Camelot Fallout over Arachne Thread and Thuban Material

Discussion in 'Thuban Project Camelot' started by admin, Dec 23, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    #299550 March 16th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    Dear Kerry and Tommy,

    I tried to contact Steve, no can do. Where is Steve?
    What is going on? It's time to stand up and tell the truth.

    May the Truth prevail.
    If Steve is gone, so am I. I have the utmost respect for you Tommy, and for Steve. Is he gone? You need to make a clear statement. I would like Steve's' email address so I can continue to communicate with him.

    This is all very unfortunate. I am sad. :( :(:(

    #29583 March 16th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    TraLaLa wrote:
    Dear Kerry and Tommy,

    I tried to contact Steve, no can do. Where is Steve?
    What is going on? It's time to stand up and tell the truth.

    May the Truth prevail.
    If Steve is gone, so am I. I have the utmost respect for you Tommy, and for Steve. Is he gone? You need to make a clear statement. I would like Steve's' email address so I can continue to communicate with him.

    This is all very unfortunate. I am sad. :(:(:(

    You know what surprises me the most? What surprises and perplexes me the most is that no other members( or MODS) are standing up for Steve. That is indeed quite sad. You guys lost a few points by me.

    I am sorry I have not heard from Tommy, Kerry, and the Mods on this. Very, very Sad. :(:(:(

    #29624 March 16th, 2011
    trigger wrote:
    Hey Tra,

    All that I know is that he has been putting in some long hours lately as there have been some issues with the server. He may just be having some time away from technology to recuperate.

    Other than that, I'm stuck in the mushroom tunnel too.

    #29625 March 16th, 2011
    Tangy wrote:
    Tra, I posted in your other thread as soon as I became aware of it. Unfortunately, I'm not sure what's happening with Steve. I wish I knew.

    But I stand up for Steve without hesitation, and for all the moderators here. The recent debacle was not their fault. In fact, they displayed more than a little patience.

    #29554 March 16th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    Dear Kerry and Tommy,

    I tried to contact Steve, no can do. Where is Steve?
    What is going on? It's time to stand up and tell the truth.

    May the Truth prevail.
    If Steve is gone, so am I. I have the utmost respect for you Tommy, and for Steve. Is he gone? You need to make a clear statement. I would like Steve's' email address so I can continue to communicate with him.

    This is all very unfortunate. I am sad.

    #29555 March 16th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    I suppose Thuban has won.........

    #29556 March 16th, 2011

    honest wrote:

    Eh?! Steve's gone?!

    #29559 March 16th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:

    honestguy wrote:
    Eh?! Steve's gone?!

    Yes, I am very sad right now. This forum has been infiltrated. Steve was the BEST! He has been pushed out as far as I can see by the dark side. Here's a link.

    Make of it what you will.:(:(:(

    #29563 March 16th, 2011
    Kerry wrote:
    Steve's email address is:

    Why are you saying you can't find him? And why is this a thread topic?


    #29564 March 16th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    kerry wrote:
    Steve's email address is:

    Why are you saying you can't find him? And why is this a thread topic?


    I'm saying this because when I did a search for Steve, nothing came up. o_O

    I tried to send him a pm and no can do. That's why. Also, all my previous pm's to Steve seemed to have disappeared. :(

    #29566 March 16th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    kerry wrote:
    Steve's email address is:

    Why are you saying you can't find him? And why is this a thread topic?


    Stand up Kerry,
    Tell the Truth. Where is Steve?

    #29569 March 16th, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    Tra will let you know when we
    have info
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    #29570 March 16th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    Tra will let you know when we have info

    Thanks so much Lita. A real response from a real person. Appreciated. ;)

    PS: I am concerned about Steve, because I like him as a person. Hi Steve!!!! I am here for you.
    You have my email, please contact me. xoxoxo

    #29579 March 16th, 2011
    DeVu wrote:
    I don't know...this thread is giving me that strange I've done this before. devil.

    #28580 March 16th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    DejaVu wrote:
    I don't know...this thread is giving me that strange I've done this before. devil.

    Yeah well, Dejavu~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    #29529 March 16th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    Where is Steve?

    If anyone can send me his email please, I would appreciate it.

    #29531 March 16th, 2011
    Hurricane wrote:
    ... What do you mean? just send him a PM... !

    #29532 March 16th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    I just tried to send him a PM.... he seems to be gone? Anyone?

    PS: I intend to follow up on this. If I "disappear" then you all know somethings up. o_O

    #29534 March 16th, 2011
    Hurricane wrote:

    #29536 March 16th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    I sent you and a few others email. check it. o_O

    #29538 March 16th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    Huancaina27 wrote:

    check your email

    #29541 March 16th, 2011
    Hurricane wrote:
    Oh boy! oh boy oooooooh boy! o_O

    #29543 March 16th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    Huancaina27 wrote:
    Oh boy! oh boy oooooooh boy! :D


    #29553 March 16th, 2011
    DeVu wrote:
    So I take it mass bannings have started here now? What a shame....
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    29562 March 16th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    DejaVu wrote:
    So I take it mass bannings have started here now? What a shame....

    Actually this forum has been infiltrated. :(:(:(

    #29571 March 16th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    TraLaLa wrote:
    DejaVu wrote:

    So I take it mass bannings have started here now? What a shame....

    Actually this forum has been infiltrated. :(:(:(

    I don't know about that.

    I was involved in the thread where it happened and we were getting on fine until it turned out two of them were using the same account. They were banned. It's easy enough to start up one account each. Why use the same account? It's not as if they have to pay for it!

    And then it just got completely out of order with a whole bunch of them just attacking the mods and no reference to what the thread was about at all. So Steve took the bull by the horns and told them they had to behave, and they screamed a bit more and cried foul and just started posting bigger and bigger words and going even more off-topic than it was already! LOL

    They could have patched things up without a problem if they'd just carried on, with the topic at hand but it seems with the banning of whoever Arachne-Phoenix was, the 'brains' had left the group and we were just left with some hysterical girlie-screaming and hair-pulling. I'd have banned them too if I could. That behaviour is for another forum, somewhere far, far away!
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    #29573 March 16th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    TraLaLa wrote:
    I just tried to send him a PM.... he seems to be gone? Anyone?

    PS: I intend to follow up on this. If I "disappear" then you all know somethings up. ;)

    I plan on sticking around until all this becomes clear. So, I reiterate.... if I "disappear" those of you that have my email.... follow up for truth.

    #29575 March 16th, 2011
    DeVu wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:
    TraLaLa wrote:
    DejaVu wrote:

    So I take it mass bannings have started here now? What a shame....

    Actually this forum has been infiltrated. :(:(:(

    I don't know about that.

    I was involved in the thread where it happened and we were getting on fine until it turned out two of them were using the same account. They were banned. It's easy enough to start up one account each. Why use the same account? It's not as if they have to pay for it!

    And then it just got completely out of order with a whole bunch of them just attacking the mods and no reference to what the thread was about at all. So Steve took the bull by the horns and told them they had to behave, and they screamed a bit more and cried foul and just started posting bigger and bigger words and going even more off-topic than it was already! LOL

    They could have patched things up without a problem if they'd just carried on, with the topic at hand but it seems with the banning of whoever Arachne-Phoenix was, the 'brains' had left the group and we were just left with some hysterical girlie-screaming and hair-pulling. I'd have banned them too if I could. That behaviour is for another forum, somewhere far, far away!

    Thank you so much for that information...I wondered what was going on. :)

    #29576 March 16th, 2011

    Spacecake wrote:

    A lot of whiney babies. I would have banned them just on the boringness of their posts.

    #29577 March 16th, 2011
    DeVu wrote:
    TraLaLa wrote:
    DejaVu wrote:

    So I take it mass bannings have started here now? What a shame....

    Actually this forum has been infiltrated. :(:(:(

    OMG....we need help!!!


    #29578 March 16th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:
    TraLaLa wrote:
    DejaVu wrote:

    So I take it mass bannings have started here now? What a shame....

    Actually this forum has been infiltrated. :(:(:(

    I don't know about that.

    I was involved in the thread where it happened and we were getting on fine until it turned out two of them were using the same account. They were banned. It's easy enough to start up one account each. Why use the same account? It's not as if they have to pay for it!

    And then it just got completely out of order with a whole bunch of them just attacking the mods and no reference to what the thread was about at all. So Steve took the bull by the horns and told them they had to behave, and they screamed a bit more and cried foul and just started posting bigger and bigger words and going even more off-topic than it was already! LOL

    They could have patched things up without a problem if they'd just carried on, with the topic at hand but it seems with the banning of whoever Arachne-Phoenix was, the 'brains' had left the group and we were just left with some hysterical girlie-screaming and hair-pulling. I'd have banned them too if I could. That behaviour is for another forum, somewhere far, far away!

    Good answer SB,
    My question was; What happened to Steve???

    #29592 March 16th, 2011
    Hurricane wrote:
    Tra... I think you should remind calm until Steve or Kerry or Tommy or one of the other Mods will come back with more info. I want to know also Why Steve vanish 7 people from this Forum including Sui and I didn't like to see Arachme/Fenix's topic vanish either; without explanation to us... How is that they infiltrated us?. Who infiltrated us?

    and, please, stop saying if Steve is gone you will go also... kind of..., it will be the third time you say something like that.. Personally, I am not here for the Mods. Even though. I like all of them and appreciate their job, but sometimes I don't like when some Police Mod. intervention occurs. Is just me! I can't take anything that has to do with control...

    Hopefully this will have a nice peaceful ending. I don't like drama or be part of that.

    #29593 March 16th, 2011

    hellsclock wrote:

    Thanks for posting the link.Have had a scan through. Its just a repeat of all that was said on the thread. Personally I think Steve was level headed in dealing with them all (showed the patience of a saint IMHO).
    I really hope that Steve hasn't gone away. I felt him to be very even handed.

    Have to say that I won't be missing Arc's imput though:)

    #29596 March 16th, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    Huancaina27 really do like to hear this

    I don't like when some Police Mod. intervention occurs

    nice to be attacked that way.. if terms like this were not used then maybe tings may have been different... so you prefer bad language, that if somebody was disrespectful to you that we would just let it go... that people could be Trolls here.. maybe you will get your wish..

    Now I am saying this as a member, & a mod.....thank you for seeing me this way when all I ever did was try to be fair and spend too many hours here making sure everything worked as well as it could..comments much you read that thread I took the crap they put on me the same as you are doing now, I pulled them up when they bought a member into it and put crap on the member... guess you would prefer me to let that go to,
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    #29596 March 16th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    hellsbells44 wrote:
    Thanks for posting the link.Have had a scan through. Its just a repeat of all that was said on the thread. Personally I think Steve was level headed in dealing with them all (showed the patience of a saint IMHO).
    I really hope that Steve hasn't gone away. I felt him to be very even handed.

    Have to say that I won't be missing Arc's imput though:)

    I hope Steve has just gone to get some fresh air, forget about this place for a day or two and come back happy and refreshed.

    And Arc... What was he thinking of? I've usually found his posts irreverent but funny. I never thought he was crazy. There, he was actually supporting the mad followers of Thuban! Ha ha ha! I had to wonder which pill he'd taken that morning!

    The real answer to the black hole conundrum is that even our sun couldn't make a black hole and if the planet were by some abberration of science be turned into one, it would last only a split second.
    Not only that, but the white hole would be proportionate to the size of the black hole - so about the size of a peanut.

    I have this image of all the ETs in the universe trying to catch a split second white hole the size of a peanut! HA HA HA!
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    #29598 March 16th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    My only problem with the above image is that a black hole doesn't create a white hole...

    It just goes pffft and it's gone.

    Ah well...
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    #29603 March 16th, 2011
    Hurricane wrote:
    attacking you Lita??? how I am doing that? I already said is ME. I don't like when people tell me what to read or what not to read... like was the case with Arachme's topic. and that to me is Intervention against my freedom. I can't tolerate that!

    People here are very respectful Lita... just some times we say stupid things here and there... but other than that, .... we are adults... and some times few strong words can be used to make the point but nothing horrible!

    I am sorry if I am making you feel like that. but that is exactly how I feel every time I see some control... I will said it again, Is me! can't take it.

    guess you would prefer me to let that go to,

    I would prefer you not to act as a behavior controller... what if we let you know if that happens... so you will be less strressed other than that. You are doing a magnificent job here as well as Steve, but hey! I don't have to say YES to you guys only because you are the Mods, Do I ? Not even to my dear friend Tra la la .... I love her but sometimes I don't like some things that she does. and I guess she hate other things from me... that I don't know! :). However, I will be here standing up by you, Tra la la and Steve... we just need and explanation to certain attitudes and that's it. Keep moving...

    What they said about us in Avalon... ? Well, they made me laugh... a lot! Don't pay attention to what they say please! and maybe is time for us to be honest to each other and if you don't like somebody here or me or whoever, say it... we shouldn't wait until they are gone...

    Don't be upset with the wrong person Lita! we all make mistakes and if we do, lets help each other. Lets keep having these forum for our enjoyment and let new, strange and interesting information come. Is free!

    Is true I am not here because of the Mods... sorry my honesty! but after all, each of us make the forum possible... isn't it?

    #29605 March 16th, 2011
    Tangy wrote:
    The last few days I've been kind of distracted by all the tragedy happening in Japan. But you're no alarmist Tra, so your concern caused me to become more alert.

    I see now why you're concerned; unfortunately I don't know what's happening with Steve. Wish I did.

    I felt the mods (Lita, Steve, Chakra) dealt with that thread as even-handedly as could be expected, especially after the thread turned into nothing more than a big megaphone for arguing with the mods.

    But I don't know what's going on now. I know my profile page and trying to access my previous posts has been totally screwy for many days now -- I thought Tommy was still doing updates or something.

    That probably is the case with that. (I hope so.) As for the rest of it, I am far from sure.

    #29606 March 16th, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    The rules are not made up by me. being called the mod police isn't nice.

    I have spent most of my life agreeing and disagreeing with people that isn't the point, 1 thread I participated in when I first came here was closed because of disagreements with a few of us.. I didn't feel I had to call Steve names like mod police back then.

    As far as what will happen here is still up in the air staying or leaving won't be because of the banning s and closed thread...
    Just 1 other thing, everyone was doing fine until that thread, I had not had to do much except for moving threads that needed it, all was good....nobody even used the term mod police..

    I believe in freedom to. I am going to leave it at this until I know more...
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    #29618 March 16th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    I'm looking at the rules right now, and these are the rules Arachne-Phoenix and crew broke as far as I'm concerned:

    If an individual cannot approach the material with an open mind and respectful demeanor, they will make others uncomfortable, and in turn may receive uncomfortable responses. Such skeptics will be unsubscribed from the group if their criticism hurts the community spirit of the group.

    Arachne-Phoenix never once responded satisfactorily to my questions about the black hole and treated the questions put to them by myself and other members involved with total contempt. Talking over us as if they knew something better than we did - which they DON'T. They 'hurt the community spirit of the group".

    Similarly, the New Age, ET, Metaphysical, and Alternative Physics communities are diverse, popular, and numerous. In order to have worthwhile discussion that is beneficial to those who are interested in the material, we must restrict our focus to topics that relate to our core mission.

    I didn't ask for religion and it wasn't supposed to be about religion. It was about black holes which is in the first page of their presentation. We never knew at any point in time if we were going to get a religious preaching or a mathematical sandstorm. Either way, I had barely scratched the surface of the material but it was littered with false information and errors. Therefore neither beneficial nor related to the core mission of Project Camelot.

    And then we come to this, because, if you had followed it closely, you'd have noticed that Arachne-Phoenix never once listened to any of us. IT just took points from our questions or answers and vomited out whatever mathematical exercise had been data-entered into their machine:

    This includes those who insist on promoting / showcasing themselves, their own websites, philosophies, products, services or other unrelated teachings.

    That's three major rules broken in the forum rule book. I think Chakra, Lita and Steve were too nice to them really and I can totally understand why he's taking some time out after the rude, aggressive and ignorant behaviour that he had to deal with.
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    #29628 March 16th, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    siriusblue...Tangent Thank you.

    Just 1 other thing missed here nobody was going to miss the material, there were links.. and rules were broken.
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    #29638 March 17th, 2011
    siamese wrote:
    Lita and all the MODS

    We're a team and stick together through thick and thin. You, our mod squad are the glue which holds us together and like any descent good family home there is a great responsibility to keep the wolves in check. This situation shouts out loud that the mods have been doing their jobs admirably, they should not have to be the target of some half-cocked nonsense and abusive attitudes that creeps in through the cracks. Lets not loose people who have integrity and work selflessly for the core values of this place only to throw in the towel for the sake of a bunch of idiots who have just come here, for a nose, to create a distraction and friction amongst the forum, whilst hiding behind their anonymity, for cicks! Also lets not forget there are some powerful energies out there at the moment, we mustn't let the buggers take control (we all know this).

    We should remember the moderators work voluntarily here and they should be commended for their work and time, we would not have such a friendly, safe place and haven to take part in if it was not for all the work they humbly do behind the scenes. THANKS guys.

    So I'd like to finally say I really hope STEVE comes back, (and if Steve's reading this) have a little rest and please come back with all engines firing dear man. As the old saying goes "I take my hat off to you. " ;)

    THANKS again guys,
    Sian o_O

    #29645 March 17th, 2011
    RAMAN wrote:
    hmm. jeah the pm's from him are gone. and so is the suggesions thread response. so i guess all his posts incl acc have been deleted/purged in some manner.

    as for arctourist you fell for the snakes tongue. majorly
    as for a comment there:Arctourist
    ""i would hope a lot of disappointed people from both camelot and avalon find their way here because it feels friendly ""

    think again. and feels well .. if you feel than your mind fell for it(and all the data flooding arachnia/co in ya head.. did get it all. guess not, you didnt "feel"properly did you. you thought it felt not felt it felt.

    so did the snake show its head again?
    snakes vs dragon its all the same.

    and the Arach thread was as incoherent as their actions were. w can allcompile data and flood a brain and be sure one will never get it, as mind only will never cope/digg it. not able to handle it. and that is modes operandus. i also saw.

    and than cry: "Why is Little Grandmother ** or or Mike Quinsey material allowed to be "promoted" , but Thuban rantings can't? ""

    cause you are part of 1 and the same group !! thuban snakes we know the dragons side. and i know the past where it came from. where the 2 groups were not of 1 side at those times. remember that A group got beaten/left. and in our era your sides filled both brotherhoods. thus all the same. you dont represent spiritworld nor angelic. just the same old leftovers of the old era.

    so here again comes into play the "handlers" & Co. vs both groups under all the same upper echelon control. ( ( handlers reff. AV's deleted posts being about being bills handler's post)

    i dont miss Arachnia here at all. nor do i miss charles @ AV.


    arctourist Yesterday at 12:00 am
    richard wasn't so bad...that is,these other assholes aren't really any better!

    well richards is just as linked to the dragon as charles is. in that case.
    you fell fell for "it" we seen it. they used it. simple. you have a egomind problem that got used.
    just like i said to richard@chat, he has his own issues he needs to work out. beside more.
    in chat open for all to see. i know he knows i knows thats why i said.
    - never contributed anything worth repeating but I went to bat for you

    well your "post" dropped in level of interlectual resonse thats 4sure. beside the posting on about all that got posted.

    as for SG. i dont know his/her angle. tbh dont care much neither atm. there is more important issues ww.

    with his account gone i doubt this mail will be usefull:
    (as i guess that
    butt ill try. as Steve always handled my comments / PM's and such in a proper manner.
    and i respect steve also for the administrational/IT work he had to do here. and was he had to put up with with all teh games being played, not just here.

    as for the site the mist of avalon. clearly it was setup with intention. in for 1 reason. delude more of the path. with a snakes tongue.

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    SOFTLAYER server / VERISIGN-AS VeriSign, Inc is your usa/controllergroup connection.
    werent they supposed to be on the otherside of the world (seen from nl). ofc not, they are just as connected to them controllers/group.

    so doesnt matter from which angle you take it A/H , C/GW/H-Co
    its all the Fing same. they gotta integrate or......

    snake vs dragon , left hand vs right hand, with no brains.
    seems a snake needs to be slayed.
    if.. than you felt the energy/embodyment @night of 4th april so do you want that? if so i say bring it on.

    Steve. thank you for all your work Here from the moment ive joined. and all till now.
    and all teh muppets you dealt with and bad snakes and dragons.

    I see two things happening to people
    * Some people are becoming more and more disconnected from themselves.... (very disturbing)
    * Some people are embracing themselves and become more connected with their spirit.
    It's like the people who are "disconnecting" are creating their own mental disability.;Itemid=164#29449

    some dragons are our allies and some are otherwise…
    same goes for snakes
    some snakes are our allies and some are otherwise….........

    "Illegitimi non carborundum"

    what is awoken is awake.

    tiamut was freed/released. (...maledominated group* )
    change was seen.
    more change will be.

    and thats not theway the dragons nor the snakes want. is i know whom rules them2

    jeah mods need to read every post cause of their function. and with energies going mad, they 2 have to deal with it. but you dont hear me judging them nope.

    DejaVu wrote:
    I don't know...this thread is giving me that strange I've done this before.

    Yeah well, Dejavu~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    indeed for me it feels like i gotta draw a line here also_______________________________

    cross it, C didnt. i doubt The Snake wii.
    but ill be ready. so will others be.



    *one that has been in Crystalcity @ titicaca spiritrealm.
    where no snakes and dragons are allowed of the kind i speak of in this post
    RAKMEiSTER = RA KESH = राकईश = Sanskrit - Lord of the full-moon day.
    Camelot & Avalon Unite: @ Public/ Chat PA&CA: iRC_Clients irc:// (*TEMP/NAMED*)

    #29649 March 17th, 2011
    Flood wrote:
    RAKMEiSTERr wrote:

    as for the site the mist of avalon. clearly it was setup with intention. in for 1 reason. delude more of the path. with a snakes tongue.

    Registrar: GODADDY.COM, INC.
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    Hi. Im afraid this point of view is 100 % incorrect.
    This domain name was bought as the original hosts invision went into meltdown for about three months and could no longer be used so this domain was bought voluntarily by a member to give us a new and more reliable home. This Mists of Avalon was created a month before that for people disgusted at the treatment of Project Avalon members by its owners and moderators in its dying days just over a year ago. Its now the home of many former members of Avalon. If people join there after being elswhere its up to them isnt it? We do not have an entarnce examination.

    The deluding snakes tongue thing is just gibberish on your part.

    Of course you are right about Charles and Project Avalons demise.

    #29651 March 17th, 2011
    RAMAN wrote:
    Floyd wrote:
    RAKMEiSTERr wrote:

    as for the site the mist of avalon. clearly it was setup with intention. in for 1 reason. delude more of the path. with a snakes tongue.

    Registrar: GODADDY.COM, INC.
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    Updated Date: 04-feb-2011
    Creation Date: 13-apr-2010
    Expiration Date: 13-apr-2013

    Hi. Im afraid this point of view is 100 % incorrect.
    This domain name was bought as the original hosts invision went into meltdown for about three months and could no longer be used so this domain was bought voluntarily by a member to give us a new and more reliable home. This Mists of Avalon was created a month before that for people disgusted at the treatment of Project Avalon members by its owners and moderators in its dying days just over a year ago. Its now the home of many former members of Avalon. If people join there after being elswhere its up to them isnt it? We do not have an entarnce examination.

    The deluding snakes tongue thing is just gibberish on your part.

    Of course you are right about Charles and Project Avalons demise.

    snakes speak with a snakes tongue. google the term speaking with tonque.
    as for the host/ for someting mostly located in asia verisign/+server-hosting (like OVH is a provider)
    i didnt touch the registar(godaddy) name or domeinname cause thats inrelevant. (from an IT network admin's point)
    even if the provider&verisgn, is unrelated. rest still stands. and i didnt see any .... on that did it

    oh im right about the dragons and C but ohh dont touch the snakes thuban, and CO

    as for jibberish do some research on the brootherhoods and all, from before our era into this era.
    and see where 1 group left call it, and the other side became both. (old era) . our era both brotherhoods same group


    for rest. some know some dont some dont wanna some just cant
    for the rest, got a Q: you wanna ask direcly to me:
    im on the CHAT*, as are 15 others. join and ask.

    there is no plan. Whahahahah thats a deluded way of thinking if you ask me or lacking of....

    not CA chat*[button]link in menu,( as ive showed its issues/security. @other thread)

    & I think you are over loading your brain a bit.//// nope i slepped well and long and rested good and good energicvibe.

    so please.....
    RAKMEiSTER = RA KESH = राकईश = Sanskrit - Lord of the full-moon day.
    Camelot & Avalon Unite: @ Public/ Chat PA&CA: iRC_Clients irc:// (*TEMP/NAMED*)

    #29652 March 17th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    sianellen wrote:
    Lita and all the MODS

    We're a team and stick together through thick and thin. You, our mod squad are the glue which holds us together and like any descent good family home there is a great responsibility to keep the wolves in check. This situation shouts out loud that the mods have been doing their jobs admirably, they should not have to be the target of some half-cocked nonsense and abusive attitudes that creeps in through the cracks. Lets not loose people who have integrity and work selflessly for the core values of this place only to throw in the towel for the sake of a bunch of idiots who have just come here, for a nose, to create a distraction and friction amongst the forum, whilst hiding behind their anonymity, for cicks! Also lets not forget there are some powerful energies out there at the moment, we mustn't let the buggers take control (we all know this).

    We should remember the moderators work voluntarily here and they should be commended for their work and time, we would not have such a friendly, safe place and haven to take part in if it was not for all the work they humbly do behind the scenes. THANKS guys.

    So I'd like to finally say I really hope STEVE comes back, (and if Steve's reading this) have a little rest and please come back with all engines firing dear man. As the old saying goes "I take my hat off to you. "

    THANKS again guys,

    And the mods know that I need more glue than most. Well said, Sain. Perhaps this is just a Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, moment.

    #29653 March 17th, 2011
    Flood wrote:
    I think you are over loading your brain a bit.
    There is no agenda over there and we are most un snake like. In fact we are very down to earth anti snake like people.
    Try to get out and get some fresh air.

    #29670 March 17th, 2001
    YEP wrote:
    I think you are over loading MY brain a bit...

    oh yeah, mod squad = cool

    dream police = dreamy

    ...I like the mods.....

    just where is steve? I read this whole thread, and my brain hurts, bye bye..


    #29654 March 17th, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    I want to wish the members here at Camelot all the best for finding the truth.

    I will be leaving Camelot, I will be following Steve.

    Probably not a good idea to say why but just stay true to yourselves and many blessings on your journey to freedom and truth.

    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    #29656 March 17th, 2011
    Tophat wrote:

    Have a good one Lita. Don't stop the search.

    #29662 March 17th, 2011
    YEP wrote:

    OK, bye...

    miss ya...
    who's steve??

    #29664 March 17th, 2011
    Romanus wrote:
    Have a good journey...

    #29665 March 17th, 2011
    DeVu wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    I want to wish the members here at Camelot all the best for finding the truth.

    I will be leaving Camelot, I will be following Steve.

    Probably not a good idea to say why but just stay true to yourselves and many blessings on your journey to freedom and truth.


    I wish you wouldn't go.

    It would be nice if someone would tell the rest of us what's going on.

    #29667 March 17th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    Lita, lets talk on the other side

    #29673 March 17th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    Thanks for your hard work Lita, some of us truly appreciate it. See you on the other side.

    #29674 March 17th, 2011

    Kinsu wrote:

    Lita, if you leave whats keeping the rest of us here? lol jk be safe and well my friend.


    #29675 March 17th, 2011
    Omni wrote:
    Bye Lita Hope everything works out well for you <3
    The smarter someone is, the more they need to avoid thinking they know everything.

    #29684 March 17th, 2011
    masta wrote:
    Stay happy and hopeful.

    may Almighty blessings be upon you and your loved one's.

    #29676 March 17th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:

    Thanks RAKMEiSTERr. I like your new Avatar.
    Can you please clarify which chat you are referring to?

    #29680 March 17th, 2011
    Tophat wrote:

    this should be the link to the information posted regarding the chat

    #29681 March 17th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    Thanks Fohat looks complicated
    Post last edited Apr 5th 2011
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    #29688 March 17th, 2011
    Reverse wrote:
    I'm sorry to see people leaving this forum and I certainly hope it is for happy and healthy reasons.
    We all have our own paths to lead, I wish you all the best in yours, Lita.

    Love is One

    #29695 March 17th, 2011
    Hurricane wrote:
    Sorry and disappointed again to see you are living... Why you are living? you see? NO explanation other that if Steve is gone I am gone.... ??? I like YOU Lita. I just don't like supervision... I hope that is clear and I appreciate your job too!

    Actually if we really were infiltrated like Tra said. Well, we should be stick together more than ever... we can't just run away at the first intent of attack... by living this wonderful Forum just like that! without explanation to the rest of us... What the Frack is going on????

    #29687 March 17th, 2011
    RAMAN wrote:
    Thanks RAKMEiSTERr. I like your new Avatar.
    Can you please clarify which chat you are referring to?[/b][/quote]
    see my singnature and pick one/a link 1st 2-open in browser 2nd needs client. all lead to same chatroom
    than bookmark it, for easy join even christinedream7 was able to join and chat


    #29721 March 17th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    "Snake medicine people are very rare. Their initiation involves experiencing and living through multiple snake bites, which allows them to transmute all poisons, be they mental, physical, spiritual, or emotional. The power of snake medicine is the power of creation, for it embodies sexuality,psychic energy, alchemy, reproduction, and ascension (or immortality).

    The transmutation of the life-death-rebirth cycle is exemplified by the sheddingof the snake's skin. It is the energy of wholeness, cosmic consciousness, and the ability to experience anything willingly and without resistance. It is the knowledge that all things are equal in creation, and that those things which might be experienced as poison, can be eaten, ingested, integrated, and transmuted if one has the proper state of mind.

    ...If you have chosen this symbol in reverse, you may have chosen to mask your abillity to change. Look at the idea that you may fear changing your present state of affairs because this may entail a short passage into discomfort..."

    Excerpt from: Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    #29727 March 17th, 2011
    Grundy wrote:
    Huancaina27 wrote:
    Sorry and disappointed again to see you are leaving... Why you are leaving? you see? NO explanation other that if Steve is gone I am gone.... ??? I like YOU Lita. I just don't like supervision... I hope that is clear and I appreciate your job too!

    Actually if we really were infiltrated like Tra said. Well, we should be stick together more than ever... we can't just run away at the first intent of attack... by leaving this wonderful Forum just like that! without explanation to the rest of us... What the Frack is going on????

    Wow is all I can say . people that have contributed so much to these forums allowed to go with out any explanation as to why from the Admins ? Camelot was founded on exposing truth . Barring truth in all its nasty forms . Does it not seem to make since that even a possible nasty truth with in our own ranks would be better off out in the open than left for speculation to the rest of us ? Nasty things come this way . being fully open is the only chance we will have of staying together as one. Just my opinion of course do as you will or not with it

    Fair the well Lita on what ever next step your journey takes you I do not know many one here well but you have certainly been a constant to look up to for guidance

    #29728 March 17th, 2011
    CC wrote:
    I wish that you wouldn't go...

    Wishing you love, light, and balance on your journey...

    #29729 March 17th, 2011
    hellsclock wrote:
    Lita, I feel that this isn't a decision you have come to lightly. You will be missed and despite everything your efforts ARE appreciated.

    #29731 March 17th, 2011
    Tangy wrote:
    Yes, many do appreciate all the hours and work you've put in here, Lita. Thanks. I hope to see you on the flip side, too.

    #29732 March 17th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    Good luck Lita in your journey whichever way you decide to go.
    May your adventures be many, fun and happy!

    Love and light,
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    #29733 March 17th, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    Dont know what is going on, although I have my theories about it.
    And I dont know if there were said to much or if something was needed to be said.

    But I will say that I will miss Steve and you Lita.
    My respect for both of you have only grown the more i have seen of what values you both have stand for.
    That I will miss.

    Farewell and best wishes to your both.

    #29734 March 17th, 2011
    NGC wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    I want to wish the members here at Camelot all the best for finding the truth.

    I will be leaving Camelot, I will be following Steve.

    Probably not a good idea to say why but just stay true to yourselves and many blessings on your journey to freedom and truth.


    Lita and Steve, I think this is wrong. I am relatively new in Camelot forum. I spent 2 years reading Project Camelot (not the forum, but the interviews that are great!), and a month or two posting here and making a certain point.

    What I see now is not good. It is not only personal here to stay. You are here for the people who read in first place. All you post is also searchable online. In some way, it will be searchable after we are taken, for the left behinders who would search for answers

    Let say that we all could have a better future, but ONLY IF we learn how to discern the ET. Soon after, the good ET will be presented as evil abductors, and the evil ones as good benefactors to humanity. The Hollywood industry is the best example of that ongoing process. I asked several times of Pleiadians, because there are chances some of them to be evil, most of them good. I don't know and hope someone will tell me. may be David in his own website?

    Is this what we are doing in Camelot? At least this is what I am doing - speaking and searching about the unknown ET truth. Or posting messages that many haven't met before. The moment I am taken, there will be no more need and ability to post anything for anyone. I am doing my job now. Hope someone reads what I post, and that is not necessarily the one who posts here besides me in the other threads. Everyone has his right of opinion that I respect. We are not here for personal pleasure, but for a mission. Hope most of the people here realize their own mission, that may differ from mine too.

    The events are upon us. See Japan. See the Middle East. it is simply not a time for such divisions on personal level. No time for that, dear friends! Instead, get ready spiritually for the great journey to the stars, so to speak, or you will miss it

    #29756 March 17th, 2011
    timer wrote:
    Goodbye, you will not be missed. As far as I can remember from all that you said to me, you were an egotistic, hateful, disrespectful and aggressive 'moderator'. I'm glad I don't have to see you have anymore! YAYYYY!!!!!!

    #29761 March 17th, 2011
    SW wrote:
    Thats not very nice of you timerty, as far as I can see Lita has been a decent moderator, I do not know whats going on, why Steve left, does anyone? Now Lita, who is next?

    #29766 March 17th, 2011
    NWD wrote:
    SPIRIT WOLF wrote:
    Thats not very nice of you timerty, as far as I can see Lita has been a decent moderator, I do not know whats going on, why Steve left, does anyone? Now Lita, who is next?

    I haven't been able to figure it out myself. The only hint I have seen is there may have been some sort of infiltration of sorts. Not suprising if thats the case...I would imagine the PTB feel it prudent to infiltrate various alternative sites out there and divide and conquer.

    #29771 March 17th, 2011
    Gif wrote:
    you should explain why you leave.

    Maybe that will be useful to another members of this place.

    #29773 March 17th, 2011
    SW wrote:
    I noticed earlier today that MoA forum seems to be either deleted or some other action has been taken, we can do without unnecessary conspiracy thinking but something odd is happening

    #29780 March 17th, 2011
    RAMAN wrote:
    SPIRIT WOLF wrote:
    I noticed earlier today that MoA forum seems to be either deleted or some other action has been taken, we can do without unnecessary conspiracy thinking but something odd is happening

    isnt it strange , right after my post@steve thread and point ima made.


    it is spiritwolf it is.
    (something odd is happening)


    be balance
    RAKMEiSTER = RA KESH = राकईश = Sanskrit - Lord of the full-moon day.
    Camelot & Avalon Unite: @ Public/ Chat PA&CA: iRC_Clients irc:// (*TEMP/NAMED*)

    #29782 March 17th, 2011
    Hurricane wrote:
    Yes, something odd is happening here on PC and I don't like it... I will wait until somebody or Kerry explain what is going on...

    ... and yes I agree with SW, wasn't nice to talk like that about somebody who is not here anymore Tim... wish her the best...

    #29784 March 17th, 2011
    Omni wrote:
    timerty wrote:
    Goodbye, you will not be missed.

    Speak for yourself, tyvm.
    The smarter someone is, the more they need to avoid thinking they know everything.

    #29788 March 17th, 2011
    bric wrote:
    steve who? can you post his website please?

    #29790 March 17th, 2011
    trigger wrote:
    Sorry to see you leave Lita - all the best.

    #29799 March 17th, 2011
    timer wrote:
    Omnisense wrote:
    timerty wrote:

    Goodbye, you will not be missed.

    Speak for yourself, tyvm.

    Nah, I wouldn't want to steal her miniscule limelight. My accomplishments can speak for themselves.

    #29730 March 17th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    kerry wrote:
    Steve's email address is:

    Why are you saying you can't find him? And why is this a thread topic?


    Steve has resigned, so it is not possible to reach him at the above address.

    #29735 March 17th, 2011
    CC wrote:
    Someone stated in a comment earlier that they've been so distracted with the devistation in Japan, that they don't know what is going on...
    Same for me here!

    I am so sad to hear about Steve not being here... I stop by the forum daily, and he has always been very fair and level headed with Mod decisions... as well as Lita! I wish I knew WTH was going on! :(

    Anyway, I hope all of this gets sorted out- please keep those of us that don't have emails back and forth up to date on things... it seems as though several people were hurt with all of this, and my love goes out to you all...

    #29816 March 17th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    I think.. he would say to put it in your rearview mirror and move on anyway. Lol. (Somehow I just think...) wink.
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    #29817 March 17th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    Hi guys!

    I have spoken to Steve personally and I can tell you this much, Steve is taking some time out for health reasons. I hope he will come back but he needs to focus on himself at the moment and the forum was taking up a lot of his time and energy.

    The Thuban thread does seem to have brought it to a head a little bit sooner but it might have happened anyway.

    Project Camelot is a target for agencies that want people to live in fear and disinformation so expect it to be a little bit rough at the moment seeing as one infiltration has just been shut out by Steve. They will try other methods.

    So far, the forum and its members (you lot ) seems to be standing up to it pretty well as far as I can see.

    Love and light,
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    #29819 March 17th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    Doesn't matter. NVM. LOL.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    #29822 March 17th, 2011

    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Never mind.
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    #29823 March 17th, 2011

    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    Never mind some one else has all the answers... lol.
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    #29825 March 17th, 2011
    Tangy wrote:
    Sirius, thank you. If you talk with Steve again, please tell him that many of us are sending thoughts and hope that his health improves and that he gets the rest he needs. We appreciate him and want him to be well.

    #29832 March 17th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    Thanks Tangent, I will.
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    #29804 March 17th, 2011
    RAMAN wrote:
    timerty wrote:
    Omnisense wrote:
    timerty wrote:

    Goodbye, you will not be missed.

    Speak for yourself, tyvm.

    Nah, I wouldn't want to steal her miniscule limelight. My accomplishments can speak for themselves.

    indeed your post/s and way of acting doesnt fitt your age listed in your profile, sometimes more inmature childlike than ones age should reflect. and with that you have wedge;d/accomplishments enough indeed. in a negative manner. vs the rest "ongoing" lemme call it

    but thats choice also.


    RAKMEiSTER = RA KESH = राकईश = Sanskrit - Lord of the full-moon day.
    Camelot & Avalon Unite: @ Public/ Chat PA&CA: iRC_Clients irc:// (*TEMP/NAMED*)
    #29808 March 17th, 2011

    Tangy wrote:
    SPIRIT WOLF wrote:
    I noticed earlier today that MoA forum seems to be either deleted or some other action has been taken, we can do without unnecessary conspiracy thinking but something odd is happening

    RAKMEiSTERr wrote:

    isnt it strange , right after my post@steve thread and point ima made.


    it is spiritwolf it is.
    (something odd is happening)

    I have to agree. With people leaving (Lita, Steve) and on the technical side -- the forum software has been behaving very, very strangely for me. Regardless of which browser I use or time of day I log in.

    Our people leaving is the most important part to me, but odd things are indeed happening.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    #29810 March 17th, 2011
    Hurricane wrote:
    I had this 4 times today when I was around here... had to log out and log in back again...

    Database Error: Unable to connect to the database:Could not connect to MySQL

    #29811 March 17th, 2011
    YEP wrote:
    Timmy said:Goodbye, you will not be missed. As far as I can remember from all that you said to me, you were an egotistic, hateful, disrespectful and aggressive 'moderator'. I'm glad I don't have to see you have anymore! YAYYYY!!!!!!

    my grandma used to say:

    If you can't say something nice,
    don't post it here, dude!

    Cameloters, check thier egos.......and remember what Rodney King said: why can't we all.....uh sumthin' sumpthin' sumpthin'....


    #29812 March 17th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    Hi guys!

    I can tell you this much, Steve is taking some time out for health reasons. I hope he will come back but he needs to focus on himself at the moment and the forum was taking up a lot of his time and energy.

    The Thuban thread does seem to have brought it to a head a little bit sooner but it might have happened anyway.

    Project Camelot is a target for agencies that want people to live in fear and disinformation so expect it to be a little bit rough at the moment seeing as one infiltration has just been shut out by Steve. They will try other methods.

    So far, the forum and its members (you lot smile. ) seems to be standing up to it pretty well as far as I can see.

    Love and light,
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    #29813 March 17th, 2011
    hellsclock wrote:
    Me too. Several times

    #29814 March 17th, 2011
    Gif wrote:
    How to Spot COINTELPRO Agents
    #29828 March 17th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    Lita, this one is for you. "They don't know....."


    #29835 March 17th, 2011
    Hurricane wrote:
    ... so what is that... that we don't know SCB???
    #29928 March 18th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    [quote="siriusblue" post=29817]Hi guys!

    The Thuban thread does seem to have brought it to a head a little bit sooner but it might have happened anyway.

    Project Camelot is a target for agencies that want people to live in fear and disinformation so expect it to be a little bit rough at the moment seeing as one infiltration has just been shut out by Steve. They will try other methods.

    For me, I had no interest in the material presented. IMO it was regurgitated mumbo-jumbo. There are many topics that hold no interest for me so I choose to ignore them. The sheer length of the posts was tolerated which in itself is a breach of the guidelines. (Just to mention one) What I personally found unacceptable was the behavior of some. For me, it was not about the material--it was about the behavior.

    Combative, belligerent, disrespectful behavior as such would have gotten any of us banned and rightfully so. There was a mean spirited smear campaign created elsewhere that clearly shows this negative behavior. All the posts have been also been posted elsewhere- this tactic clearly shows the intent of the provocateurs.

    I stand behind Steve 100%--he's a good man. Men like him are few and far between. I am deeply saddened that he has gone, it is a great loss to this forum.

    #29929 March 18th, 2011
    Hurricane wrote:
    I am with you Tra, and I am with Steve too... Even though I didn't like how he handle that situation. I understand now his intention. Apologize for that and appreciate his wonderful job... Thanks...

    Just remember Tra, in this Country we have the 1st. amendment Free speech... and that is very valuable. We just have to be alert when somebody is abusing that! and say it! here they are again... !!!

    #29836 March 17th, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    Good music SpaceCowboy thank you..

    Thank you so much everyone, you have really touched my heart, there are great members her at Camelot...what has been wonderful is that most of the time I didn't have to pull people up about anything much and that was great, you guys do a great job of keeping this forum going, so keep you ears and eyes open..

    Ok to why, you deserve an answer.
    I can't speak for Steve, yes he has health problems but it is more than that as well.. but not for me to speak for him.

    For me, well you all know what has been happening here with the Thuban material and the crap that was happening here with that, they copied the whole thread and posted in in their own forums.. even PM's..they went to Mists of Avalon and did a poor me session.. it was nasty but I could take all of that...
    This is what broke it for me, Xchanger was banned from here, she is the main mod at the Thuban forum, Kerry and Tommy belong to that forum..(so I am told) and now Xchanger has been expect more of them that might make a few happy, fine not up to me to what people want to engage in.
    I just don't want to be a mod and have to deal with this material or the people connected with it after what went down.
    So in a nut shell that is about it.... I am writing this because you do deserve to know so you can be aware...

    So Timety, did I spell that right, I guess the private stuff that went down about me with Stargazer didn't do me any favors.. you are welcome to your opinion but now I am just another member and I don't appreciate your opinions, it was you who wouldn't respond to me because I was refused to have me mod you because I was female.. well sunshine get used to having to deal with females they have brains and use them...

    OK, that had better to be it for now.. to those who PMed me thank you I have saved the email addi's I do have a delphi forum with just some vids and such on there at the moment and it isn't really active.. so I might just revive it .. it would not be big but it would be a free space without crap. Would have to clean out the folders and move my theme codes (I do css themes at Delphi)...

    I will be going in now and removing my a/c so will not be able to reply to any of you from here on...I have loved being here with all of you guys.. I loved the amount of information you all shared, and to the Whistle blowers. ..a huge thank you to you for what you do.. Barry.. it made me so happy that you came back the way you did.. Ben, you have been great..liked the smiles.

    much luv
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    #29837 March 17th, 2011
    Hurricane wrote:
    Thanks for coming back with an explanation for us... that talks a lot of good things about you Lita...

    This is what broke it for me, Xchanger was banned from here, she is the main mod at the Thuban forum, Kerry and Tommy belong to that forum..(so I am told) and now Xchanger has been expect more of them that might make a few happy, fine not up to me to what people want to engage in.

    It means Sui and Kerry are friends... that is why Sui email Kerry? and all that show Sui made there at Avalon, was for what reason???

    I don't like to see our forum with our names in other places either... and that is a BIG issue, for sure. That is why it needed to be treated in a different way... uhmmm! don't know what else to say now...

    #29840 March 17th, 2011
    Omni wrote:
    Gift wrote:
    How to Spot COINTELPRO Agents

    I cannot express my gratitude enough Gift for presenting this web page. It's the most important article I have ever read. Believe it or not I'm dealing with the same forces behind COINTELPRO in practically all likelihood. These group(s) I believe are partially behind my situation and mind control. They have been punishing me for reading it(in the form of synthetic migraines and intolerable intches on my feet, just a couple of many tricks in their 'bag').... I'm very grateful. I cannot express my gratitude fully here. This was the most useful reading material I've ever read.

    Thanks again,
    The smarter someone is, the more they need to avoid thinking they know everything.

    #29842 March 17th, 2011
    siamese wrote:
    I'm really sad to see you go especially now that I've just started to get to know you. You're a savy lady Lita and a good judge of charecter! You'll certainly be OUR loss here at CAMELOT. Have many lovely adventures in your journey, there are many wonderful horizons to see and explore ahead of you. Take good care of yourself, especially that knee of yours! Many, many THANKS.

    Much Love,

    #29846 March 17th, 2011
    unplugged wrote:
    Lita, you are a special person and I'm glad you are remaining a Camelot member. You're good people!

    I am of a decidedly different opinion concerning the so-called Thuban thread than most, as I found it stimulating, valuable, and VERY interesting material. It is my considered opinion that Steve created an unfortunate situation when he highhandedly decided to jettison Arachne/Phoenix for breaking a rule that wasn't even written, banned their IP addresses so completely they could not access Camelot, and then proceeded to justify his immoderate moderation to the point of complete loss of continuity within what was developing into a superior thread.

    There were at most 4 or 5 people viewing the material on a regular basis before Steve's heavy-handed, over-the-top intervention. He demonstrated ZERO regard for the few members of Camelot who were interacting with the material. How do I know this? Without warning, the thread was jettisoned. This, subsequent to moving the thread to some Off-Topic, utterly irrelevant area, then banning at least 3 individuals who were interested in getting to the bottom of his decidedly obnoxious abuse of power.

    So Lita while I am truly sorry that you have decided to step away from moderating Camelot I have personally found your actions as moderator to be sensitive and considerate. That will be missed.

    I trust Steve finds his way to improved health and am hopeful that he will take this time to consider how his actions may have caused needless hurt to individuals who were interested in Arachne/Phoenix' posts and had invested time and thought into reviewing and interacting with the material.

    For me personally, the Thuban thread elevated discourse on this forum. I was deeply appreciative of the opportunity to perceive knowledge from this unique and very different perspective. And for those who might think me foolish or stupid for my interest in this material, please don't. I am a very highly trained researcher who is UNAFRAID of gaining new knowledge and perspectives, regardless of whether this flows to me from the mouth of a 6 year old or from unusual -- even somewhat strange -- sources.

    Should Sui, Arachne and Phoenix be invited back I shall be most happy to exchange posts with them.
    Dwell in divine nonchalance

    #29852 March 17th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    From what I'm reading above, unplugged, they have their own forum you can go to. Lita might be able to give you the address.

    It's much fairer this way. You can go there and spend as much time exploring and questioning and learning as you wish, and PC can focus on the core mission here which is Whistleblower testimony from other sources and getting the Truth out as best we can between the rest of us

    Love and light,
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    #29855 March 17th, 2011
    shadowno wrote:
    Don't give up, nothing will change if you just pack and leave. You have to look for the solution, running away won't solve your problem. Centre on love and deal with the problem you are facing.

    Nevertheless all the best in whatever you decide on.

    #29857 March 17th, 2011
    unplugged wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:
    From what I'm reading above, unplugged, they have their own forum you can go to. Lita might be able to give you the address.

    It's much fairer this way. You can go there and spend as much time exploring and questioning and learning as you wish, and PC can focus on the core mission here which is Whistleblower testimony from other sources and getting the Truth out as best we can between the rest of us

    Love and light,

    Sirius, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you publicly for introducing me to the Thuban material at Camelot. Had you not done so I wouldn't have known of its existence. And no, I shan't be joining any other fora to pursue this material. It will come to me if it is meant for me -- just like it did through you. I'll sign off now and return this thread to Lita.
    Dwell in divine nonchalance

    #29858 March 17th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    Indeed I did mention it to you and I enjoyed your exchange with them as much as I hope you enjoyed mine.
    Two smart ladies together. Shame it came to such a crashing halt but hey, what's done is done.

    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    #29859 March 17th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:
    From what I'm reading above, unplugged, they have their own forum you can go to. Lita might be able to give you the address.

    It's much fairer this way. You can go there and spend as much time exploring and questioning and learning as you wish, and PC can focus on the core mission here which is Whistleblower testimony from other sources and getting the Truth out as best we can between the rest of us

    Love and light,

    I am sorry but I cannot keep quiet about this anymore. Siriusblue... Who the heck are you to keep telling people how to think and what to read/ take interest in? "The Core Mission of Camelot" by Siriusblue??? Are you Kerry? Unless you are Kerry or an administrator maybe you could just back off from bossing everyone else around? I mean, you have some valuable opinions, but some of the things you proclaim are down right close minded and patently false to one who can see more than their own opinion to be valid. I am sure you are trying in your own way to be helpful, but it is not helpful to find truth when you blind yourself to what you just don't want to see. If Kerry did that she probably would have stopped doing interviews a long time ago. There are things that frankly pretty unbelievable that are true in this world and you might want to try to open your mind instead of coming down so forcefully upon every one. If Kerry wants material not to be here I am sure it will be handled accordingly BY KERRY or TOMMY, as they do not have any agenda other than to see the WHOLE truth, it seems even if it is unpleasant sometimes.

    Please don't bother to be rude and critical to me it is not worth your time as I will only see it as you trying to be the big dog. Kerry is the big... um, well I will say again the Queen Bee here at Camelot. She does not even tell people what to think like you seem to.

    It is the approach you take in disagreeing that I find lacking tact, and sort of rude. Maybe you could just rethink your wording and it would not seem so abrasive. ? I am not trying to be mean, I just don't see a need for being so... pushy. Other people have just as much value as you do. If you cannot get into something it does not mean that others would not benefit from reading it. Please be respectful when you don't care for material. If I bother to post anything I want to post here it will certainly be something you don't care for from what I can see... and I would rather not feel that I will be attacked as being stupid or something by someone who does not agree when all I would like to do is discuss said material with others who might find it beneficial. And you are not the only one on here who has set a particular tone of a sort of ... racism against entire species you clearly know little about. I would not try to post a thing about it with you constant goings on because I feel it would be rather like poking a stick into a hornet's nest... AND ONLY due to a few people who are loud and opinionated about things they "think" of others. I think other people might wnat to learn more of the whole picture and I am sure there are others who feel too intimidated to post ideas with you doing that. I however, am far from intimidated, but a tad bit annoyed at the idea of the argument that (I can see) would ensue after trying to bring in new ideas that would be of value to others, as well I would like to see what others who are interested (if any) would think. I don't want to waste my time on drama of he said she said distractions. Sorry to add that shutting people down when they open up to teach and to learn is not a "light" way to be. If you think people are always out to get you, it may increase that. Maybe they are, but you really might consider how much of your own time you are handing to them if they are. Just sayin.

    Lita, I wish you well. Sorry to have (Choose finally) to do this here. There never is an appropriate place for this kind of thing in my mind. I just cannot watch it silently any longer, or I will leave. (don't bother saying it sb.)

    Please and thank you.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    #29861 March 17th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    ? I guess you didn't see the post where I quoted the forum rules and explained how I saw the situation. I made it clear it was my way of seeing things. I have had nothing to do with anything being stopped/banned/deleted.

    So the short lines you take exception to are a summary of that. If you haven't read that then I guess you've misunderstood me. I certainly wasn't trying to be rude, and I did introduce unplugged to the material (with a health warning!) so you can't say I'm being racist or prejudiced or close minded.

    Not my intention to boss anyone about, I was enjoying my exchange with the Thuban lot and was enjoying the others' contributions as well but when Steve chose to call it a day - after issuing numerous warnings during which time Lita and other mods were being aggressed - he's the admin, I'll back his decision 100% and I'll stand by their decision.

    [Late Edit] AND I won't miss the material either! I totally agree with Lita on that one! Ha ha ha!
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    #29886 March 18th, 2011
    timer wrote:
    Lita wrote:

    So Timety, did I spell that right, I guess the private stuff that went down about me with Stargazer didn't do me any favors.. you are welcome to your opinion but now I am just another member and I don't appreciate your opinions, it was you who wouldn't respond to me because I was refused to have me mod you because I was female.. well sunshine get used to having to deal with females they have brains and use them...

    What did I need to respond to you for? Can you explain? What private stuff between you and Stargazer? I don't care what happened between you two.

    I refuse to have you mod me because you are female—what nonsense are you talking about? Please back up your accusations of gender discrimination before listing them irresponsibly. Is Chakra not a female? People generally ignore you in this forum not because you are a female BUT because you are self-assuming, hateful, egotistic and immature.

    I still have a screenshot of one of your hateful replies to me that Chaska must have told you to edit. But you were too late to edit them before I took the screenshot. So I have ready PROOF that you are a NASTY PERSON. So don't pretend like you are such a nice person to everyone here. You just like to discriminate people and treat them differently.

    I can still recall you are the one who stated that the fault lines in Christchurch are newly created. Other members read it too. Nonsense! It seems like you do not know much but like to assume things. You also falsely accused people of fear mongering, many of us still remember that. You assumed the word 'illuminating' was related to the Illuminati, that cause moderators like Spirit Wolf to correct your error of judgment.

    I am glad you will no longer be here to distort the truth, be self-assuming, be egotistical, and be disrespectful to others. You will not be missed. And I certainly did not appreciate your opinions either. And I am sure many others have this same view of your character but don't wish to say.

    #29891 March 18th, 2011
    Crystal wrote:
    timerty, why are you doing this, you know Lita cannot respond to you she is not here any more and you have been very nasty on this thread. I have only been reading up until now but you made me want to post here.

    I have read a lot of the material posted here and if my memory serves me Lita said something like she was tired when she made that mistake and she did apologise to that other person here on the forum in that thread, haven't you ever made a mistake.

    I just think everything you have said is uncalled for. I think Lita was very fair when she did her moderating here.

    #29897 March 18th, 2011
    timer wrote:
    CrystalChi wrote:
    timerty, why are you doing this, you know Lita cannot respond to you she is not here any more and you have been very nasty on this thread. I have only been reading up until now but you made me want to post here.

    I have read a lot of the material posted here and if my memory serves me Lita said something like she was tired when she made that mistake and she did apologise to that other person here on the forum in that thread, haven't you ever made a mistake.

    I just think everything you have said is uncalled for. I think Lita was very fair when she did her moderating here.

    She can always choose to respond, I am not stopping her. I am only talking about her right now because this is the last chance before she leaves. I am not nasty, I am simply defending myself against her false and grossly irresponsible accusations made against me. If she still intended to be here, I would report her false accusations to the other moderators and even Kerry if necessary. I still have the screenshot of her disrespectful response to a post of mine, so I am not making things up nor trying to cover up the facts. Chaska even had to step in to 'mod' her behavior, just ask him.

    Her response to that mistake in calling someone a fear monger was in the form of a poor excuse made to cover up her paranoia after other moderators stepped in to correct her. Everyone could see that. Sure, she 'apologized' for that, but did she apologize for her other countless mistakes?

    Her level of English comprehension is also poor for a moderator, so I'm glad there will no longer be any misunderstandings coming from her part. If she is too tired to even do her job in a forum of very few members, then she should really retire and get some rest.

    You think she was very fair as a moderator but I don't think so. You were not even a seasoned member here under her moderation, so you lack the qualifications and unbiased objectivity to comment on this.

    And did you hear her saying that she is now just like any other member here?

    Lita wrote:

    you are welcome to your opinion but now I am just another member

    Just 'another member'? What's wrong being just another member? Dis she perceive members as being inferior?

    There you have it. Her statement here clearly reveals her egotistic perception she held as a moderator. I hope everyone here can now see her true colors beneath her false pretence.

    Alright. Enough of her already, we have more important things to discuss happening in the world.

    #29898 March 18th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    Gift wrote:
    How to Spot COINTELPRO Agents

    Thanks Gift hope the members will read it and understand

    #29902 March 18th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    Good music SpaceCowboy thank you..

    Thank you so much everyone, you have really touched my heart, there are great members her at Camelot...what has been wonderful is that most of the time I didn't have to pull people up about anything much and that was great, you guys do a great job of keeping this forum going, so keep you ears and eyes open..

    Ok to why, you deserve an answer.
    I can't speak for Steve, yes he has health problems but it is more than that as well.. but not for me to speak for him.

    For me, well you all know what has been happening here with the Thuban material and the crap that was happening here with that, they copied the whole thread and posted in in their own forums.. even PM's..they went to Mists of Avalon and did a poor me session.. it was nasty but I could take all of that...
    This is what broke it for me, Xchanger was banned from here, she is the main mod at the Thuban forum, Kerry and Tommy belong to that forum..(so I am told) and now Xchanger has been expect more of them that might make a few happy, fine not up to me to what people want to engage in.
    I just don't want to be a mod and have to deal with this material or the people connected with it after what went down.
    So in a nut shell that is about it.... I am writing this because you do deserve to know so you can be aware...

    much luv

    Thanks Lita.
    For me, I had no interest in the material presented. IMO it was regurgitated mumbo-jumbo. There are many topics that hold no interest for me so I choose to ignore them. The sheer length of the posts was tolerated which in itself is a breach of the guidelines. (Just to mention one) What I personally found unacceptable was the behavior of some. For me, it was not about the material--it was about the behavior.

    Combative, belligerent, disrespectful behavior as such would have gotten any of us banned and rightfully so. There was a mean spirited smear campaign created elsewhere that clearly shows this negative behavior. All the posts have been also been posted elsewhere- this tactic clearly shows the intent of the provocateurs.

    I stand behind Steve 100%--he's a good man. Men like him are few and far between. I am deeply saddened that he has gone, it is a great loss to this forum.

    #29903 March 18th, 2011
    RAMAN wrote:
    LKJ and Psychopathology - March 18th, 2011
    By Vincent Bridges

    For months now, Laura Knight Jadczyk has been harping on the idea of psychopaths. According to her, and of course her over thirty year old source, Dr. Cleckly’s book The Mask of Sanity, as much as 30% of the population, one out of every three people you meet, is probably a psychopath. Her channelled concept on this theme, the Organic Portal, a non-souled individual, postulates that anyone could be taken over by the Dark Side at anytime.

    Except of course Ms Jadczyk herself. She of course is always right, always knows the truth, and if something actually did go wrong, well, it was someone else’s fault. Perhaps even those evil Organic Portal Cosmic COINTELPRO agents were behind it. Certainly not Ms. Jadczyk, who always is right, always knows, even if she doesn’t often tell, the truth.

    Here, from French Connection 21 and 22, are some of Ms. Jadczyk’s comments on psychopaths:

    Lying, deceiving, and manipulation are their natural talents. They have vivid imaginations that are focused entirely on themselves and getting what they want, and they are unbelievably unconcerned with the possibility - or, in some cases, certainty - of being found out. When caught in a lie, or challenged with the truth, they are almost never embarrassed at all! They simply shift the attention of the questioner, change the story or rework the facts to be more consistent with the original lie.

    According Hare, one of the main tactics of the psychopath is to blame the victim for their problems (forgetting how they brought them on themselves). We have discovered, after long observation and discussion of the evidence, another interesting feature of the psychopath: the fact that psychopaths reveal their own nature and plans by projecting them onto their victims!

    When caught in a lie or challenged with the truth, they are seldom perplexed or embarrassed — they simply change their stories or attempt to rework the facts so that they appear to be consistent with the lie.

    Psychopaths have a very “narcissistic and grossly inflated view of their self-worth and importance, a truly astounding egocentricity and sense of entitlement, and see themselves as the center of the universe, as superior beings who are justified in living according to their own rules.” [Hare, 38].

    Keep in mind that a true indication of someone with a borderline personality disorder is their inability to see the ramifications of their own actions. As Ms Jadczyk emphasized above, they are focused entirely on themselves and getting what they want, and therefore have no clear idea of the disconnection between their own words and actions. As Ms Jadczyk also notes, they see themselves as superior beings who live by their own rules, but the disconnection causes them to “reveal their own nature and plans by projecting them onto their victims.” In other words, their self-absorption is so deep that that they do not even realize that other people may indeed have other motivations. This bland sameness of psychological content is a dead give-away of borderline personality disorders in general.

    What Ms Jadczyk apparently missed is that all these signs are blatantly obvious in her own writings and comments. Like a true borderline personality, she can write at length about her own problems, projecting them on everyone around her, without ever seeing their importance to her own life and actions.

    This can be readily seen by anyone reading through the disjointed mess of the French Connection. Over 200,000 words have been spent and the story is still going endlessly over the imagined wrongs and the “psychopathic” behavior of all those who are making Ms Jadczyk’s life miserable. This alone, not to mention the other volumes in her autobiography, would seem to be clear evidence of a deep and abiding self-absorption, not mention “a truly astounding egocentricity and sense of entitlement…”

    However, in her latest instalment, she touches again on the most appallingly obvious “psychopathic” behavior: her own. Here’s how she puts it:

    When exposed, a psychopath will attack us by lying about us. The three main points of attack appear to be:

    * They say we are a cult.
    * They say that our exposure of their predatory behaviour towards us, our defence of our free will, is “psychological pressure” that we are putting on them.
    * They say that we are engaged in illicit financial dealings to support our rich lifestyle.
    * They twist and distort our work or put outlandish statements into our mouths.

    But these insults and accusations are part of a well-tried and tested Standard Operating Procedure that is easy to recognise. They bear the markings of disinfo and those who have any experience with it are able to see it right away for what it is.

    There are those who have accused us of being a cult. Our response to this appeared yesterday as French Connection 13.
    There have been accusations made about financial improprieties relating to the Perseus Foundation. More lies. This is discussed in French Connection 13.

    And here’s the section of French Connection 13 to which she’s referring:

    What was even more ironic was the fact that, later, Most publicly libeled us yet again by publishing a declaration that we had “stolen 150,000.00 from Perseus Foundation” in order to flee to France! Aside from the fact that we keep every slip of paper, stacks of records and documentation that proves otherwise, the bitterest part of this truly ugly lie is that we lost our shirts on the raffle. And then, after making special arrangements to see that the purposes of the raffle were carried out anyway - using our own money and assets to ensure this - after we had left, since we were out of contact for about three months, we didn’t even learn that all our instructions were ignored, and manipulations began among those left in charge of the matter in their efforts to line their own pockets at our expense.

    The facts concerning the so-called Raffle of the Millennium can be found here. Ms Jadczyk seems not to realize that the paragraph cited above is an admission that the allegations are true, just not her fault according to her. There is no proof offered that Perseus Foundation ever existed as a non-profit organization, no accounting for the money taken in from the raffle, no winner announced, no explanation for why they were still, in August of 2003, over six months after the raffle supposedly ended, trying to sell their house.

    In true borderline personality disorder fashion, Ms Jadczyk tries to change her story, place the blame on unspecified others, and generally attack those who brought up such an inconvenient question. By her own reckoning, this is seriously “psychopathic” behavior.

    Makes you wonder why no one else seems to see it. This Empress is definitely naked, undressed and revealed by her own emptiness and self-absorption.

    The truth is, they are a cult. That is the simple answer why they are having so much trouble with their landlord. He rented his house to a family of six, and got a cultic commune of anywhere between a dozen and sixteen people. No wonder he’s unhappy.

    The truth is they started the “campaign of systematic harassment,” Ms Jadczyk’s own words for her actions, by attacking innocent people, claiming they were everything from psychopaths to child molesters to COINTELPRO agents, and attempting to destroy both lives and careers with their campaign of character assassination. This is not psychological pressure, this is an all out assault.

    The truth is they did steal and defraud their supporters over the Raffle of the Millennium, as all as committing several felonies in the bargain. This was used to finance their move to France. They have never denied, just shifted the blame and changed their story.

    And the truth is they are the ones who regularly twist the truth. That, at least should be obvious to all.
    a manaul from a disinfochaos-agent about cointelpro-agents.

    How To Spot a Spy

    One way to neutralize a potential activist is to get them to be in a group that does all the wrong things. Why?

    1) The message doesn't get out.

    2) A lot of time is wasted

    3) The activist is frustrated and discouraged

    4) Nothing good is accomplished.

    FBI and Police Informers and Infiltrators will infest any group and they have phoney activist organizations established.

    Their purpose is to prevent any real movement for justice or eco-peace from developing in this country.

    Agents come in small, medium or large. They can be of any ethnic background. They can be male or female.

    The actual size of the group or movement being infiltrated is irrelevant. It is the potential the movement has for becoming large which brings on the spies and saboteurs.

    This booklet lists tactics agents use to slow things down, foul things up, destroy the movement and keep tabs on activists.

    It is the agent's job to keep the activist from quitting such a group, thus keeping him/her under control.

    In some situations, to get control, the agent will tell the activist:

    "You're dividing the movement."

    [Here, I have added the psychological reasons as to WHY this maneuver works to control people]

    This invites guilty feelings. Many people can be controlled by guilt. The agents begin relationships with activists behind a well-developed mask of "dedication to the cause." Because of their often declared dedication, (and actions designed to prove this), when they criticize the activist, he or she - being truly dedicated to the movement - becomes convinced that somehow, any issues are THEIR fault. This is because a truly dedicated person tends to believe that everyone has a conscience and that nobody would dissimulate and lie like that "on purpose." It's amazing how far agents can go in manipulating an activist because the activist will constantly make excuses for the agent who regularly declares their dedication to the cause. Even if they do, occasionally, suspect the agent, they will pull the wool over their own eyes by rationalizing: "they did that unconsciously... they didn't really mean it... I can help them by being forgiving and accepting " and so on and so forth.

    bill: Laura had been critical of ATS and had accused them of being COINTELPRO in several articles which had been well-researched and -written. She had contacted me because she wanted me to know of her opinions. I agreed with her evaluation of ATS: my experience at that time seemed to corroborate her COINTELPRO thesis.

    Soon after that, in Feb 2006, Laura abruptly turned against me and decided that I was part of the COINTELPRO operation as well. She never explained her logic, and ignored my subsequent messages. She wrote on her site and forum that I was COINTELPRO and (after Camelot was born) that Kerry and I were not to be trusted [my loose paraphrase].

    This false accusation showed me that - in this instance at least - Laura's research and capacity for data analysis were not sound. What then followed had a touch of comedy.

    modes operandus.

    muppets and poppets and pawns
    RAKMEiSTER = RA KESH = राकईश = Sanskrit - Lord of the full-moon day.
    Camelot & Avalon Unite: @ Public/ Chat PA&CA: iRC_Clients irc:// (*TEMP/NAMED*)

    #29926 March 18th, 2011
    Hurricane wrote:
    After all, today is a new day. is always sunny after a storm... Hopefully Steve and Lita will come around as members. That will be super cool... This Forum belong to us and that is why I will keep coming here... but this time with my eyes wide open... more than ever... Let the truth come, it will come!

    muppets and poppets and pawns

    Thanks for reminding us that we live in a world full of that...

    #30064 March 18th, 2011
    siamese wrote:
    To all those of genuine intent and heart of the Camelot Spirit be mindful of the whispering winds of hostility slowly seeping through the cracks! It is crucial we close the cracks now by leaving no room for infiltration.

    #30067 March - 18th, 2011
    DeVu wrote:
    People coming...people going. It seems like there's been so much going on, so much emotion having been invested in keeping our minds open, believing in the possibilities of "it can be so much better than this". We can change the world by keeping out negative thoughts and manifesting our own destinies if we just try hard enough. <<<<>>> maybe it's just me but it's hard not feeling apathetic when everything seems like it's turning to crap-ola.

    #30070 March 18th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    People coming...people going. It seems like there's been so much going on, so much emotion having been invested in keeping our minds open, believing in the possibilities of "it can be so much better than this". We can change the world by keeping out negative thoughts and manifesting our own destinies if we just try hard enough. <<<<>>> maybe it's just me but it's hard not feeling apathetic when everything seems like it's turning to crap-ola.

    "Never give up, never give in, you never know what's around the corner!"

    That's my motto!

    Love and light,
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    #30077 March 18th, 2011
    NWD wrote:
    Gift wrote:
    How to Spot COINTELPRO Agents

    Very good article. Thank you!

    #30089 March 18th, 2011
    ER wrote:
    I do have a thought. I didn't agree with the Thuban material and was glad to see it stopped (though now it sounds like it is back).
    I am sorry that the people on that thread made your life uncomfortable Lita.

    I do have a future thought for this forum, to restrict all spiritual new age information....
    and leave that to forums that want to deal with all the new information coming in. It is a distraction to read it here.

    #30091 March 18th, 2011
    YEP wrote:
    ....and................A lot of time is wasted........too.

    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    #30685 March 22nd, 2011

    arctourist wrote:


    i think anyone's ideas are fair to post and talk about,*especially* if some people are against it-
    like this 'thuban' material -just what's wrong with it then? i'm glad that the people wrongfully banned were reinstated,much to the displeasure of some moderators-HAHA.. i didn't think i'd be missed and what's to miss anyway right? timerty,you *will* be missed -haha
    anyone who doesn't like reading more than a page doesn't need to anyway-there are those of us who enjoy that sort of thing....yeah hey lita,sorry for any misunderstanding,let me know if i can help you with that-haha

    #30740 March 23rd, 2011
    RAMAN wrote:
    Status not posting no more @ CA.. THB/C/H/GW/R&C/&Co should all meet up. on the moon and frackthsemselfs up. now that would release the world from a vibratory issue. that has integration issues. and more.... (posted myown @ public status ((+ addon, non here listed )

    I see two things happening to people
    * Some people are becoming more and more disconnected from themselves.... (very disturbing)
    * Some people are embracing themselves and become more connected with their spirit.
    It's like the people who are "disconnecting" are creating their own mental disability.

    *snake vs dragon its all the same.
    some dragons are our allies and some are otherwise…
    snakes are more sneaky.

    and muppets, controllers, poppets, pawns and snakes & dragons* want you to do the 2nd.
    flood ya with data. and "a" Group view and disconnect the connectin the dots. aka encapsulate you.
    one floods other follows up with more disconnecting follow-up post. and on and on. keep feeding each other singledimensional what is , numbers and reasonings of a single group. vs the millions a races out there in this singular expression them express. yet them 7subraces are not in sync. yet they claim sooo.....
    moderating, dont really see that. its floodgates open. choas/disinfo/misinfo/muppets keep the data flow going. so most cant even digest the needed parts. and thus nothing is accomplished with most threads.
    thats shows even more with whom are not posting no more. vs than that try (you know who you are)

    and you esp/folks action will have consequences. just like them with barry fracked. ime send him healing than. and ones wanting to. ill be there at the stage. facing whoever goes against mother earth.

    enjoy: We are IN the EYE of the Portal NOW – Birthing Gateway ( Mar.19, 2011 )
    as last thread posted here of :"me" . untill .....

    earth is gving birth. and i can see a lot of you not being part of that. and rest well....
    useless to addonto here.

    would be neat if one can remove a TY from post. would remove them all from 1 single thread.

    ill be watching ala observer. this "game"





    added @status&post;p=181458#post181458

    2 types a them. to simplify. both have done "bad". rest meh not even adding here. enough words typed.

    Red Dragon is Gone – Room to Birth New Earth Wide Open Now
    **** Tiamat: dragon goddess . // has been released/freed from the them male dominated group.
    ;D ty A****. <3

    be well

    RAKMEiSTER = RA KESH = राकईश = Sanskrit - Lord of the full-moon day.
    Camelot & Avalon Unite: @ Public/ Chat PA&CA: iRC_Clients irc:// (*TEMP/NAMED*)

    #30745 March 23rd, 2011
    Aicky wrote:
    Wow, I somehow missed that you, Steve and Lita, are leaving. I am sorry to see you go, but wish you well. It must be straining to be a mod on a forum like this, because of the psychological impact the material has already. One should not underestimate this, and that would be good enough reason for me to take a break, or only do this job for a time. But it should not discourage anybody else. It's just change. Structures change, people change, the world changes. But the quest goes on...

    #30755 March 23rd, 2011
    DeVu wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    no way!
    i think anyone's ideas are fair to post and talk about,*especially* if some people are against it-
    like this 'thuban' material -just what's wrong with it then? i'm glad that the people wrongfully banned were reinstated,much to the displeasure of some moderators-HAHA.. i didn't think i'd be missed and what's to miss anyway right? timerty,you *will* be missed -haha
    anyone who doesn't like reading more than a page doesn't need to anyway-there are those of us who enjoy that sort of thing....yeah hey lita,sorry for any misunderstanding,let me know if i can help you with that-haha

    Hi arctourist...hope it's ok to ask you something...were you one of the 7 banned? Who were the others? Did they also get reinstated?

    qbeac seems to have stopped posting you (or anyone) know if he was banned for some reason?

    #30769 March 23rd, 2011
    Hurricane wrote:
    Lita took the time to explain why she left Project Camelot. It make me think? what is that special knowledge that the Thuban have that Kerry and Tommy are involved but then, I think again. Ok, that is not of my business + This is about Freedom of Speech. I didn't have the time to go there and understand their philosophy anyway. but, looks like this issue caused so many of our members left. and yeah! whatever you share HERE with them will be in their WEBS... uhmmmm! I don't like that... :(

    Ok to why, you deserve an answer.
    I can't speak for Steve, yes he has health problems but it is more than that as well.. but not for me to speak for him.

    For me, well you all know what has been happening here with the Thuban material and the crap that was happening here with that, they copied the whole thread and posted in in their own forums.. even PM's..they went to Mists of Avalon and did a poor me session.. it was nasty but I could take all of that...
    This is what broke it for me, Xchanger was banned from here, she is the main mod at the Thuban forum, Kerry and Tommy belong to that forum..(so I am told) and now Xchanger has been expect more of them that might make a few happy, fine not up to me to what people want to engage in.
    I just don't want to be a mod and have to deal with this material or the people connected with it after what went down.
    So in a nut shell that is about it.... I am writing this because you do deserve to know so you can be aware...

    #30772 March 23rd, 2011
    RAMAN wrote:
    Huancaina27 wrote:
    RE: Kerry and Tommy belong to that forum..(so I am told)

    Kerry is member there, so i have been told2, (i did check at acc(K)) see signupdate & lastseen-date = same. says enough.
    oh Xchanger is a MOD over there, unban m all (just them ones seems to be the where the eYe is on.
    tbh X been ok. for the non game part.

    wee one nice big thuban party @ Ca. since rest allready left or stopped posting. (some i do respect) and others seem to have double-ties and plans. but ehh they all do it from LOVE. with love they did AV1 with love the did AV2 attempt (fail) with love they did CA-F
    wow lots a love to selfservice. and a good intent behind it im sure......

    good steve doing ok. and better. attack him (esp) and you will get same as them that went after barry. and as for that mail kerry gave. to mail steve. is useless or non used no more.

    im aware. and of more.....
    so that;s done.

    back to observing

    RAKMEiSTER = RA KESH = राकईश = Sanskrit - Lord of the full-moon day.
    Camelot & Avalon Unite: @ Public/ Chat PA&CA: iRC_Clients irc:// (*TEMP/NAMED*)

    #30776 March 23rd, 2011
    DeVu wrote:
    Huancaina27 wrote:
    Lita took the time to explain why she left Project Camelot. It make me think? what is that special knowledge that the Thuban have that Kerry and Tommy are involved but then, I think again. Ok, that is not of my business + This is about Freedom of Speech. I didn't have the time to go there and understand their philosophy anyway. but, looks like this issue caused so many of our members left. and yeah! whatever you share HERE with them will be in their WEBS... uhmmmm! I don't like that... :(

    Ok to why, you deserve an answer.
    I can't speak for Steve, yes he has health problems but it is more than that as well.. but not for me to speak for him.

    For me, well you all know what has been happening here with the Thuban material and the crap that was happening here with that, they copied the whole thread and posted in in their own forums.. even PM's..they went to Mists of Avalon and did a poor me session.. it was nasty but I could take all of that...
    This is what broke it for me, Xchanger was banned from here, she is the main mod at the Thuban forum, Kerry and Tommy belong to that forum..(so I am told) and now Xchanger has been expect more of them that might make a few happy, fine not up to me to what people want to engage in.
    I just don't want to be a mod and have to deal with this material or the people connected with it after what went down.
    So in a nut shell that is about it.... I am writing this because you do deserve to know so you can be aware...

    I actually know nothing about the "Thuban Material" or what happened that got 7 people banned all at one time. I just don't understand why would Kerry and Tommy have a problem with the material if they are members of a forum that promotes it? Maybe that was the problem? Maybe Steve banned all those people without consulting with Kerry first. If that's how it was then I'd be totally pissed if it was my forum. Is there a link here that explains what happened?

    All I know is that free speech is becoming non-existent on the internet. Most of the big free speech forums I used to go to are completely gone now or they've been infiltrated and busted up. It's been going on for several years now. I really think the monsters intend to control the internet...that's why I totally support those Anoymous hacktivists and what they're doing. Look at TPTB trying to called them terrorists and saying it's cyber warfare. These young people are heroes IMO.

    #30781 March 23rd, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    DejaVu wrote:
    Huancaina27 wrote:
    Lita took the time to explain why she left Project Camelot. It make me think? what is that special knowledge that the Thuban have that Kerry and Tommy are involved but then, I think again. Ok, that is not of my business + This is about Freedom of Speech. I didn't have the time to go there and understand their philosophy anyway. but, looks like this issue caused so many of our members left. and yeah! whatever you share HERE with them will be in their WEBS... uhmmmm! I don't like that... :(

    Ok to why, you deserve an answer.
    I can't speak for Steve, yes he has health problems but it is more than that as well.. but not for me to speak for him.

    For me, well you all know what has been happening here with the Thuban material and the crap that was happening here with that, they copied the whole thread and posted in in their own forums.. even PM's..they went to Mists of Avalon and did a poor me session.. it was nasty but I could take all of that...
    This is what broke it for me, Xchanger was banned from here, she is the main mod at the Thuban forum, Kerry and Tommy belong to that forum..(so I am told) and now Xchanger has been expect more of them that might make a few happy, fine not up to me to what people want to engage in.
    I just don't want to be a mod and have to deal with this material or the people connected with it after what went down.
    So in a nut shell that is about it.... I am writing this because you do deserve to know so you can be aware...

    I actually know nothing about the "Thuban Material" or what happened that got 7 people banned all at one time. I just don't understand why would Kerry and Tommy have a problem with the material if they are members of a forum that promotes it? Maybe that was the problem? Maybe Steve banned all those people without consulting with Kerry first. If that's how it was then I'd be totally pissed if it was my forum. Is there a link here that explains what happened?

    All I know is that free speech is becoming non-existent on the internet. Most of the big free speech forums I used to go to are completely gone now or they've been infiltrated and busted up. It's been going on for several years now. I really think the monsters intend to control the internet...that's why I totally support those Anoymous hacktivists and what they're doing. Look at TPTB trying to called them terrorists and saying it's cyber warfare. These young people are heroes IMO.

    The mods shouldn't have to consult with Kerry before banning anyone. She's chasing whistleblowers, in cave's looking for ET's, not the easiest person to reach at times, I wouldn't think.

    #30782 March 23rd, 2011
    Hurricane wrote:
    I would like to ask Tommy why is that, that our comments are shared in other WEBs... isn't that prohibited? I am not a lawyer but I signed out to participate here at "Project Camelot" and I would be mad as hell to see my comments in other WEBs to make it believe I am part of them... I am not, and so far, I don't even have the curiosity to go there.

    and others seem to have double-ties and plans.

    I really don't know what is going on at Avalon except for the lynks that for some specific purposes some of our members shared here. And to realize that this too could be part of some plan... will not cause ME to run away without saying anything. That is not for me. I am here to know what the heck is going on in the world... and if I discover something is WRONG. I will say it. That is not the reason why WE are here????...

    #30784 March 23rd, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    heck yes
    personally,i don't mind my own public posts being cross-posted to other forums...but i don't blame people who would disagree with that either
    i just think people need to lighten up,and rather than acting like a private police force,more of a team of facilitators,helpers,helping people share info and whatnot
    tommy is a fine example of that..i admire his loyalty to his team...apparently he's universally i feel i should be as well,if people could sorta see what i'm on about...i'm about sharing info,expanding and exploiting the akash-for the benefit of the new age of freedom,accountability,transparency,and yes,even privacy when it's desired

    #30785 March 23rd, 2011
    Hurricane wrote:
    If that's how it was then I'd be totally pissed if it was my forum. Is there a link here that explains what happened?

    Nobody is explained anything... I wonder why? maybe somebody can explain this better than me...

    #30787 March 23rd, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    i fully support steve and lita's decision to step back and reflect a need for micromanaging a lot of highly evolved adults !

    #30788 March 23rd, 2011
    YEP wrote:
    Still not sure why I was banned from Earth Changes and the Pole Shift ning....

    I am still the same GT_Big hair here, that I was there.....

    And a big supporter of their Pole Shift ( Zeta predictions )....

    anyworm, really apreciate have the privilage of sharing here...

    and I will stay as long as I am welcome...

    yep, and I do miss Lita though....


    #30791 March 23rd, 2011
    DeVu wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    DejaVu wrote:
    Huancaina27 wrote:
    Lita took the time to explain why she left Project Camelot. It make me think? what is that special knowledge that the Thuban have that Kerry and Tommy are involved but then, I think again. Ok, that is not of my business + This is about Freedom of Speech. I didn't have the time to go there and understand their philosophy anyway. but, looks like this issue caused so many of our members left. and yeah! whatever you share HERE with them will be in their WEBS... uhmmmm! I don't like that...

    Ok to why, you deserve an answer.
    I can't speak for Steve, yes he has health problems but it is more than that as well.. but not for me to speak for him.

    For me, well you all know what has been happening here with the Thuban material and the crap that was happening here with that, they copied the whole thread and posted in in their own forums.. even PM's..they went to Mists of Avalon and did a poor me session.. it was nasty but I could take all of that...
    This is what broke it for me, Xchanger was banned from here, she is the main mod at the Thuban forum, Kerry and Tommy belong to that forum..(so I am told) and now Xchanger has been expect more of them that might make a few happy, fine not up to me to what people want to engage in.
    I just don't want to be a mod and have to deal with this material or the people connected with it after what went down.
    So in a nut shell that is about it.... I am writing this because you do deserve to know so you can be aware...

    I actually know nothing about the "Thuban Material" or what happened that got 7 people banned all at one time. I just don't understand why would Kerry and Tommy have a problem with the material if they are members of a forum that promotes it? Maybe that was the problem? Maybe Steve banned all those people without consulting with Kerry first. If that's how it was then I'd be totally pissed if it was my forum. Is there a link here that explains what happened?

    All I know is that free speech is becoming non-existent on the internet. Most of the big free speech forums I used to go to are completely gone now or they've been infiltrated and busted up. It's been going on for several years now. I really think the monsters intend to control the internet...that's why I totally support those Anoymous hacktivists and what they're doing. Look at TPTB trying to called them terrorists and saying it's cyber warfare. These young people are heroes IMO.

    The mods shouldn't have to consult with Kerry before banning anyone. She's chasing whistleblowers, in cave's looking for ET's, not the easiest person to reach at times, I wouldn't think.

    I totally agree with you if those were Kerry's instructions. I have my own forum and it's completely unmoderated. That's why I said, "if it was my forum".

    #30800 March 23rd, 2011
    Hurricane wrote:
    DejaVu: is not about Steve's administration, nor free speech. Free Speech WON!!! but what I see here is members leaving PC thanks to the Thuban Material and his members that are here again.

    If Kerry and Tommy are part of that Material and OUR members are leaving for that reason. What is wrong with the Thuban?

    #30801 March 23rd, 2011
    DeVu wrote:
    Huancaina27 wrote:
    DejaVu: is not about Steve's administration, nor free speech. Free Speech WON!!! but what I see here is members leaving PC thanks to the Thuban Material and his members that are here again.

    If Kerry and Tommy are part of that Material and OUR members are leaving for that reason. What is wrong with the Thuban?

    I apologize Huancaina....I'm confused, how did free speech win?

    #30808 March 23rd, 2011
    Hurricane wrote:

    All of the banned ones are here again. Means, Free Speech was restored. Including the topic Steve banned. (that topic was the reason why some people think is some kind of infiltration). He left without saying anything, Lita explained in part why she left... and other valuable members as well. and If I am wrong... well, it would be great to be wrong!

    I would like to know who are part of that group too so, I will not waist my time reading/commenting in their topics. because, I am not interested in the Thuban material at all. Thanks to them but not thanks!
    #30835 March 22nd, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    i fully support steve and lita's decision to step back and reflect a need for micromanaging a lot of highly evolved adults !

    I'd like to watch them bitch slap you around. I think that would be highly amusing.

    #30850 March 22nd, 2011
    jimmy wrote:
    Space Cowboy wrote:
    architourist wrote:
    i fully support steve and lita's decision to step back and reflect a need for micromanaging a lot of highly evolved adults !

    I'd like to watch them bitch slap you around. I think that would be highly amusing.

    CHEERS S/C i agree but there are many of us to take them on i am ready and done my research,let them bring it on , big reveal on there crap soon to come

    #30852 March 22nd, 2011
    Crystal wrote:
    I am with both of you SCB and JMJ.

    Can't wait for what you have to say.

    The way I see it as not so much about freedom of speech but having people breaking the rules and it seems they still seem to be and it isn't the content but the amount of it, the length of it, that is just 1 point.
    It was not the content so much as the nasty comments and posting the thread at another forum without permission of the members here. It also felt like it was shoving it down peoples necks, superior attitude the better than way it came across. I don't like the material but they did break the rules here but now have to wonder just what the rules will be.

    Just where do the host and admin stand on this, are they going to pull them up as I am getting RSI from scrolling through it all that i won't bother again.

    I don't think Steve and Lita would have left completely, deleted their accounts for no reason. Its real smart to say something about somebody now who cannot reply to the questions or put downs. All of this bought me out of just reading here into having a say and standing up for what goes on here or has that going to be taken away to in favour of the Thuban.


    #30959 March 23rd, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    ha! y'gotta love freedom of speech!

    #30966 March 23rd, 2011
    Chucky wrote:
    arctourist wrote: need for micromanaging a lot of highly evolved adults !

    And that would be WHOM now exactly? ;):confused:;)

    Highly evolved adults usually have something meaningful to contribute to the community as a whole.
    They certainly are not demanding, controlling, manipulative, combative, argumentative, intellectualize everything, maintain an aura of superiority or feel the need to pontificate.
    CRV Vancouver Facebook Controlled Remote Viewing Class - Basic Level

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato

    #30972 March 23rd, 2011
    siamese wrote:
    Chakra wrote:

    arctourist wrote: need for micromanaging a lot of highly evolved adults !

    And that would be WHOM now exactly? ;):confused:;)

    Highly evolved adults usually have something meaningful to contribute to the community as a whole.
    They certainly are not demanding, controlling, manipulative, combative, argumentative, intellectualize everything, maintain an aura of superiority or feel the need to pontificate.

    :eek:WELL SAID CHAKRA, well said!;)

    #30975 March 23rd, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    oh yes! well except for the aura of superiority anyways!

    #30976 March 23rd, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    come back,lita-turns out you are missed!
    and you too steve! let's just try to be nice !

    #30998 March 23rd, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    ha! y'gotta love freedom of speech!

    Did you like that little bitch slap I gave you, you little mouse? Free speech is great!

    Thank you Kerry, thank you Tommy.

    #31001 March 23rd, 2011
    Tangy wrote:

    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    ha! y'gotta love freedom of speech!

    Did you like that little bitch slap I gave you, you little mouse? Free speech is great!

    Thank you Kerry, thank you Tommy.

    A "little mouse"? Awww SC . . . that's going a bit far. Our dear arc is no more than a smarmy sycophant, tops.

    #31003 March 23rd, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    ha! y'gotta love freedom of speech!

    Did you like that little bitch slap I gave you, you little mouse? Free speech is great!

    Thank you Kerry, thank you Tommy.

    A "little mouse"? Awww SC . . . that's going a bit far. Our dear arc is no more than a smarmy sycophant, tops.

    LOL! I'll go farther.

    #31008 March 23rd, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    ha! y'gotta love freedom of speech!

    Did you like that little bitch slap I gave you, you little mouse? Free speech is great!

    Thank you Kerry, thank you Tommy.

    aw-you wanna bite me! go ahead -haha!
    #31020 March 23rd, 2011
    siamese wrote:
    The irony here is that you have done all the biting arctourist by deliberately manipulating scenarios by goading people to interact in your GAME. Then you off load replies of sarcasm to creates more friction, I now your game BUSTER - you gently, gentle merrily weave your way baiting a tour round the forum just to make your presence known somewhere on this forum without a care for the hard work and genuine working people who share their knowledge of truth rather than prancing and stalking every topic with often nonsensical attempts to be noticed and literally distract the topic off course FINALLY DO YOU HAVE A NERVOUS DISPOSITION TO THE FRASER HA-AH-AH IF NOT It'S A DAMNED INSULT TO THE REAL CONCEPT OF HEART FELT LAUGH.

    Oh yes while I'm on the business of freedom of speech GROW-UP arctourist you should have grown out of your short pants a long, long time ago.

    #31026 March 23rd, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    I like Arctourist's posts. They make me laugh. They are 'irreverent', I call it. No respect for anybody. That's the way he is.

    I think it's healthy to have some irreverent, maybe aggravating, sarcasm - it brings us all down a notch or two, I've had it done to me too, and it stops us from going up our own a*ses.. sometimes.

    A Fool, just like kings used to have. They were actually a really important person in the king's court and one of his trusted advisers to bring him down a notch or too, back to reality.

    Same goes for GT's, Space Cowboy's, Timerty's irreverent, sometimes sarcastic remarks. They lighten the feeling of doom and gloom we sometimes get into.

    So no more talk of slap bitching anybody please, it's the most violent threat I've seen on this forum so far and not called for.
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    #31032 March 23rd, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    hey sianallen!

    we're just making conversation,i'm just being friendly-have we talked before?
    that's so funny all these things you ascribe to has nothing to do with me,i gather you don't approve of something i've said,could it be we disagree about certain things like what conversation is,what forums are for,
    seems to me anyone is free to agree or disagree but you'll have to please forgive me,if you don't like my choice of words...i just respond wherever i feel it might be appropriate-

    yes i think it's fun to be on the forums,and yes i appreciate most everyone's impressions and what they wanna share
    why don't we just start over,i'm pleased to meet you-where and what are you,some kind of a professor i'm guessing?

    i'm just a middle-aged music and channeling enthusiast,just passing the time,enjoying talking with whoever wants to talk-i have never tried to distract anyone from any topic,i even try to make whatever i'm saying relevant to previous posts and the topic of the particular thread...just what do you see the topic of this thread as then,right? -i'm 'game' if you are-we can go in any direction you like- i'm pleased to hear from you tho i sense that you're either trying to insult me or you feel insulted-i really don't know what to make of this-

    do you have any suggestions for me,other than to grow up-why i bet i'm almost as old as you are and every bit as mature,but then that brings up the subject of just what does maturity mean....these are good questions-this is good stuff! seriously you've got me wrong,you make a lot of go ahead and tell me more about myself-this is interesting,wow!
    siriusblue? sirius? ok,for you,i'll be the fool! hahaw!

    #31039 March 23rd, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    siriusblue wrote:
    I like Arctourist's posts. They make me laugh. They are 'irreverent', I call it. No respect for anybody. That's the way he is.

    I think it's healthy to have some irreverent, maybe aggravating, sarcasm - it brings us all down a notch or two, I've had it done to me too, and it stops us from going up our own a*ses.. sometimes.

    A Fool, just like kings used to have. They were actually a really important person in the king's court and one of his trusted advisers to bring him down a notch or too, back to reality.

    Same goes for GT's, Space Cowboy's, Timerty's irreverent, sometimes sarcastic remarks. They lighten the feeling of doom and gloom we sometimes get into.

    So no more talk of slap bitching anybody please, it's the most violent threat I've seen on this forum so far and not called for.

    heck,where do you get 'no respect for anybody'?
    i respect everybody,maybe some more than others,who i sense have what i see as respect...
    i'm sometimes slow to respond,sometimes i miss things or get distracted-it's not disrespect-heck,i just don't talk to people i don't respect and i'm talking to hundreds,maybe thousands of people-all worthy of a certain minumum amt. of respect...irreverent,well,i don't see that as a bad thing....but it's like i said before,people tend to see what they want to see...if they're looking for insults,then they'll surely find them-but they'd need to make some pretty daring leaps generally-seems to me-
    heck,to my mind i'm just a regular person,maybe a little bored at times, even sometimes annoyed,maybe i enjoy the banter a little too much,(huhuhuh)

    #31084 March 24th, 2011
    Crystal wrote:
    Just to let everyone know, this thread is being copied and pasted over at the Thuban forums.
    If you don't want your posts over there then better stop posting in their threads here.
    #31085 March 24th, 2011
    Crystal wrote:
    This thread has been posted at the Thuban forums

    #31124 March 24th, 2011
    Chucky wrote:
    One of Steve's primary reason's for leaving was because of actions taken that went against his integrity in maintaining this forum.

    Steve's has impeccable integrity, he was the glue that held it together, because he truly believed the original cause - that of Disclosure and concept of a forum that was for the dissemination of the truth via the whistleblowers, or not available through mainstream media.

    Those that would take issue with him should look deeper into themselves as why.

    He left because he could not accept the level of exceptions that was given contrary to forum rules. To those whom obviously now have no intentions in abiding to these rules, or will do so only under the element of distress.

    There are those present with in this group, that have been very confrontational and belligerent - not maintaining the spirit of Project Camelot. There are those present that have not been interviewed, are not whistleblowers, and have no contention with the work of Project Camelot.

    That have their own forum which they constantly reference to, and are obviously in the process of taking over this one.

    Forum Rules, Guidelines and Disclaimer Thursday, 29 July 2010 08:20 | Written by Tommy Hansen

    "The Camelot Forum is a group of individuals who communicate via on topics related to the work of Project Camelot.

    - Your presence in this group comprises a tacit acceptance of our core values and beliefs as set forth in Project Camelot's work.

    While skepticism and critical thinking are always useful in the pursuit of knowledge, we cannot have meaningful discussions if we must constantly defend our fundamentals against those who choose to disagree.

    If an individual cannot approach the material with an open mind and respectful demeanor, they will make others uncomfortable, and in turn may receive uncomfortable responses. Such skeptics will be unsubscribed from the group if their criticism hurts the community spirit of the group.

    - Similarly, the New Age, ET, Metaphysical, and Alternative Physics communities are diverse, popular, and numerous. In order to have worthwhile discussion that is beneficial to those who are interested in the material, we must restrict our focus to topics that relate to our core mission.

    Members who selfishly use the list's common resources without regard for its members' shared interests may be unsubscribed.

    This includes those who insist on promoting / showcasing themselves, their own websites, philosophies, products, services or other unrelated teachings."

    CRV Vancouver Facebook Controlled Remote Viewing Class - Basic Level

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato

    #31126 March 24th, 2011
    YEP wrote:
    Thanks again Chakra,

    totally fair dude!

    you are the best mod ever!

    in my opinion,

    #31132 March 24th, 2011
    Caddy wrote:
    I concur every step of the way and have already started to miss him.

    It is hard enough trying to stay level in this world let alone get ahead, in that we need to be weary of agitators as we must pool together our resources effectively in an attempt to get at the truth and to literally survive that which is coming.

    Although the Sun is shining, tisbe a sad day for 'our' community.

    Sad news is best coming from someone we love - Chakra, we love you.

    May the Sun always shine on all our backs.

    #31142 March 24th, 2011
    CC wrote:
    Thank you for posting this, Chakra...

    Sometimes we all need a refresher on the guidelines Project Camelot expects when we post on the forum. At the end of the day, we're all here to get to as much truth as possible. I've noticed some nastiness lately, and that bothers me, I can't help it... I have a big heart. It makes it hard to be open if someone responds to you negatively.

    I will miss Steve. I didn't have much correspondence with him, but he always seemed to be fair, IMHO, and gave it his all...

    #31181 March 24th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    redevo. big_profile.

    #31184 March 24th, 2011
    Rimman wrote:
    So Steve has gone;

    Is this really the way it goes? As far as I'm concerned he was probably one of the most genuine dudes on this site...always polite and non-discriminatory...concerned for his fellow man and woman and constantly pouring oil on turbulent waters.

    If anyone has any influence to make him return to these pages then please do so...I for one will miss his moderating charisma and calming tone...I specifically didn't delve into the reasons for his departure..I'm merely commenting on the man..his integrity and his proven track record.

    I bailed out of Avalon for reasons such as these...I absolutely hate the divisions that seem to be ripping us all apart. There we all were a couple of years ago; preparing to be the first wave in a new reality..preparing for a new paradigm...yet we have become mewling children.

    I feel that I need to re-think all of this and maybe do what I did before; namely to meditate on my own and believe in my own Karma. I want to believe in my Brothers and Sisters..but oh boy you all make me feel so very low.

    #31187 March 24th, 2011
    Rimman wrote:

    I know that we don't see eye to eye very often..but I'm concerned about Steve...Do you have any contact details? facebook..twitter etc? I don't visit these pages much these days, but when a moderator goes AWOL then as friends we should all look out for him / her.

    God Bless love

    Andrew X
    Post last edited Apr 6th 2011
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    #31188 March 24th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    tell him arctourist says hi too!

    #31198 March 24th, 2011
    Hurricane wrote:
    Maybe this a way to protest!

    #31220 March 24th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:

    arctourist wrote:
    tell him arctourist says hi too!
    redevo-.32568. big_profile-.32569.

    #31223 March 24th, 2011
    Chucky wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:

    redevo-.32568. big_profile-.32569.

    Stay on TOPIC!
    Don't make me.....
    CRV Vancouver Facebook Controlled Remote Viewing Class - Basic Level

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato

    #31199 March 24th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    protest what,protest what?

    #31202 March 24th, 2011
    Crystal wrote:
    They were unbanned from what I gather.

    #31205 March 25th, 2011
    chrissy wrote:
    Saw the thread copied onto the thuban site...what the hay? Really, this is an interesting read??? Lol, Do they not have members who can stir up their own homemade human drama? Seriously this is a trip...:p:p:p:p
    If u keep banging into the same walls, take the window or back door :)

    #31209 March 25th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    christinedream7 wrote:
    Saw the thread copied onto the thuban site...what the hay? Really, this is an interesting read??? Lol, Do they not have members who can stir up their own homemade human drama? Seriously this is a trip...:p:p:p:p

    Retarded dragons who chase their tail around, and around. And spiders who trap themselves in their own web. Amusing.:)

    #31210 March 25th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    haha! yeah they probly got nuthin' better to do than post here!

    #31214 March 25th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    haha! yeah they probly got nuthin' better to do than post here!

    redevo-.32568. big_profile-.32569.

    ha..ha..I've got nuthin better than to do than kick your ass. Enjoy your bitch beating lizard. There's plenty to follow.

    #31219 March 25th, 2011
    YEP wrote:
    haha! yeah they probly got nuthin' better to do than post here!

    ha..ha..I've got nuthin better than to do than kick your ass. Enjoy your bitch beating lizard. There's plenty to follow.

    OK guys,

    hands up....

    now, slowly back away from the forum......

    don't wana' see anyone git hurt....


    thanks for being,

    #31221 March 25th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    GT_Big hair wrote:
    haha! yeah they probly got nuthin' better to do than post here!

    ha..ha..I've got nuthin better than to do than kick your ass. Enjoy your bitch beating lizard. There's plenty to follow.

    OK guys,

    hands up....

    now, slowly back away from the forum......

    don't wana' see anyone git hurt....


    thanks for being,

    A little late to the fight aren't you GT?

    #31224 March 25th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    what is this,who's gonna kick my ass-haha-did i make you mad?
    i remember when someone told lita to 'chillax' and that really made her mad...well don't chillax or anything,but y'might wanna go get some exercise-haha
    #31225 March 25th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    Chakra wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:

    Stay on TOPIC!
    Don't make me.....

    I'm trying to make you.................

    #31227 March 25th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    what is this,who's gonna kick my ass-haha-did i make you mad?
    i remember when someone told lita to 'chillax' and that really made her mad...well don't chillax or anything,but y'might wanna go get some exercise-haha

    Why don't you come see me and we'll have a little chat.

    #31234 March 25th, 2011
    siamese wrote:
    Rimbaud: wrote:

    So Steve has gone;

    Is this really the way it goes? As far as I'm concerned he was probably one of the most genuine dudes on this site...always polite and non-discriminatory...concerned for his fellow man and woman and constantly pouring oil on turbulent waters.

    If anyone has any influence to make him return to these pages then please do so...I for one will miss his moderating charisma and calming tone...I specifically didn't delve into the reasons for his departure..I'm merely commenting on the man..his integrity and his proven track record.

    I bailed out of Avalon for reasons such as these...I absolutely hate the divisions that seem to be ripping us all apart. There we all were a couple of years ago; preparing to be the first wave in a new reality..preparing for a new paradigm...yet we have become mewling children.

    I feel that I need to re-think all of this and maybe do what I did before; namely to meditate on my own and believe in my own Karma. I want to believe in my Brothers and Sisters..but oh boy you all make me feel so very low.

    I'm sorry you are feeling low Rimbaud, as I imagine MOST of us are feeling here at this time, due to the divisions, we've lost our sail and heading to goodness knows where. BOTH STEVE AND LITA where good navigators and are sorely missed. Here's hoping we find our way back home soon. This situation shows us all how vulnerable and also volatile we can be playing a part in a human costume in Life's Theatre!
    Things are changing so much more quickly than we ever imagined!

    #31237 March 25th, 2011
    Chucky wrote:
    [quote="SpaceCowboy" post=31225]Chakra wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:

    Stay on TOPIC!
    Don't make me.....

    I'm trying to make you....................

    OMG that pie was soooo good too. :) at Palace Kitchen the other night. It was so fresh - I had to give it a smack! lol

    Anyways - They haven't read my email yet - the one that said I resigned lol
    Soooo I still have the power to hit the "B" button! :mad:
    I haven't done it yet - all that power could just one day go to my head you know! Better watch it! :cool:

    Back on topic ;)
    Steve was the absolute best to work with, and fortunately we still talk over skype regularly - about other stuff - not even forum related, can you imagine that! lol

    If people want to pm me with their emails - I will send them to Steve if you would like to stay in touch with him.
    CRV Vancouver Facebook Controlled Remote Viewing Class - Basic Level

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato

    The following user(s) said Thank You: sianellen

    #31238 March 25th, 2011
    Chucky wrote:
    CarrieCassidy wrote:
    Thank you for posting this, Chakra...

    Sometimes we all need a refresher on the guidelines Project Camelot expects when we post on the forum. At the end of the day, we're all here to get to as much truth as possible. I've noticed some nastiness lately, and that bothers me, I can't help it... I have a big heart. It makes it hard to be open if someone responds to you negatively.

    I will miss Steve. I didn't have much correspondence with him, but he always seemed to be fair, IMHO, and gave it his all...

    Hey Carrie

    Thank you very much for your kind words - Steve was the main reason I felt safe enough to take the role of Mod when he asked me too. I initially just said I would just as a trial - since I had the time to, why not give it a go.

    It is the good people that are hear that I will hate to say good bye to. But I always knew Steve had my back - with him gone - the bullies have won. I don't feel that safe now anymore, it is hard to maintain the front line when you know, no one in management seems to have your back.
    CRV Vancouver Facebook Controlled Remote Viewing Class - Basic Level

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato

    The following user(s) said Thank You: sianellen

    #31240 March 25t, 2011
    Hurricane wrote:
    OMG that aroma was calling me... couldn't resist! Pie, Pie... ummm! just what I need now. Is that your triple coco pie?

    Chakra you are leaving too?

    #31244 March 25th, 2011
    siamese wrote:
    OH hell. THE PLACE HAS GONE TITS UP NOW AND NO APOLOGIES FOR SWEARING EITHER. Chaska don't go without a fight - there are only a hand full of you lovely mods left. If there was any justice the Buggers should be begging you all to stay. REMEMBER DON'T YOU DARE GO WITHOUT TELLING US :oops::oops:

    #31246 March 25th, 2011
    Chucky wrote:
    Huancaina27 wrote:
    OMG that aroma was calling me... couldn't resist! Pie, Pie... ummm! just what I need now. Is that your triple coco pie?
    Chakra you are leaving too?

    Sorry yes I ate that alllll by my self! lol
    SpaceCowBoy really needs to stay on topic though. TCC pie is way too distracting for me! I am sure he was (ok so maybe I am not sure and give him WAY more credit than he really deserves) just being nice and offering me a token of his affection for me.... ( o_O:cool::oops: ) but we have a thread on pies already.... lol

    Yes I did resign already - they just haven't, it seems, read the post in the Mod forum as yet. :oops:
    But basically -
    If we are given a set of guild-lines that have been set out and one follows them, and then they are superseded by either Kerry or Tommy - we are the ones to take the flack for it.
    And as what happened on the other forum - Steve is made to look the forum Nazi that he definitely is not.

    No one comes back and says - oh we made those rules - not the mod's and sorry we sorta changed our minds on that one point - ones position as a Mod becomes pointless.

    The kids then start playing one parent over the other. Someone goes over the 'bad' parent's head - cries like a baby and gets candy from the other. A monster is born....
    CRV Vancouver Facebook Controlled Remote Viewing Class - Basic Level

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato

    #31247 March 25th, 2011
    Tangy wrote:
    sianellen wrote:
    OH hell. THE PLACE HAS GONE TITS UP NOW AND NO APOLOGIES FOR SWEARING EITHER. Chaska don't go without a fight - there are only a hand full of you lovely mods left. If there was any justice the Buggers should be begging you all to stay. REMEMBER DON'T YOU DARE GO WITHOUT TELLING US :rolleyes::rolleyes:

    Yep. Whatever game they are playing at, seems to be working. Too bad good people, not "afraid of the so-called evil dragons" people -- just bright, intelligent people, get dragged through the mud or simply decide to leave.

    Yes, the one-way free speech thing is something I've noticed, too. And all the arguing and claims to fear. I don't fear the Thuban material, come on.

    But I DO dislike the methods presently used by its proponents, here on THIS forum -- that's a fact.

    #312448 March 25th, 2011
    Chucky wrote:
    sianellen wrote:
    OH hell. THE PLACE HAS GONE TITS UP NOW AND NO APOLOGIES FOR SWEARING EITHER. Chaska don't go without a fight - there are only a hand full of you lovely mods left. If there was any justice the Buggers should be begging you all to stay. REMEMBER DON'T YOU DARE GO WITHOUT TELLING US :rolleyes::rolleyes:

    Chaska's not ready to leave yet. He wants to be head Mod and turn this forum into a porno site!
    LOL sorry gave his secret away! :D:oops:
    CRV Vancouver Facebook Controlled Remote Viewing Class - Basic Level

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato

    #31250 March 25th, 2011
    siamese wrote:
    :oops: I can honestly say, without a doubt 'if I had a few more brains cells I'd be dangerouse!:oops:


    SORRY CHAKRA I MEANT YOU QUEEN OF THE TRIPPLE COCANUT PIE WE WOULD BE LOST WITHOUT YOU dear girl, so the same message goes to you - at least have a rethink but keep us posted however darlin'

    However my feelings are exactly the same for CHASKA, YOU'R BOTH :cool: IN MY EYES`!


    #31267 March 25th, 2011
    NGC wrote:
    I'd like to know more why Steve banned Thuban thread. Thuban = Alpha Draconis. Is it something to do with a known agenda there that serves Draconians?

    Theoretically, the Draconians and their human speakers should be presented somewhere in the cyberspace, (as well as the other ET do). The Dracs are not insane monsters, rather highly intelligent, and sophisticated evil, with mind control techniques. It is uncomfortable when one feels like being spied by the enemy. It is better to say the enemy, you are the enemy, go out.

    I have more to say in my other topics about the draconian coming landing. They will not land unexpectedly, rather eagerly anticipated by a large number of (hi-profile) people who have already chosen to serve them. Let not find ourselves on the wrong side!

    #31271 March 25th, 2011
    Chucky wrote:
    NGC2392 wrote:
    I'd like to know more why Steve banned Thuban thread. Thuban = Alpha Draconis. Is it something to do with a known agenda there that serves Draconians?

    Theoretically, the Draconians and their human speakers should be presented somewhere in the cyberspace, (as well as the other ET do). The Dracs are not insane monsters, rather highly intelligent, and sophisticated evil, with mind control techniques. It is uncomfortable when one feels like being spied by the enemy. It is better to say the enemy, you are the enemy, go out.

    I have more to say in my other topics about the draconian coming landing. They will not land unexpectedly, rather eagerly anticipated by a large number of (hi-profile) people who have already chosen to serve them. Let not find ourselves on the wrong side!

    It had nothing to do with the content - he has said so many many many times. He couldn't care a less actually. What it did have to do with was simply what I said in the first post. He was simply following the guild-lines set out by Tommy and Kerry.

    They appeared to be using this forum as a vehicle to promote their own material. Page after page, after page, of it. They posted what was considered by many pornographic. They have their own forum - they pontificate with an aura of superiority, not to be challenged, and that does not allow for actual debate or conversation, which is not in keeping with the spirit of community. One topic has changed to being on Fairies and gnomes now - In the Space, ET and UFO's forum?

    "The Camelot Forum is a group of individuals who communicate via on topics related to the work of Project Camelot.

    - Your presence in this group comprises a tacit acceptance of our core values and beliefs as set forth in Project Camelot's work.

    While skepticism and critical thinking are always useful in the pursuit of knowledge, we cannot have meaningful discussions if we must constantly defend our fundamentals against those who choose to disagree.

    If an individual cannot approach the material with an open mind and respectful demeanor, they will make others uncomfortable, and in turn may receive uncomfortable responses. Such skeptics will be unsubscribed from the group if their criticism hurts the community spirit of the group.

    - Similarly, the New Age, ET, Metaphysical, and Alternative Physics communities are diverse, popular, and numerous. In order to have worthwhile discussion that is beneficial to those who are interested in the material, we must restrict our focus to topics that relate to our core mission.

    Members who selfishly use the list's common resources without regard for its members' shared interests may be unsubscribed.

    This includes those who insist on promoting / showcasing themselves, their own websites, philosophies, products, services or other unrelated teachings."

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle - Plato

    #33118 March 30th, 2011
    rawhide wrote:
    Chakra wrote:
    It had nothing to do with the content - he has said so many many many times. He couldn't care a less actually. What it did have to do with was simply what I said in the first post. He was simply following the guild-lines set out by Tommy and Kerry.

    I have known Steve for more than half a decade. He was asked to volunteer as Mod and did. As you said he did an excellent job turning a forum having 30 posts a day to as many as 300+ per day when he was forced to leave for being undermined by those guidlines not being enforced, for whatever reasons, by the owners of the board. Steve was a volunteer, as are other mods.

    They get NO MONEY $$$ ... NADA ... hence ...

    While there is an 'obligation' to do your 'job' honestly...there are no 8-5 hours required, nor should the forum owners expect such FROM volunteers.

    I think everyone here now KNOWS the amount of work that goes into growing a QUALITY forum with good posts by good people attracting the best from all disciplines and study to share information in an open honest and 'troll-free' environment where threads stay on topic in proper forums and we don't expect a link to send us to some spamware, porn or other malicious site and if poster does this then that poster should be banned at root level.

    Steve took care of all that. Good luck to this forum in the future.

    Like many other forums about researchers out there, its just one more person with a camera and microphone asking questions. We have an abundance of people like that today. How do we seperate the wheat from the chaff or even break-through the current media Zeitgeist.

    The increasing variety and abundance of life itself vastly multiplies the number of niches available for life. The resulting system is a web of maker and users, eaters and eaten, collaborators and competitors. - Pardot Kynes, Report to Emperor Shaddam IV


    #33137 March 30th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    yeah wow,i sure miss steve!

    #33152 March 31st, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    rhw007 wrote:
    Chakra wrote:
    It had nothing to do with the content - he has said so many many many times. He couldn't care a less actually. What it did have to do with was simply what I said in the first post. He was simply following the guild-lines set out by Tommy and Kerry.

    I have known Steve for more than half a decade. He was asked to volunteer as Mod and did. As you said he did an excellent job turning a forum having 30 posts a day to as many as 300+ per day when he was forced to leave for being undermined by those guidlines not being enforced, for whatever reasons, by the owners of the board. Steve was a volunteer, as are other mods.

    They get NO MONEY $$$ ... NADA ... hence ...

    While there is an 'obligation' to do your 'job' honestly...there are no 8-5 hours required, nor should the forum owners expect such FROM volunteers.

    I think everyone here now KNOWS the amount of work that goes into growing a QUALITY forum with good posts by good people attracting the best from all disciplines and study to share information in an open honest and 'troll-free' environment where threads stay on topic in proper forums and we don't expect a link to send us to some spamware, porn or other malicious site and if poster does this then that poster should be banned at root level.

    Steve took care of all that. Good luck to this forum in the future.

    Like many other forums about researchers out there, its just one more person with a camera and microphone asking questions. We have an abundance of people like that today. How do we seperate the wheat from the chaff or even break-through the current media Zeitgeist.

    The increasing variety and abundance of life itself vastly multiplies the number of niches available for life. The resulting system is a web of maker and users, eaters and eaten, collaborators and competitors. - Pardot Kynes, Report to Emperor Shaddam IV


    Thanks for posting this Bob, Steve is the best. Your right there are guidelines to follow, when they are not enforced there are problems. I have been called a Steve groupie .. at first thought that was a put down but actually its a compliment. .. from an ex mod.
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    #33236 March 31st, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    If the Thuban have their own forum, why don't the Thuban invite us all over? I'll bring pies. How about it Thuban?

    #33693 April 1st, 2011
    Chucky wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    If the Thuban have their own forum, why don't the Thuban invite us all over? I'll bring pies.

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle - Plato

    #33697 April 1st, 2011
    DeVu wrote:

    Chakra wrote:
    NGC2392 wrote:
    I'd like to know more why Steve banned Thuban thread. Thuban = Alpha Draconis. Is it something to do with a known agenda there that serves Draconians?

    Theoretically, the Draconians and their human speakers should be presented somewhere in the cyberspace, (as well as the other ET do). The Dracs are not insane monsters, rather highly intelligent, and sophisticated evil, with mind control techniques. It is uncomfortable when one feels like being spied by the enemy. It is better to say the enemy, you are the enemy, go out.

    I have more to say in my other topics about the draconian coming landing. They will not land unexpectedly, rather eagerly anticipated by a large number of (hi-profile) people who have already chosen to serve them. Let not find ourselves on the wrong side!

    It had nothing to do with the content - he has said so many many many times. He couldn't care a less actually. What it did have to do with was simply what I said in the first post. He was simply following the guild-lines set out by Tommy and Kerry.

    They appeared to be using this forum as a vehicle to promote their own material. Page after page, after page, of it. They posted what was considered by many pornographic. They have their own forum - they pontificate with an aura of superiority, not to be challenged, and that does not allow for actual debate or conversation, which is not in keeping with the spirit of community. One topic has changed to being on Fairies and gnomes now - In the Space, ET and UFO's forum?

    "The Camelot Forum is a group of individuals who communicate via on topics related to the work of Project Camelot.

    - Your presence in this group comprises a tacit acceptance of our core values and beliefs as set forth in Project Camelot's work.

    While skepticism and critical thinking are always useful in the pursuit of knowledge, we cannot have meaningful discussions if we must constantly defend our fundamentals against those who choose to disagree.

    If an individual cannot approach the material with an open mind and respectful demeanor, they will make others uncomfortable, and in turn may receive uncomfortable responses. Such skeptics will be unsubscribed from the group if their criticism hurts the community spirit of the group.

    - Similarly, the New Age, ET, Metaphysical, and Alternative Physics communities are diverse, popular, and numerous. In order to have worthwhile discussion that is beneficial to those who are interested in the material, we must restrict our focus to topics that relate to our core mission.

    Members who selfishly use the list's common resources without regard for its members' shared interests may be unsubscribed.

    This includes those who insist on promoting / showcasing themselves, their own websites, philosophies, products, services or other unrelated teachings."

    There may be others like me who didn't have a clue about why those people got banned. I've learned a little more about what's going on around here and I have to say I believe Steve was doing what he thought was right for this forum. I think that's good forum policy that no group/gang should be allowed promote their own material here. On the other hand...Kerry may have had her own reasons unbanning them...I just don't know.
    #34434 April 3rd, 2011
    chita wrote:
    kerry is a reasonable person,that's why those wrongfully banned were un-banned
    just because a 'gang' of a few haters made a fuss is no excuse to ban the people who've already been picked on and misunderstood
    apparently they're a little too 'wordy' and i guess that really bothers some people-isn't that funny?
    i've yet to find what remains of the threads where this was plainly obvious-
    so apparently they're not going to be allowed to answer questions about their material here,which is all they did and that's not the same as 'promoting' their material
    i'd say that's very generous of the administration to encourage them to leave links here to their websites
    but i guess these few thuban-haters' opinions carry more weight than the rest-
    anyhow that's the way i've seen it
    anyway! i suppose they should be grateful not to be banned!

    #34436 April 3rd, 2011

    Lighter wrote:

    How interesting Arctourist.. by another name now.
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    #34437 April 3rd, 2011
    chita wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    How interesting Arctourist.. by another name now.

    i'll take that as a compliment,girlfriend!

    #34437 April 3rd, 2011
    chita wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    How interesting Arctourist.. by another name now.

    i'll take that as a compliment,girlfriend!

    #34472 April 3rd, 2011
    DeVu wrote:

    chita wrote:
    kerry is a reasonable person,that's why those wrongfully banned were un-banned
    just because a 'gang' of a few haters made a fuss is no excuse to ban the people who've already been picked on and misunderstood
    apparently they're a little too 'wordy' and i guess that really bothers some people-isn't that funny?
    i've yet to find what remains of the threads where this was plainly obvious-
    so apparently they're not going to be allowed to answer questions about their material here,which is all they did and that's not the same as 'promoting' their material
    i'd say that's very generous of the administration to encourage them to leave links here to their websites
    but i guess these few thuban-haters' opinions carry more weight than the rest-
    anyhow that's the way i've seen it
    anyway! i suppose they should be grateful not to be banned!

    I don't know that there are any "thuban-haters" here. Most of the folks here are enlightened...and enlightened people do their best not allow themselves to feel hate...including myself.

    From what I understand the Thubans caused problems between Bill and Kerry at the old Camelot forum and that is one of the reasons they went their own way with their own forums. I've seen no evidence that the Thuban group is interested in "truth" telling and that's what Camelot is all about. It appears they have an agenda otherwise they would be promoting their occult theosophy on their own forums.

    They have no business promoting their occult material from Camelot and have been told so. If folks want to view their material they can click a link and go to one of the Thuban sites. So the question is, Why are they still here? What do they want? Do they have an agenda? What could it be?

    As far as I know they've never explained this. In my opinion, the Thubans are attempting to infiltrate Camelot to disrupt the flow of truth and keep posters here occupied with defending themselves. When all was quiet, I witness Thubans start antagonizing posters for no good reason. It appears they want Kerry and Tommy to ban members here which would stir up even more trouble...but that's not happening...and rightly so.

    Many of us are intuitive and we just know.....

    #34474 April 3rd, 2011
    rawhide wrote:
    It is BECAUSE Steve and now others can TRACK down "imposters" who NEED for some egotistical reason to have more than ONE web 'personna'.

    Makes it easy to puff-up topics, fake arguments, and generally "play" rather than contribute something worthwhile.

    I've been rhw007 since before the web began ... since we went modem to modem.

    The psychology of the human animal is malleable, with his personality dependent upon the proximity of other members of the species and the pressures exerted by them. - Erasmus, laboratory notes

    Which is why I am glad I pass the Gom-Jabar test :cool:


    234476 April 3rd, 2011
    Starlooker wrote:
    chita wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    How interesting Arctourist.. by another name now.

    i'll take that as a compliment,girlfriend!

    Yep...this is ArcTourist

    and I was having some respect for you at the of all folks were making sense to me...Peace

    #34485 April 3rd, 2011
    chita wrote:

    they never shared their website links until they were asked to,and i don't know how many thuban people showed up after they started being slandered and attacked,but if any of them were rude,it was only to people who had been rude to their own friends,seems to me
    an open forum cannot be infiltrated by definition-that's a good one-haha
    why are they still here-well i don't know if there's more than about 3 of 'them' still here-but i think they're here to keep track of what people are saying about them and i've found them to be most glad to answer sincere questions about what they believe or most any subject actually
    they don't push anything on anyone,i don't blame them for trying to set the record straight,with regard to misconceptions about them and wacky accusations such as i've seen here
    i guess their 'stuff' isn't for everyone-
    have you tried politely addressing one of them with a sincere question?
    anyways,the ones who've talked to me are polite and articulate so forgive me if i seem to be disagreeing with you here-maybe i'm not so gracious
    hey i'm not gonna speak for them anymore,i don't see any problems here with them,only perhaps with people who wanna talk trash about them
    i'm, glad they're at least allowed to be here,it's only right when their attackers and detractors are openly tolerated here, even invited onto their forums..

    #34488 April 3rd, 2011
    Starlooker wrote:
    chita wrote:
    they never shared their website links until they were asked to,and i don't know how many thuban people showed up after they started being slandered and attacked,but if any of them were rude,it was only to people who had been rude to their own friends,seems to me
    an open forum cannot be infiltrated by definition-that's a good one-haha
    why are they still here-well i don't know if there's more than about 3 of 'them' still here-but i think they're here to keep track of what people are saying about them and i've found them to be most glad to answer sincere questions about what they believe or most any subject actually
    they don't push anything on anyone,i don't blame them for trying to set the record straight,with regard to misconceptions about them and wacky accusations such as i've seen here
    i guess their 'stuff' isn't for everyone-
    have you tried politely addressing one of them with a sincere question?
    anyways,the ones who've talked to me are polite and articulate so forgive me if i seem to be disagreeing with you here-maybe i'm not so gracious
    hey i'm not gonna speak for them anymore,i don't see any problems here with them,only perhaps with people who wanna talk trash about them
    i'm, glad they're at least allowed to be here,it's only right when their attackers and detractors are openly tolerated here, even invited onto their forums..

    Arc...this means something to u....So when you putting ignorant rants all over the board and it meant something to me....

    see where I'm going here??


    #34490 April 3rd, 2011
    chita wrote:
    call me whatever you want i guess,jack!

    #34493 April 3rd, 2011
    chita wrote:

    rhw007 wrote:
    It is BECAUSE Steve and now others can TRACK down "imposters" who NEED for some egotistical reason to have more than ONE web 'personna'.

    Makes it easy to puff-up topics, fake arguments, and generally "play" rather than contribute something worthwhile.

    I've been rhw007 since before the web began ... since we went modem to modem.

    The psychology of the human animal is malleable, with his personality dependent upon the proximity of other members of the species and the pressures exerted by them. - Erasmus, laboratory notes

    Which is why I am glad I pass the Gom-Jabar test :cool:


    you mean like lita,haha,i know-funny!
    but it's all in good fun-
    like my friend says,if it ain't fun,then do something else,what the hey

    #34495 April 3rd, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    No personal issue with you or anything, but I would like to know where you saw this?

    "When all was quiet, I witness Thubans start antagonizing posters for no good reason."

    Because I did not see this happen anywhere. And I am not a Thuban member, so I am asking if you could please show me where you saw this happen. I know my threads got attacked by the same few they had trouble with. And Yeah I got called all sorts of things in that process. I could choose to fight back with (apparently as per their own admissions) drunk people, OR bring it to the attention of Tommy and let him do something about it. What I have seen here in the last few days has been pure crap all the way around. What is done is done but if you all keep bringing it up, WHY? Really? And why is their material any less valid than Wingmakers? or Ashayana Deane? or anyone else's? Because some people did not agree with it? Ya know what? That's crap. What if someone disagrees with you, or thinks you skin is a funny color, or even has a legitimate complaint about the substance of something you put forth? Would you hope to have it be addressed by drunk people being such loud squeaking wheels and making such an obvious mess out of each post you made that it was too much of a headache for Tommy to sort through? And then have them continue to call names and what ever after Tommy shut your material down because some few people yelled about it? What happened on here was fundamentally wrong. No two ways about it. BUT Tommy spoke so it is as it is. I mean Mother Earth was called fat, so was I (basically) before I got called a whore and had threats made against me by an ex mod, and really. I don't whine. Bringing it to Tommy's attention was the the most intelligent thing to do unless we are all living in the wild west here where it's duals at dawn. Please that is ego. That is why I thought Tommy would handle it appropriately. So if people continue to say the Thuban group did something wrong... where and how? because when you come in as a neutral party and read the thread as as I did... It does not look like they started any of it. Made fun a little after the insults and crap got out of hand, yeah, but I think they probably assumed something would be done about the BS by admin sooner. And please, as if Steve ever even left in the first place... tsheaa.

    But nothing personal. I am just tired of people abusing people who are effectively being silenced by the admin, and they did NOT appear to start it here... whether the material is accurate or not. Also, I can see a lot of things and always have to the point where I know I don't belong in this world at all... and a lot of what they had to say made more sense with regard to the realities I can see just as you would see a normal town, or city everyday... than any establishment science I have heard. So to others who may be able to also see beyond the veil... they would see the truth in it whether they decided to join the group or not. I am speaking passionately about this because I believe firmly it is the truth. And believe me I would have every reason to have wanted to agree with what Admin does as any would.

    Kerry is searching for things that are beyond the norm. Maybe she does not like the Thuban material, but she knows a lot about things I see. And I also think there is more that is not being discussed and could be if this was not a place where the unusual ideas get banned. Unusual is what you are going to need to fathom to deal with the things that are to come. Listen to Duncan O. I am not the only one who knows it gets more bizarre than most can imagine... so do people want to be prepared or pretend it isn't coming because they doesn't like the messengers? Also, You know, EVEN David Icke has said that highly advanced spiritual beings are being incarnated into those bloodlines to help to bring up the vibes and DNA. It's in his book Children of the Matrix. And more people shape shift into reptiles than they realize, because there is more to the story than what people are understanding. But who the heck wants to share what they see when this crap is the result? I guess those things will be shared where room is made for them to be shared if they cannot be shared here on Camelot.

    That said I promise because I am not intending to start a firestorm here... This is NOT directed at any one poster, just thoughts shared in response to the overall situation.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    #34542 April 3rd, 2011
    Chucky wrote:

    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    No personal issue with you or anything, but I would like to know where you saw this?
    "When all was quiet, I witness Thubans start antagonizing posters for no good reason." --------

    Because I did not see this happen anywhere. And I am not a Thuban member, so I am asking if you could please show me where you saw this happen.


    just thoughts shared in response to the overall situation.

    For like what ohhh a least the 100th time now. LOL not bad for someone claiming to be not a 'member'. :eek::oops:
    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle - Plato

    #34546 April 4th, 2011
    Raven wrote:
    Chakra wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    No personal issue with you or anything, but I would like to know where you saw this?
    "When all was quiet, I witness Thubans start antagonizing posters for no good reason." --------

    Because I did not see this happen anywhere. And I am not a Thuban member, so I am asking if you could please show me where you saw this happen.


    just thoughts shared in response to the overall situation.

    For like what ohhh a least the 100th time now. LOL not bad for someone claiming to be not a 'member'. :eek::oops:


    Well Chucky,

    Mary may not be a self-declaired Thuban, but by order of the Melchisedec I prounounce her to be Thuban and possessing a true Dragonheart. She has valliantly stood up for and defended the truth here and taken much abuse from the lot of you, she has earned the respect of all Thubans, even the ones still lost in forgetfulness.

    Amen RahHar Mirror of Hathor,
    Amzara Raven Ishtara

    Dearest Dragon Queen Mary,

    Thank you for being yourself. You are a beautiful and courageous woman with a heart of pure gold and I love you for it.

    ISHTAR=Innana=Lilith=Screech Owl
    ISHTAR=Queen of Heaven=Mary

    Much love to you,

    Amzara Raven Ishtara, Fireflyer Behemoth of The Sacred Fires of Hell

    (94) Jesus said, "He who seeks will find, and he who knocks will be let in."

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    #34555 April 4th, 2011
    thomas wrote:
    So we are initiating Thubans at Camelot Forum now?

    Mary: If thuban is so important to you I encourage you to head over to the thuban forums where the material originates from. The decision has been made that all thuban related matters should be explored elsewhere and not at Camelot Forum.

    Mary, I have yet to see you participate in any discussions not related to thuban or bad-mouthing\complaining. Consider this a warning to you encouraging you to stay on topic(s) and not create further disruption. I know many members are seeing you as a trouble-maker, and that is surely not something you want to be viewed as? Is it?

    As you can probably all see the vast majority of members are not here to fight or discuss thuban materials. You make it sound like "thubans" are suppressed people, but they are no such thing in my view.

    All the best,

    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    #34560 April 4th, 2011
    RAMAN wrote:
    as i said to MaryIshtarCreiddylad. and in raven;s thread.

    this is the only kinda of mary/ishtar i want to see. in ones own expression of the you in the here and now.

    Divine Mother Frequencies Harmonics 13 –33

    A profound shift to the awareness and activation of the Divine Mother Frequencies Harmonics 13 –33- and Mother Earth 136.1 Hz will create an electromagnetic Unity Field of Consciousness to ensure that the Codes of Creation and Holy Grail knowledge are used for the highest good of humanity and earth. Her harmonic essence is bringing the return of the language of Light from the galaxies and universes of Light that brings enormous miraculous blessing to all that have an open heart. 13

    The return of the Mother Frequency of 13 –33 and 136.1 Hz of empathy and compassion and through the forms of Shekinah, Sophia, Isis, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene Quan Yin, Shakti and all her deities will create new paradigms that can lead to increased harmony and peace on earth. 33 -22 -except-from

    ~ Love & Sound ~

    RAKMEiSTER = RAK ESH = राकईश Sanskrit . Lord of the full-moon day. ~ RA XIX ~
    The two main motivators for a persons actions are, Fear and Love. I choose Love.

    Chatroom For: Project Avalon & Camelot
    Browser(Web)-based: Click here for chatroom to open in browser (<-Mibbit)
    ChatClients irc:// a chatclient to be installed allready​

    #34574 April 4th, 2011
    Chucky wrote:
    Raven wrote:
    Chakra wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    No personal issue with you or anything, but I would like to know where you saw this?
    "When all was quiet, I witness Thubans start antagonizing posters for no good reason." --------

    Because I did not see this happen anywhere. And I am not a Thuban member, so I am asking if you could please show me where you saw this happen.
    just thoughts shared in response to the overall situation.

    For like what ohhh a least the 100th time now. LOL not bad for someone claiming to be not a 'member'. :eek::oops:


    Well Chucky,

    Mary may not be a self-declaired Thuban, but by order of the Melchisedec I prounounce her to be Thuban and possessing a true Dragonheart. She has valliantly stood up for and defended the truth here and taken much abuse from the lot of you, she has earned the respect of all Thubans, even the ones still lost in forgetfulness.

    Amen RahHar Mirror of Hathor,
    Amzara Raven Ishtara

    As Maryishtara put it so succectly in her previous post #34495 "But who the heck wants to share what they see when this crap is the result?"

    That statement is much more in keeping with the overall perspective of what has obviously occurred. Much more so in the manipulative attempts at baiting responses as we have witnessed from the beginning. Please note above image for further clarity on this issue.
    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle - Plato

    #34611 April 4th, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    Raven wrote:

    (94) Jesus said, "He who seeks will find, and he who knocks will be let in."


    Well to bring things out of context is really ridiculous.
    Dont think Jesus meant that we should find the Thuban materials as this image named dragon queen.
    Post last edited Apr 8th 2011
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    #34568 April 4th, 2011
    zaina wrote:

    Looking forward to seeing your new post on Jesus Chita ,pbuh ...

    #34583 April 4th, 2011
    Tbone wrote:

    chita wrote:
    no one cares about your disclaimer honey
    the thubans won't be pushed around by ex-moderators or anyone else
    so have their threads been removed,deleted,or where are they?

    Just wondering.
    Do you know what it mean by honestly expressing yourself, not play games with people?

    Do you know the real meaning behind that?

    Well could ask that to all the Thubans roleplayers.

    #345616 April 4th, 2011
    zaina wrote:
    Tbone ,,i am not sure if you got the message ,,you can say what you want to us ,,,,but we have to keep quiet or we get banned ,,do you understand in layman terms ...

    #34619 April 4th, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    Ok, I was just wondering.

    Great, that sounded real honest and real, thx.

    #34620 April 4th, 2011
    zaina wrote:

    little off topic,,but what can i say ,,,,,pleases i guess ..but t bone this is lovely listen to it a friendly guest here

    #34625 April 4th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:

    Life of Brian - Crazy Prophets

    “because you are children of the light and must walk as children of the light”. John I, 1:5-7, 2:8-11

    #34626 April 4th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    Life of Brian - The Prophet

    “because you are children of the light and must walk as children of the light”. John I, 1:5-7, 2:8-11

    #34649 April 4th, 2011
    Raven wrote:
    chita wrote:
    ok thanks-
    arctourist really likes all of you and maybe he'll come back someday but he was frustrated and had to 'get away' for a spell
    thanks again,i really like the character of jesus as i've seen him portrayed,i was going to ask,why is he so hated by,certain other people when they never knew him ...
    could it be fear maybe?
    maybe all that and more i suppose no?

    Jesus said, "You will be hated by all men on account of my name; but the man who stands firm to the end will be saved. If they persecute you in one town, take refuge in the next; and if they persecute you in that, take refuge in another." Mt. 10.22-23

    Chita here is something from Les Visible that might help to explain things a bit about why people hate others for speaking truth. Yes it is much to do with fear. But the naysayers have a role to play too and it is to maximize extreme polarity...for without darkness you cannot appreciate the light, without hot how would you know what cold is, ect ect.

    What do you call someone who is on a relentless hunt for psychopaths but who uses all of the characteristics of one in the effort? What do we make of someone who toys with people like they are lab rats in an experiment? Think about it. Read up on the definition of a psychopath and see if you come to the conclusion I have come to. It sure looks to me like Torquemada looking for the possessed.

    Every life is going to be subject to questions. Name anyone from Torquemada to Jesus Christ and you will see that they had enemies and that their enemies usually reflected the opposite of the endeavors in which they were engaged. You definitely can tell someone by their enemies; by the lack of and the number of them as well.

    The situations that have appeared recently are not going to go away. They’re here for a reason; a good reason. They are here for the purpose of demonstration, just as we are. Given the year we are in, you aren’t going to have to wait long for anything. It’s going to show up to such a degree you may well wonder where you are and who you are and that’s the point too. Be grateful for these adventures. They are here to show us something and you’re not going to be disappointed. You’re actually going to be surprised. It’s time to focus more on letting go so that what carries you can make it’s presence more known. I get weary sometimes and overwhelmed more and more of late, because of the increase of activities here, but I know it’s all just part of the general sorting out. Enjoy the ride.

    Continued here:

    Another good explanation here:
    The Mad Bulls are Loose in the China Shops.
    It’s not just the political, corporate/banking and religious worlds that are on a bent knee before the darkness, many organizations that claim they are in service to the light are behaving like anything but.

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    #34655 April 4th, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    Raven wrote:
    chita wrote:
    ok thanks-
    arctourist really likes all of you and maybe he'll come back someday but he was frustrated and had to 'get away' for a spell
    thanks again,i really like the character of jesus as i've seen him portrayed,i was going to ask,why is he so hated by,certain other people when they never knew him ...
    could it be fear maybe?
    maybe all that and more i suppose no?

    Jesus said, "You will be hated by all men on account of my name; but the man who stands firm to the end will be saved. If they persecute you in one town, take refuge in the next; and if they persecute you in that, take refuge in another." Mt. 10.22-23

    Chita here is something from Les Visible that might help to explain things a bit about why people hate others for speaking truth. Yes it is much to do with fear. But the naysayers have a role to play too and it is to maximize extreme polarity...for without darkness you cannot appreciate the light, without hot how would you know what cold is, ect ect.

    What do you call someone who is on a relentless hunt for psychopaths but who uses all of the characteristics of one in the effort? What do we make of someone who toys with people like they are lab rats in an experiment? Think about it. Read up on the definition of a psychopath and see if you come to the conclusion I have come to. It sure looks to me like Torquemada looking for the possessed.

    Every life is going to be subject to questions. Name anyone from Torquemada to Jesus Christ and you will see that they had enemies and that their enemies usually reflected the opposite of the endeavors in which they were engaged. You definitely can tell someone by their enemies; by the lack of and the number of them as well.

    The situations that have appeared recently are not going to go away. They’re here for a reason; a good reason. They are here for the purpose of demonstration, just as we are. Given the year we are in, you aren’t going to have to wait long for anything. It’s going to show up to such a degree you may well wonder where you are and who you are and that’s the point too. Be grateful for these adventures. They are here to show us something and you’re not going to be disappointed. You’re actually going to be surprised. It’s time to focus more on letting go so that what carries you can make it’s presence more known. I get weary sometimes and overwhelmed more and more of late, because of the increase of activities here, but I know it’s all just part of the general sorting out. Enjoy the ride.

    Continued here:

    Another good explanation here:
    The Mad Bulls are Loose in the China Shops.
    It’s not just the political, corporate/banking and religious worlds that are on a bent knee before the darkness, many organizations that claim they are in service to the light are behaving like anything but.


    Great discussion . Why don't you two go over to the Thuban site and continue it.

    334662 April 4th, 2011

    magamud wrote:
    If jesus spoke in this forum how would you even know it was him?
    I get the feeling we have to take responsibility for ourselves to break down this Old World Perspective. This is our own demons inherited and perpetuated.

    So if you are responsible for yourself to get at least half way.

    Again how would you know?

    #34665 April 4th, 2011

    smurfette wrote:

    Is this:

    It’s not just the political, corporate/banking and religious worlds that are on a bent knee before the darkness, many organizations that claim they are in service to the light are behaving like anything but.

    Another snide swipe at this forum?

    Why don't you scroll through the index and see what PC is about?
    Why don't you, as Plumr2007 says, take your criticism and sarcasm somewhere else?

    Everyone's free to talk here as long as it doesn't conflict with the MAIN interests of the readers of this forum - which is the TRUTH.

    Not only that, but all the people who have been interviewed by Kerry have their own space here and NONE of them have imposed themselves as you have. Your lack of respect for this forum says it all and your continued efforts to stir up some anger with your spite is transparent.
    “because you are children of the light and must walk as children of the light”. John I, 1:5-7, 2:8-11

    #34667 April 4th, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    magamud wrote:
    If jesus spoke in this forum how would you even know it was him?
    I get the feeling we have to take responsibility for ourselves to break down this Old World Perspective. This is our own demons inherited and perpetuated.

    So if you are responsible for yourself to get at least half way.

    Again how would you know?

    Well me and jesus play poker every tuesday and thursday so I would know lol. Nobody take offense. Jesus was awesome in his time. Just injecting some levity in the situation...........................PEACE

    #34674 April 4th, 2011
    Tangy wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    Well me and jesus play poker every tuesday and thursday so I would know lol. Nobody take offense. Jesus was awesome in his time. Just injecting some levity in the situation...........................PEACE

    Well Karmic, I hope you win with Jesus more often than I do. I consider myself a good poker player, but man he beats me all the time -- totally fair and square!

    He's a great winner, though. He never gloats. And since he always kicks my butt at cards, he insists on bringing the drinks and snacks. He doesn't care at all that I'm not a Christian, either. Awesome.

    #34675 April 4th, 2011
    Chasm wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    Well me and jesus play poker every tuesday and thursday so I would know lol. Nobody take offense. Jesus was awesome in his time. Just injecting some levity in the situation...........................PEACE

    Well Karmic, I hope you win with Jesus more often than I do. I consider myself a good poker player, but man he beats me all the time -- totally fair and square!

    He's a great winner, though. He never gloats. And since he always kicks my butt at cards, he insists on bringing the drinks and snacks. He doesn't care at all that I'm not a Christian, either. Awesome.

    there are lots of dudes named Jesus here, even have a Jesus Rodgreguez on my futball team > only in stead of calling them all (Jesus) Geee-sus him (jesus) Hey-sus for some reason.
    What does that mean? It Means ....Buckle your seat belt Dorothy - Because Kansas is going Bye! Bye!

    #34676 April 4th, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    Lol The further north you come the harder the J sound gets.

    #34678 April 4th, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    Well me and jesus play poker every tuesday and thursday so I would know lol. Nobody take offense. Jesus was awesome in his time. Just injecting some levity in the situation...........................PEACE

    Well Karmic, I hope you win with Jesus more often than I do. I consider myself a good poker player, but man he beats me all the time -- totally fair and square!

    He's a great winner, though. He never gloats. And since he always kicks my butt at cards, he insists on bringing the drinks and snacks. He doesn't care at all that I'm not a Christian, either. Awesome.

    I never win lol. He always seems to know what I hold in my hand. And I try to drink healthy and do not like alcohol much but he is always turning my water into wine lol. And I keep telling him I have enough food to eat but he keeps multiplying it and it spoils cause I cant fit it all in my fridge lol.

    #34679 April 4th, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    This thread has gone off topic, this is not about Jesus . if you want to talk abut this create another thread with Jesus as the topic. If Chita/Arctourist wants this fine.

    I started this topic as CrystalChi so therefore can say this....Jesus is off topic in this thread.
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    #34680 April 4th, 2011
    Raven wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:

    Is this:

    It’s not just the political, corporate/banking and religious worlds that are on a bent knee before the darkness, many organizations that claim they are in service to the light are behaving like anything but.

    Another snide swipe at this forum?

    No This is a quote from Les Visible about the general atmosphere of the world at the moment. And I was answering Chita's question about why so much hate for Jesus and others like him speaking truth.
    But if you wish to imply that it is a swipe at this forum then possibly its guilt your feeling? Sometimes the truth cuts too deep.

    Why don't you scroll through the index and see what PC is about?
    Why don't you, as Plumr2007 says, take your criticism and sarcasm somewhere else?

    Yes why don't we just go away and crawl under a rock and die? You would like that wouldn't you Siriusblueberry? Such love and light out of the mouths of hypocrites. Look at yourselves. where is the forgiveness within your own hearts? Where is all this LOVE~n~LIGHT you speak of so often, perhaps you all lack sufficient examples........Siriusly?

    Everyone's free to talk here as long as it doesn't conflict with the MAIN interests of the readers of this forum - which is the TRUTH.

    Re-word this to say everyone is free to talk here as long as they AGREE with the MAIN interests of a FEW readers of this forum. Yes we are well aware of this type of mob censorship. Don't agree and you are character assassinated and or removed from the scene quickly.

    Not only that, but all the people who have been interviewed by Kerry have their own space here and NONE of them have imposed themselves as you have. Your lack of respect for this forum says it all and your continued efforts to stir up some anger with your spite is transparent.

    We have not IMPOSED ourselves on this forum, we are just like any other member who signs up here to share and discuss any number of various topics. But because a certain few have taken an enormous disliking to us we have been silenced and told not to share our information with this forum.
    And it is not spiteful to be observant and state those observations based on a set of clear facts.
    I disagree here about respect, we DID in fact have great respect for this forum before it was made obvious that we were not welcome here by a few and that those few were and still are allowed to character assassinate us while the moderation and ownership look away and do nothing.

    We chose this forum out of respect for the ideas and premises it was established on. To sit here and say that we are not whistle blowers and witnesses ourselves is an abject lie. We came to share what we know with the entire readership of the forum just as anyone of you would do. The fact that a few of you do not agree with what we have to share doesn't make it any less valid and unworthy of being shared.

    As Tommy said before, Camelot is a place to share controversial testimony and everyone is entitled to a voice. We had 2 main threads started by us get highjacked by a few individuals who would like others to believe and think as they do. If left alone to share our work on those threads and not having to constantly defend our right to be here, NONE of this drama would of occurred.

    If you look to the evidence early on in our ET thread you will see that we were targeted immediately and the attack and abuse has been non-stop ever sense. And now that we have been silenced and our threads locked you all open bottles of wine and champagne and celebrate.

    Revelations 11 (KJV)
    9And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves.

    10And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.

    I will remind you that you are celebrating CENSORSHIP and if you think not, then think again. But then most ptb operations do this and then hide it under the guise of freedom and openness right in plain site of everyone.

    A voice crying to those hiding in the wilderness,

    A little something you all need

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    #34682 April 4th, 2011
    Tangy wrote:
    Raven wrote:
    Yes why don't we just go away and crawl under a rock and die? You would like that wouldn't you Siriusblueberry?

    No one but YOU said you should "crawl under a rock" OR "die" -- those are your words Raven, and no one else's.

    There are no less than 3 different forums dedicated to discussing the Thuban material in depth. If participating at those forums constitutes either being "under a rock" or "dying" then that's a whole different discussion. One that has nothing to do with Project Camelot.

    #34684 April 4th, 2011
    RAMAN wrote:
    well if you had read the thread and seen the vids: the Yajweh tapes
    you would know jesus or Yeshua still walks among us. nr3? anyway he;s listed by name and #nr or ,cant remember by heart. but you can hear/watch/listen it yourself and you will know.

    and as for how would one know when he would speak , well by recognising the light in him. as its in us also. so recognition it would be. as for them darkness folks (lack of light) . see my lemuria thread and the redeem part. and see what you are. (as not everyone has one of the 2 (symbols) mate a mine got the Yajweh logo in his hands . but thats unrelated to this post
    fear well some folks need it to clear it from them. the rest fear game thats been played has nothing todo with redeeming themselfs that i can say for sure. its about keeping teh group/s vibratory state at a low vibe.
    as you should know vibe = rising (shuman resonance 7.** ' 82 nasa added in that uncovering) .

    its also about the tone some is said in and the intent. beside the manner of talking and non talk,. and non discussion. just claims so wide it would fitt the sun in it. ;D and thruth isnt singular. so again. before you/we there was more. so where does put you/we ?!

    lack of/or response is also lack of interaction, thus lack of willingness. might be ego related, might be nonewillingness to respond cause thus by doing so would acknowledge it also,. and would require more needing getting into what they/we dont want to as seems.

    rest has been said and some still try, and well focus has been redirected. so so should you do. for the better of all sentient beings.

    and stop talking in the we. geese. you wonder why folks wander of. as also see my note about the what i do want to see. (maryishtar) 13 codes note. that we do want. and long for

    so thats another end

    the end

    ~ Love & Sound ~


    RAKMEiSTER = RAK ESH = राकईश Sanskrit . Lord of the full-moon day. ~ RA XIX ~
    The two main motivators for a persons actions are, Fear and Love. I choose Love.

    Chatroom For: Project Avalon & Camelot
    Browser(Web)-based: Click here for chatroom to open in browser (<-Mibbit)
    ChatClients irc:// a chatclient to be installed allready​

    #34686 April 4th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    Proselytising and hypocrisy again from you, Raven.

    I have absolutely no objection to hypotheses, potential truths, misdirected truths, semi-truths, hidden truths and errors in judgement AND openness to others' critiques and willingness to learn and change one's opinion but

    downright false information, DISINFO, and trying to pass it off as the truth IS going to get my attention because that's what I do: find the disinfo and see through it.

    There's enough disinfo going on with real life situations, I don't need to read some fiction made up by some lunatic who can't even get peer review on his physics and maths because it is so wrong and who has a gang of followers who have insulted and hurt both long-time members and mods/ex-mods here on this forum.

    Your behaviour is below low.

    What is coming out of your mouth defiles you every time you speak.

    I feel very sorry for you because I see you going down the route to oblivion. Do you understand?

    This time around, if you don't wake up, your SOUL will be wiped out, your past lives will be wiped from the akashic record. You will never have existed and there will be no reincarnation to fix your mistakes. Nobody will miss you, nobody will even remember you! You will just vanish and have never been.

    This is not a threat, this is what I have learnt through study. A long way away from the disinfo you are so keen to defend.

    This is what I have already witnessed.

    Take heed.
    “because you are children of the light and must walk as children of the light”. John I, 1:5-7, 2:8-11

    #34688 April 4th, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    Will the mods please close this thread as it is done for what it was started for in the first place.
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    #34705 April 4th, 2011
    Raven wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:
    Proselytising and hypocrisy again from you, Raven.

    I have absolutely no objection to hypotheses, potential truths, misdirected truths, semi-truths, hidden truths and errors in judgement AND openness to others' critiques and willingness to learn and change one's opinion but

    downright false information, DISINFO, and trying to pass it off as the truth IS going to get my attention because that's what I do: find the disinfo and see through it.

    There's enough disinfo going on with real life situations, I don't need to read some fiction made up by some lunatic who can't even get peer review on his physics and maths because it is so wrong and who has a gang of followers who have insulted and hurt both long-time members and mods/ex-mods here on this forum.

    Your behaviour is below low.

    What is coming out of your mouth defiles you every time you speak.

    I feel very sorry for you because I see you going down the route to oblivion. Do you understand?

    This time around, if you don't wake up, your SOUL will be wiped out, your past lives will be wiped from the akashic record. You will never have existed and there will be no reincarnation to fix your mistakes. Nobody will miss you, nobody will even remember you! You will just vanish and have never been.

    This is not a threat, this is what I have learnt through study. A long way away from the disinfo you are so keen to defend.

    This is what I have already witnessed.

    Take heed.

    Take your pity to the bowels of hell Siriusblue, where it belongs, you are speaking out of the wrong end.
    You are a wolf in sheep's clothing and are preaching from false humility and therefore damning yourself by your own words. You dare question my behavior, go look to yourself first. Infact re-read this entire garbage post you just made as an example of your superior excellence of being 'below low'.


    Matthew 5 (KJV)

    33Again, ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time, Thou shalt not forswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths:

    34But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's throne:

    35Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King.

    36Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black.

    37But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.

    38Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:

    39But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.

    Isaiah 54 (KJV)

    14In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it shall not come near thee.

    15Behold, they shall surely gather together, but not by me: whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake.

    16Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the waster to destroy.

    17No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.

    Way down need LOVE,

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    #34719 April 4th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    plumr2007 wrote:
    Raven wrote:
    chita wrote:
    ok thanks-
    arctourist really likes all of you and maybe he'll come back someday but he was frustrated and had to 'get away' for a spell
    thanks again,i really like the character of jesus as i've seen him portrayed,i was going to ask,why is he so hated by,certain other people when they never knew him ...
    could it be fear maybe?
    maybe all that and more i suppose no?

    Jesus said, "You will be hated by all men on account of my name; but the man who stands firm to the end will be saved. If they persecute you in one town, take refuge in the next; and if they persecute you in that, take refuge in another." Mt. 10.22-23

    Chita here is something from Les Visible that might help to explain things a bit about why people hate others for speaking truth. Yes it is much to do with fear. But the naysayers have a role to play too and it is to maximize extreme polarity...for without darkness you cannot appreciate the light, without hot how would you know what cold is, ect ect.

    What do you call someone who is on a relentless hunt for psychopaths but who uses all of the characteristics of one in the effort? What do we make of someone who toys with people like they are lab rats in an experiment? Think about it. Read up on the definition of a psychopath and see if you come to the conclusion I have come to. It sure looks to me like Torquemada looking for the possessed.

    Every life is going to be subject to questions. Name anyone from Torquemada to Jesus Christ and you will see that they had enemies and that their enemies usually reflected the opposite of the endeavors in which they were engaged. You definitely can tell someone by their enemies; by the lack of and the number of them as well.

    The situations that have appeared recently are not going to go away. They’re here for a reason; a good reason. They are here for the purpose of demonstration, just as we are. Given the year we are in, you aren’t going to have to wait long for anything. It’s going to show up to such a degree you may well wonder where you are and who you are and that’s the point too. Be grateful for these adventures. They are here to show us something and you’re not going to be disappointed. You’re actually going to be surprised. It’s time to focus more on letting go so that what carries you can make it’s presence more known. I get weary sometimes and overwhelmed more and more of late, because of the increase of activities here, but I know it’s all just part of the general sorting out. Enjoy the ride.

    Continued here:

    Another good explanation here:
    The Mad Bulls are Loose in the China Shops.
    It’s not just the political, corporate/banking and religious worlds that are on a bent knee before the darkness, many organizations that claim they are in service to the light are behaving like anything but.


    Great discussion . Why don't you two go over to the Thuban site and continue it.

    Hmm. O.K. so say you were I don't know let's say an Italian immigrant for instance. And you neighbor didn't like the smell of your spaghetti cooking wafting through the windows of his/her home, and assumed you were of course in the Mafia because the rumor on the block was that you had arranged cement shoes for your last neighbor who also supposedly did not like the smell of your spaghetti cooking next door... So this current neighbor goes and gathers some other neighbors and tell this story to them, suggesting that they approach you when you leave your house next time to go to the market to get more ingredients to make more spaghetti. So they all get really mad because they hear you were a murderer who makes the smelliest food on the block, because they are all, Irish and don't like Italian food. So they approach you and say "Hey buddy why don't you take your ass and your smelly spaghetti back to Italy!? We don't need your kind around here." Is that any different than what you just said? and what has been said here many times in many ways by many members? Or worse in the case of those who preach about killing things they have never even seen nor do they even know from any personal experience what they are... How is that any less ignorant?

    Insert nationality, cultural group of choice and ask yourself if that is not what is going on here on this forum and being condoned as well.

    *disclaimer*** I eat Italian food all the time so this in no way has anything to do with me disliking Italian culture. I like it a lot.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    #34723 April 4th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    #34741 April 4th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    siriusblue wrote:
    Proselytising and hypocrisy again from you, Raven.

    I have absolutely no objection to hypotheses, potential truths, misdirected truths, semi-truths, hidden truths and errors in judgement AND openness to others' critiques and willingness to learn and change one's opinion but

    downright false information, DISINFO, and trying to pass it off as the truth IS going to get my attention because that's what I do: find the disinfo and see through it.

    There's enough disinfo going on with real life situations, I don't need to read some fiction made up by some lunatic who can't even get peer review on his physics and maths because it is so wrong and who has a gang of followers who have insulted and hurt both long-time members and mods/ex-mods here on this forum.

    Your behaviour is below low.

    What is coming out of your mouth defiles you every time you speak.

    I feel very sorry for you because I see you going down the route to oblivion. Do you understand?

    This time around, if you don't wake up, your SOUL will be wiped out, your past lives will be wiped from the akashic record. You will never have existed and there will be no reincarnation to fix your mistakes. Nobody will miss you, nobody will even remember you! You will just vanish and have never been.

    This is not a threat, this is what I have learnt through study. A long way away from the disinfo you are so keen to defend.

    This is what I have already witnessed.

    Take heed.

    Sirius, Please. Go back to or whatever, or nexus or whatever, and quit trying to scare people. I know you are incorrect and am tired of seeing you rely on human slow poke science and elitist attitude to pretend to know it all. Even Kerry knows that science is not even close to where it should be where public access is concerned. You never did answer by posting that letter explaining what you explained to me in private either. You know when you could not tell me about the reptiles you promote killing on the thread where I asked about it, but wrote to me because you were afraid you would embarrass me. Please, post it so people can see what you back the promotion of killing with. Please, oh pretty please. That would be really lovely since you persist to put down the knowledge of others so forcefully. This garbage is wasting time, and since you are so clever... hahaha, I suspect there is great reason behind your constant distracting from materials, and that would not be in the interest of peaceful disclosure now would it?

    I am not afraid you will as you said "pick me apart". I think you are silly and your knowledge is barely scratching the surface of what I see, so calm down and agree that no one knows everything. I have never backed down from any one but my twin and never lost anything other than that, SO don't presume to toy with me because I only ignore you in an attempt to rise above the garbage being tossed about on here. I have no need to be concerned with you and your games. And I only walked from that fight because I would have destroyed him. I don't like to destroy things I love. But I will stand up to his minions when they leave me so little choice. ;)

    Here check it. :p

    The Holy Bible: King James Version. 2000.
    The Psalms

    All Creation Exhorted to Praise the LORD
    1 Praise ye the LORD.

    Praise ye the LORD from the heavens:
    praise him in the heights.
    2 Praise ye him, all his angels:

    praise ye him, all his hosts.
    3 Praise ye him, sun and moon:

    praise him, all ye stars of light.
    4 Praise him, ye heavens of heavens,

    and ye waters that be above the heavens.
    5 Let them praise the name of the LORD:

    for he commanded, and they were created.
    6 He hath also stablished them for ever and ever:

    he hath made a decree which shall not pass.
    7 Praise the LORD from the earth,

    ye dragons, and all deeps:
    8 fire, and hail; snow, and vapor;

    stormy wind fulfilling his word:
    9 mountains, and all hills;

    fruitful trees, and all cedars:
    10 beasts, and all cattle;

    creeping things, and flying fowl:
    11 kings of the earth, and all people;

    princes, and all judges of the earth:
    12 both young men, and maidens;

    old men, and children:
    13 let them praise the name of the LORD:

    for his name alone is excellent;
    his glory is above the earth and heaven.
    14 He also exalteth the horn of his people,

    the praise of all his saints;
    even of the children of Israel,
    a people near unto him.
    Praise ye the LORD.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    #34746 April 4th, 2011
    Lighter wrote:

    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    #34747 April 4th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:

    Sorry Lita, but I have to post this. Ha ha ha!

    This is the only correspondence we ever shared Mary so I presume it's this one you're referring to:

    Hi Mary,

    About the reptilians. I listed a number of Project Camelot interviews you can watch. Namely, both Sheldan Nidle and George Kavassilas on Whistleblower Radio (Go to Forum front page and see the option on the left).
    Dan Burisch mentions them in Out from Under Majestic -
    John Lear Tells All
    Jordan Maxwell - Takeover of Planet Earth

    Go to ProjectCamelotPortal, Camelot Library and Video interviews.

    There are probably more interviews that talk about them. They are not to be confused with angels in any way, shape or form. Angels are light beings, these things are very physical, usually described as coming from the 4th Dimension, there are images of them on old stone plates (see the Klaus Dona interview and possibly Von Daniken too).

    Once you've seen all those, you'll probably know more than me (coz it will be fresher in your memory)

    Sunday, 13 March 2011 23:48 siriusblue Delete message
    Hi There!

    Thank you for sharing what you have in the way of information about the questions I have asked. I appreciate your (apparent) desire to answer me privately and discretely.

    I was wondering if you wouldn't mind, could you post these answers in the forum where I asked them for the sake of transparency, and for educational purposes? I feel it is important for everyone to have open access to all of the information available when they see the topic in the forum. I feel your answers could be very helpful to opening up conversation where everyone might have a chance to view more of the truth so we can all more easily get to the big picture.

    I will keep your private message private because I respect that you chose to answer privately If you choose not to share it with the public area of the site.

    I have also seen all of the Project Camelot interviews ever since their beginning, or within a few months there after. I was hoping for more in the way of personal experiences, to support the notions presented in the forum. Have you seen them then? I assume so from your answer. "They are not to be confused with angels in any way, shape or form. Angels are light beings, these things are very physical" ?

    Thank you so much for replying to my questions!

    Monday, 14 March 2011 13:43 MaryIshtarCreiddylad Delete message
    Hi Mary,

    The reason I answered you privately is because I have already put it in the forum and I thought you might get embarrassed if I pointed that out to you online. No need to worry about transparency. If you go back and check, you'll find the exact same info there.

    NO I haven't seen any. Never. Not a whiff, not a breath, not a scale nor a claw.

    Love and light,
    Chatroom: Project_Camelot_Portal
    Chatroom: Whistleblower Radio
    “because you are children of the light and must walk as children of the light”. John I, 1:5-7, 2:8-11​

    #34748 April 5th, 2011
    MaryIstarCreiddylad wrote:
    Lita wrote:


    The Holy Bible: King James Version. 2000.

    The Book of the Prophet

    The Glorious Future of Zion
    1 The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose.
    2 It shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing: the glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon; they shall see the glory of the LORD, and the excellency of our God.
    3 ¶ Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees. Heb. 12.12
    4 Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompense; he will come and save you.
    5 ¶ Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped.
    6 Then shall the lame man leap as a hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing: Mt. 11.5 · Lk. 7.22 for in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert.
    7 And the parched ground shall become a pool, and the thirsty land springs of water: in the habitation of dragons, where each lay, shall be grass with reeds and rushes.
    8 ¶ And a highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The way of holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it; but it shall be for those: the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein.
    9 No lion shall be there, nor any ravenous beast shall go up thereon, it shall not be found there; but the redeemed shall walk there:
    10 and the ransomed of the LORD shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    #37450 April 5t, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    Religion is so over...

    I am a child of the Light and a physical manifestation of the Light energy. By me.

    Chatroom: Project_Camelot_Portal
    Chatroom: Whistleblower Radio

    #34753 April 5th, 2011
    MartyIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    siriusblue wrote:
    Religion is so over...

    You say it is "so over" but you use methods and terminology to suggest the ideas are deeply ingrained in you.

    It is not abut the religion. It is about the seeing and hearing within the Christ consciousness. I use the biblical reference with people for the simple fact that anything else gets tossed back at you as 'evil' or not whitelighter enough to suit the taste of those who have yet to open their eyes, and ears.

    The Bible has been rewritten so many times it is difficult for any one even those in it to sort out the truth of it. The Stories apply to every one at some level, and are incomplete and stumbling blocks are dispersed throughout... That said, the basic point of it is to explain a cosmic epic love story. It is a love story. And by far not the only method use to tell that same story. The Thuban materials contained the same story from their way, and it was easy for me to see it in there. It is essentially the story of the creation, and marriage of Heaven and Earth.

    I very much thank you for posting the correspondences.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    #34757 April 5th, 2011
    Chucky wrote:
    Lita wrote:


    Locked now.....
    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle - Plato
    Post last edited Apr 8th 2011
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    33000 March 30th, 2011


    magamud wrote:
    Dear fellows how do you expect to converse with cosmic beings if you do not let go of presumed expectations. Can you not experience the material in neutral relations, allow for yourself to feel how you feel, and process with time, then examine yourself? Weather celestial scribe, demon, angel etc...This is an opportunity to shake your mirror and find out who your really are. You can see for yourself the material is genius. Explore Thuban for yourself trekkers. Cease the witchhunts of old. The harvest is here and now.

    God Luck & Good speed

    Yes this is an obvious witch hunt going on here 21st century style, replete with Roman headhunters in disguise. Just like they persecuted Jesus in his time for sharing his insight and gnosis, a similar thing is occurring here. What amazes me is the abject refusal of these people chasing us Thubans around the Camelot forum, to actually adhere to the rules and guildlines set forth on this forum (written by you Tommy) concerning proper conduct. Where are you mods Tommy? And a more important question is why are you allowing them to break all of your forum guidlines and rules and not even say a word about it?

    Or was this quote from you just smoke and mirrors Tommy?
    tommy wrote:
    Brilliant, case closed indeed:)

    And who were talking about ban's again? (lol, could not help myself)

    Problems are only created in order for us to solve them. This is something I must remind myself very often. The fastest\easiest solution are rarely the best.

    Thank you everyone!

    tommy wrote:

    The bans mentioned in this thread affecting the members referenced has now been lifted.

    Camelot Forum should be and always will be a safe ground to share and discuss information, even if it is considered "controversial". We must remember that if we were to hold the word "controversial" as a taboo then Project Camelot would never have existed in the form we are proud to have shown in the past 5 years. This is a standard we are sworn to uphold, sworn as in our common sense and respect for other human-beings and the core mission of Project Camelot.

    Let me post this for reference:

    "About researchers and whistleblowers :

    We, Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan, do not necessarily agree with or endorse all of the views presented here. What Camelot is about is the investigation into the mysteries that surround us. We are all, in a sense, investigators of our world. And while we, as individuals, may not agree with everything presented on our site, we fully support freedom of thought and speech as well as the Quest for truth.
    31 December 2008 "

    All the best,


    tommy wrote:

    I would rather not communicate with any beings that expect me to not "question everything".
    I question my own actions and beliefs all the time..

    But hey, thats just me:)

    Now where did you ever get the idea that we Thubans do not expect you to question everything or that we don't do this ourselves? Here is an example below of what I said to MaryIshtar concerning this very thing, read carefully Tommy.

    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    The good news? I have found that in reading the physics I seem to have formed a mental holographic image from the simple act of scanning over the equations. My understanding of physics and how it works is mostly due to my visual awareness and perception of dimension in space. So I discovered this new automatic skill, which is pretty cool.

    Raven wrote:
    Yes for the less scientifically disciplined reader of this material, scanning over the equations is necessary in order to 'Grok' the full picture. A good visual and semantic foundation of the terminology of science presented will only heighten your understanding. I have spent many hours studying, reading and watching physics videos and its all been worth it. My efforts have paid off and been especially helpful in navigating all the pseudo science myths so many 'new agers' and so called people in the know, try to shove off on the masses.

    It is a sign of high intelligence to be skeptical and thorough with any and all data. We live in an information age and are undergoing a 'tsunami' of data, this is especially true with the internet and forums, where it can be a literal nightmare to sort through and discern fact from fiction. So you are to be commended for your logical rigor.

    So I ask you once again to consider this what I said to you before Tommy and please do clear up the air and moderate your forum members here who seem to have a total disregard for the guidelines which you wrote yourself.

    Raven wrote:
    Dear Tommy,

    Now to the Thuban materials, Tony has already stated that his stuff is not copy written and its freeware, so there is no problem with his information being disseminated onto any number of forums or other publicly viewed sites. His reasons for doing this is that he feels that you cannot put a price on information and data that should be shared and given to all. The ptb does this enough, why should he or anyone else involved in the truth movement support their efforts to censor and hide information?

    His reasons for copying the threads he posts in are obvious as we have been banned for as little of an infraction as too lengthy of a post. It takes hours sometimes to respond to questions and then to have the material simply deleted at the push of some mods button is not productive nor fair. We have a right to back up and save this data just as you have the right to save it here on this site. As far as the links go, Tony has said he will remove these and all html tags, we have not had a chance to edit those out. No one else has been moving and saving posts from Camelot except Tony and he is the sole person responsible for the saving of this data on his site.

    So please I ask you to consider all that I have said here and use some common sense when making a decision as to what to do about it. All of us Thubans are extremely pleased that you have shown much intelligence and diplomacy in your decision to unban us all. We only hope that the air can be cleared and we may continue to share our insights and data with any and all who are willing to listen here, common sense prevailing of course.

    Sincerely, Raven


    - Spamming is strictly forbidden, and members who abuse the trust of the list by spamming will be immediately banned, and their Internet Service Provider contacted regarding the nature of the abuse. Using email addresses acquired on the list to spam members privately is also forbidden. Be aware that any discussion of a product or service for sale, or of a website designed to sell products or services, is forbidden, even if you do not directly profit from such a discussion. If you feel that a particular product / service is uniquely related to Project Camelot's work and worthy of discussion, please email a moderator privately before making any statements to the group.

    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    TraLaLa wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:


    SpaceCowboy wrote:


    Hi Tra, how are you this evening? I'm ready.

    Bring it on Brother Fierce.

    I could use some coconut cream.

    PS: I've got Haagen daz and Chocolate sauce:oops:

    They really seem to hate the berry berry. I like the little disclaimer where they say they'll post it on another site. GREAT! My pies are reaching into other worlds. I may start charging them too.

    - Discussions that involve drugs and other intoxicating substances, pornography, foul language, racial / sexual / national intolerance, hate speech, politically subversive acts or planning, will obviously not be tolerated.

    TraLaLa wrote:
    Debradenslow wrote:

    Three birds with one stone! Outed!

    Eh? Care to explain or just blowing smoke out your ass?

    SpaceCowboy wrote:


    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    He's wonderful. I love the little shit turd. Those rat fuckers cut and paste everyone's shit. Go start there. I doubt Tra cut anything of that doofus. He can't write a complete sentence.

    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    TraLaLa wrote:

    Hi there MaryIshtar so nice to see you here. I have another question: What does your name mean?
    Let's share shAll we?;fp=48e89ff3ea888421



    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    I'd like to let everyone know I've gotten there many of times with a good bottle of Tequila. Not just any. Don't make that mistake or you'll go the other way. I think that's desecension. And its a bit pricey in todays economy ($65.00), but you can ascend many times.

    The tequila is called Tonala. No need to do any chanting, or worship of any kind. Three shots and BLAME, your in.


    This is your ex mod LITA showing her true colors. Nice choice for a moderator....

    CrystalChi wrote:

    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    zaina wrote:

    Feeling stalked now ,,is this allowed

    Apparently anything is allowed. Didn't you get the memo?​

    The moderators who tried to follow guidelines here got overruled. Surely your buddies got that particular memo, since they created it.

    That would not be possible if there had not been an actual "rule" to support such "overruling" as you say it. Which implies that they must not have followed the rules themselves, it would seem. And since one came back after a big dramatic crash and burn of martyrdom for her lovely mind master (so it seems anyway) as a secret profile and stalked people waging her virtual secret back door war against those whom she perceived had done her wrong... and pretended to be someone else... until she was exposed as a former mod with an alternate profile, I would say it seems like it is very clear what kind are in that same flock. Mods are not police. They are supposed to be 'moderate'... and to set an example for others of behaving in a moderate, tempered, fair fashion.

    Ok you piece of human poor me garbage, I as a member here have the same rights as you, I left my mod position on principle unlike you trashing this place, you want to take me on filthy WHORE go for it, at lest I am not a whining better than a human garbage whore like you are.
    I came back in here because of the human crap that you are, unlike you whore I liked the people in this forum. the reason for the new me profile a/c is because of garbage like you who just have to keep this shit going how many time do I have to say I backed up a friend, then saw what the garbage you7 and your dragon friends were doing to this place and thought gee couldn't say any of this shit when I was a mod..

    just because you didn't like it I was the police...dealing with whores like you maybe I need to be but seems the rules have changed ..MaryIshtar whore..

    I can call you that as its a thread about you being called a whore so I am in want to take me on go for it, make up your mind though, and I a little follower of friends or am I ex mod police.. or maybe come on you fucking little whore... go for it, or I could just reach through here and get you anyway... see you don't know just snipe at me.. ask your friends about my avatar , I never did answer Tony about that now did I...

    would I want to waste my time with somebody so far down the food chain as you..have not made up my mine yet, have to have coffee first while I ponder how to handle you once and for all. because the more I write the more I see that you might not be worth my trouble...
    poor little MaryIshtar the mouth that was...hahahahahahahaha gee I was about to just leave this place again, see I can go and come fuck whit whore.

    Arctourist, you 2 faces shit ball I would hit the ban button again on you if I had the want to join in the love me 1 min hate me the next.. I will take you on too if you like..
    but honestly and truthfully you really are not worth it.. your more like an ant underfoot... so still wanna play honey

    SpaceCowboy wrote:

    This is a great forum, but we have a serious bug infestation at the moment. What they do is piss all over which attracts more bugs.

    RAKMEiSTERr wrote:
    it is whatever you make of it untill you ignore them all/incl them useless posts in the gazillionfold.
    and thus stop feeding them your energy. and time. and let them do their talk to themselfs that choose to play the a-b a-b-c. get tired and meaningless when noone is watching is it. just with a child.
    and them normal folks, indeed wont take all SHIT you throw at them.
    nor will i.
    but than again, which point of the ones i made in like 10 threads on your BS threads by now, have you gotten into. none exactly. yes folks its that simple.
    and yes new ones will unwillingly fall into the trap.
    SO MODS/ADMINS you know what you should do since your doing absolutely nothing.
    give them a subthread under :dragons and snakes with love and ego: and let them play in their kindergarten all alone, and not infesting this hole forum.

    - "Dead text" wastes bandwidth as well as disk space and reading time. When replying to a post, please quote only the previous text that is essential to the reply. This does slightly slow down the speed with which you may respond to a post, but is in consideration of the other members. Every time you respond to a post, your dead-text cleanup job should include all the advertising material at the end of the post which sometimes accumulates. The moderation team may edit or reject posts that violate this guideline. It only takes a few extra seconds but it makes a world of difference in the quality of our presentation.

    SpaceCowboy wrote:


    TraLaLa wrote:
    Debradenslow wrote:

    We are "the forum"... colors are fine! But you cannot hide who you truly are! Your posts speak volumes about you... from beginning to end...over 1600 for you which by the way I have no desire to delve into!

    WHOOO HOOO 1700!!!

    - Personal conversations should be conducted privately. Although the majority of our members are "lurkers" who do not regularly post, do remember that your posts are going out to hundreds of people who may not find private jokes or topics beneficial. Try to keep posts on topic at all times.

    Many violations of this too numerous to mention here but this is plastered all over your forums in plenty of examples by the above mentioned violators.

    Dear Tommy and Kerry and anyone else who cares about the reputation of the forum, who is out of line here? This obvious gang of 'trolls' spewing hate speech and vulgarity all over your forum OR the Thubans who are trying to maintain the forum rules and guidelines and polite decorum? Point me to the evidence where the Thuban's have engaged in above mentioned behavior, show the evidence. But please don't bury your heads in the sand and pretend that these detractors, spammers and vulgarity spewers are not completely out of line.

    All I ask is that you look at the evidence presented here and if you really do have guidelines and rules, then enforce them. It appears to me that this is being allowed to go on by the administration, to what purpose this can benefit Camelot, I do not know. All this behavior is doing is causing your readership to make laughing stock out of the Camelot material. How do you expect anyone to take you seriously if you sit back and condone this type of behavior and stone grinding to continue.

    All we have ever asked is for a place here to share information. We have complied with what you set forth for us as rules of engagement and have put our disclaimers in place 'For the record". We have acknowledged and taken action on your advice as a way to proceed here on your forum seriously and out of respect for Camelot and what it stands for with integrity and honor. Can you do the same?

    Sincerely, Raven

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!


    #33003 March 30th, 2011
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    Brilliant Raven, you've mastered copy and paste and wasted 15 minutes of your life.


    #33019 March 30th, 2011
    RAKMEISTERr wrote:
    if you ganna quote me quote me fully ty
    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?
    #32979 1 hour, 14 minutes ago
    it is whatever you make of it untill you ignore them all/incl them useless posts in the gazillionfold.
    and thus stop feeding them your energy. and time. and let them do their talk to themselfs that choose to play the a-b a-b-c. get tired and meaningless when noone is watching is it. just with a child.
    and them normal folks, indeed wont take all SHIT you throw at them.
    nor will i.
    but than again, which point of the ones i made in like 10 threads on your BS threads by now, have you gotten into. none exactly. yes folks its that simple.
    and yes new ones will unwillingly fall into the trap.
    SO MODS/ADMINS you know what you should do since your doing absolutely nothing.
    give them a subthread under :dragons and snakes with love and ego: and let them play in their kindergarten all alone, and not infesting this hole forum.


    but i can skype kerry also and ask how she looks at it all. she would laugh i think just like i am now.
    oh 1 more add. since you wanna know what is it,


    ~ Llove & Sound ~



    for the rest deer poor old you. you must have it hard. with all this reverse spychomambojambo. geese
    grow up. or act like like it and all not just where it serves you.
    we we we we.

    The return of the Mother Frequency of 13 –33 and 136.1 Hz of empathy and compassion and through the forms of Shekinah, Sophia, Isis, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene Quan Yin, Shakti and all her deities will create new paradigms that can lead to increased harmony and peace on earth. 33 -22

    act like that than if thats part of the proclaimment

    also posted on my blog. or google
    2011 Predictions, Ascension Symptoms & Ancient Mother Revelation Codes 13 Shekina Rose
    RAKMEiSTER = राकईश Sanskrit - Lord of the full-moon day.
    The two main motivators for a persons actions are, Fear and Love. I choose Love.

    Chatroom For: Project Avalon & Camelot
    Web/Browser-based: (<-Mibbit)
    ChatClients irc://


    #33024 March 31st, 2011
    Gift wrote:

    more of your daily reptilian dose
    • DD
    • Active Poster
    • Posts: 28

    #33043 1 hour, 42 minutes ago
    Raven, seems to me you are making this about "Trolls" vs "Thubans". Speak for yourself! This whole thread is "Dead Air"... Why don't you take your vices personally to Tommy and Kerry through private mail instead of trying to "bait" others into useless discussions. Conduit closing.

    The following user(s) said Thank You: TraLaLa

    #33062 1 hour, 8 minutes ago
    Raven posted me so many times in there it made me look like an attention WHORE.

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Tangent, sianellen

    • Tangent
    • Established Poster
    • Living in tangent space
    • Posts: 142

    #33064 1 hour, 4 minutes ago
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    Raven posted me so many times in there it made me look like an attention WHORE.

    Maybe you should lodge a complaint, SC. I mean, a "whore hunt" isn't any more fair than an alleged "witch hunt."

    Is it?

    #33065 55 minutes ago
    Tangent wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    Raven posted me so many times in there it made me look like an attention WHORE.

    Maybe you should lodge a complaint, SC. I mean, a "whore hunt" isn't any more fair than an alleged "witch hunt."

    Is it?

    I wouldn't know who to snivel and whine to.

    #33067 51 minutes ago
    RAKMEiSTERr wrote:
    if you ganna quote me quote me fully ty
    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?
    #32979 1 hour, 14 minutes ago
    it is whatever you make of it untill you ignore them all/incl them useless posts in the gazillionfold.
    and thus stop feeding them your energy. and time. and let them do their talk to themselfs that choose to play the a-b a-b-c. get tired and meaningless when noone is watching is it. just with a child.
    and them normal folks, indeed wont take all SHIT you throw at them.
    nor will i.
    but than again, which point of the ones i made in like 10 threads on your BS threads by now, have you gotten into. none exactly. yes folks its that simple.
    and yes new ones will unwillingly fall into the trap.
    SO MODS/ADMINS you know what you should do since your doing absolutely nothing.
    give them a subthread under :dragons and snakes with love and ego: and let them play in their kindergarten all alone, and not infesting this hole forum.


    but i can skype kerry also and ask how she looks at it all. she would laugh i think just like i am now.
    oh 1 more add. since you wanna know what is it,


    ~ Llove & Sound ~



    for the rest deer poor old you. you must have it hard. with all this reverse spychomambojambo. geese
    grow up. or act like like it and all not just where it serves you.
    we we we we.

    The return of the Mother Frequency of 13 –33 and 136.1 Hz of empathy and compassion and through the forms of Shekinah, Sophia, Isis, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene Quan Yin, Shakti and all her deities will create new paradigms that can lead to increased harmony and peace on earth. 33 -22

    act like that than if thats part of the proclaimment

    also posted on my blog. or google
    2011 Predictions, Ascension Symptoms & Ancient Mother Revelation Codes 13 Shekina Rose

    Thank you Raven.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    • Tangent
    • Established Poster
    • Living in tangent space
    • Posts: 142

    #33072 44 minutes ago
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    Raven posted me so many times in there it made me look like an attention WHORE.

    Maybe you should lodge a complaint, SC. I mean, a "whore hunt" isn't any more fair than an alleged "witch hunt."

    Is it?

    I wouldn't know who to snivel and whine to.

    Just look for anyone with forum "owner" or "admin" after their name. That would be a good place to start. I've heard it works wonders.

    But you have to stress that you're being victimized. That is key.

    #33077 33 minutes ago

    What does that mean? It Means ....Buckle your seat belt Dorothy - Because Kansas is going Bye! Bye!

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Tangent, karmicacid
    ed roses.

    #33083 20 minutes ago
    When I first addressed this topic, I quickly surmised that Kerry wouldn't get involved. With moderator after moderator (or so it feels like) getting dished, and served up, it might finally get her attention. If she doesn't stop all the snipping, who is left to?

    And PS, I wasn't in support of the Charles interview. It seemed a low point in this project continued viability.

    So is this on-going Thuben followers complaints and tirades karma (for letting someone of that a low level into our midst- 'energies')?

    And is this all happening 'releasing of negative karma' because of the split between the Project Camelot leaders that is still reverberating out and continuing to damage further discussions?

    Perhaps a new energy is needed to straighten everything out first before we begin to apprehend the ring leaders of this negative confluence of energies.

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Tangent

    #33085 16 minutes ago
    eileenrose wrote:
    When I first addressed this topic, I quickly surmised that Kerry wouldn't get involved. With moderator after moderator (or so it feels like) getting dished, and served up, it might finally get her attention. If she doesn't stop all the snipping, who is left to?

    And PS, I wasn't in support of the Charles interview. It seemed a low point in this project continued viability.

    So is this on-going Thuben followers complaints and tirades karma (for letting someone of that a low level into our midst- 'energies')?

    And is this all happening 'releasing of negative karma' because of the split between the Project Camelot leaders that is still reverberating out and continuing to damage further discussions?

    Perhaps a new energy is needed to straighten everything out first before we begin to apprehend the ring leaders of this negative confluence of energies.

    I still have a ton of good energy left. I can go on forever, non-stop, 24/7. If anyone needs any energy see me.
    Post last edited Mar 30th 2011

    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    #33120 March 30th, 2011
    T.S. wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:

    eileenrose wrote:
    When I first addressed this topic, I quickly surmised that Kerry wouldn't get involved. With moderator after moderator (or so it feels like) getting dished, and served up, it might finally get her attention. If she doesn't stop all the snipping, who is left to?

    And PS, I wasn't in support of the Charles interview. It seemed a low point in this project continued viability.

    So is this on-going Thuben followers complaints and tirades karma (for letting someone of that a low level into our midst- 'energies')?

    And is this all happening 'releasing of negative karma' because of the split between the Project Camelot leaders that is still reverberating out and continuing to damage further discussions?

    Perhaps a new energy is needed to straighten everything out first before we begin to apprehend the ring leaders of this negative confluence of energies.

    I still have a ton of good energy left. I can go on forever, non-stop, 24/7. If anyone needs any energy see me.

    Listen......there's no 'negative karma' happening here. There is no need for 'new energy'. When distractions come, you must as 'why'? It's not like there aren't a FEW things going on out in the world that have been mentioned here which have had generative, unitive attention focused upon them. 'Energy follows attention', as the saying goes. You attended to it and now guess what...?!

    Y'all are being sucked in and aren't sensing it. Take a break and get 'outside' what now appears, for all intents and purposes, to be simply a playground that needs a nap.... and some tolerance.

    Blessings Be...

    #33136 March 31st, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    thank you raven-and everyone else
    integrity is just a word...but it can be broken up into smaller words

    #33139 March 30th, 2011
    Lita wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    thank you raven-and everyone else
    integrity is just a word...but it can be broken up into smaller words

    Now that was intelligent...and I am back...

    gee you guys are good at this reverse stuff.. brarvo.
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    #33143 Gift wrote:

    "we" dont really need to be organized, divided into packs of so called "projects" that goes nowhere. Nor "we" need to be united too.


    #33174 March 31st, 2011
    spaceless wrote:

    This "Thuban" subject is certainly becoming a nice

    This seems like a huge waste of effort ,IM lowly O......


    #33177 march 31st, 2011
    Lita wrote:

    spaceless wrote:
    This "Thuban" subject is certainly becoming a nice

    This seems like a huge waste of effort ,IM lowly O......


    Yes it is and totally 101
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    #33182 march 31st, 2011
    zaina wrote:

    Space cowboy ,,,

    I still have a ton of good energy left. I can go on forever, non-stop, 24/7. If anyone needs any energy see me.

    Well well big boy ,You answered my question ,,can we be friends now ,,,


    #33215 March 31st, 29011

    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    zaina wrote:

    Space cowboy ,,,

    I still have a ton of good energy left. I can go on forever, non-stop, 24/7. If anyone needs any energy see me.

    Well well big boy ,You answered my question ,,can we be friends now ,,,

    Someone mentioned that Thuban has their own forum. Really? Is this true Thuban? Post a link, invite us all over, let us in, lets eat pie.


    #33220 March 31st, 2011
    RAKEISTERr wrote:

    this is gettingto a point of being boring useless and redundant absolete and pointless and meaningless.
    so only good thing raven posted , is in topic title: this part:

    yes TO your own FREEWILL.
    RAKMEiSTER = राकईश Sanskrit - Lord of the full-moon day.
    The two main motivators for a persons actions are, Fear and Love. I choose Love.

    Chatroom For: Project Avalon & Camelot
    Web/Browser-based: (<-Mibbit)
    ChatClients irc://


    #33238 March 31st, 2011
    sianellen wrote:

    SpaceCowboy: wrote:

    Someone mentioned that Thuban has their own forum. Really? Is this true Thuban? Post a link, invite us all over, let us in, lets eat pie.

    Yea funny that Thuban. You having a forum already, why on earth would you want to be here, especially as you feel so obviously uncomfortable here?Another thing just dawned on me, you weren't that comfortable at Avalon either were you? We won't mention that here though not our problem! Of course, you were here for a short period of time a while ago, were you not Thuban? That's were I get a little confused, just say for instance 'if' you keep falling out of bed, or should I say kicked out of bed, a couple of times, why would you not want to sleep in your own bed. Is it perhaps a little fear of isolation, can be scary, we understand that there's more comfort in numbers and dont't forget location, - it's all about location, location these days is it not? Needles to say you probably thought Camelot had more 'parking places' than you first realized. Must dash Thuban, big order of pies - all helping SpaceCowboy in the kitchen.


    #33292 March 31st, 2011
    sianellen wrote:

    T.S. wrote:

    Y'all are being sucked in and aren't sensing it. Take a break and get 'outside' what now appears, for all intents and purposes, to be simply a playground that needs a nap.... and some tolerance.

    The naivety of not sensing 'it' as you say, is a luxury we cannot afford to take at the moment. Playgrounds are wonderful places to be, so why do you think we should let them simply nap, allowing the weeds to grow and devour every nick and cranny in dandelion winds. They creep so softly and inocently' gathering strength, deepening their roots in precious ground where naivety is lost for good. To shield the precious ground the language of foolery has wisdom unsurpassed, for the fool is the most trusted of all, he guards the secrets of the kingdom while he windes and weaves his joy and heartiness to all those who are ready to see in Truth. Laughter is the the KEY to life.

    #33301 March 31st, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    my dad tells me the same thing....always to laugh...

    #33541 April 1st, 2011
    Chakra wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    Raven posted me so many times in there it made me look like an attention WHORE.

    Maybe you should lodge a complaint, SC. I mean, a "whore hunt" isn't any more fair than an alleged "witch hunt."

    Is it?
    I wouldn't know who to snivel and whine to.

    You could try someone's mother!

    Of course I wouldn't - I am a little too cold blooded for any of that silliness!

    Integrity is a concept of consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes.
    In ethics, integrity is regarded as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one's actions.
    Integrity can be regarded as the opposite of hypocrisy,[1] in that it regards internal consistency as a virtue, and suggests that parties holding apparently conflicting values should account for the discrepancy or alter their beliefs.
    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle - Plato

    #33586 April 1st, 2011
    Lita wrote:

    Seems like Kerry and Tommy do have common sense.. they have not replied to this thread..
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey
    Post last edited Apr 2nd 2011

    shiloh hidden-09. Ra Akbar de Queen Bayan 43 Magdalene One 34

    I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!


    Bluey Dracs
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Decoder Michael = 54+51=105=15=6=123=ABC=ABBA=BAAB=33=E3=8=3E=ME=WE
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015

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