Steve Burnand 7h · My conclusions on this is a 'big bang' is a primitive, destructive one way theory. So I go along with Fred. I feel what we are witnessing from a micro level is growth. We are witnessing self organising and fractal systems, at a macro level as well as a micro level. I would go as far as saying our universe is alive. This is not a new idea, being one proposed by our distant ancestors. The one thing I wonder is what is the purpose behind, imposing such a destructive model as a 'big bang' ? The whole theory as I was told. Started of with sexual connotations. Billions have been spent from a joke phone call. We NEED real science and we need to 'work with' nature and not keep trying to control and exploit her. As we are born from her. ~Steve Burnand Jason Verbelli · 11
Steve Burnand Tweet / Twitter TheRealVerbz (Jason Verbelli) on Twitter TheRealVerbz (Jason Verbelli) @TheRealVerbz There was no Big Bang. Redshift and the Z measurement is completely misconceived. Here is just a fraction of the evidence presented by Eric Lerner. In this thread, I will post over 30 detailed sources to substantiate. The Big Bang Never Happened--The Science of the Censored Papers In this presentation to the Hal5 chapter of the National Space Society, Sept. 9, 2021, Eric J. Lerner, President and Chief Scientist at LPPFusion, inc. prev... video: View:
The Big Bang Never Happened--The Science of the Censored Papers video View: In this presentation to the Hal5 chapter of the National Space Society, Sept. 9, 2021, Eric J. Lerner, President and Chief Scientist at LPPFusion, inc. previews for a general audience the scientific findings that have demolished the Big Bang Hypothesis in three papers that have been censored by the arXiv pre-print website. You can read the censored papers for yourself here: Join us for a presentation updating this with the new JWST results, on Tuesday, July 26, 7:00 PM EDT. The same theories that show how the universe evolved without a Big Bang are bringing the power of the stars to earth: cheap, clean, safe and unlimited fusion energy. Invest in fusion energy research here: Cosmology is in crisis. Almost every week new observations contradict the “concordance model” with its mysterious inflation, dark energy and dark matter. The solution to this crisis is in abandoning the basic failed hypothesis of the Big Bang itself. Without a Big Bang, the phenomena that we see in the cosmos--the large-scale structures, the abundance of light elements, the cosmic microwave background--can all be explained in quantitative detail. These phenomena are the products of physical processes that are well-known in the laboratory and within our Solar System: electromagnetism, gravity and nuclear fusion. In particular, the magnetic pinch effect, which forms magnetic vortex filaments on all scales, has been critical in producing the universe that we now observe. These same filaments are also critical to the fastest route to using fusion energy for humanity. The plasma physics concepts that can banish the dark and mysterious universe of the Big Bang can as well pave the way for a brighter future here on earth. Citations Peer-reviewed publications by Lerner and others: The Big Bang Never Happened e-book: Learn more about the connection between fusion and cosmology here: For the necessity of fusion in the current world crisis: “Pandemic, Economic Crises and the Energy Density Solution. ” Fusion, the Clean Energy Solution” Some of the technical papers and videos referenced in this presentation: Reference on the Giant Arc, too big for the Big Bang: View: ... Other objects too big for Big Bang: Mészáros, A., 2019, Astron. Nachr. ,340, 564 Horváth, I., Hakkila, J. & Bagoly, Z., 2014, A&A 561, L12 Shirokov, S. I., Lovyagin, N. Yu., Baryshev, Yu. V.,Gorokhov V. L, 2016, Astronomy Reports, 60, 563 For those who have asked about formulae for age of large objects, with non-expanding universe it is just A =R/v where A is age in years, R is radius of an object in light-years and v is maximum velocity as a fraction of the speed of light. For an expanding universe, the formula is more complex and can be found in many papers, including: Ceccarelli, L., Padilla, N. D., Valotto, C. and Lambas D. G., 2006, MNRAS, 373, 1440 Contradictions of CMB predictions: Schwarz D. J., Copi, C. J., Huterer, D., & Starkman, G. D, “CMB Anomalies after Planck” , Class. Quantum Grav. 33, 184001 , Aug. 2016 Also: Di Valentino, E., Melchiorri, A. & Silk J., 2020, Nature Astronomy 4, 196 Breakdown of FLRW: Helium problems: Portinari, L. Casagrande L. and Flynn C. ,2010, MNRAS 406, 1570 Formation of structure, vortex filaments: Lerner, E.J., 1986, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 14, 690 Hacar, A. et al, 2018, A&A 610, A77 Santiago-Bautista,I., et al, 2020, arXiv:2002.03446v1 Wang, J-W. et al, 2019, ApJ 888, 13
lots of interesting comments here (2) TheRealVerbz (Jason Verbelli) on Twitter: "There was no Big Bang. Redshift and the Z measurement is completely misconceived. Here is just a fraction of the evidence presented by Eric Lerner. In this thread, I will post over 30 detailed sources to substantiate." / Twitter
Bruce Wright The operative word is 'billions.' Steve Burnand Yes academia is packed out with those needing to feel important and needing to profess. There is much 'I am right, you are wrong' If you dare to step outside what has become dogma, you are not listen or sent to Coventry. I took the 4D book around, with some four page examples and many professors were very rude, without even reading or testing out what was presented. No wonder we getter nowhere with corporations funding them as well. Bruce Wright This is another example of how our government and many others are conspiring against us. Steve Burnand Yes, governments are corporate controlled, along with our top educational institutions. Sadly they are NOT about exploring the unknown. What I call real science. A lot of the dogma is still hundreds of years old. Newton never produced a reductionist model, as he was an Alchemist. Alchemy has four generic stages as in the 4D book. He had a mysterious fire, that destroyed the 'best parts' of life's work. Tesla's fire was described with the same words (spells) The deception goes back thousands of year. Most of Western ideology comes from Greek and Roman SLAVE based cultures. Many have not heard of 'The Liberal Arts' or 'The Trivium' Designed for the 'perceived' masters of old.