Bluesword Angel ~ Jane / James Stevens

Discussion in 'Ancient and Original Native and Tribal Prophecies' started by CULCULCAN, Nov 4, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    part 1 of 4

    Part 1 of 4
    ChipChat on Phil’s Live
    Before I even begin I just saw my first Christmas commercial on TV.


    I have the Astros’ Game on in the background while typing.

    Yes they won! Up 3 to 2.

    The Phillies will never win two in a row in Houston.

    Game one Saturday.

    I do believe we are going to have our most blessed Christmas and Thanksgiving in our entire history.

    Just know that.

    Phil opened with quite a shock.

    I was thinking how everyone’s mind was racing
    trying to first figure out where Phil was
    and then realizing he was at home in PA
    with completely stripped shelves,
    nothing on the wall behind him,
    no hat and completely shaven.

    He was wearing a hoodie with American Eagle printed on the front.

    No comms at all!

    Yeah right!

    Thoughts ran across my mind like a ticker tape
    flying out of the machine.

    I am sure you will be able to add more to mine.

    Here goes.

    The entire scene immediately brought to mind
    a brand new start with everything
    we have known in the past is now gone.

    Totally cleaned up.

    We will fly like an eagle.

    An American Eagle!


    The true nation brought back.

    The old is no more.

    A new decor, new pictures, and new treasured items to place
    on the shelves. Incredible symbolism for a New America.

    We will have a new infrastructure,
    new faces in government,
    and the treasured items
    will be the American people
    themselves placed back
    into a society to once again
    enjoy one another in
    their new found freedoms.

    Phil was silent, then cracked his knuckles.

    Time to get down to business.

    He wasted no time.

    A double cross has taken place.

    I will try to explain this as best I can.

    Phil was not aware and was caught off guard
    by what occurred today.

    He began by showing us the photo of when
    the two female U S Marshals were with Nancy
    a year or so ago.

    She was under their watch.

    We learned that she had cut a deal
    so as not to be executed
    and accepted life in prison
    if she would work with the White Hats.

    That apparently is what has been going on since then.

    So she had betrayed the Black Hats.

    Kind of ironic that you have some kind of honor with evil.
    Honor among thieves?

    But the White Hats learned that she was trying
    to get out of the deal.

    So the White hats used a former Deep State player
    who defected to the White Hats,
    but Nancy did not know this person had switched sides.

    She joined some plot, maybe even designed it,
    to have Trump assassinated that this former
    Deep State Player craftily worked out with her.

    She was set up to take part in this assassination plot
    which was to occur on 11/2/22.

    In other words, she was approved
    to do this by this Deep State asset
    who had now joined with the White Hats.


    It was actually a triple cross.

    Nancy went from bad to good back to bad.

    She got caught, made a deal,
    backed out of the deal to save her skin,
    made another deal to kill Trump,
    and now she is the one
    who will be dead,
    and there will be NO deal for her.

    She was arrested at her residence today
    and it was not a house arrest.

    Treason equals death.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2022

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    part 2 of 4

    Don’t forget, Q said NO DEALS!

    She is gone for good. Phil then brought up

    some reasons why there has been a stall in the Plan.

    Trump has been the reason.

    He was not pleased with these “sweetheart deals”
    that were being made for these DS Players.

    Trump believed we do not need cooperation
    but action and results.

    Treason is treason as far as Trump is concerned.

    He was not in favor of the leniency
    that was being shown. Is Trump cruel?

    No way.

    These crimes are so heinous
    that even the death penalty is almost too merciful.

    The Bible is clear in
    Romans 13 that God gives the State the power
    to wield the sword of justice.

    The TFR (temporary flight restriction)
    that was set up over Mar-a-Lago
    was for Trump’s protection
    from the assassination attempt.

    If you still have any doubts that the Plan is not real,
    that Q is a Psy-Ops, you have paid zero attention
    to what is going on.

    The doubters and unbelievers,
    I have finally realized,
    are going to be more shocked than the “normies.”

    Then began the Q and A. The questions rolled in.

    Where’s all the stuff on your shelves?

    I had to laugh at this point.

    Phil’s response was more than genius.

    I still have difficulty trying to find out why some hate Phil so much.

    He is a HOOT!

    It can only be jealousy.

    What stuff, he said!

    Then total silence!

    Then where did you move it all?

    Phil said I move all the time at
    which point he moved around in his chair!


    Has the election been canceled?

    I still have no Intel on that but still believe it will be halted.

    Has the 2020 election been overturned?

    Yes. Then, what happened to your background?

    Again, Phil’s response was brilliant.

    Not a lot of people know my background.

    No comms tonight! Right?

    Is Obama dead. No!

    But he sang like a bird.

    What happened to Nancy today?

    She was removed from her residence.

    What about DeSantis?

    He has a big role coming up for him, Phil stated.

    I am aware of the new post tonight from
    Sovereign Redneck Renegade that U S Naval Intelligence
    received new evidence linking current
    Florida Governor Ron DeSantis
    to a direct financial partnership with
    former Florida Governor Jeb Bush-Scherff references
    secret accounts tied to Jeffrey Epstein
    and a massive child sex trafficking operation still
    operating with the child sex trafficking operation
    now being administered by elements
    inside the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

    This has
    certainly not been verified.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2022

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    art 3 of 4

    Is SGAnon part of the five?

    The five are the top Anons that converse.

    Phil is head of it.

    No, he is not, Phil replied.

    Does John Fetterman, running for the Senate in PA,
    have a body double?

    Phil was not sure.

    Will Trump be arrested?

    Phil not sure at this point.

    Are you going to lose your court case
    with the Scranton Times?


    Do you know Bill Wood?

    Yes (I do not know who that is).

    Where is your Harvard Certificate?

    In a safe place.

    Are you Kevin?

    I don’t remember an answer to that,

    but I have no clue who Kevin is (Kline?)

    Did Kash Patel cut an immunity deal?

    Phil was kind of surprised by that question.

    Kash is the whitest of the White Hats!

    Where do these people come from?

    Phil remarked that he was not a college graduate.

    Are you safe, Phil?

    Yes, I am safe.

    I may get in a wreck if I go get some milk,

    but I am safe.

    Is that a new Scavino?

    Again, where do these people come from?

    Is Mike Pompeo a White Hat?

    Yes, Pompeo and Trump are very close.

    What is Trump waiting for?

    That’s the million dollar question.

    How soon is soon?

    Inches, Phil quickly replied.

    No hat? No hat today. Is Martial Law coming ?

    Yes, in certain areas.

    Is Tom Hanks really good as what has recently been reported?

    No way.

    Is General Flynn a White hat? Yes.

    Are public arrests coming? Yes.

    Is the 5th of November important?

    These next few days are important.

    Was Pelosi arrested today?

    Yes, from her residence.

    Where is Code Monkee?

    He is resting from his try as a candidate in Arizona.

    He has a role to play later.

    Is EBS coming? Yes.

    Are any of the Rothchilds still around? No.

    Any NESARA updates? No.

    Is Gregg Phillips a good guy? No, Phil stated.

    This could be optics in my opinion.

    This is just a guess on my part,
    but Gregg Phillips may be one of the original Seal Team 6.

    Just a hunch.

    I have nothing to back that up with.

    What about the screen at the Capitol?

    (I know it has been reported that

    they are actually cleaning the walls at the Capitol).

    Time will tell.

    Will there be food shortages?

    Phil said I have told you for some time to be prepared.

    I have some food in storage myself. (I do too).

    When will the movie “Sound of Freedom” be shown?

    After all this is over.

    It is obvious why it has not been shown.

    The timing is not right.

    What about silver bullion and silver eagles?

    Silver eagles are more expensive,

    and they are legal tender.

    What about the military going to Antarctica
    this October?

    I cannot respond to that, Phil said
    (catching bad guys?).

    How do the stars move?

    They move within the firmament.

    Polaris is the Apex, true North.

    Is Brics ready? Yes.

    Brics is Brazil, Russia, India, China,

    and South Africa.

    Has Mitch McConnell been detained?

    Yes (probably arrested).

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    part 4 of 4

    Jane Stevens
    21m ·

    Part 4 of4
    Are you going to be working with Trump when this is over?

    Probably not.

    I have a much bigger role to play. That does not mean I won’t if called. Have you ever been under a NDA? Yes. (non-disclosure agreement). What Gematria do you use” Simple. Has Kemp been arrested” He will be.

    Does Trump use Body Doubles? Yes. Will Jessie Waters play a role” No. (I have some thoughts there, myself).

    Is RRN (Real Raw News) legit. In some reporting.

    Will March 4th be the real Inauguration date? No.

    Will the U S Military get involved in Brazil? Yes. And that was it. Phil’s next Live is Monday.

    Final thoughts: This was some very significant Intel tonight.

    Phil mentioned that we will never see the real Nancy Pelosi again.

    It has finally become a reality. Down they go, just as Julian Assange told us years ago.

    We are all excited for what lies ahead, yet we are still unprepared in a sense for the ultimate and final conclusion.

    We still do not know how this will go down.

    But be assured, that our hopes and dreams are about o be fulfilled.
    Now on to Trump’s Speech: It was in Sioux City, Iowa. It was cold and windy. I do believe it was the real Trump, but it does not matter. They have perfected these body doubles and masks. He let Chuck Grassley speak for a minute and Kim Reynolds and introduced other candidates. He was strong all night on getting the vote out next Tuesday. Shortly into his speech he said we are going to get rid of Nancy Pelosi! I about fell out of my chair. The crowd, who has no clue, cheered! These poor Patriots who have no clue. Such a strange thing that is. Consider yourselves more than fortunate. He mentioned this Uncle Sam character who has been attending the last few Rallies three times during the night.

    Some believe he is JFK Jr. One interesting comment from Trump was that he said your favorite President got screwed!

    The wind picked up and then he said the teleprompters were making him seasick as they wavered back and forth.

    We may end up in WW III with the way things are going with this crazy Biden.

    I won the election the first time, I won it the second time, but was cheated, and we are Very Very Very probably going to do it again!

    And then the strongest statement of the evening.

    GET READY! GET READY! He ended with his usual closing remarks that we are going to take back the House, take back the Senate,
    and in 2024 take back that big beautiful White House.

    The crowd roared.

    I cringed, but then the cryptic and enigmatic comment at the end before his standard MAGA close.

    “We never left. The people know that. Help me with that!” It was then he called out the Uncle Sam character again. All I could think at that point was

    WOW! God is moving. Chip Littler

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    THE BLUE BiRD of
    Artist: susan lynne schwenger

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Artist: susan lynne schwenger

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Artist: susan lynne schwenger

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    artist; susan lynne schwenger

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    artist; susan lynne schwenger

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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