Astrology By Astro Aatif - 11 Oct 2022 To 29 Oct 2022 ~ Distinctive Cosmical Changes

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 11, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif

    29m ·

    Distinctive cosmical changes in the SKY today
    with "Hermes/MERC ☿ - God Of Messenger" shifting gears…

    Merc Ingress Into ♎︎ Libra – The Scales ♎︎ Date:
    Another Day, Another Ingress Into Balanced & Harmonious Sign Of Scales

    Hermes/MERC ☿ Stays & Float Through LIBRA ♎︎
    From 11th Oct – 29th Oct 2022

    11th October 2022 important development in SKY

    HERMES The Mercury Mythology Background:
    in Roman mythology,
    Mercury is the god of travel, commerce & communication,
    and the Greek god Hermes was the messenger of the Gods.

    Hermes won this title Or name because it used to move quickly
    across the sky carrying the messages of different GODs
    to the deserving destination & authorities…

    & perhaps this is the REASON,
    Mercury why MERCURY/HERMES orbits very close to the SUN
    than any other Planet and also,
    Mercury have no MOONS Or Satellites either.

    Jupiter Mythological Background:

    The Biggest Planet in the SOLAR system
    & the 5th Planet from the mighty SOLAR King Aka SUN…

    It is so big that more than 1300 Earth could fit inside it.

    Jupiter was ZEUS & Roman sky god, Jupiter,
    known to the Greeks as Zeus.

    & When JUP/ZEUS got Angry he was the root cause behind
    the massive thunderstorms & lightning in SKY t
    o release his wrathful/vengeful anger towards his opponents
    fighting for the Territory issues…

    Jupiter/Zeus has 63 Moons

    Mercury Ingresses Libra:

    An Ability To Absorb The Dissenting Reviews

    The mercurial shift in energy from analytics of Maiden/Virgo
    towards the Balancing act to bring Harmony through the war
    of sweet words & communication….

    Mercury Ingresses Libra: An Ability To Absorb
    The Dissenting Reviews

    The mercurial shift in energy from analytics of Maiden/Virgo
    towards the Balancing act to bring Harmony through the war
    of sweet words & communication….

    Mundane Level MERC & JUP Contacts In Sky:

    Countries & Their Belief-System Being Challenged
    Through Balancing The Negotiations Using High-Quality Diplomacy (Contradictions & Violative Influences Are There Though
    Because Of Aries Polarity)

    Read the full article on my blog below:

    Distinctive cosmical changes in the SKY today with MERCURY shifting gears… – Astrology By Aatif (

    Regards, & enjoy these harmonious & relevant easy Transits
    & utilize this energy to bring harmony within the close relationships through the “Reconciliation process & agreements”
    which should be based on Equality, Fully digesting
    & Tolerating the dissents/dissenting views, opinions & voices...

    & do not react just because JUP on the ARIES
    pushes you through a Strong “PULL” to react… Avoid reactions & stays jovial & carefree instead.

    Make more connections globally & enjoy travel for business
    & education purposes for the month of remaining weeks of October 2022…

    Astrologer Aatif

    #Mercury #mercuryinlibra #LibraSzn #libraseason #mercuryoppositionjupiter #jupiterretrograde #Jupiter #jupitermoon #astrology #astrologypost #astrologyreadings #astrologymemes #wordpress #Libra #zodiacsigns #zodiac #codependency #diplomacy

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Distinctive cosmical changes in the SKY today with MERCURY shifting gears… – Astrology By Aatif (

    Regards, & enjoy these harmonious & relevant easy Transits & utilize this energy to bring harmony
    within the close relationships through the “Reconciliation process & agreements” which should be based on Equality,
    Fully digesting & Tolerating the dissents/dissenting views, opinions & voices & do not react just because JUP on the ARIES
    pushes you through a Strong “PULL” to react… Avoid reactions & stays jovial & carefree instead.

    Make more connections globally & enjoy travel for business
    & education purposes for the month of remaining weeks of October 2022…

    Astrologer Aatif

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif
    15m ·

    Astrology Update: 12th October 2022 Transiting

    1f316. Gibbous Waning Moon 1f316. Creates Different Energies Today…

    #Taurus #Virgo #Aquarius #Leo #Scorpio #CAPRICORN Alert

    An Exalted Taurus Gibbous Moon Creating Wonders Inside Earth

    & Fixed MODE Triggering The Psychological & Philosophical Debates

    & Arguments & Perhaps, today is that day our instinctual HEALING kicks off

    & creates a difference in the World ahead because Luna Enters into GEMINI ahead…

    Taurus Luna Energies Right Now:

    1- Trines To Pluto (8th)

    2- Squares To Vesta #4 Goddess (Earth Goddesses Virgo Maiden Mainly) In Aquarius (11)

    3- Sextiles To Neptune In Pisces (12th)

    Moon in Taurus, Pluto In Cappy

    – The Goat Horned, Vesta in Aquarius

    – The Water Bearer & Neptune In Pisces – The Dual Fish

    - ♉︎ 1f316. 90° □ Hestia ⚶ #4 2652.

    Detachment Of Family, Fertility & Unhealed MOTHERS

    - 120° △ PLUTO 2651. - Interests In Topics Like Death & Rebirth

    (Incarnation Process) Possessiveness, Power-Struggle,

    Manipulation, Jealousy & Complexed Family LIFE

    - 60° ⚹ ♆ Pisces 2653. - Higher-self & Receptiveness Towards Picking Up

    The Vibrational Energies of Spirit-Guides

    Through Intuition as well as Arts, Music & Melancholic Poetry/Lyricists

    An appropriate Dialogue: Moon, Pluto, Vesta & Neptune In Sky
    “Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world Like a Colussus; and we petty men

    Walk under his huge legs, and peep about To find ourselves dishonorable graves.

    Men at some time are masters of their fates: The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,

    But in ourselves, that we are underlings.” Julius Caesar (1599) act 1, scene 2 Shakespeare

    Themes: Process of HEALING, Forgetting the worldly desires & materialistic wealth of this world
    for the Higher Purpose through pure spirituality, religious practices & influencers
    using our Intuition, gut-instincts & spirit-guides, to create some difference in the world
    through our Divine knowledge of occultism, Past-life thoughts, Fears Of Death & Getting Rebirth

    Through Reincarnation Qualification Or Eligibility related to this whole Process

    (At least in Psychological terms if not Physical

    but I will discuss the physical incarnation & reincarnation process below in a while though

    because its HADES MOON & Pluto activation in SKY with TAURUS)
    Luna 1f316. Squares ⚶ Vesta #4 ⚶ In 2652. Aquarius 2652. :

    The Deity Goddess Of Humanity, Selfless Service & Consistent In Connecting Sexually
    With Partners Without A Sexual & Intimate Mismatch…

    Needs Personal SPACE though from her own self-pleasures & Physical Requirements.

    Read the full article on my blog below:
    Astrology Update: 12th October 2022 Transiting Gibbous Waning Moon Creates Different Energies Today… – Astrology By Aatif (

    Luna ☽ Squares ⚶ Vesta #4 ⚶ In [​IMG] Aquarius [​IMG]:

    VESTA 4 In Aquarius – The Deity Goddess Of Humanity, Selfless Service & Consistent In Connecting Sexually With Partners
    Without A Sexual & Intimate Mismatch… Needs Personal SPACE though from her own self-pleasures & Physical Requirements.

    This Taurus Waning Gibbous Luna is currently creating 90 Deg Stressful energies with this Deity/Earth Goddess
    Of Dedication & Workaholicy Aka Hestia #4 – Workoholicy, Dedication, Devotion For Service For Family,
    Reliability & Undaunts With Consistency Of Availability (Focus While Neglecting Your Own Desires To Improve
    The Lifestyle Of Oppression Of The Society At Larger Scale Of Aquarius Globally).

    Forget your own personal desires, demands & lustful endeavors/adventures just for the sake of a “Greater Goal”
    to create a difference in the world by being a true Protector (Following the footsteps of the Wiser diety
    Aka VESTA Goddess) & how to connect to the Higher-Self using the Vibrational Neptune which would connect us
    with the Spirituality & Signs of GODS & this way, a HEALING Journey will start…

    Luna Squares Hestia 4 Also creates some imbalance & Mental instability In the thought process
    & psyche of Those Who Devote Their Life For The Betterment Of Their Family Being A True Protectress DIETiES
    Moon Square Hestia Themes: Try To Nurture The UNHEALED MOTHERS Globally Tonight Because

    They were left unnurtured throughout their Marital & Domestic Life Due To Selfless
    & Undaunting Service For Their Husbands & Children

    Even the Intimacy you create today will be very powerful, divine & pure Soulawakening indeed due to PLUTO influence.

    Otherwise, VESTA will push you away from connectedness with your partner.

    Still, of course, the Ruler of TAURUS MOON aka VENUS is transiting into the very sensual & dependent sign “Libra”,
    so intimacy is there for sure… But due to VESTA #4, the intensity of the Intimated matters would be somewhat Intense
    but lack EMOTIONALISM Or “Emotional Distancing” indeed…

    Though, Pluto In Capricorn Trine to The Materialistically grounded Luna in Taurus connections
    will demand somehow Career ambitiousness & accomplishments in life in terms of securing ourselves
    & family members more financially secured (If not emotionally)…

    Sextile to the NEPTUNE, this Luna will push you towards connecting with the GOD
    & Higherself through signs & vibrational push through either by Spiritual practices
    or Religious congregational activities (Connected with peers to convey & spread the message of almighty GOD)…

    Be careful though folks, about losing some kind of possessions through manipulation because today
    until this LUNA is intact into the TAURUS sign, the Possessions & Money matters will or might undergo
    some radication or transformative changes.

    Right? Avoid any speculative investments being made today… prolong it instead.
    Are our Deityspirits, Pastsouls, Spirit guides, Signs Of Intuition,
    Our Fates & Destiny-Gates, the Purpose Of our Life & Past-life connections “Pre-destined
    & predefined” Or getting into the New physical bodies?
    An appropriate Dialogue: Moon, Pluto, Vesta & Neptune In Sky

    “Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world Like a Colussus; and we petty men Walk
    under his huge legs, and peep about To find ourselves dishonorable graves.

    Men at some time are masters of their fates: The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
    But in ourselves, that we are underlings.” Julius Caesar (1599) act 1, scene 2 Shakespeare
    Gibbous Moon Trines PLUTO In Goat-Horned Capricorn: Possessiveness With A Sweet Consideration & Lustful Complexity

    So the Taurus Luna is creating a Sweet EARTH Harmonious Energy with the Hades/Pluto in CAPRICORN right now…
    This influence surely makes your dreams weird & also should be making your domestic & personal relationships at home
    (With family members) very intense with extreme difficulties in developing understandings.

    Other than this, it’s a great Manipulatively active POSSESSIONS over Partner & among lovers…

    & I have been wondering about some weird stuff for quite some hours now…

    Regarding “Death & Rebirth” both physically & psychologically…
    Because I was so lost in some Research work for my ASTROLOGY Article & for my BLOG,
    I started collecting data from very OLD ages (Years) just to find similarities between the events
    occurring these days and the happenings previous generations faced previously.

    Once you get an intuition that you had some “incarnational” lives previously or not,
    you can open up a path or a debate at least about what year or phase you were born previously (in some other lifetime).
    Thats something exciting & deep

    Note: I dont know about the procedure practitioners use for the thing called “Past life Regression”,
    but I think there are signs & indications in ASTROLOGY that you can get some “hints”
    about those periods/phases or years, somehow… Maybe? So I am thinking about these lines…

    I think it’s very appropriate for this TRANSITORY LUNA In Taurus Trines to the Pluto in Capricorn stuff…
    Stories, Past-life, Traumas, Fears of ancient times including Previous Deaths & rebirth in terms
    of either a fresh birth or via the “Reincarnation process”…

    & I also want to know right now what makes a person qualified for “Reincarnation”,
    like I know there are indications you get through, such as, few people have naturally born
    with “Gut instincts”, & they are blessed with intuition about connecting the dots
    with the present/current happenings (Including people, faces, events & places or the familiar voices)
    & the previous familiarities (like past life could be or something recalling after ages),
    at least in the animus system of their Subconscious…

    So in Astrology, you can connect those dates by the movements of the Planets in the sky above
    using the concept of the “As Above – So Below” phenomenon…

    like I am gathering data at what YEAR, such & such celestial body was doing something
    or occupying some sector of the SKY divided by the 12 ZOADIC zones by the ASTROLOGERS, right?

    Like at what year, can we consider it to be the time of our PREVIOUS BIRTHS…

    This is quite interesting & blowing my mind as I have been constantly following up on the footprints
    & smokescreens of the Planetary movements up in the SKY
    (Just to rescue myself & others I know personally through those old clouds)…
    Lol, it’s funny but believe it’s creating a deep psychological impact on my thought process & mindset right now…

    Remember WISEMEN who traveled to the Jewrosleum & “Star Of The David” stuff
    Stories narrated by the Ancients ASTROLOGERS??

    Note: it was widespread for the people born with “Gut Instincts” or strong “Intuitional Spirit Guides”,
    that they are actually qualified to be the MEMBER of the “Reincarnation” phase,
    this is why they keep remembering

    Or recalling old memories of happenings that happened to them previously….

    so GUT INSTINCTS, Intuition & Spirit Guides are things you can consider to fall
    into the category of coming back to earth via “Reincarnation”…

    Astrology can really guide you in this regard folks… it’s very deep & complex about Death & Rebirth.

    In the process of Reincarnation, & those deities Into the new body, our emotional
    & deepest needs to connect to our “higher self” which most of the life,
    remains in subconsciousness & takes a lot of effort to bring those realizations
    & convert those opportunities & needs into realities, perhaps, it
    takes more than one lifetime…

    Regards & contact me on the following Social Media profiles for personal readings
    & predictions about your life & other problems…
    Astrologer Aatif

    Astrologer Aatif
    #Hestia #vesta #vestagoddess #deity #maidenvirgin #goddess #goddesses #goddessenergy #asteroidgoddess #asteroid #Aquarius #TAURUSMOON #waninggibbous #gibbousmoon #october #predictions #zodiacsigns #zodiac #horoscopes #pluto #Neptune #planets #astrologyreadings #intuition

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