Amazing Our Ladyof Elche French Medallion ~ By Nanette Crist

Discussion in 'Ancient Archaeology and New Discoveries' started by CULCULCAN, Nov 6, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    For all of you sage women, ministers, priestesses, oracles, seers, and healers...
    Yesterday I posted the new archaeological finds of our Lady of Elche.

    The mysterious ancient statue was unique until several more were found...
    including The.medallions showing the same image .

    40 years ago I was handed one of those pendants, which is a phylactery or vial, utilized for holding holy water
    or holy oil.

    It was the only one of its kind in the world ..

    .and designed by a jewelry maker...

    who confirmed that it was ATLANTEAN.

    For two years she did not want to sell it to me...

    because it had won so many awards..

    . and her husband had found the jewels in the rough.

    Finally ,after that time she handed it to me and said

    " It is TRULY YOURS!"

    I was ecstatic as I put it on.

    The memory of my ancestors...

    who were prophetesses and priestesses, Queens and humble healers...

    All came flooding back to me.

    The original statue of Our Lady of Elche ,did not have this type of phylactery on it.

    But more like little vases.

    It was not until this year, when these Lady of Elche medallions were found
    and made public, that I saw the identical image!

    It is the shape of an elongated heart 1f497. ,where the top comes off ...
    and the charged liquid contents of the heart can be poured bless, heal and illuminate the recipient.

    It would be interesting to test the metal on the ones found in France, and see if it is orichalcum.

    (It has already been established in my previous post on this subject that the metal tested on the medallions
    found in Utah had high amounts of Terbium which is a very rare earth metal used in superconductors.)

    For those of you unfamiliar with my recent posts on Atlantis, that particular metal is a blending
    of other noble metals including copper gold zinc etc.

    It was described by Plato as the most favored medal of the Atlantean royalty..

    It is similar to Rose gold. Edgar Cayce also mentioned the formula for it in his readings.

    It is also clear from history as well as ancient depictions that the Royals had reddish colored hair .

    An ancient shipwreck, found in the last decade, tested to be a type of orichalcum.

    You can see the Rosie golden hue in the French medallion.
    It is my understanding that this alchemical blend of noble metals ,was utilized by the priest craft
    to amplify the Source Energy or White Light of God for ORACULAR capabilities....

    That's the name ORICHALCUM

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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