Bar-tailed Godwit Flys 13,560 Km In 11 Days, 1 Hr (51 Km Per Hour)

Discussion in 'DRAGONS, DRAGONS and MORE DRAGONS' started by CULCULCAN, Nov 21, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Amazing World
    All hail the Bar-tailed Godwit!
    This bird is a champion flyer and once again an individual has broken the world record
    for the longest continual flight.

    This week a juvenile godwit just 5 months old landed in Ansons Bay
    in northeast Tasmania, Australia.

    It had been tagged in Alaska and departed there on October 13, 2022
    before flying non-stop to Tasmania.

    Godwits are regular visitors to Tasmania so it’s likely that many undertake a similar flight but it's the first time a tagged bird has flown between Alaska and Tasmania.

    This bird flew a minimum of 13,560 km in 11 days 1 hour, that’s an average of over 51kmh
    continually for those 11 days.

    And don’t forgot there will be no eating, drinking or sleeping during that journey!

    Simply unbelievable!


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