others.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    re; post # 8

    ➡️ Instructions on the practice: What to do? / How to practice?

    ➡️Copy the movements! In each final position use any type of power to tense the body and make the posture become strong. It's no problem to use muscle power in the beginning!

    ➡️ Stay in each posture and slowly deep breath! (Full inhalation - Full exhalation)

    Minimum should be around 4 breathing cycles (any number above is perfectly fine).

    ➡️Try to keep the power / strength in each posture steady, regardless of in- or exhalation. Keep Focus and direct your intent in the proper direction.

    For what should I aim for? / What is the goal of the practice?

    Easy is: Do it for the pleasure of doing it! ➡️

    Useful is: Make the postures become more powerful / stronger by every week! ➡️

    Purposeful is: Observe and become aware of your transformation.

    The names of the postures are: ENGLISH / GERMAN: Opening · 00:00
    1) Pressing up to the Heavens / Beide Hände in den Himmel pressen · 01:30

    2) Drawing the Bow / Den Bogen spannen · 02:40

    3) Separating Heaven and Earth / Himmel und Erde spalten · 05:05

    4) Wise Owl gazes backwards / Die weise Eule starrt zurück · 06:55

    5) Big Bear turns from Side to Side / Der große Bär bewegt sich von Seite zu Seite · 08:50

    6) Touching the toes and bending backwards / Die Zehen berühren und nach hinten beugen · 11:40

    7) Clenching fists with an angry gaze / Die Fäuse ballen und grimmig Schauen · 13:25

    8) Stretching the body / Den Körper dehnen · 18:40 Closing · 20:05 Why are there so many variations of this routine? ➡️

    Practicing without clear intent is useless, no matter which form you choose. ➡️

    This video is one of the more simple forms that I practice. Easy to remember, clear to execute. ➡️

    You want more beautiful variations, go ahead. But understand the purpose of simplicity first.

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    ❗️ Shi Heng Yi belongs to the 35th Generation of Shaolin Masters
    and is the headmaster of the Shaolin Temple Europe 歐洲少林寺 located in Germany.

    Learn more about the training methods to develop unity of body and mind, merging internal and external power.

    Every year there are several retreats that are taking place in the Shaolin Temple Europe
    歐洲少林寺, the monastery where I am living.
    A retreat can either be a 3-day Retreat (Friday - Sunday)
    or a 6-day Retreat (Monday - Saturday).

    Every retreat is held under a specific topic, such as: Gong Fu, Qi Gong

    (e.g. Ba Duan Jin, Yi Jin Jing, 13 Luohan), Meditation retreats and Rou Quan retreats.

    If you are interested in joining any of these retreats, please take a look at all dates that are published on the website of the monastery:

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    Write review here ➡️ There's a final point for all of these practices: Increase your life quality:

    Get less sick, Regenerate faster, Improve your vitality, Increase your health! Better sleep,
    less anxiety, more joy! Enjoy your training! #ShaolinTempleEurope #ShiHengYi #BaDuanJin

    Many thanks to "Secret Garden - Earth Songs - Lotus" for allowing us to use the music!

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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