A Nightly Blessing, And, Then Some ... Susan Lynne Schwenger, The Exchanger

Discussion in 'iN12D ~ MiRROR DUALiTY MAGiC' started by CULCULCAN, Aug 17, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    A nightly blessing, and, then some ...

    As the full Grandmother Moon, rose in the Grandfather Sky
    ~we say thanks for all our wonderful brothers and sisters
    ~we say thanks for all of the eXchanges,
    that we get to eXchange within
    ~we say thanks for all of the lessons,
    and, all of the good things,
    we can do for one another, and, to one another.

    As we stop a busy day, to enter into our dream_land
    we ask, that the eXchanges, and, lessons that come to us
    will be in 100% alignment with our orginal missions,
    our original purposes, and, our original tasks
    and, anything we might of amended
    since we choose to incarnate to Mother Earth.

    We ask, that we are shown, the sense of true knowing,
    and, that we might be allowed to express of all that,
    into all of our eXchanges.

    We ask, that we might have a peaceful physical rest,
    and, that we might be set free,
    to eXplore our dreamer, and, our dreams.

    We ask, that we might rise up again, in the morning,
    and, face the energy and energies that are presented to us,
    with ease, equality, fairness, grace and integrity.

    We ask, that we might be forgiven, released,
    and, set free from others,
    and, that we might forgive, release, and, set free,
    anyone or anything we may be holding back.

    We ask, that we might be shown how to release,
    those things, that weigh us down,
    and, that we might be shown how to truly spread our wings,
    so we can fly,
    and, that we might be shown how to truly rise to the heights,
    where we truly can soar, and, express all of our magnificence
    - as, a 'real' and 'true' shining of our higher self, essence aka core, and, monad.

    We ask, that you, Great Spirit,
    that we might open up our lower, and, higher eyes,
    that we might open up our lower, and, higher hearts,
    that we might open up our lower, and, higher feelings,
    that we might open up our lower, and, higher knowing,
    so, we might experience those higher aspects of the self.

    We ask, that you, Great Spirit,
    might open up our lower, and, higher hearts, and, feelings,
    and, allow us, to see the awe, and, wonder of all living beings.

    We ask, to listen carefully to our heartbeat,
    and, to the heartbeat of others around us,
    and, that we might be able to hear the voices within nature,
    that currently surround us,
    and, for that we give thanks.

    We are always, and, in all ways, truly appreciative
    of all of our Brothers and all of our Sisters
    - who choose to walk the red road,.
    and, the rainbow road of 13 colours...

    Know that to be guarded, and, to be guided,
    by our ancestors,
    and, by our animal, insect, mammal, reptile guides
    iT iS merely, an "ask-ask-ask' equation,

    we command and we demand in 100% alignment
    with our missions, our purposes and our tasks...
    so, that our "will" will be able to factor into all of our equations.

    will it to be, so, it will be,
    and, so it is (333 333 315 ****) *
    (sub your own soul sigil, or soul signature for the *'s)

    Always and, in all ways
    Remember this:
    - our lives are lived by living the virtues of love,
    and, by putting the best we can, into each and every eXchange
    that we choose to eXchange within
    - so, love is, the end result

    Imagine all the possibilites when The Dreamer,
    and, The Dream (s) are one and, the same

    - may we all unite in harmony,
    and, all be be a piece of peace

    Remember...you are the sum total of all your choices...
    they are what are called your consequences !!!

    Susan Lynne Schwenger
    aka The eXchanger

    August 16, 2011
    www.the13thbridge.com (blog is gone, as, i did NOT pay $750/3 years)

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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