Alice Kusumitra ~ Live Event ~ 1pm Est On 23 Nov 2022

Discussion in 'Ancient and Original Native and Tribal Prophecies' started by CULCULCAN, Nov 23, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Alicia Kusumitra
    24m ·

    LIVE Event Today at 7pm - The Ultimate Power Within You: Ignite Your Firepower
    Love / r ,

    today in the Mayan calendar, the new month begins with the energy of K ́at - the essence of fire and abundance.

    Today at 7pm we are hosting a LIVE event on YouTube - "The Great Power Within You: Ignite

    Your Firepower".

    You can catch up on KusumitraTV!

    There is a powerful transformation into your fire-filled power waiting for you!

    And many more gifts!

    Tonight we are going to reveal to you a great vision that I received last night!

    I'd like to tell you one thing:

    The change is here and it’s happening now! In you and in the world!

    The next 13 days will be incredibly transformative and life changing if you want to step into the
    realm of change!

    More on this tonight at 7pm.

    Already yesterday we experienced a powerful ceremony with the medical women and priests.

    It was a grand opening and remembrance of a sacred field so today's ceremony is even possible!

    We were called into the temple of the feminine power of Atlantis, to the eternal flame of the
    feminine power.

    Yes that flame is returning now!

    For a long time she was hidden, she withdrew, because we lived in separation from the feminine

    And this separation led to trauma, abuse, forgetfulness.

    Female power honors and protects all life. It is the flame of unconditional love for all life!

    Forgetting this sacred flame led to great pain:

    Abuse of the earth, people, animals, plants.

    Pollution of water air soil

    Many people don't feel themselves or their fellow beings.

    They forgot their soul assignment.

    Born with sickness and lack .

    Yes, these are all the expressions of forgetfulness! Separation of original power and original

    We all want change.

    We all crave unity, connection, abundance and peace.

    And now it’s time, the prophecies are being fulfilled:

    The old knowledge is coming back.

    The knowledge that was preserved by the natives for this time.

    This now opens again for all those who are ready to walk the path of awareness and change.

    Are you one of them?

    Remember the essence of the sacred flame today!

    Become one with her and realize the power that lies within you:

    The power of knowing and transformation!

    We are looking forward to you!

    Today at 19.00 / 7pm on KusumitraTV
    which is 1PM EST

    All my love,

    Alicia Kusumitra


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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

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    from 23 nov 2022

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Alicia Kusumitra
    5m ·

    The fire of power - 13 days in the priestess circle
    Love / r ,
    thank you all for participating in our ceremony yesterday!
    The field of heart and lap capacity was so strongly felt and also visible!
    We had bright blue skies the rest of the day - after 2 days of heavy clouds!
    Yes, we do something with our united power! We are making a change !
    In case you missed the ceremony, you'll find the recording in the comments to meet the Fire Goddess and the Fire in You.
    We are now in the Mayamonat of the essence of Urfire!
    The Mayamonat of abundance, connection and liberation at the same time - from trauma and pain but also the liberation of our power!
    In this time of change many prophecies of the ancient people are being fulfilled!
    The people
    opening up again to the ancient knowledge the natives have preserved for this time!
    say YES and wish in the depth of their being to live their power again and don't want to hide it anymore!
    they want to dissolve the separation and reconnect!
    And through this opening, through the YES in us, a large portal opens!
    The portal to new times!
    The portal of transformation!
    We're up in front of it!
    And we can connect again to the original knowledge!
    This also includes the sacred superpower of fire!
    The holy fire is in everything!
    It burns in the heart of Mother Earth and in each of us!
    It burns in the altars and in the places of power and likewise in every hearth fire and in every candle - when we reconnect with this power and recognize the sacred!
    Everything is here!
    The sacred fire carries many aspects:
    My teacher and eldest maya says:
    "Every disease can be healed by the holy fire!
    The holy fire always speaks the truth and also brings the truth to light! “
    Yea that fireeeeee
    brings the balance out
    solve the jokes and trauma
    bring the magic and ancient knowledge back to us.
    And so we go through the Mayamonat with this force, d. p.m. through the next 12 days too!
    You too are invited to the powerful field of original power!
    To the field of memory of your abundance and your power!
    40 female priests are holding a powerful field for you!
    Every evening from 20.00 to 21.00 German time, they light a sacred fire for you, for all of us and for the world!
    And you can as well light a fire and a candle at the same time every evening and embark on the field of transformation.
    Every day we set our intention to the respective strength of the Mayan calendar (the real one - which comes from the Pleiades).
    You don't have to do much except be all the way there with the desire to connect with our circle and the Urfire! Open your heart and open your lap - just like yesterday's ceremony! And let the holy power of fire work for you!
    Here I will write to you the days and intentions of the 24th. Until November 29th The other days will follow in the next email!
    24.11. 8pm-9pm - Flame of Consciousness
    Light your candle/fire and focus on the ascension/ascension of consciousness. You can visualize a snake in your lap space spiraling into dragon power, allowing the power of new time consciousness to rise within you and the world.
    25.11. 8pm-9pm The Flame of Transformation
    Light your candle/fire and focus on the issues within you that you want to transform. Breathe them into the holy flame!
    26.11. 8-9 pm - The Flame of Balance
    Light your candle/fire and set your intention for balance within you and the world!
    27.11. 8-9pm - The Seed of the New Age Flame
    Light your candle/fire and carry the intention within you to sow the seeds of the new age! What do you want to sow? What wants to come into the world through you? Feel it in our sacred space! Letting the seeds grow ...
    28.11. 8-9:00 PM - The Flame of Gratitude
    Light your candle/fire and speak to our sacred circle all that you are grateful for! We are creating a field of gratitude!
    29.11. 8pm to 9pm - The Flame of Unconditional Love
    Light your candle/fire and open your heart as we did in our ceremony! This is what we all do! Creating a field of unconditional love and letting it flow into our space and into the entire world! May love spread and reach all who wish to open up to that love!
    Please support us and the original know in sharing the festival of united earth keepers with all the people you know are ready too!
    All my love,
    Nana Alicia Kusumitra

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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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