Astro Aatif ~ Astrology Nugget For August 2022 & September 2022

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Aug 24, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif

    24 Aug 2022 ·

    Astrology Nugget For the August/Sep:
    The Mutable Confusion & Dilemmatic Transits ( 2642. , ☿, ☉ & ♆)
    including Retrograde Mercury phase ahead
    (Very confused, indecisive & requires reality-check millions
    of times for Mutable Signs)

    Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius & Pisces - A Scattered Mind

    Mercury goes Pre-Shadow Confused Phase By 20th August 2022

    & Then goes Retrograde by September 9th & moves back to VIRGO again

    For Example: For Virgo Risings, these heavy mutable energies
    affect your ANGLES big time,

    Such as Mars 2642. in Gem ♊︎ 90° ☉ in Maiden VIRGO ♍︎ & MERC as well,
    with NEP in PISCES ♓︎ is floating in DSC, 9th (For Mars in GEM),

    The 12th (For Sun & then Mercury Being Rx), close to AC
    (MERCURY & SUN floats through your 1st) & MC
    (Where Mars will eventually Retrograde later this year).

    With Mercury goes into Pre-Shadow zones prior
    to the actual Retrogradation period
    Mercury Retrograde September to October 2022
    On August 20, 2022, Mercury enters the Retrograde Zone
    (pre-retrograde shadow) at 24° Virgo 12′

    Please do NOT Believe In Media These Days Because;

    "Your Media is a weapon of mass deception
    through a special narrative building manipulation
    in favor of particular group/Political party
    & destruction by distorted facts
    & misinformation to control the minds of viewers."
    Technically, it's a month & period of false information
    (Disinformation/misconception) coming through
    Or deliberately circulating on media to control the minds of masses
    & viewers with lies, deception & falsehood cheating...
    & one-way propaganda to promote or make or break for some leaders
    through a massive tilt (One-way Narrative to promote certain ideology
    Or political party)...

    Highly Intuitive & Wandering Mind & A Strong Perception,
    Based On Confusions & Nervousness.

    A Perfectionist Virgo (☉, ☿) Floats In Lies, Fraud, Deception, Dishonesty,
    Cheat & Build Castles In The Air Based On Imagination & Unreal Idealism
    Also Promises More Than Delivery.

    This r confused, foggy, nervous & irritable Transits to be honest.

    I have been feeling very confused lately
    like I am writing a lot of ASTROLOGY articles
    but not finding the motivation to post them & keep on saving them
    in my Docs & start another article in the middle of the first one 270d. 1f615.

    Regards, & carefully utilize this distorted & scattered energy
    for the month of August & September with focus, clarity
    & double-check REALITIES before falling for some propaganda
    coming through news channels or social media trends
    just to control the minds of masses through one-way traffic
    or populated ideas to disguise in favor of a specific group
    or a political party...

    Astrologer Aatif

    #mutable #mutablesigns #VirgoSzn #virgomemes #Gemini #Sagittarius #Pisces #neptuneretrograde #Neptune #Mars #marsingemini #Mercury #mercuryretrograde #mercuryinvirgo #mercurysigns #astrologymemes #astrology #Astrologer #memes #tarot #retrogrademercury #retrogradeseason #retrograde #mercuryretrograde2022

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif

    24 Aug 2022
    2h ·

    Fake it till you make it: A Heavy Mutable transits & energies in the SKY these days.
    How to properly emote when you have Mutable Dominance in Horoscopes? with the presence of;
    1- Mars in GEM
    2- Sun & MERC in VIR
    3- Retrograde Nep in PISCES
    Masking everything through hiding your true identity, emotions, & state of mind
    no matter how broke you are inside or traumatic internally, you have to surrender
    to circumstances unfolding the events in your life, one after another
    & teaching you harsh lessons of the life & yeah,

    Mutable energies are just about LEARNING & Gaining experience
    through different experimentation

    (Be it separation, broken affairs/ties Or getting deceived or deceive others)...

    Mutable Folks & People With Heavy Foggy, Confused & Nervous Placements
    Or Signs such as Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius & Gemini
    & i think even for Water dominant & Signs like SCORPIO, Pisces & Cancer,
    these Mutable Transits Or Energies are good for you to mold & adaptability development
    in your personality for better Emotional control
    & masking your fears, sorrows & internal or external breakups in life
    \with changing your emotions & trying out with different energies to hide
    your true saddest feelings & give positive & happiest postures,
    gestures through hands (Gemini Mars) ahead to make yourself
    & other around you heavy with positive vibes...

    Astrologer Aatif
    #mutable #emotions #masking #mask #maskchallenge #hideaway #hidden #trueemotions #moods #moodchallenge #feeling #feelingsad #feelingsquotes #memes #astrologymemes #zodiac #zodiacchallenge #tarot

    • Sharon Kapp
      As a cancer asc in D1 and scorpio in D9, going through Saturn MD, I am beyond exhausted with the planetary shenanigans.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif
    6m ·

    New Moons & Full Moons energy & Handling:
    When the exact aspect starts to defuse (A symbol of Lunatics To The Point Of Getting Bipolar)
    The Post Lunar Cycles after totality are more tricky to handle & tests native`s patience in terms of "Emotionalism,
    Vulnerabilities, Inability to focus, Either Insomniac Or Dizziness/Sleeping a lot, Irregularities of Women,
    Mood Swings, Prone To unknown fears, Worrisome instincts,
    Demons getting hurt again through the subconscious system, etc, etc.."\

    So my point is if you are not affected by the exact angle/aspec
    t Or degrees by Full Or New Moon (Lunar Cycles),
    keep an eye on the LUMINARIES,
    especially when they are separating from each other,
    & the lifespan of totality is about 8 Hours of "Manifestation Process"
    attach to the Affirmative & Longevity associated to the common traits
    of the Full Or New Moon Cycle about occurrence in that particular sign...

    Believe me, this VIRGO new Moon is still showing its colors with confusion
    & Nervous energies because of the Luminaries traveled through the SQUARE
    being received all the way from Twinned-Gem ♊︎ Mars (Mutable stress)...

    The upcoming Full Moon in PISCES is more dangerous to handle
    & again triggered by the MUTABLE dilemmatic energies...
    i am making notes on the upcoming FULL MOON
    (Corn/Harvest Moon on 10th September 2022)
    in the sign of Dual Fish..

    There are amazingly shocking & disturbing elements attached to FULL MOON
    inside September which i will reveal soon...

    Regards, & stay tuned to my future posts on Astrology
    Astrologer Aatif
    #fullmoonvibes #newmooninvirgo #newmoonritual #fullmoonritual #fullmooninpisces #PiscesMoon #Pisces #VirgoSzn #VirgoSeason #Virgo #Gemini

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif

    3h ·
    29 Aug 2022

    Astrology For 29th August 2022, End Of The August
    With A Balanced & Harmonious Lunar Cycle In The Sign Of Scales

    Luna Ingresses Libra Conjuncts The Archetypal Goddess Of Solving Puzzles Of Life
    Through Headstrong & Endurance, Brain Functionality, Memories, Psychological Traumas
    & Sustained Goddess aka Psyche #16 In Libra Conjunct Mercury In Libra

    All Of These Celestial Bodies/Planets Or Libra Stellium/Conjunction
    Is Currently Opposing Jupiter In Aries As well

    Luna + Mercury + Psyche 16 Energies & Themes:

    The emotional & Nurturing temperament of Libra is based on equality,
    balancing every dissenting voice taken into consideration
    before making major decisions in their life
    & this is why getting indecisive is not uncommon with this combination in Libra.

    Psyche 16 Goddess Conjunct Mercury in Libra is based on childhood memories
    & the pain she has received over the years through her Partners/Guardians
    Or Friends has taken her into a deep psychological state of mind
    that demands every action taken after the consensus with the whole family
    & this way, the honesty, the loyalty of PSYCHE has been challenged big time
    because of the LUNA influence which is based on the pressure
    coming through the strong opinion of her MOTHER (Luna Rules Mother),
    so this way, Psyche 16 ability to sustain the pressure coming from a strong influential WOMEN
    in a family who are busy in setting trap for you & your partner ahead for 1 day at least,
    will be tough to handle because you got to consider every single voice of your Family
    into consideration (Sweeet consideration).

    Psyche #16 Conjunct Luna Opposite Jupiter In Aries: Judicial System Of The Country At Mundane Level

    Your nurturing will be dependent on the feelings received through your learning brain
    or emotionalism will be based on intellectual & systematic HEALING (PSHCYE IN Libra & Mercury),
    & also this would be a great combination to become a Lawyer
    Or judge because 7th (Libra) is a judicial system at a MUNDANE level
    which involves the relationship/bonds of One particular Country
    with another (Neighboring & Business partner like IMF
    or other judicial systems involves Money, Luxury
    Or rescuing the Country through crisis,
    because Libra deals in Luxuries & Venusian matters including love, treasures or benefits)...

    Also, Jupiter sitting there in ARIES is helpful in this Jurisprudence, Law,
    Or Metaphysics of the Country level partnerships with another Country…

    The state of your mental health will only be recovered or be working with full potential
    when you receive the dissenting voice is somewhat balanced Or fair enough to solve the Puzzle/Mysteries
    of life or the trap set up for you to prove your LOYALTIES with your family,
    Mother & partner (Libra Rules Partnership, right), so in this scenario,
    you need to be headstrong without getting nervous & panic, just take your time,
    consider all sides of the story, seeing every side of the COIN before getting judgmental
    Or provocative today (for 2.5 days ahead).
    Luna, Psyche 16, Mercury Opposition Retrograde Jupiter In Aires:

    This set of celestial bodies floating in LIBRA right now, is being challenged by a heavy 180-degree angle
    coming through Rx Jupiter triggering the Aries/Libra axis bigtime & couple with ARIES & LIBRA
    will find it hard to bring Harmony into the Personal (One-to-one) relationship tonight, so be careful
    because Jupiter In Aries (Retrograde) will be pushing LIBRA towards Off-set
    & Off Balance the equilibrium which is must have a sound, peaceful
    & diplomacy involving the whole family structure…

    Jupiter pushes this Libra Stellium towards contradicting the “Belief, Psychological & Religious” system
    of each individual in the family & this way, the PAIN will be generated within the Family, Nurturing
    & belief system of the entire family Or among family members which will trigger the Psychological,
    Philosophical, Ethnicity & Sectarian differences and hence, clashes are obvious
    & Psyche 16 will be pushing & receiving the CHILDHOOD harsh memories coming through
    the difficult parents afflicted the Child thought Process & mindset through tough TRIVIA, Challenges
    & Trials to test the patience of the child & maybe you are parents & doing this all to your children tonight
    or maybe you are recalling those harsh memories coming through your PARENTS triggering
    your thought process again today by the smokescreens of those traumatic & troublesome challenges
    you were forced to go through just to prove your Submissiveness, loyalty towards your controlling,
    toxic Or over-demanding Parents Or Ancestral Belongings & family structure…

    Regards, & enjoy this balancing & harmonious transits of LIBRA for 2.5 days ahead...
    Despite been challenges been thrown Or put up for PSYCHE to recover, solve
    & go through challenges to prove her Love, Loyalty & Sacrifice
    just for the sake of bringing HARMONY in entire Family system
    (Despite being differences & clashes)...

    Ignore the harshness coming through your MOTHERLY Guardian at home
    Or if you are yourself a Mother, remain peaceful & mentally focused towards your Children
    through compassion & consider all sides of the story Or repercussions taken into consideration
    before being judgmental towards your kids ahead Or from tonight to onwards.

    Astrologer Aatif

    #Psyche16 #psychedelic #psychology #ethnic #ethinicstyle #ethinicity #philosophicalthoughts #philosophy #Libra #libramemes #zodiac #zodiacsigns #astrologypost #Astrologer
    #Jupiterr #jupiterretrograde #libramoon #Mercury
    #goddess #mythology #asteroid #myth #greekmythology #asteroides #goddesses

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif
    1h ·

    What's up, folks?
    Is How this 1f312. Waxing Crescent 1f312. Lunar Cycle in 2696. LIBRA - The Scales 2696. treating you?

    This LUNA In 264e. Libra - The Scales 264e. is prone to overindulgence in the self-pleasure
    & indulging yourself in comfort, luxuries of life, making connections overseas
    because of your Balanced/Diplomatic views, sweet voice,
    ability to seduce people through your BEAUTY, Ornaments, Aesthetic sense & all that stuff...

    A Perfect trine receiving through the MARS 2642. in ♊︎ Gemini ♊︎ is allowing you to sync your Heart,
    Nurturing with the Mindfulness with the ability to initiate new projects
    which require strong diplomatically triggered VERBAL & Communicative skills
    & using your hands (Gemini 2642. ) over Social Media to improve your Social status,
    strong opinioned, Digital Marketing, Influence Clients & Enterprises through strong Seductive
    & persuasive measures using your Beauty & communicative skills ahead because your Heart
    is aligned to your Smart brain, intellect & solutions which required Aesthetically
    present soft corner of your personality (Libra Luna)...

    Watch out for 180-Deg Opposition energies coming from Jupiter In Aries though because,
    Jup being Retrograde in 2648. ARIES 2648. , can Off-Balance this LIBRA SCALE
    & you can lose your Aesthetic Focus & tilt would be towards Philosophical, Religious,
    Ethnical & Political debates which can cause conflicts,
    differences due to strong "Dissenting Voices" coming to shake your internal Balance up...

    Focus on flirting around, and use your Aesthetic sense to improve your connections
    through SEDUCTIVE measures & maybe through Singing
    because of your Balanced Libra Moon Vocals tonight to inspire people
    through your vital & intense Creativity & Aesthetics ahead...

    Enjoy this LIBRA Transits & Focus on improving your Socializing, Partnerships,
    Nurturing instincts within the Family system & HEAL your Childhood & internal WOUNDS
    by proper DIPLOMACY (Chiron In ARIES) & considering all sides of COIN
    & both sides of the picture into "Sweet Consideration"...
    Regards, & may all of your EQUILIBRIUM be balanced & filled with a better tilt
    towards improving your "One to One Partnership",
    using the SCALES through Diplomacy to bring Balance in your Nurturing Relationships ahead
    for the betterment of the whole Family system, because you would definitely want stability,
    Socializing with better Justice system through (being diplomatic) within family circle
    & business Partnerships ahead... 2696.
    Astrologer Aatif

    #libratransits #libramemes #Libra #libramoon #waxingcrescent #crescentmoon #lunarcycle #mooninlibra #mooncycles
    #luna #Lunatic #moonrisekingdom #moonrising #lunarmansion #moonmanifestation #airsigns #Cardinals #cardinalsigns
    #zodiac #zodiacsigns #zodiacs #astrologymemes #predictions #PartnershipsMatter #partnership #partnerships
    #relationshipgoals #relationship #tarot #tarotreading #tarotchallenge #westernastrology

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif
    7m · 29 aug 2022

    A Neptunian Staircase In The 12th House Saga: Take You To The Castle Far way
    Into The Another World To Introduce The Worlds Which Are Unknown To You Now,
    But You Have Previously Known Them In Some Other lifetime...
    Imaginative Worlds Of The Subconscious Realms...
    A Staircase leading towards the Realms of the Imaginative Dual Fish ♓︎ PISCES ♓︎ -
    A Co-Ruler Of Jupiter & Neptune & its Subconscious 12th WORLD Of mysteries & fairytales...
    #imagination #Pisces #piscesmemes #subconsciousthinkers #subconsciousmind #subconsciousness #otherworld #otherworldly #pastliferegression #pastlife #pisceshoroscope #12thhouse #astrology #astrology #zodiacs #zodiac #zodiacsigns #watersigns #Neptune

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    30 AUG 2022

    30 Aug 2022
    Rakan Alduaij

    Tonight’s crescent moon was amazing
    Skyline, Anacortes

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif
    31 aug 2022 1:08 am est

    How's it going, folks?
    Hows this Libra LUNAR CYCLE treating you & your one-to-one relationship
    & nurturing life at home?
    its a very nasty, unpleasant & dangerous T-Square formation in SKY today
    between Aries, Libra & Capricorn involving Eris, Moon in Libra & Pluto
    Surprisingly, the Transiting Luna in Libra Squaring with Pluto in Capricorn right now
    & i am working on a very TABOO Subject such as
    the "Death" of a renowned Singer "Prince" for quite a while this morning now...

    Will be posting in a while after finishing connecting the dots of Prince`s Death
    with Astrology & Transit Charts...
    Stay tuned & be careful about this nasty multiple squares going on in SKY right now.

    it could be terrifying, traumatizing & a night full of conflicts
    & power-struggle among family members...
    with an element of Jealousy due to Cheating, Abuse & Control issues...

    Be careful about power struggles over the proper roles define for you
    & your family members (Especially partners) ahead.

    Regards, 1f9d0. 1f633. 270d. 1f64f.
    Astrologer Aatif
    Astro Aatif

    #Libra #cardinalsigns #Cardinals #Aries #Capricorn #horoscope #horoscopetoday
    #Horoscope2022 #dailymemes #dailyhoroscope #astrology #Astrologer #lunarcycle #luna #Lunatic #mooninlibra #libramoon

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    31 Aug 2022

    Astrology For 31st August 2022 -

    Personal Relationships At Stake Through Power, Control, Jealousy, Cheating
    & Traumatic Toxicity Being Generated Within Couples Ahead

    The Dangerous & Discontentment Transits in the sky today
    (Until The Moon Ingresses Scorpio ahead). 270d. 2696. 1f975. 1f483. 1f644. 2620.
    A T-Square Between Uranus ♅, Saturn ♄ & Venus 2640.

    The Cardinal T-Square with ERIS - The Discordia Goddess In Aires ♈︎,
    Crescent Luna In Libra ♎︎ & Retrograde Pluto In Cappy ♑︎
    The 2 nasty YODS/Fingers are formed: Between Leo, Pisces, Capricorn & Libra

    1- Leo Venus 2640. , Pisces Neptune ♆, Capricorn Pluto ♇
    2- Nep ♓︎ In Pisces, Crescent Moon ☾ In Libra ♎︎ & Venus 2640. In Leo ♌︎
    It's Dangerous for the Health of many leaders around the world
    & whenever some devastating & dreadful (Evil spirit & Malicious) planets
    are involved in YODS formations with Fixed/Cardinal T-Squares,
    some big events occur Including threats to Life, Murders, Deaths, Chaos in World & Breakups, etc

    Cardinal T-SQUARE between ERIS, Pluto & Libra Crescent LUNA invites us to revisit our Personal relationships
    through Power-Struggle, Cheating, Lies, Abuse & Traumatic CONTROL issues that bring the whole Balance
    & Harmony of Libra Lunar Cycles at stake & shake the whole family system through disturbed NURTURING.

    T-Square between VENUS in LEO (Me, Myself & I is importan
    t & i crave & demand constant attention & appreciation from my partner,
    URANUS in Taurus (I am Rigid but i love unpredictability & Change
    because they are not fulfilling the satisfaction for my EGO & Belief System & my partner
    & value systems are not being properly fueled & they are not clinging to me,
    so i am gonna disappear Revolt & Rebel YELLING) & SATURN in Aquarius.

    & This Fixed Modality (Signs) invites us to revisit the policy of Stubbornness,
    Rigidity & inability to show adaptability which is being offered by the Warrior Mars
    in GEM ♊︎ in VIRGO Season ☉, so we need to concentrate on the MUTABLE Signs
    these days to develop flexibility & adaptability.

    Determined Taurus, Aquarius & Leo will push each one towards the facilitation of self-ego
    & Possessiveness & all Taurus, Aquarius, Leo & Scorpio will try to dominate each other just
    to protect their Possessions, Prideful Rigidity & Powerful Concentration/Determination
    & Possessiveness with Control/Power issues, this will create chaos, and fights for the ego-system
    while satisfying their own Legacies/Value systems.

    Lessons & Survival Tips:
    Develop more Flexibility, Adaptability & learn how to let go of the Values & Traditions for the sake
    of better change in society & don't just stick to your core issues which can create high Unrest/Chaos this week ahead,
    Especially when LUNA will ingress SCORPIO later the day today for 2.5 days ahead into the darkness,
    shadowing the demons of your Subconsciousness & serious Control issues to be reprise & resurface again.

    Be careful about this nasty, warmongering & rigid (Taurus, Leo & Aquarius) while consolidating
    on developing the actions which are to RELEASE your anger & frustrating/discontentment
    for the sake of Cardinal T-Squares (Eris, Luna in Libra & Pluto in Capricorn)
    & please define the proper roles with flexibility within close & personal relationships
    & wait for this LUNA to lose orbits from constructing YODS (Fingers Of God)
    & T-Squares patterns tonight in the sky, leaves the ERIS - Discordia behind
    & enters into SCORPION...

    Regards, 270d. 2696. 1f975. 1f483. 1f644. 2620.

    Astrologer Aatif

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