A Lot Of People Are Sleeping...

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Jul 14, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The Michael Messages

    Michael is an evolved metaphysical teacher
    who speaks through various channels.
    This page is the work of Caris Turpen,
    who has been a Michael channel since 1996.

    July 11 at 3:59 PM ·
    (from 11 july 2017 approx )

    I actually ‘got’ this five years ago,
    but it still plays true.
    We are in the midst of very masculine energy and there are stressors all around.
    I received this little gem this morning from Michael.
    The subject was how difficult the energy is right now,
    how intense, how stressful. Here is what they said:
    "The intense-ness of the current energy 'storm',
    as some are perceiving it,
    has built into it lessons in how to navigate,
    how to work with 'flow'
    - that is, letting things move around and by,
    while oaring your own little boat through the waters,
    finding the gentler eddys and restful stops on a grassy bank,
    rather than being simply swirled about and throwing up.
    So the work is
    - find those eddys, those quiet places, to watch the madness pass you by.
    Do your best to recognize the siren call of "busy"
    or "needed" or "necessary" or "important" or "impatient"
    - there are realities, of course, of having to do certain things
    to maintain oneself responsibly
    - but there is also the seduction of wanting to feel needed,
    of needing things to be done NOW NOW NOW,
    of being scared of your own ability to say No Thanks!.
    Help yourself.
    Have a picnic on that grassy bank and take a deep breath.
    It'll all be ok.”
    Image by Polixeni Papapetrou, AU

    • Susan Lynne Schwenger
      watching / and knowing; and, doing nothing, waiting for things to pass: is actually maybe even worse than those who are doing the evil things - perhaps, we are in a time; when good men and good women are going to have to take some shocking actions to brings about the 'great changes' that are needed, wanted and desired in this world - sadly, those who many believe are the heroes, are actually the villians - it is going to be an interesting time on earth with people wakeup from their slumbers

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