Astrobursts Starting Of: 20 Feb 2023 ~ New Moon To Full Moon Of 07 Mar 2023 #astrobursts

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Feb 17, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Illustration, from A new and complete illustration of the celestial science of astrology
    by Ebenezer Sibly (1826)
    Astro Aatif

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member



    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Welcoming In Pisces 2653.
    The sun will enter the water sign of the mystic today (Saturday 2-18-23)
    At 5:34PM EA / 4:34 CEN / 6:34 PAC / 9:34PM UT

    This Pisces season is the initiation of where we will see spirit come into form
    over the next 2.5 years.

    Our higher consciousness is ignited by the Sun in Pisces.

    Our compassions come fourth to reveal the subconscious existence of our universal self within the flesh suite.

    Mercury, the now softer winged messenger will be the first planet
    to enter the last sign of the zodiac on March 2nd, 2023.

    It’s brilliant how the cosmos are aligning our intellect & communications first
    before the universe ushers in Saturn on March 7th, 2023
    the same day as the full moon in Virgo!

    This is played to perfection like a Beethoven symphony exclusively
    put on by Source. 

    Love is absorbed like a sea sponge. Bringing spirit to matter.

    Blazing our intellect with creativity.

    Releasing the old way, the old karma becomes dissolved.

    Oh yes, this Pisces Season is MOST DEVINE 2747.

    But still, in order to cast our sails away from the storms
    we must embody our truest essence of self.

    Riding the rainbow vortex to ascend and accept all that is IS us.

    We are allllll (all) of it.

    When the Sun is in Pisces we are reminded
    that we are boundless infinite beings of light.

    Affirm: “I am a boundless infinite BEing of Light.”

    The Sun will enter Aries on Equinox March 20th, 2023

    Following will be the long awaited entrance of Pluto
    into Aquarius March 23rd, 2023

    Walk in the light & spread the sparkle
    Chanda Sparkles 2747.
    Incredible Pisces photo by Enzo's Artwork

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    The Garden of Eden and Assembly Hall Peaks in The Swell of Emery County, Utah

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Angelic Aurora ~ Fairbanks, Alaska

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    19 FEB 2023
    Meghan Lynn

    - New Moon at 1° Pisces
    - exalted Venus at 29° Pisces
    - Saturn wrapping up his transit in Aquarius, conjunct New Moon
    - Pluto at 29° Capricorn
    - Mercury in Capricorn applying square to Uranus in Taurus

    As we approach the New Moon in Pisces we find ourselves
    in the cross currents of endings and beginnings.

    Naturally, Pisces is the sign that marks the beginning of the end,
    the liminal space where the current cycle dissolves into the vast ocean
    of possibility in preparation for rebirth and renewal.

    Yesterday we began a new Solar Season
    with the ingress of the Sun into Pisces,
    today we close a Lunar Month as the dark moon
    draws ever closer to her embrace with the Sun.

    Today Venus is at the peak of her exalted space,
    tomorrow she will find herself exiled in Aries.

    Saturn too is about to shift gears as he wraps up his transit in Aquarius.

    In two weeks time when the Full Moon peaks in Virgo we will see Saturn shift into Pisces.

    For me this evokes the image of the waters freezing as they are poured forth
    from the Water Bearer into the vast ocean of Pisces.

    But for now, the waters of Pisces are free of Saturn's icy grip
    and are being held in the most beautiful container.

    At the beginning of the sign
    we have the Sun/Sol/Soul awaiting the embrace of his consort,
    Lady Luna, while at the final degree sits Venus in full regalia
    upon her throne as Queen of Heaven.

    New Moons are powerful moments to plant our seeds of intention,
    and Venus has the ability to draw in that which
    we receive making this is a powerful time
    to dream into existence the connections, supports,
    and experiences that will serve to enrich our lives,
    especially for the next three years.

    The possibilities are limitless, literally,
    as this is the last New Moon in Pisces without the presence of Saturn,
    lord of limitations, restrictions, and boundaries until 2026.

    This is also the last New Moon in Pisces with Venus co-present in Pisces until 2029.

    Make. The. Most. Of. This. Magick.

    Weave the threads of possibility into the fabric of your reality.

    Surrender to the dreams inside of you.

    Flow with the current and trust where it will carry you.

    Get out of your own way as Saturn's close proximity to the New Moon
    yet out of sign conjunction speaks of the self imposed limitations
    we put on our futures when we get in our own way via fixed beliefs
    rather than surrendering to the process always unfolding in the now.

    Old stories are ending, chapters are closing, and structures are collapsing.

    We have been navigating our way through
    a great dismantling process on both personal
    and societal levels since 2020,
    and here we are on approach to the threshold of the great rebuilding
    of our lives and the world in which we are anchored.

    Pluto at 29° Capricorn has been and will continue
    to be relentless in laying to waste structures
    which are corrupt, those lacking in integrity,
    and systems that exert and extort power
    over the powerless.

    Venus at 29° Pisces is working with Pluto
    via sextile to call us out of the rubble of the past.

    The time of mourning what was must now transition into allowing what will be.

    The resources and connections you need to make The Dream reality exist.

    When we release the need to control the outcome
    we surrender to the process and allow possibility to enter.

    Let that possibility pave the way future forward.

    Attach not to outcome or any particular method in the current madness.

    Mercury in Aquarius is squaring Uranus in Taurus creating tension as we move
    into the future at hand rather than the future we always had mapped out in our heads.

    This New Moon is the perfect time to remember that we co-create our experience of reality
    and our participation that process has a direct outcome on how we experience life.

    We get to determine our role in our own story.

    This is also a perfect time to remember that your dreams matter.

    Magick is real and there is more mystery in the mundane than we realize
    until we take time to tap in and feel one with the flow.

    May we find in ourselves a potent vessel to carry forward these blessed waters
    so that we may drink from them and nourish our soul as we encounter
    the many moments of newness about to arrive at our door as we continue to navigate
    the unfolding unknown.

    May we see the beauty in the possibilities that lay before us
    and in those to whom we are connected.

    May we be able to believe in a future worth living and may our dreams breathe life
    into manifesting just that.

    Happy New Moon


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