Biophotons - The Light In Our Cells "biophotons Are A Radiant Source Of Information...

Discussion in 'Ancient Archaeology and New Discoveries' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 23, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    "Biophotons are a radiant source of information designed to submerge our DNA in light."

    It is imperative to feed ourselves on positive thoughts in order to evolve consciousness.

    The new domain of information biology is based on the belief that cells are guided
    by an external field of information and that they are not solely regulated by molecular charges.

    The rhythm of this interaction means that it is a quantum phenomenon.

    We know that our cells emit light and that light is constantly sending and receiving information.

    The symphony of our body cells sends and receives messages faster than the speed of light.

    We also know that at least we have some ability to influence that light.

    If this is true, then we have access to the control center of our mind and body.

    And if we have access and influence, we have the ability to change ourselves at the most fundamental level
    by increasing our light.

    Dr Fritz-Albert Popp: "Today we know that man is essentially a being of light."

    "... "I knew from the start that they shouldn’t be very intense,
    but it was clear that these photons were in every internal cell."

    Molecules can't regulate themselves, they must have a field,
    so photons should be the carrier of information, necessary to regulate metabolism. "

    When it comes to healing, the implications are huge.

    For example, we now know that amounts of light can trigger or stop cascading reactions in cells,
    and that cellular genetic damage can be virtually repaired in a few hours with weak s rays of light.

    Scientists discover biophotons in the brain that could suggest our consciousness is directly related to light.

    Scientists have an interesting suspicion that our brain's neurons could be able to communicate through light.

    They claim that if there was optical communication, biophotons produced by our brain
    could be influenced by quantum intricacies, meaning there may be a strong link
    between these photons, our consciousness and prob clearly what many cultures and religions describe as "THE SPIRIT" ".

    One of the most interesting implications of the discovery that our brains can produce light
    is that our consciousness and spirit might not be contained in our bodies.

    Maybe our minds and consciousness communicate with our bodies thru these biophotons.

    And the more light we produce the more important the awakening will be and we will embody
    the totality of our consciousness.

    “There are about 100,000 chemical reactions in every cell per second."

    The chemical reaction can only occur if the reacting molecule has been stimulated by a photon.

    Once the photon has triggered a reaction, it returns to the magnetic field
    and remains available for other reactions.

    We swim in an ocean of light. "
    Dawn Treader
    Tribal Knowledge Academy


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