A list of ten facts: 1) There is no such thing as "law", only the presumption of law. 2) We do not have a government, approx 7.7 billion people have not signed a contract agreeing to be governed. 3) The only way someone can represent you is if you sign a power of attorney agreeing to let that individual represent you. 4) The Acts and Statutes of HM Parliament and Government PLC can only be given the force of law by the consent of the governed. 5) Anybody who takes any action against you through an Act or Statute without physical presentable evidence of your consent, is doing so FRAUDULENTLY. 6) The only way a written instrument can apply to you is by way of a contract. 7) You cannot contract with a corporation, an IT. IT can't speak, IT can't act, IT can't testify, IT can't pick up a pen and sign a contract, IT has no mind to meet. 8 ) Each and every one of us is the victim of multiple instances of FRAUD. 9) FRAUD isa CHARGEABLE CRIMINAL OFFENCE, punishable of 7- 10 years incarceration. 10) Malfeasance, Misfeasance, and Nonfeasance are also very SERIOUS CHARGEABLE CRIMINAL OFFENCES with a period of incarceration of life in prison. Two essential commercial maxims:- 1) "He who makes a claim bears the burden of proof". 2) "Ignorance is no defence". Let's get the facts out there so we can start holding these people to account. Learn to recognise fraud and stamp it out immediately. Get to know when somebody is making a claim against you, and do not allow them to move any further without providing the material evidence to support that claim. Nobody and I mean nobody has the right nor the authority to make you do a damn thing unless you personally consent to it, this is is a FACT which must be understood.