Atrology - 13th October 2022 - Aatif Astrologer

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 14, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astrology Update: Lunar Cycles For 13th October 2022 -


    Astrology Update: Lunar Cycles For 13th October 2022 -Waning Gibbous MoonIngresses ♊︎ GEMINI – The Twinned ♊︎ – Astrology By Aatif (

    [​IMG]Waning Gibbous Moon[​IMG]Ingresses ♊︎ GEMINI – The Twinned ♊︎
    Astrologer Aatif 13th October 2022, 3rd House Astrology, Air Signs Astrology, Anger Management, Astrology Consultant Aatif, Astrology Memes, Astrology Predictions 2022, Astrology Readings, Cadant Houses, Cadent Houses, Communication & Social Media Astrology, Compassion, Sympathetic, Spirit Guides & Spiritual Democracy, Fortune Telling, Gemini Transits, Hestia 4 In Aquarius, Hestia Trine Moon, Intuitive Astrology, Libra Season 2022, Libra Season Predictions, Mars Square Neptune, Modalities, Moon Conjunct Mars, Moon In Gemini, Moon Square Neptune, Moon Trine Vesta 4, Mutable Modality, Mutable Signs, Predictions For 14th October 2022, Predictions For 15th October 2022, Predictions For Gemini, Predictions For October 2022, Predictive Astrology, Sun Trine Moon, Vesta Goddess In Aquarius, Waning Gibbous Moon October 14, 2022 5 Minutes
    How’s it going, folks? I am late with this Gemini Transit because of serious POWER-cut (Electricity outage) issues in my City for 24 hours or so lol so here are my predictions…
    Here comes the [​IMG]Waning Gibbous Luna[​IMG] Ingresses The GEMINI sign
    Here are my predictions for 2.5 days ahead… Plan your days according to my predictions if you consider these interpretational predictions foreseen appropriate…
    From 13th Oct – 15th October 2022 – Various useful mindful & intellectually active receptive energies of this Witty Mind & Archetypal Twins
    Energies By Wanning Moon: To Various Signs & Planets

    • Immediately Creates Sextiles To The Retrograde Jovial & Wisest Jupiter in Aries – The Ram
    • Immediately Trines To Mercury In Libra – The Scales
    • Trines To The Structured, Disciplined & Strictive Saturn in Aquarius – The Water Bearer
    • Trines To Goddess of Aesthetics, Beauty & Love Aka Venus in Libra – The Scales
    • Trines To The Solar King SUN in Libra – The Scales
    • Squares To The Higher-self, compassionate & illusive NEPTUNE in Pisces – Dual Fish
    • Conjunction To The Mars In Gemini Before Luna Goes VOID
    Themes Of [​IMG]Gemini [​IMG] Cycle Until 15th Oct: Ideas, Perception, Conversationalists, Communication & Strong Social Media influencers… Also adjustments for the Settlement in “Divorce” cases as well as “Separation” within the couple due to “Deception” & “Misunderstandings” & inability to fulfill commitments & vows due to “Nervousness & confusion”…
    Making adjustments in learning knowledge through making contacts with overseas educationalists or wiser people around.
    For 13th October, You will be under influence of Generosity & kindness towards the needy people around your community or maybe charity or fundraising over the Internet (Using social media accounts), also publicity for your profession through Digital Marketing to persuade clients Or professionals easily, Tarot & Astrology is the best medium to channelize this mind wandering & curious energies flowing throughout the 13th day (Surely Gemini remains curious until 15th but still 13th is very intellectual & ideal day for all Mind & Communicative deals with other people) your mind will remain very curious & like EMOTIONS will be ruled by intellectualism & growing experience through mindfulness & different ideas for the complexity of problems you may have been dealing with these days (When Luna was Creating energies to the PLUTO in Capricorn previously Or squares the DIETY/Goddess HESTIA #4)…
    So GEMINI LUNAR CYCLE will make your thoughts be influenced by the receptiveness or reception you are getting through the moods of your surroundings and perhaps this is due to creating a different experience to get yourself & others around your home “Nurtured”, because you want to control emotions through ideas, wittiness, experiments in different sectors of DOMESTIC life & Vice-versa (Emotions are ruled by ideas & intellectualism is ruled by the perception & reception your Heart gives & creates about others).
    14th October 2022 will be the day to fulfill the domestic & professional tasks more dedicatedly & through proper concentration (Focused Mind) & accept too many challenges, duties & commitments with the Family members as well obeying the orders of Authorities/People in charge more submissively & taking a lot of PRESSURE at workplace, professionalism & domestically (Especially in Marital affairs).

    Also, 14th will be the date to pursue Creativity endeavors & making adjustments in your HOME in terms of “Aesthetics” & Interior Decoration with the brilliance of ideas to improve your home environment & make it a more “Playful” & ideally HOME THEATER experience (Getting comfortable watching movies, series & playing around with children), also Painting, Music…
    Getting flirtatious would be so easy around the afternoon to the evening of the 14th, like your terms & relationship with the WOMEN around you would be somewhat understanding, sexy & harmoniously active. It’s like you can easily seduce someone through WORDS & via Phone calls Or texts to arrange some beautiful DATES which might turn out to be “intellectual” dates if not sexual/sensual.. Or it should be called “Intellectually aroused dating” lol also, you`d be getting a good amount of support from family at that stage if you want to pursue the dating Or newly formed connection all the way towards “Commitments” & taking it towards forming ties & getting into harmonious Relationship ahead.
    As you approach the 15th OCTOBER date, the half day would be dealing with your personal issue in some isolation, due to extremely MOODINESS feelings that surround your Mind & thought process. Especially those PISCES Risings can feel immense pressure within the Family circle (Between Parents, discontentment within couples due to Emotions running deep today), also, carrying an emotional burden would be somewhat Separative & Isolatively melancholy for a few hours at least…
    so watching out about that depressive phase (Gemini Lunar cycles make you depressed easily due to worries & tension, even though those stressful thoughts are shortlived)…
    still, be careful about the REACTIVENESS due to Moodswings which can disturb domestic peace & harmony…
    & Marriage Contracts or even for settlement through documentation (About Child custody & all those matters if you are into any sort of leaving partnership) or I would say, even in extreme cases, the coming out of the relationship would be CONSENSUAL & even if Divorce occurs during this phase, that would be with Consent & mutual understanding…
    After all, Libra Season is all about “Making Consensus & Understanding even with the dissents”.

    15th October will be the date when you can say a kind of most challenging day ahead. Because of the reason “Saturday Saturn-day”, and secondly as Lunar heading towards MARS, there would be some nasty stressful energies arising in the SKY, especially for Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces & Gemini itself…
    Luna will be stressed out due to Mars & Neptune and can bring serious conflicts at home due to lack of understanding between couples, parents & siblings mainly…
    You might feel very bold & straightforward that you would say anything without thinking of consequences & this can even generate some physical clashes (in extreme cases) within the partners, friends, or even between the Neighbors Or Siblings will be very edgy towards each other due to small differences building up for some reasons. Might be a highly impulsive nature you may build inside that day or coming from the people around you (Neighbours & Sibling) that this influence can generate some high actions & provocation for taking extreme steps out of Boldness & lack of Anger management Or maybe for Self-defence system.
    To control Martial clashes, and fights (Verbal at least), control your aggressiveness throughout the SATURDAY (15th Oct) & try to divert your combative mind & thoughts towards some learning, exploring & constructiveness (for better outcome of such heavy energies).
    Channelizing those energies into HIGHER-Self, Receptivity for the needy people & sufferings of society instead… Our compassion, Charity, taking participation in Artistic stuff like doing Poetry, listening to music, gardening where your HANDS are used (Gemini), & enhance your Spiritual & Religious skills through practicing Or preachings around. Rather than losing self-control & getting into clashes & when the situation gets out of control as a result of serious consequences, you start to take Drugs, Stimulants, Intoxicants…

    Avoid Deceptive people at any cost on 15th October 2022 & improve your Psychic abilities to connect to the higher dimensional & vibrational forces so your spirit guides through spirituality & intuition guide you to take guard against all DECEPTIVE elements within your family who are busy conspiring against you & your Spouse, children or even creating differences between SIBLINGS Or could be one Sibling would be very active silently through SCHEMES against you.
    Regards, Try to remain calm physically, be observant, mentally aware & alert & patient on the 15th until the LUNA enters into domicile CRAB sign ahead…
    Astrologer Aatif


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