After 64 - Is Saturn - The Challenger Of Your Life, And, Your Times ???

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Feb 7, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    i stumbled on an interesting article on the internet:

    “The Seven Ages of man”…

    and woman, of course

    check out this amazing blog
    “The Seven Ages of man”… and woman, of course (

    Just like the Zodiac signs, your current age is said to have its ruling planet.

    And this is actually very helpful
    — the knowing of what planetary period you’re currently in brings
    a good degree of clarity and a purpose too!

    Just like the signs of the Zodiac, your current age is said to have its ruling planet.

    And this is actually very helpful

    — the knowing of what planetary period you’re currently in brings a good degree
    of clarity and a purpose too!
    All the world’s a stage,
    And all the men and women merely players;
    They have their exits and their entrances,
    And one man in his time plays many parts,
    His acts being seven ages.
    William Shakespeare, As You Like It
    Mr Shakespeare wrote this amazingly humorous verse that is somewhat close
    to the actual planetary periods of human life, but not exactly, he missed the Sun!

    We will refer to it here purely for the entertainment purposes.

    The interesting fact is that the number seven can be equally applied to the notion of time
    in the context of the universe just as well as for individual human life.
    Back to the seven planetary spheres

    A couple stories ago we have looked at the notion of planetary spheres
    in the context of planetary hours.

    We also pondered on the numerological meaning of the number seven as a symbol
    of the integration between the creative force, aka Spirit,
    presented by the number three
    and inanimate matter presented by the number four.

    The seven planetary spheres is a universal concept, and as many principles
    of the macrocosm the planetary spheres can be also found in the human microcosm,
    meaning life of each individual human that starts from the moment of birth.

    The idea that your life is but a reflection of the celestial order has been with us
    since ancient times.

    “As above so below,” has been said and written so many times!
    The alchemical transformation and the Emerald Tablet

    The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus is said to have laid the foundations
    of the alchemical discipline, it is perhaps the most ancient alchemical document
    that have survived.
    It ascends from the earth to the heaven
    It descends from the heaven, newborn on the earth​
    These two lines describe an endless cycle of perfection of each human soul
    through the succession of its incarnations on the Earth.

    With each journey the soul is supposedly becomes more mature, wiser
    and more advanced
    — that’s from the cosmic perspective, of course.

    In the vicinity of the Earth, each ascending and descending journey
    goes through the seven planetary spheres.

    Each descend, or incarnation, first travels through the sphere of Saturn, then Jupiter,
    Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon

    — before the eventual “touch down” on the material plane of the planet Earth.

    Each ascending journey starts with a travel through the closest sphere of the Moon,
    followed by the other spheres in a reverse order.
    The seven planetary spheres is the communicational and transmutational mechanism
    through which the principles from “above” reflect themselves into the material world “below”.

    The sequence of the planetary spheres is also the foundation for time keeping.
    Planetary periods in human life

    Unfoldment of a human life follows the reverse order of planetary spheres
    as illustrated above: it begins on earth with the sphere of the Moon
    and gradually works its way back up culminating in the sphere of Saturn:
    1. Moon ➝ 2. Mercury ➝ 3. Venus ➝ 4. Sun ➝ 5. Mars ➝ 6. Jupiter ➝ 7. Saturn
    The classical order of planetary spheres starts with Saturn:
    1. Saturn ➝ 2. Jupiter ➝ 3. Mars ➝ 4. Sun ➝ 5. Venus ➝ 6. Mercury ➝ 7. Moon

    The two opposing orders of planetary spheres perfectly illustrate the dialectic
    of the incarnation and ascension processes that every human goes through.

    Once somebody is born on the Earth, their life timer is immediately engaged.
    The life in itself is a reflection of a process of an individual flourishing and ascension.
    The process of self-development with the goal to be better, to do better than ever before.
    10 – 4the Moon4 years
    24 – 10Mercury6 years
    310 – 18Venus8 years
    418 – 37the Sun19 years
    537 – 52Mars15 years
    652 – 64Jupiter12 years
    764 – …Saturn 
    Early life — the Moon years, 0 – 4

    At first, the infant,
    Mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms.​
    The period of infancy. Watery and sensitive.
    Motherly influence shaping the future person.
    Formation of human psyche as a receptacle that takes impressions from the outside world
    and digests them.
    Tactile exploration of the immediate surroundings.
    Learning to move, feeling the world.
    Discovery — Mercury years, 4 – 10

    Then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel
    And shining morning face, creeping like snail
    Unwillingly to school.​
    Learning through communication and interaction with others.
    Exploring the closest neighbourhood, making friends.
    Beginning of the systematic process of learning, the school years.
    Beauty and love — Venus years, 10 – 18

    And then the lover,
    Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad
    Made to his mistress’ eyebrow.​
    Period of organic blossoming. Puberty and emergence of sexuality.
    “The gods are always 16” as the epitome to the idea of the spring that lasts forever.
    The first passion and the first broken heart.
    Dreams and ideals.
    Going wild, being at the top of the world.
    Romeo and Juliet.
    Creation and procreation — the Sun years, 18 – 37

    Independence, expansion into the world, leaving own mark,
    making kids and establishing a household.
    Making mistakes, getting bruised. Becoming a professional,
    forming own identity. Establishing yourself as a functional entity.
    Building a career.
    Expanding your presence.
    Conquest — Mars years, 37 – 52

    Emboldened by the experiences and know-how accumulated during the previous period,
    it’s certainly a time to expand your territory.
    Mars period can make one climb up a career ladder, establish oneself in the world,
    claim own piece of turf, become an entrepreneur.
    Direction and action, awakening the inner predator.
    Influencing others — Jupiter years, 52 – 64

    Good soldiers make good generals. Gained position of influence, respect, opinion leader.
    Moderator and resolver of conflicts, conductor and orchestrator.
    It’s a position earned through the years of applied knowledge and professional expertise.
    The duration of the period of Jupiter certainly makes sense since 12 is the number of Jupiter
    — the number of years it takes Jupiter to visit all 12 signs of the Zodiac.
    Years of wisdom — Saturn years, 64 and later

    Time for reflection and wisdom. Know-how turned knowledge and deep observation.
    Summarising experiences, hard earned real-life philosophy.
    Stability based on knowing who you are not, and therefore who you are.
    Each period brings something to focus on

    The ideas above are not very likely to have any significance for those of us
    who are younger than 18.

    But at other ages there is an emerging question of what am I supposed to do right now,
    what is the meaning of current time period?

    Why have my values and desires recently changed?

    Perhaps another period has begun.

    The wheel of planetary periods can be one of ways to explain this.

    And to get an idea on what to focus next to be in sync with time.
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    Richard Parris

    13 January 2019
    This is very interesting. Gives me lots of points to ponder!
    Reply to Richard Parris

    16 August 2020
    How were the age ranges conceived? Also, why is the 7th stage to infinity?
    Reply to Joey
    Time Nomad

    19 August 2020
    The age ranges are from the works of Heinrich Däath on medical astrology
    (around 1908). In his works he refers to “well marked periods governing human life”
    and climactic periods happening around those years that affect both physical
    and mental balance of a human being.
    As for the infinity sign… well, who knows when life ends, so keeping it on a positive note.
    Reply to thread started by Joey
    Mary Laird

    22 January 2023
    I think we will need to understand
    1) we all include the previous planets each day
    2) Saturn takes 28 years so if you live beyond Saturn time, 92,
    would you be in another time?
    Reply to Mary Laird
    Time Nomad

    22 January 2023
    All periods before 64 express themselves via active life force, that makes us grow,
    expand, procreate and organise. Saturn is the epitome of age and as such doesn’t relate well
    to life force active movements. As the available life force dwindles, people tend to narrow
    their focus on what’s timeless (Saturn is Chronos) for them.
    It’s not natural to be as active as before and that’s not the right time as the clock
    is completing its cycle.
    This article is not to be seen as planetary cycles,
    it’s more of a symbolism of the human travel through the spheres
    that have certain correspondences to the visible planets.
    Reply to thread started by Mary Laird

    check out this amazing blog
    “The Seven Ages of man”… and woman, of course (

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Saturn through a telescope, photographed by Dan Borja

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