Absoluterra Activated And Updated Gaia's Multiverse On 27 Mar 2023 Successfully Integrated 3d-14d

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Apr 17, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Etem Nekpes
    Absoluterra Activated

    And Updated Gaia's Multiverse

    On 27 Mar 2023

    Successfully Integrated 3d-14d

    31 MAR 2023

    March 31 at 3:18 AM ยท
    UPDATE 3/31/2023
    23.03.2023 at 11:23 pm

    Gaia and the Absolutes, a new and powerful form of energy emerged.

    This was the Logos of AbsoluTERRA itself.


    TERRA = First name in the world

    What does this event mean for the 3D World and us Earthlings?

    Actively raising their vibrations to enter the 4B and 5B

    this is another great gift for.

    From the Great Cosmos that is bombing our planet every second
    and from the energies of the 3B and

    In addition to thousands of high frequency streams
    that help accelerate our detachment from reality,
    interacting with the Absolutes

    The last obstacle in our channel is being removed. .

    Those who still refuse to wake up,
    don't want to see, hear anything and the toxic swamp of low vibrations

    hard days are coming for those who do not want to enjoy.


    These energies are in the physical and Subtile Plane,
    with Pleroma's and Higher Light earth teams
    cleaning the outer space Grey and Black matter of bodies
    (our and the planet) with the original multidimensional matter of Light

    Argorians, Siriusians, Pleiadians, Arcturians
    and other sources tell you what you've changed in their daily updates

    as reported, this is currently 7/24
    and very actively carrying on these energies.

    The activation of AbsoluTERRA and the Causal Matrix
    of the new Earth will accelerate the transformation.

    Starting from the month of April,

    During May and June, stabilization of the 4B high-frequency etheric field
    will be completed and is estimated to be by the end of 2023
    it will completely fill the space of the planet.

    Those who emit decisive vibrations from 4.0D to 4.8D,
    by increasing their frequencies simultaneously
    with the transitional four-dimensional Matrix and
    they will live normal and feel good in alignment.

    The outer and inner part are entirely conditional;
    in fact, all quantum waves

    4B flows to the person and interacts with
    and enters him or rather his Subtle Bodies
    and the neurons of the field brain.
    Co-Creators actively helping those
    who help themselves to get out of 3D.

    But on a low frequency

    Spirits will no longer be incarnated on our planet.

    Three timetable (from 16) permanently closed
    as of March 26, 2023.

    Friendly cosmic races evacuate tens of billions of Souls
    of this kind from the etheral and astral areas of Earth
    and resemble them

    placement in other Galaxies on planets that have vibrations.

    And lastly, breaking news.

    Absoluterra activated and updated Gaia's Multiverse on Mar 27, 2023
    11:43 CET

    Successfully integrated into 3D-14D

    We wish all a Happy NOW

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