C : coconut milk, almond milk, hazelnut milk, brazil nut milk, cashew milk, pecan milk, hemp milk, quinoa milk, banana milk and sunflower seed milk (none are part of a detoxification protocol to heal). A Cow produces milk is for CALVES. The practice of drinking pasteurized animal milk as a regular part of our adult diet is only a few hundred years old. No other animal in nature seeks out another animal species to drink its milk. They know instinctively that the milk from their mother is the perfect food to support their rapid growth and to provide the precise nutrient mix their developing bodies require. We are no more designed for cows’ milk than for pig’s milk or rat’s milk or giraffe’s milk...or vice versa. Milk-drinking is PATHOGENIC. If milk and milk products were discontinued today, MILLIONS of people would cease to suffer sicknesses and pathologies within a short period. In fact, if this dietary practice alone were discontinued, the hospitals would virtually EMPTY out and physicians’ waiting rooms would be mostly vacated. Humans are most certainly designed by nature as suckling – but only for their first couple years of life and only of their own mother’s milk. We would do ourselves an astronomical favor if we had the good sense to STOP CONSUMING MILK after weaning age, as does every other milk drinking creature on EARTH! You are what you digest. Love yourself enough to live a healthy lifestyle. You are not only benefiting self but also the earth and those around you. - Ania Ma