Bring Back Our Local Shops And Local Organic Farms

Discussion in 'HEALTH AND WELLNESS' started by CULCULCAN, Aug 2, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Pfizer, illegal exploitation

    £70 million in fines for pharma firms



    There is no doubt these drug companies are making billions,
    if not trillions, each year.

    The foretasted leading profit money maker moved from cancer
    to the jabberwocky 'before' the sheep were locked in their pens
    and dipping rolled out.

    I had a friend who took that seizure drug
    and he had a fit carry a 16 cubit foot freezer
    with me upstairs.

    Luckily I managed to hold end
    and their were others around to take his side
    and get him into the recovery position.

    I am not against drugs,
    even though I took alternative medicine
    for over 30 years.

    I am against obscene profit making!
    As seen by lemonade brands in more recent times.

    What does annoy me is my friends herbalist
    had to pay thousands for proving every claim
    made to every herb.

    Even though the claims were hundreds of years old
    and Allopathic medicine 'self' tests
    and has something called a 'side effect'
    that de-voids any come back.

    IF and this is a BIG IF!

    People were to eat organically
    and drink chemical free water.

    The illness would drastically reduce.

    Prevention is FAR FAR better than cure.

    I have eaten organic food since the 80's
    when I helped a friends family
    with their organic business.

    I travelled to New Covent Garden
    and farms each week to buy their mostly fresh stock.

    Over the 90's the super markets and the media,
    systematically destroyed most small organic traders
    and local farmers.

    Three farm owners that I knew, moved abroad.

    We REALLY need to bring back our LOCAL shops
    and LOCAL organic farms.

    As the implications of a corporate take over are dire.

    Pfizer, illegal exploration
    £70 million in fines for pharma firms

    article here:

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