Aquaries 1111 Corner

Discussion in 'Essays and Discourses' started by admin, Sep 27, 2014.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Aquaries1111 Corner - July 3rd, 2012



    The Dragon-the logoic reflection


    In the Sacred Doctrines of the Gnostics can be best discovered the significance of the DRAGON, of the Serpent, of the Male Goat and of all those symbols of Power and of Force’s of Nature and man, which, polarizing themselves with their negative aspect, are called “of evil”.

    The Dragons had been considered in all Antiquity symbols of eternity and wisdom.

    The hierophants of Egypt, of Babylonia and India were giving to themselves, in general, the name of “SONS OF THE DRAGON AND THE SERPENT”, thus confirming the teachings of the Universal Gnosticism.

    The Dragon is the Divine Daimon" of Socrates, the famous “LUCIFER” on the Notre-Dâme Cathedral in Paris, the same “XOLOTL-NAHUATL” of the Aztecs.

    The Dragon, Xolotl, is the Living Shadow of Quetzalcoatl (of the Logos, of the Christ), is the bearer of the Light, is Tlahuitzcalpante-Cuhtli, “The Morning Star”, the living symbol of “our Angular Stone”, of the “Cornerstone”, of the “Philosopher Stone”, in which lies the key to all powers.

    Lucifer-Prometheus, The Dragon, sometimes taking the form of the Male Goat of Mendez, symbolizes the Sexual Potency. He is the Prince of Light and Darkness and has absolute power over the Heavens, over Earth and over the Infernos.

    The Dragon, Xolotl-Lucifer-Prometheus, is by no means an external agent, outside of our Psyche. On the contrary, he is the “shadow” of OUR DIVINE BEING. He is “the psychological trainer” in the gymnasium of practical life.

    Certain brotherhoods draw false alarms, make great fuss and hubbub, and spread, here and there and over there, silly and defamatory fabrications against the Gnostic “Solar Chinoupes”, the “Agathodaemon-Christ”, the “Serpent” of Genesis, against “Lucifer-Nahuatl”, the shiny “Dragon of Wisdom”.

    Xolotl-Lucifer is badly looked and alienated by those rude “wisdom models”, who rejecting the life-giving Spirit, have literarily interpreted the alegory of “the war in Heaven” and of “the battle of Michael against the Dragon”, without understanding its profound significance...

    Without doubt, our Inner, Profound Being, like in all Legends of heroes who fight against the Dragon, must kill it, meaning that He has to come out victoriously and winning from all the temptations put by him and that is why it is said that, once defeated, we convert ourselves in “Sons of the Dragon”. How can the virtues germinate in us if the temptation would not exist?

    Bel and the Dragon, Quetzalcoatl and Xolotl, Apollo and Python, Krishna and Kaliya, Osiris and Typhon, Michael and The Red Dragon, Saint George and the Dragon, are (the latter) always the Shadow of the “Personal Divine Logos” of each and everyone of them and us, projected in our own psyche for our own good.

    The Dragon, that Force similar to a fuel, is the one who, used wisely, can give an impulse to our inner development, or on the contrary, used negligently, can lead us to the abyss of perdition...

    Post last edited Jul 3rd 2012
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2014
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Sep 1st 2012


    August 2nd, 2012 with August 17th with August 31st, 2012
    Friday, Aug 02, 2012 at 03:28 UCT full in Leo Sun and Aquarius Moon
    Saturday, Aug 17, 2012 at 15:54 UCT new in Leo Sun and Leo Moon
    Saturday, Aug 31, 2012 at 13:58 UCT full in Virgo Sun and Pisces Moon

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    Post n°32


    [​IMG] Raven

    Xeia Fan.
    August 2nd, 2012 with August 17th with August 31st, 2012

    Friday, Aug 02, 2012 at 03:28 UCT full in Leo Sun and Aquarius Moon
    Saturday, Aug 17, 2012 at 15:54 UCT new in Leo Sun and Leo Moon
    Saturday, Aug 31, 2012 at 13:58 UCT full in Virgo Sun and Pisces Moon

    [​IMG] Re: The Music Lounge

    [​IMG] Aquaries1111 Yesterday at 10:17 pm

    Venus Lucifera Aphrodite de Taurus May 16th, 1922 - March 24th, 1995 - September 1st, 2012

    I am the Dreamer and the Dream


    I am the Dreamer and the Dream
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2014
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Jorgelito - Posted Sep 20th 2012

    I enjoyed the video clip -- Moon River - Breakfast at Tiffany's. It evokes good memories. Thank you for sharng!
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Aquaries1111 on Tue Sep 18, 2012 8:00 pm
    My beautiful cousin Kristina...



    Post last edited Sep 21st 2012
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2014
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    aka 152=76+76
    the Dragon Twin

    91+1111 = 11Spirit11 = 11Mirror11 = 11Spacetime11 = 11Phoenix11
    = 2Taylor2 = 2S.WE.ET.S2 = 2S.DeboRaH.S2 = 2Vanity2
    Aquaries1111 = 91+4 = 95 = I Am That I Am = Excalibur = Scorpio = Neptune = I Am That Am I
    = DRAGON = 59
    59 = 53+6 = DeborRaH+123 = HaRobeD+ABC = 35+ABBA = 35+BAAB
    AquariUS+AriesA = 107+53 = Infinity + A DeboRaH = 106+1+53 = 160 = 106 = Infinity = = 8
    = Maria+D+Infinity = 46+8 = 54 = Love = Sun = Decoder = Gabriel = 95 = 59 = AquariesD = Aquaries1111
    = 42+1111+106 = New+4+Infinity = 4InfinityWar = 4RawInfinity = DeboRaH+New+D+HaRobeD
    = 152 = 62 = 26 = 1331 = =1ABBA1 = 1BAAB1 = JCCJ = 44 = DD = 8
    = February 11th, 1969 + March 24th, 1995
    = (2+11+25)+(3+24+24)=38+51 = 11+6 = 17 = 8 = 26 = 13+13 = JCCJ = DEMON+BRIDE = MICHAEL+BRIDE = 89
    89 = May 16th, 1922 - February 11th, 1969 - May 16th, 2011
    = (5+16+14)+(2+11+25)+(5+16+4) = 35+38+25 = 8+11+7 = 8+2+7 = 17
    = 8 = 44 = DD = (1111)+(22) = 26 = GOD = DOG = 13+13 = (10+3)+(3+10) = JCCJ

    Revelation 16:21 = 838 = 1(1)1 = 1111 = 8338 = Wisdom Bride = Noah Gnosis
    And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.

    AquariUS+AriesA = 107+53 = Infinity + A DeboRaH = 106+1+53 = 160 = 106 = Infinity = ∞ = 8
    A...US...A...A as A US = A&A = Aleph&Aleph

    Nostradamus: Century X, Quatrain 96

    Religion du nom des mers vaincra,
    Contre la secte fils Adaluncatif,
    Secte obstinee deploree craindra,
    Des deux blessex par Aleph & Aleph

    The Religion of the name of the seas will overcome,
    Against the sect of the son of Adaluncatif,
    The obstinate lamented sect will fear
    The two wounded by Aleph & Aleph.

    PACIFICAP=48+16=64=ISRAEL=PETER=PACIFICA P=P+ACIFICA P=32+32=LIFECELL de Pacifica OmniScience La Paz of the Pacific de A&A=A&A*=A&Z=Alpha&Omega of the Witnesses for the LogosTwin JCCJ


    "Aliph De Aliph"

    A Lunatic's House as a symbol for the deniers of the physical incarnation and existence and resurrection of the World Logos.
    A place of self delusion for the 'Lamentable Obstinate Sect' of the 'AntiChrist of the Artiste' d'NABS and the scripture codes misinterpreters and Logos truth polluters and cosmic law defilers

    The lunatic’s house - La maison du fada

    La maison du fada: that’s the local name for Le Corbusier’s famous – or infamous –unité d’habitation, or cité radieuse, in Marseille’s suburbs

    John 14:1-3
    1Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
    2In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
    3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

    1.Revelation 1:8
    I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

    2.Revelation 1:11
    Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.

    3.Revelation 21:6
    And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.

    4.Revelation 22:13
    I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

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    Post n°139
    Re: Aquaries1111 Corner


    shiloh wrote:

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    Post n°81

    Re: Messages from the Little Serpent Abba
    shiloh on Thu Nov 17, 2011 5:56 pm
    Owlsden wrote:
    My favorite: Here it is...

    A timeless piece... like you and Eye.

    eyeofabraxas. eye_to_eye. iwadjet.
    Right Eye of Abraxas Atum (Re-Hamarkhis Sun) Horus the Elder of the Horizon----------------------Left Eye of Wadjet (Thoth-Moon) of the Golden Uraeus

    Tonyblue 11-18-11 -Abraxas Anubia aka Tony Antoinette

    Cephas Boanerges de Didymos aka CB DD 58=85
    Star Father

    I will walk along the beach by the ocean with my toes deep in the sand,
    and you will be there with me, whispering like all your fingers in my hand
    There will be no river that we can't cross, no mountain we can't climb
    I'll make all the same mistakes, and you'll forgive me
    Cause I won't love you next time
    Like the phoenix rising from the fire again,
    I will warm you with such fire even you could fall in love with me, and then...
    And I won't love you next time
    When you fall in love with me, all this dreaming will be yours
    All these riches throughout all eternity
    But I won't love you next time
    I will walk along the beach by the ocean with my toes deep in the sand,
    and you will be there with me, whispering like all your fingers in my hand
    There will be no river that we can't cross, no mountain we can't climb
    I'll make all the same mistakes, and you'll forgive me
    Cause I won't love you next time
    Like the phoenix rising from the fire again,
    I will warm you with such fire even you could fall in love with me, and then...
    And I won't love you next time
    When you fall in love with me, all this dreaming will be yours
    All these riches throughout all eternity
    But I won't love you next time

    Sirebard Beardris

    Friday, September 21st, 2012 11:41 = 16 = 61 = 7 = 1 Abba = Baab 1 (+10UCT)
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2014
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    Post n°142

    Re: Aquaries1111 Corner

    Aquaries1111 on Sat Sep 22, 2012 4:15 pm
    19. While we are free to form our choices and opinions, it is an absolute fact that most of the ideas we choose to believe are created by someone else and then adopted by us, with little change or investigation into the idea

    Post n°145

    Time to take action / War?
    Aquaries1111 on Thu Sep 27, 2012 12:07 pm
    Aries Full Moon September 29 2012

    Published Notice in the Gazettes

    Aquaries1111 on Sat Sep 29, 2012 7:16 am

    Day: E8:Y3168:A11:S2:M25:D3 [11-Feb-1969 C.E.] Issue Number: 4674064
    Code: Pactum De Singularis Caelum
    Type: Life Records
    Name: Live Borne Record of
    Whereas in accordance with Article 42 of the most sacred covenant known as Pactum De Singularis Caelum, notice is hereby given for the first time that on MARS E8:Y3168:A11:S2:M25:D3 [11-Feb-1969] a Live Borne Record was issued for. We hereby record in accordance with Article 42 of the Pactum De Singularis Caelum, the pledge of fealty ab initio to the Divine Creator and acceptance of the Grant of Free Will use of Mind, Biological Property, Soul and Right to Rule the Estate granted by the Divine Creator and the promise of the Divine Creator to defend the entire Estate against all trespass. We hereby certify this True Person's Right to Rule the Estate, in accordance with the Pactum De Singularis Caelum, and the Power and Authority vested in the Estate by the Divine Creator, has been entered into the highest of all registers, The Great Register and Public Record of One Heaven, also known as the Great Book of Souls, also known as the Great Book of Life, against all other lesser titles, as a First, True and Original Certificate of Title by recording the following entry and inscription of a True Person of a True Trust, being:, Trust Number 283168-112253-080007, Borne E8:Y3168:A11:S2:M25:D3; And upon the lawful gift, grant, claim and conveyance of certain Divine Rights of Use, also known as Divine Property, also known as Divinity, by the Divine Creator, from a Divine Trust of the same name into the abovementioned True Trust, this True Person hereby lawfully possesses immutable and irrevocable Rights over the name granted to them at birth and their: biological property, mind, divine spirit, energy, labour, and all Copyhold or other Estates created as a result of existence. We hereby certify all other claims against their Estate such as prior rights, liens, surety, cestui que vie trusts, bond by pledge, bond by baptism, voluntary or involuntary servitude, bonds, binding by holding a certificate, other devices or instruments by any party, person or inferior trust, corporation or estate are all denied and are automatically null and void ab initio.

    Notice ID: QQ4002-000000-003710 Publish Number: First
    Day: E8:Y3168:A11:S2:M25:D3 [11-Feb-1969 C.E.] Issue Number: 4674064
    Code: Pactum De Singularis Caelum
    Type: Promised Land Records
    Name: Promised Land Record of
    Whereas in accordance with Article 44 of the most sacred covenant known as Pactum De Singularis Caelum, notice is hereby given for the first time that on MARS E8:Y3168:A11:S2:M25:D3 [11-Feb-1969] a Promised Land Record was issued for. We hereby record in accordance with the Pactum De Singularis Caelum, the pledge of fealty ab initio to the Divine Creator and acceptance of the Grant of Free Will use of Mind, Biological Property, Soul and Right to Rule the Estate granted by the Divine Creator and the promise of the Divine Creator to defend the entire Estate against all trespass. We hereby certify establishment of Ancestral Estate by the Power and Authority vested in Us by the Divine Creator against all other lesser rights, in accordance with Article 44 of Pactum De Singularis Caelum as the First, True and Original Patent of Estate has been entered into the highest of all Registers, The Great Register and Public Record of One Heaven, also known as the Great Book of Souls, also known as the Great Book of Life, against all other lesser titles, for the True Person of a True Trust, being:, Trust Number UA3168-112253-080007, Borne E8:Y3168:A11:S2:M25:D3; And upon the lawful gift, grant and conveyance of certain Divine Rights of Possession and Use, also known as Divine Property, also known as Divinity by the Divine Creator from a Divine Trust of the same name into the abovementioned True Estate Trust hereby lawfully possesses immutable and irrevocable Rights to possess and occupy land for the establishment of Ancestral Estate with primary domicile with all other claimed prior rights, claims, liens, encumbrances or instruments by an inferior trust, corporation or estate automatically null and void ab initio. We hereby certify all other claims against this Ancestral Estate such as prior rights, liens, surety, cestui que vie trusts, bond by pledge, bond by baptism, voluntary or involuntary servitude, bonds, binding by holding a certificate, other devices or instruments by any party, person or inferior trust, corporation or estate are all denied and are automatically null and void ab initio.

    Notice ID: QQ6002-000000-003710 Publish Number: First

    Re: Aquaries1111 Corner

    Aquaries1111 on Sat Sep 29, 2012 10:32 pm

    Where the hell are the Thubans when ya need them?
    Wake up Raven and Tony!
    Very Very Very Interesting!


    She'll find you in his weakness
    You'll find him in her strength
    Though two may become three tis naught the beginning nor the end
    She will whisper in his ear
    He will sing to her blue moons
    Weaving ALL together
    those notes become finely tuned
    With every breath you take and every step she makes
    the waves in between
    leave no trace of there ever having been
    less awareness from the purple to the green
    The color of Freedom is odorless
    and so the colorless in consciousness can only change
    with the odor of your own imagination...

    To our lives!

    Post last edited Oct 4th 2012
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2014
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    Post n°548

    Re: Theater of parallel Universe

    Aquaries1111 on Fri Sep 26, 2014 6:01 pm
    Brook wrote:
    Anomalous Events That Can Shake One’s Skepticism to the Core

    " I savored the experience more than the explanation".

    "The emotional interpretations of such anomalous events grant them significance regardless of their causal account. And if we are to take seriously the scientific credo to keep an open mind and remain agnostic when the evidence is indecisive or the riddle unsolved, we should not shut the doors of perception when they may be opened to us to marvel in the mysterious".

    Brook, Greetings to you and SiriArc,

    Your "Parallel Timings" have always been admired. Perhaps now, I share with you a "moment" in that "timing". My Mother is in hospital right now. She is in her 70's, so according to the bible, she has lived her timeliness, to a "degree". She is a stubborn woman, Scottish born with full Scottish Ancestors. She is Changing with the Wind.. as the Scorpions would say... there is "no sting".... as we already know.. I would like to thank you for remind me that there is a passage.. and a safe one at that, for "All of Us"..... and no-one is left behind, and no-one is left to rot in dishonor... so for all of those with eyes to see and ears to hear.. know, that forgiveness rules, and in our "humbleness" shall we reign.... not Scorpions, but Water, for the body does inDDeeDD, need this...

    The frog as spirit animal or totem reminds us of the transient nature of our lives. As symbol of transition and transformation, this spirit animal supports us in times of change. Strongly associated with the water element, it connects us with the world of emotions and feminine energies, as well as the process of cleansing, whether it’s physical, emotional, or more spiritual or energetic.


    Post n°549

    Re: Theater of parallel Universe

    Aquaries1111 on Fri Sep 26, 2014 7:07 pm


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    Post n°550

    Re: Theater of parallel Universe

    Brook Today at 1:01 pm
    Aquaries1111 wrote:
    Brook wrote:
    Anomalous Events That Can Shake One’s Skepticism to the Core

    " I savored the experience more than the explanation".

    "The emotional interpretations of such anomalous events grant them significance regardless of their causal account. And if we are to take seriously the scientific credo to keep an open mind and remain agnostic when the evidence is indecisive or the riddle unsolved, we should not shut the doors of perception when they may be opened to us to marvel in the mysterious".

    Brook, Greetings to you and SiriArc,

    Your "Parallel Timings" have always been admired. Perhaps now, I share with you a "moment" in that "timing". My Mother is in hospital right now. She is in her 70's, so according to the bible, she has lived her timeliness, to a "degree". She is a stubborn woman, Scottish born with full Scottish Ancestors. She is Changing with the Wind.. as the Scorpions would say... there is "no sting".... as we already know.. I would like to thank you for remind me that there is a passage.. and a safe one at that, for "All of Us"..... and no-one is left behind, and no-one is left to rot in dishonor... so for all of those with eyes to see and ears to hear.. know, that forgiveness rules, and in our "humbleness" shall we reign.... not Scorpions, but Water, for the body does inDDeeDD, need this...

    The frog as spirit animal or totem reminds us of the transient nature of our lives. As symbol of transition and transformation, this spirit animal supports us in times of change. Strongly associated with the water element, it connects us with the world of emotions and feminine energies, as well as the process of cleansing, whether it’s physical, emotional, or more spiritual or energetic.


    Water is the primer and the key to transition as well. My first indication/clue in the room with all the scrolls and such.

    My best thoughts are with you Debra and your mother in times of this nature.

    Don't let it be said I've lost my faith in you...and may your mother be well, but if time is at hand may she retain the dignity of that Scottish Stubborn nature which will endure many lifetimes...

    you can count on that!

    there is "no sting"....

    Post n°551

    Re: Theater of parallel Universe

    Aquaries1111 Today at 5:39 pm
    Thank you Brook,

    I truly felt the energy you put into the deliverance of the message. I am truly grateful. Technology can be, I suppose, a benefit in reminding us that we are all connected, even if we don't ever meet. Of course, we also both do know that our intentions are "true".. and I did feel the intention behind the message of compassion. As my Mother is transitioning, I feel I am also transitioning, to a place of "Trusting"... Trusting that well, since I create my reality, I can trust the water will pour, the sun will shine and the shooting stars will still fly as I look for them. All I can do at this point is be grateful that I "knew my Mum". She gave birth to me, and she cried with me and laughed with me.. She guided me and scolded me... I can see her now, "Petals, don't worry about me, I'll be fine, get your life together".

    She has Kidney Cancer and is on Morphine. She has the entire family in Scotland visiting her, except me.. This is what saddens me. I cannot be physically with her right now, for reasons I care not to disclose. However, no matter where I am, I can see her in the Dreaming World, whenever I want. So right now, I am creating a space for the passage of her and I.. for we are both passing, into a different state of beingness... I cried it all out already and I'm grateful for the breakthrough of those tears. The sadness has turned to realization, and the despair has turned to a new Dawn, as the Bringers that we are. So thank you Brook, for your sincere message, music, intentions and spirit in connectedness.

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    Post n°552

    Re: Theater of parallel Universe

    orthodoxymoron Today at 6:15 pm

    Last edited: Oct 3, 2014
  8. admin

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    • Post n°610 & 611

    empty. Aquaries1111 on September 29th and 30th 2014,
    empty. Re: Aquaries1111 Corner

    How Sweet. The Frog Returned to tell me "I'm okay". I captured this frog tonight "sticking" to my bedroom glass door. What a view.. It literally came to see me.. We saw each other as our eyes met.. Lucky there is no flash on this phone. It stuck around for about 5 minutes before it "hopped away".. I'm beginning to really "Love Frogs"..

    Here's the photo I took tonight.


    I am the Dreamer and the Dream

    ALL - Awareness Loves Life - Life Loves Awareness
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°553

    Re: Theater of parallel Universe

    Brook on Sun Sep 28, 2014 11:31 pm
    Well, my heart is with you sweety. I too was not around when my mother died. I was not able to be contacted until afterward. I was told by my brother she died peacefully her sleep.

    You can be right by her side without being physically there. And....Perhaps she will come to you when the time is right and your senses are keen and aware...usually when you least expect it.

    When John died, at the funeral home he let everyone know his spirit was there....the lights in the hallway blew out with a whole group of people watching in amazement.

    Just be reminded she wil����cd87H9/11: Russia Presents Evidence Against US, UK And Israel Co-Conspirators�9/11: Russia Presents Evidenc


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    • Post n°554

    Re: Theater of parallel Universe

    mudra Yesterday at 12:03 pm
    A warm embrace from me in this time of transition for your mother Aquaries.
    May she do well as she is released into presence and may the new world
    she will be entering in be one she will create with grace.
    And may you be strong in Heart my dear to help her leave this one you were blessed to share.
    The shapes we take are coming and going but who we are is always Here.


    Much 719788. to you both


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    • Post n°559

    empty. Re: Theater of parallel Universe

    empty. Aquaries1111 Today at 6:05 pm
    Brook wrote: I would seriously like to know what's going on. In my last post here the last line has been tampered with. I did not write that.

    I can't change it nor can I quote it. Odd .... Very odd.

    I'll copy and past it here:

    Just be reminded she wil���cd87H9/11: Russia Presents Evidence Against US, UK And Israel Co-Conspirators�9/11: Russia Presents Evidenc

    I don't even know where that came from! I haven't been reading anything of the sort. I always inspect my posts for typos and would surely have noticed that!

    I am very sad about this... What is going on? Russia, US, UK and Israel is now in this post? I was only posting about my Sadness about my Mother. This is quite disturbing InDeeD!


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    • Post n°560

    empty. Re: Theater of parallel Universe

    empty. orthodoxymoron Today at 6:19 pm
    Strange things have happened to me in the Mists!! It's as if there is a Master-Control Center which runs the Internet -- and can observe, intervene, override, or whatever -- at any time -- for any reason. I can sort of understand such things -- but it's creepy -- and I don't like it -- but what I like is of no concern to the Hidden PTB -- right?? I'm paranoid -- but that doesn't mean they're not out to get me!! Several years ago, I was typing on this site -- when my television suddenly turned itself on -- and a very creepy man appeared on the screen, saying "All That's Left to Do Is to Sign on the Dotted-Line." Strange streaming white amoeba-like lights appear between me an my computer-monitor on a regular basis (for several years now). I've had my internet-surfing activities monitored -- and when I viewed a particular image -- I noticed that someone (who I won't name) simultaneously selected this image as their avatar!! I've had messages superimposed upon my posts (which were somewhat hostile)!! I've had threads combined and rearranged (without my consent or knowledge). I consider the internet to be an "open-book" and a "very dangerous place" -- yet I have chosen to participate in the Info-War -- even though I'm sure I will bitterly regret having done so when the excrement really contacts the refrigeration-system. I've found messages in the word-processor of my computer (one claiming that I wrote 5 books of the Bible)!! An Albert Schweitzer quote in my word-processor was modified with certain portions in bold-print!! I could go on -- and I wish I were making this stuff up!! I really can't take much more of this...

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Mon Oct 06, 2014 7:03 pm; edited 3 times in total


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    • Post n°561

    empty. Re: Theater of parallel Universe

    empty. Aquaries1111 Today at 6:22 pm
    She will be Forever Young! How could I ever forget...

    Last edited: Oct 7, 2014
  10. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member


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    • Post n°623

    empty. Re: Aquaries1111 Corner

    empty. Raven Today at 1:08 am
    Mercuriel wrote:And Wikipedia is an Authority ??? It should be called - "Write It Yourself-a-pedia".


    Yeah, don't even check out the Info - LOL. Sounds about right and BTW - Many real Whistleblowers have most of their personal Info wiped for various reasons as it suits the powers that be when those People don't even exist. Can You say Bob Lazar...

    I mean - If some of them didn't tell You their names - They wouldn't exist at all. Take everything with a grain of salt like Oxy has already said - But Wikipedia ? Really ? You might as well say "My Best Friend's Cousin's Daughter's Mother said"...


    At any rate - Thanks for Your Input without 3 Pages of sophistry accompanying It.


    Oh dear! I quoted the wiki reference specifically because it said that page was in jeopardy of being deleted because of the discrepancy in factual accuracy. Also it was to point out the obvious, which was that if wiki can take a second look at this guy then perhaps others should too.
    Bob Lazar was a con man looking for a quick buck and made a bit of money selling his bs story about working at area 51 to the gullible NABS masses.

    [8:48:09 PM]Sirius 17:

    [8:48:22 PM]Sirius 17: For the propulsion of the studied vehicles, Bob Lazar claims that the atomic Element 115 served as the fuel. Element 115 (temporarily named "ununpentium" (symbol Uup)) reportedly generates a minuscule gravity field which can be tapped and greatly amplified because the field happens to extend just beyond each atom's outermost electron shell. Exactly how this field is accessed, however, remains unclear. But the end result is allegedly a highly directional gravity distortion field. Under proton bombardment, furthermore, it is claimed that the atoms of Element 115 produce antimatter particles which participate in a process of extremely efficient energy production for powering any and all systems and subsystems within the craft. The mass of the nuclear fuel aboard each craft was said to be approximately two kilograms and was enough to last for several years before requiring replenishment.
    [8:48:28 PM] Sirus 17: this should give you a good laugh lol
    [8:49:04 PM] Sirius 17: ETs using nuclear fuel
    [8:49:08 PM] Sirius 17: right
    [8:49:45 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: [3:48 PM] Sirius 17:

    <<< furthermore, it is claimed that the atoms of Element 115 produce antimatter particles which participate in a process of extremely efficient energy production for powering any and all systems and subsystems within the craft

    Utter science nonsense

    [8:50:06 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: antimatter requires pair production to be created from super high energy collissions
    [8:50:52 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: This claim requires anti-protons in the first place to be created with protons from super frequency gamma rays
    [9:04:36 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Lazar is total BS irrespective of wiki
    [9:04:44 PM] Sirius 17: i know, but even Wikipedia debunks Lazar lol
    [9:18:31 PM] Sirius 17: yes and i quoted it specifically because it said that page was in jeopardy of being deleted because of the discrepancy
    [9:19:01 PM] Sirius 17: to point out to them that if wiki can take a second look at this guy then so should they
    [9:19:05 PM] Sirius 17: hello....'
    [9:19:20 PM] Sirius 17: oh no, it is on the internet, it must be true
    [9:20:20 PM] Sirius 17: i mean seriously, what does the government do with real whistleblowers?
    [9:20:32 PM] Sirius 17: where the hell is Snowden exactly? lol
    [9:21:01 PM] Sirius 17: snuggling up to the Russians for hells sake
    [9:21:17 PM] Sirius 17: yeah Bob is sooo important
    [9:22:09 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Snowden is a real whistleblower
    [9:22:25 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Lazar and co are fakes
    [9:23:19 PM] Sirius 17: most of the so called Camelot whistleblowers are fakes
    [9:23:40 PM] Sirius 17: they all belong to a huge NABS circuit and they are all friends promoting each other’s work
    [9:24:20 PM] Sirius 17: here let me interview you and next month we have this seminar in Ecuador and guess what??? You are invited!!
    [9:24:36 PM] Sirius 17: and on and on it goes
    [9:24:59 PM] Sirius 17: full page color glossy adds in the local newspaper ect
    [9:25:19 PM] Sirius 17: oh come see whistleblower so and so, only 299.99
    [9:25:30 PM] Sirius 17: what a deal!!
    [9:26:40 PM] Sirius 17: but wait, there is MORE, we have lined up 6 whistleblowers and cut the price in half, you can come for the whole week for just 159.99....screaming hot deal!! Book now before we run out of space!!
    [9:28:13 PM] Sirius 17: we'll even throw in a moon rock signed by Buzz (Lightyear) Aldrin himself
    [9:28:41 PM] Sirius 17: and the year after that we'll come out with Toystory 56

    [9:46:30 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: lol


    December 1997
    (Updated January 2011)
    By Stanton T. Friedman​

    Pierce College Stephanie Asher
    Incredible claims have been made about Bob Lazar for years. He supposedly is a physicist with an MS in Physics from MIT and an MS in Electronics from the California Institute of Technology. He was a “Scientist” for Los Alamos National Laboratory, and obtained a job back-engineering UFOs at a very secret site S-4 near Area 51 in Nevada through noted Physicist, the late Dr. Edward Teller.

    Supposedly he figured out how saucers work using Element 115 — matter/anti-matter, etc. He was able to steal a small quantity of 115 from the 500 pounds available, but this was stolen back. There was indeed an announcement in early 2004 about the production of 4 atoms of element 115 by operating a huge European accelerator for many weeks. It has a very short half life so there is no way to accumulate pounds of it. He supposedly came forward with his story despite death threats because he thought the public has a right to know. Videotapes are available with his claims.

    It is all BUNK.

    Not one shred of evidence has been put forth to support this story: No diplomas, no résumés, no transcripts, no memberships in professional organizations, no papers, no pages from MIT or Caltech yearbooks. He also mentioned, in a phone conversation with me, California State University at Northridge and Pierce Junior College — also in the San Fernando Valley, California. I checked all four schools. Pierce said he had taken electronics courses in the late 1970s. The other three schools never heard of him.

    The page from the Los Alamos National Lab phone book with Lazar’s name on it clearly states that it includes employees of the DOE and outside contractor, Kirk Meyer. “K/M” follows Lazar’s name. This proves he worked for K/M, not LANL.

    I checked with LANL’s personnel department for Lazar’s name and that of an old colleague. They found my guy, but not Lazar.

    He was publicly asked when he got his MS from MIT. He said “Let me see now, I think it was probably 1982.” Nobody getting an MS from MIT would not know the year immediately. He was asked to name some of his profs, He said: “Let’s see now, Bill Duxler will remember me from the physics department at Caltech.” I located Dr. Duxler. He’s a Pierce Junior College physics prof, and never taught at Caltech. Lazar was registered in one of his courses at the same time Lazar was supposedly at MIT! Nobody who can go to MIT goes to Pierce JC, not to mention the rather long commute between LA and Cambridge, Mass.

    I checked his High School in New York State. He graduated in August, not with his class. The only science course he took was chemistry. He ranked 261 out of 369, which is in the bottom third. There is no way he would have been admitted by MIT or Caltech. An MS in Physics from MIT requires a thesis. No such thesis exists at MIT, and he is not on a commencement list. The notion that the government wiped his CIVILIAN records clean is absurd. I checked with the Legal Counsel at MIT — no way to wipe all his records clean. The Physics department never heard of him and he is not a member of the American Physical Society.

    When he declared bankruptcy in the mid 1980s for almost $300,000.00 he listed his occupation as a self-employed film processor. With MS degrees from MIT and Caltech? Caltech would not have accepted him for an MS program, if he already had one from MIT.

    His propulsion scheme sounds good (as do many science fiction stories), but makes no real sense especially in view of how difficult it would be to add protons to #115. Gravity wave amplification sounds great but what does it mean?

    He could not have gotten a Compartmentalized Security clearance having operated a brothel. His W-2 form from the Department of Naval Intelligence totals under $1000.00, at most a week’s pay for a scientist. You can’t get a security clearance in a week.

    Scientists leave trails. Lazar is NOT a scientist. He couldn’t even answer scientific questions put to him. An excellent review of Bob’s “Physics” can be seen at

    I should add that Bob is a bright and talented guy who operated a jet powered car, put on fireworks displays, and apparently helped physics professors working at the Los Alamos Meson accelerator facility.

    Lazar Critique

    by Dr. David L. Morgan

    In 1996, I was asked to review the content of a Bob Lazar website by an online acquaintance. Since then, my critique has been posted to Usenet discussion boards, featured on web pages, and taken on something of a life of its own. I still get email about it monthly, which is quite amusing, considering it’s been almost 5 years since I wrote it. Since the original posting was intended to be an informal email, the tone was somewhat harsh and flippant, and some sections were a bit too dismissive. I decided recently that I would try to put together a revision of the now-infamous paper. That revision is presented below.

    After reading an account by Bob Lazar of the “physics” of his Area 51 UFO propulsion system, my conclusion is this: Mr. Lazar presents a scenario which, if it is correct, violates a whole handful of currently accepted physical theories. That in and of itself does not necessarily mean that his scenario is impossible. But the presentation of the scenario by Lazar is troubling from a scientific standpoint. Mr. Lazar on many occasions demonstrates an obvious lack of understanding of current physical theories. On no occasion does he acknowledge that his scenario violates physical laws as we understand them, and on no occasion does he offer up any hints of new theories which would make his mechanism possible. Mr. Lazar has a propensity for re-defining scientific terms, and using scientific language in a confusing and careless way. For these reasons, I don’t feel that Lazar's pseudo-scientific ramblings are really worthy of any kind of serious consideration.

    I will focus on the parts of Lazar's text which I took the most exception with- most of these excerpts relate to particle physics, which is my field. Lazar's text is in boldface. He begins by describing the principle behind interstellar travel...

    This is accomplished by generating an intense gravitational field and using that field to distort space/time, bringing the destination to the source, and allowing you to cross many light years of space in little time and without traveling in a linear mode near the speed of light.

    I’m less bothered by the wording of this passage now than I used to be, although I still think it’s misleading. If you are distorting spacetime with a gravitational field, it produces a very specific kind of distortion, and a very specific kind of attraction. That’s what gravity IS – a distortion in spacetime, at least according to general relativity. And gravity attracts EVERYTHING. A gravitational field is a gravitational can't pick and choose which objects it has an effect on. So, going by what Lazar says here, I still say that if you were to generate a gravitational field intense enough to warp spacetime and "bring the destination to the source" you'll also bring everything else in the nearby universe to the source too! If Mr. Lazar had really distorted spacetime like this back in his "Area 51" lab, every object on the face of the Earth would have rushed into New Mexico. Before they crashed back in the 50's, the alien saucers would have sucked the Earth right out of orbit!

    Now I’m no expert in general relativity, but I believe that there ARE solutions in GR which do involve distortions of spacetime that are not “gravitational” in nature. (In other words they would not “attract” things outside of the distortion.) There are serious scientists that do serious work on wormholes and warp bubbles and other mechanisms which could allow faster-than-light travel by taking advantage of distortions in spacetime. As this research stands right now, it seems clear that the energy requirements which would be required by this kind of travel are unimaginable by any standards – even the most fanciful extrapolations of alien technology. I’m talking about an entire star’s-worth or even a galaxy’s-worth of energy! More mass/energy than could be contained in a tiny saucer, or even all of New Mexico for that matter.

    There are currently two main theories about gravity. The "wave" theory which states that gravity is a wave, and the other is a theory which includes "gravitons", which are alleged sub-atomic particles which perform as gravity, which by the way, is total nonsense.

    These statements by Lazar are "total nonsense". There is only ONE currently accepted theory of gravity: General Relativity. In GR, gravity is described as a distortion of spacetime, not as a particle or a wave. There are phenomena known as "gravitational waves" which exist in GR, but this does not seem to be what Lazar is talking about. Lazar says that gravity IS a wave. It isn’t a wave. The "gravitons" which he speaks of are a feature of QUANTUM gravitational theories, and I think they require a little explanation.

    All physicists realize that the theories of QM and GR are incomplete, because they are mutually incompatible. In order to have a complete theory, theoretical physicists are looking to combine the two into a unified theory which will involve a quantum theory of gravity. There are currently no quantum theories of gravity that work. But even though a satisfactory theory does not yet exist, there is nothing at all nonsensical about gravitons. When an adequate quantum theory of gravity IS formulated, the energy of the gravitational field will be quantized. This quantum of the gravitational field is what physicists call the graviton. It is no more nonsensical than the photon - which is the quantum of the electromagnetic field.

    (To add to the confusion of Lazar's statement, in any quantum theory of gravity, as in all quantum theories, the graviton will be, in a sense, BOTH a particle AND a wave!)

    The fact that gravity is a wave has caused mainstream scientists to surmise numerous sub-atomic particles which don't actually exist and this has caused great complexity and confusion in the study of particle physics.

    As a particle physicist, I must say that I have NO IDEA what he is talking about here. Surmising particles that don't exist? I can't think of a single particle whose existence has been postulated as a result of gravitational theories. Perhaps the graviton is one, but that’s about it.

    You must have at least an atom of substance for it to be considered "matter". At least a proton and an electron and in most cases a neutron. Anything short of an atom such as upquarks and downquarks which make up protons and neutrons; or protons, neutrons, or electrons, individually are considered to be mass and do not constitute "matter" until they form an atom.

    These are peculiar and nonstandard definitions. The standard use of the term "matter" includes anything which has mass. Even a single quark is considered to be a particle of matter. If a quark isn’t “matter” than what is it? All elementary particles are either matter particles or force-carrying particles. An electron is a mater particle, and so is a quark.

    It may seem like a small point, but I think that errors like these are what make Lazar’s “theory” so dubious. How can we give much consideration to someone who claims to be overthrowing the foundations of particle physics, when it’s fairly obvious that he isn’t even familiar with the terminology?

    Gravity A is what is currently being labeled as the "strong nuclear force" in mainstream physics ...

    This is the place where Lazar begins to get him self in real trouble. As it is understood now, the strong nuclear force has NOTHING TO DO WITH GRAVITY. Such a statement shows either a complete lack of understanding of the physics of the Standard Model of particle interactions, or a BLATANT attempt at deception. The equations and coupling strengths which describe the two forces are totally different and unrelated. The strong force couples only to quarks and gluons. The gravitational force couples to all particles with mass. The strong force is extremely short range. The range of gravity is infinite. The gravitational coupling constant is orders of magnitude smaller than that of the strong interaction. There is NO BASIS for using the word "gravity" to describe the strong interaction IN ANY WAY.

    If Mr. Lazar has formulated a NEW model in which the two forces are really the same, then he has unified gravity with the other three forces of nature, and he should publish it now and collect his Nobel Prize. If he DOES NOT have such a new theory then his statement here is ABSOLUTELY FALSE.

    It's not good enough to just call the strong interaction "gravity A wave". You've got to demonstrate that it actually has SOMETHING to do with gravity if you're going to attach that name to it! The words by themselves are meaningless. I want to see some equations. Otherwise, this statement is not only wrong, but utterly incomprehensible. should be obvious that a large, single star system, binary star system, or multiple star system would have had more of the prerequisite mass and electromagnetic energy present during their creations.

    Now we get into some fuzzy astronomy. Mr. Lazar doesn’t seem to understand where heavy elements come from, or how they are formed.

    First we have to assume that when Lazar says “large” he means “massive.” The "largeness" of a star says nothing about its mass. In five or ten billion years, the sun will be as large as the orbit of Mars. A star's size changes drastically during its lifetime. It’s pretty clear that what Lazar should be talking about here is the MASS of the star.

    The next section is a little vague, but he SEEMS to be suggesting that his element 115, the alien fuel source, which doesn't exist on the Earth, should be present in those solar systems that were more massive at their inception. The implication here is that a star system which condensed out of a more massive primordial cloud should have a greater abundance of heavier elements. This is quite incorrect.

    Heavy elements – all elements heavier than iron – are not formed during the normal life cycles of stars. The only time when these nuclei are "cooked" is during the collapse and subsequent explosion of supernovae. The supernova explosion then spreads heavy elements throughout the galaxy. For this reason, the abundances of heavy elements in any particular star system depend NOT upon the properties of the current star, but on the properties of the nearby stars of the PREVIOUS GENERATION! Therefore, all of the star systems in a particular region of the galaxy will have essentially the same abundances of heavy elements, regardless of the mass of star. If element 115 is STABLE, as Lazar claims it to be, then it should be created in supernova explosions and it should exist EVERYWHERE!

    The most important attribute of these heavier, stable elements is that the gravity A wave is so abundant that it actually extends past the perimeter of the atom. These heavier, stable elements literally have their own gravity A field around them...

    No naturally occurring atoms on earth have enough protons and neutrons for the cumulative gravity A wave to extend past the perimeter of the atom...

    Since Mr. Lazar has already identified this gravity A wave with the nuclear force, he is essentially claiming that the nuclear force of element 115 extends beyond the limits of the "115-ium" atom. (I'm tempted to call it Lazarium...and somewhat surprised that he doesn't!!) This is simply not possible, given the known properties of the nuclear force. The past 50 years of probing the nucleus have taught us that the range of the nuclear force is VERY short, and protons and neutrons only feel the pull of their nearest neighbors in a nucleus. Because of this fact, the nuclear force extends out to about the same distance away from a nucleus NO MATTER HOW MASSIVE THE NUCLEUS IS. This fact is fundamental to the science of nuclear physics.

    Once again, if Mr. Lazar has a NEW MODEL of the nuclear interaction which explains the properties and decay rates of known nuclei...which can predict the abundances of elements synthesized in the Big Bang...which can describe all of the properties of nuclear reactions which take place inside of stars...all as well as our current theories do all of these things (which is VERY well!) then he should publish it and collect his Nobel Prize. If not, then once again his statements make NO SENSE in the light of everything that we know about nuclear interactions.

    Now even though the distance that the gravity A wave extends past the perimeter of the atom is infinitesimal, it is accessible and it has amplitude, wavelength and frequency, just like any OTHER wave in the electromagnetic spectrum. Once you can access the gravity A wave, you can amplify it just like we amplify OTHER electromagnetic waves.

    I have emphasized the use of the word "other" in this paragraph to show that Mr. Lazar apparently thinks that his "gravity A wave", which if you recall, is also the strong nuclear force, is ALSO an electromagnetic wave. Perhaps he HAS formulated a "Grand Unified Theory" after all! Or perhaps this is just another example of his careless use of scientific terms.


    I want to take some time here to talk about scientific progress, because there is one common objection to my critique of Lazar’s scenario. People will often say “Modern science could be wrong. Newton was wrong! Lazar could be right!” Yes. That is correct. In fact, modern science almost certainly IS “wrong.” But the only real test of a theory in science is that it works. Newton’s Laws worked. They still do in most situations. Einstein’s theories are better – they are more accurate and they work in more situations. New theories will continue to come along that are more precise and more generally applicable than the older theories, and these new theories will be tested by experiments until they supplant the old ones. That is how science has progressed for the past 400 years.

    So it is not enough to SAY that modern science is wrong. You have to demonstrate that you have something that is better. And that “better” theory needs to do everything that the old theory does, and then do more. And chances are that it won’t completely turn the old theory on it’s head – because we already know that the old theories work too well. It is not possible to create a new theory until you understand the old one well enough to present a coherent alternative. Calling current science “total nonsense” is nice rhetoric, and no doubt convincing to many non-scientists who feel alienated from science and look on scientists as a kind of modern priesthood of arcane knowledge. But science is a process – not a body of knowledge.

    I can't possibly demonstrate conclusively that Lazar's mechanism is impossible. All that I can hope to demonstrate here is that his scenario would require a COMPLETE overhaul of our theories of gravity and particle physics in order to work. Not just some minor changes...I'm talking from the ground up. Mr. Lazar makes no mention of this fact, and he proposes no alternative theories. But, if Lazar's scenario is true, then we will NEED some new theories, because we are wrong about a great many things. We don't understand gravity. We don't understand nuclear interactions. We don't understand spacetime. We don't understand stellar evolution. However, considering Mr. Lazar's careless use of language, his casual redefinition of scientific terms, and the complete lack of details in his presentation, I'm willing to bet the farm that it is actually Lazar who doesn't understand any of these things.

    But wait.....There’s an addendum!!

    Lazar explains on his current webpage ( how his element 115 not only serves as the generator of the Gravity A wave, but ALSO as the fuel for a matter/antimatter reactor that powers the rest of the saucer. Let's take a close look at Lazar's explanation of this reactor...

    "The power source is a reactor. Inside the reactor, element 115 is bombarded with a proton, which plugs into the nucleus of the 115 atom and becomes element 116, which immediately decays and releases or radiates small amounts of anti-matter. The anti-matter is released in a vacuum into a tuned tube, which keeps it from reacting with the matter that surrounds it. It is then directed toward the gaseous matter target at the end of the tube. The matter, which in this case is the gas, and the anti-matter, collide and annihilate totally converting to energy. The heat from this reaction is converted into electrical energy in a near one hundred percent efficient thermoelectric generator. "

    Lots of impressive sounding stuff about reactors and bombarding with protons and all that. But read it again. Antimatter and matter are converted into energy. Fine. But where does the antimatter come from? From element 115 when it is "bombarded with a proton" by the ship's reactor. Hmmm. And just exactly HOW MUCH energy would your reactor have to put into each proton to have it create an antiproton?? Well, exactly the mass energy of an antiproton! And how much energy do you get back out when the antiproton annihilates? EXACTLY THE SAME AMOUNT OF ENERGY THAT YOU PUT INTO CREATING IT!!

    (Actually, you can't just make an antiproton by itself, you have to make a proton/anti-proton pair. So your reactor needs to put in 2 "protons-worth" of mass-energy into each proton in the beam.)

    If you have to MAKE your own antimatter on board, your system produces NO NET ENERGY AT ALL!! You put 2 protons worth of energy in, and you get 2 protons worth of energy out! In fact, the BEST this system could do would be to make ZERO energy, but in fact, it would more likely USE far more energy than it would make.

    Conservation of energy rears it's ugly head, and once again - it looks like Bob's saucer is going nowhere fast!

    Dr. David L. Morgan
    August 26, 1996, revised October 2005


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