Alternative Q-Intelligences Robert Hayes This is your work, Tony Bermanseder ? Tony Bermanseder yes, found on my library on with many papers published ACADEMIA.EDU - Share research - Share research Robert Hayes Are you familiar with Ashayanda Deane's voyager material? Tony Bermanseder The draft version of this published paper with more pics and content is in this library ACADEMIA.EDU The Secret of Extraterrestrial Life - The Butterfly Dream! The Secret of Extraterrestrial Life - The Butterfly Dream! Tony Bermanseder Robert Hayes yes and I had a number of 'unpleasant' combative encounters with her over ideological differences in 2010 Robert Hayes Tony Bermanseder Care to elaborate? Tony Bermanseder In 2010 there was a public forum called Project Avalon, where many adherent followers of the Deane material vehemently disagreed with "Thuban material" as competing ET cosmologies. PROJECTAVALON.NET Old Project Avalon Forum (ARCHIVE) Old Project Avalon Forum (ARCHIVE) Tony Bermanseder COSMOSDAWN.NET Q & A By Abraxasinas And The Council Of Thuban Q & A By Abraxasinas And The Council Of Thuban Robert Hayes I've very familiar Project Avalon/ Camelot. What's your opinion on ET involvement with governments presently? Tony Bermanseder Basically a double-edged sword of words. This has to do with the encompassing agenda of a paradigm shift for the human civilization as a metamorphosis of the universal information matrix. Robert Hayes Tony Bermanseder So are you saying its an unavoidable and natural occurrence? Tony Bermanseder The idea of bad versus good ETs is built on the dichotomy of human self-organisation manifesting in a lower dimensional spacetime continuum. In the higher D form this dichotomy exists in a unified form, say as a dyadic monad. Robert Hayes Tony Bermanseder Hmm, sounds like a justification for moral relativism to me. I've heard this argument before. Tony Bermanseder No not at all, as the concept of moral relativism neglects the concept or nature of universal truth. Your take here requires a deeper analysis of the word truth in objectivity and subjectivity. The good versus evil dichotomy so manifests as a matrix of experience to allow a higher more unified reconfiguration of the selfsame dichotomy to emerge naturally by the 'discoverers' Robert Hayes I understand the concepts of Advaita/ Non-Duality that you are implying, but isn't 'evil' essentially non-integration, sustained duality? Isn't this what Satanists practice? Purposeful and deliberate separation/ non-unity? Tony Bermanseder Robert Hayes You can see the answer in the words itself, even if here restricted to English --- EVIL=VEIL=LIVED and say LIVED = Devil concept relative to the experiencer just as the SWORD of destruction in say masoretic texts (bible, torah) can become the WORDS of deliverances Robert Hayes Inversion. Tony Bermanseder Indeed, but the satanist errs on hisher definition what Satan-Lucifer-Devil is in that dichotomy not seeing their higher D unification and synthesis Robert Hayes Is this the concept of a group soul? I assume then you'd contend that all parties are willing at a higher level, there is in a sense no violation of will, even though it appears that way here on Earth? Tony Bermanseder You are expanding your train of thought too far here. Yes the group soul is fundamental to the solution of the creation problems, but to understand this as a learning process, focus is required to grasp the fundamentals of the creator-creation dualism as a unity Robert Hayes Focus is all that is required. Tony Bermanseder Yes this is well stated But the point still reduces to the body-mind dichotomy and the life-death scenario reducing to the wave-particle quantum realism Robert Hayes Mind being the wave? Tony Bermanseder Indeed Robert Hayes Regarding your involvement in this group, do you see any significant relevance to the Q phenomenon? I would contend it is a vehicle for disclosure by a group of committed Abrahamists, but which specific deity they are in communion with remains to be seen. It seems more of a changing of hands rather than systemic restructuring. Tony Bermanseder Your label of Abrahamist is specific to a view, considering the ancient texts, known as the masoretic texts as relating specifically to the followers of those monotheistic 'religions'. If you go deeper, say to Akhenaton and Neferititi in the 18th-19th Egyptian dsynasties and relate this to say a common storyline in those masoretic texts (also Koran in the story of Joseph as Islam's greatest prophet of antiquity), then you will find much more relevant material, than a simple correlation of the 'Abrahamists'. For example you will find lengthy discourses of the Egyp[tian priest and chronicler Manetho, relating the Mesopotamian history of so 6000 years ago to the 'Abrahamists'. My research then allows the origin of all of human intellectual history to reduce not to the 'Abrahamists', but to ET intelligence beginning so 2240 Million years ago and coinciding with the beginning of unicellular lifeforms upon planet earth as being of both terrestrial and universal significance. Tony Bermanseder I agree with your take that no admin political has or can undo the 'deep state of the globalists, including the fed banking cartel'. Trump has been compromised beyond his ability to change the status quo political by his executive authority. The constitution does not exist anymore as a viable legal power base Robert Hayes Followers of Yahweh, would that suffice? I'm aware of the contention of various ET involvement in our history and biology, but I am to be honest still a little confused as to the varying origins. Tony Bermanseder Yahweh is simply a collection of the logistics. YHWY and relates to the Jehovah dichotomy. This YWHY is both the good God and the evil God, ergo the definitions of the satanists. This is well encoded in both the Dead Sea scrolls of Qumran and the masoretic bible and retold in Zoroaster and all 'religious' creation stories'. The simplification of your 'confusion' rests on the lack of information to put all this together in basic parameters. YHWY is also the tetragrammaton of the occultists and so reduces to a symmetry or lack of symmetry in the Logos (Logic of Creation). The pentagrammaton YHWHY is supersymmetric, whilst the Tetragrammaton is not. This kind of symbolism is behind the dollar bill and the secret societies and geometries of the 'temples' etc. I wrote a paper on a necessary retelling of the Genesis story incorporating this symmetry conflict. ACADEMIA.EDU The Beginning of Nowhere in Notime The Beginning of Nowhere in Notime Robert Hayes From what I can glean YHWH is something like the structure of the material universe? Or the elements thereof? But devoid of spirit/ consciousness? Tony Bermanseder As said, you are seeing too much in the basics. YHWH is a collection of 4 letters, deriving ultimately from geometric symbolism. The letter A inverted symbolising the head of a cow-ox say etc in the evolution of linguistics and alphabets. Your answers to your questions so will and can be found in a mapping of the abstract logic-mathematics in your life-experience, able to see sense in abstraction as a representation of your physical and mental experiences. Your notion of spirit/consciousness IS fundamental to any logistical cosmology and because most thinkers-experiencers know this, the linguistic confusions run amok. If you read some of my papers about the nature of consciousness in the context of a physical universe, you should be able to justify much of your life experience as analysed by your timelines. Robert Hayes I think I understand what you're saying, I can decode my life experience to more fundamental forms and symbolic relationships, right? Tony Bermanseder Yes and this requires simply more data more education and more willingness to discover yourself in mind and body. Now look around and show me the folks willing to do this? Ergo the state of a world and human civilization manipulated by its own ignorance and unwillingness to learn universal truth. Robert Hayes Lol. I'm playing scrabble with my mother online, she just played the word 'fate'. Robert Hayes They don't seem especially inclined, on the whole. Tony Bermanseder If you give this event significance explore the geometry FATE=6+1+20+5=32=LIFE=CELL.... the associations of basic symbolism with external stimuli then become basically unlimited Tony Bermanseder Universal truth in those parameters so becomes a function of mathematical logic, something the 'ancients' knew as the Logos or Word or sound of creation itself. Tony Bermanseder If any reader of this exchange between Robert and myself considers the information contained as worthy of sharing, I have taken the liberty to copy the exchange for public perusal here: COSMOSDAWN.NET Alternative Q-intelligences Robert Hayes I suppose I'm ok with this. Tony Bermanseder As said I consider our exchange as worthy of sharing in view of common interest. If you object or wish to for anonymity, then this objection will be taken into account. Being a member of a 'Q-patriot' forum, the assumption of a preference for truth for the common good over personal egocentricities is logical. Robert Hayes Would have preferred the courtesy of consultation, but it's fine. I don't want to make an issue of it. Tony Bermanseder Ok thank you, we live in times where the ordinary avenues of interrelational discourses do not apply. You might agree, it to be a form of universal emergency or metamorphosis, requiring some voices to be heard amidst cacophanies of dissonances. Your voice of seeking answers is one of those, which should be on the airwaves. Robert Hayes Sure.