64 Codons And 64 Points Within 6th Dimension ~ Jamie Phillips

Discussion in 'Ancient and Original Native and Tribal Prophecies' started by CULCULCAN, May 17, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Zeus Drury
    1h ·

    Atlantean superpowers and the meaning of Q / the White Rabbit 1f430.

    Got a bit triggered yesterday.

    Lots of psychic attacks online.

    Here is some positive material for you to enjoy!

    One of the origins of ‘follow the white rabbit’ in search for truth
    shows up in both ancient Egyptian and Mexican stories.

    It was believed through the earliest gnostic teachings
    from ancient Egypt that the white rabbit
    would at some point in an individual’s journey
    to obtain enlightenment, attack the individual with its sharp teeth.

    This could well be an analogy for ‘biting off more than they could chew’
    as you face the demons diving down the rabbit hole including the ones
    within yourself.

    The rabbit hole is the secret network that operated in the shadows
    or beyond the 5 senses making its way back to the centre
    and the central black hole of our universe.

    In the depths of darkness there is only light;
    a white rabbit within the hole.

    It is an analogy for the knowledge of light
    and the path within the matrix categorised
    by the Phi symbol; the embodiment of creation
    and the Big Bang understanding itself as a co creator.

    The ‘blue ones’ and/or the Dasnai children of Egypt
    spread their knowledge to many cultures
    and territories across the world to teach humanity
    how to restore unity consciousness after plummeting into the galactic night
    or denser Yuga cycles.

    The blue represented the throat chakra of Egypt
    and their leader Ptah (otherwise known as Enki)
    had a distinctive blue skull cap which represented his creator god nature
    and his link with the stars; specifically Sirius, Orion and the Pleiades.

    The Dasnai took the foundational Atlantean school template
    and replicated those teachings in different regions of the world.

    There were 3 schools in Atlantis that tried to teach us
    that the greatest technology we had was within;
    that we were the pyramids first and foremost.

    Any other exterior technology was simply an extension
    to assist in tuning our own signals to code our reality.

    The 3 schools consisted of the Emmaniam, Arsayan and Idilian.

    Only masters and priests would be chosen to complete all 3
    and through the 33 initiations up the Nile journey to shed their ego,
    these beings would resurrect to become one with the elements
    and activate their celestial boats to meet source again.

    It translated as clearing the blockages within the Nile of the spine
    and the 33 vertebrae to have access to an undistorted channel with source.

    The power of the force and the djedi priests harnessed the source code
    that connects us all through our true DNA gold print .

    The priests and priestesses by dropping their egoic layers
    were able to feel and become the elements so they could merge
    and work through them.

    To obtain these powers, they would never consider themselves gods
    but instead guides who protected the knowledge and used their abilities
    to serve the collective in raising consciousness on the planet
    for benevolent purposes.

    They were able to connect their DNA to nature so they could perform miracles
    such as controlling the weather and move/cut the stones
    within the pyramid structures and temples with pinpoint accuracy
    and precision.

    Each priest or priestess would be a master of a specific element
    to which that element had special abilities.

    This is just a general summary in relation to pyramid building;
    the abilities go way beyond this:

    Earth priests would mould the stones to create temple architecture
    and strengthen its chemical composition.

    Water priests would download and encode info into the stones
    as well as cut them with water

    Fire priests would be able to control what would burn
    and what would not, turning solids into temporary liquid states
    too through vitrification.

    Air priests would use the power of their voices and pitch to levitate the rocks.

    They embodied the inner technology which are all components of the arc
    of the covenant.

    Everyone can access this energy if they are able to connect back
    with their true selves.

    Gnosis was the knowledge of thyself and to fully connect with their own geometry embodied through the four elements within.

    This meant reprogramming their cells to vibrate in tune with all the 4 elements
    that connected with the aether through the Schumann Resonance.

    In doing so they would merge the physical earth vessel (Adam Rishon)
    with their light body (Adam Kadmon) to ground heaven on Earth
    and move from the 3rd to 5th dimension.

    This knowledge of the white rabbit followed the trail
    to the Great White Brotherhood of the ascended masters.

    Thoth’s Freemason Brotherhood is represented by the 4 elements
    connecting to the centre and 5th point in the pyramid
    through the square and compass emblem.

    The compass ‘arcs’ to create the root of 5 from the 4 squares of Osiris’
    ascension throne (or power of phive).

    It was the process of passing into a higher dimension
    or ascending higher to master your environment
    through understanding the elements.

    4 became centred at 5 to collapse time and space
    as the aether and spiritual force would flow its intentions
    through the elements to become ‘one’.

    This spiritual force is often called the Neutrinos
    which changes DNA.

    Thoth’s caduceus represented the double helix dna structure
    which housed the 4 nucleotides which are the essential amino acid
    building blocks for life .

    Enki and Thoth (father and son) created the upgraded homo sapien
    sapien species on Earth from the homo erectus ‘model’
    when working in Eridu (Edin/ Eden) and the South African Abzu mining colony.

    The two strands of deoxyribose and phosphate within the DNA double helix
    was Jacob’s ladder that created the the steps through the adenine, thymine,
    guanine and cytosine.

    Those four nucleotides are the four pillars in the base
    of the pyramid transcending time through the 4 components and elements of life:

    Expression - water

    Experimentation - earth

    Integration - fire

    Transcendence - air

    In the teachings of The Law of One you have the 9 tears of Ra
    or Mahas which created the the 9 dimensions interconnected
    through Metatron’s Cube.

    The world was formed through the tears of Ra and the central sun.

    Ra was not a physical deity but the divine light grid programmer
    and architect of creation itself that exists within us all.

    Amun- Ra or Marduk called himself Ra as he wanted
    to proclaim himself as god by brainwashing the people of Earth
    through his religious indoctrination.

    This is the anti- god or anti-Christ working through the Luciferian force
    to control and conquer.

    The 4 pillars expressed themselves in the physical as a droplet of expression
    (water as a soul) that froze to create solid matter (earth) within us.

    Yet within was the fire (flame of intelligence) needed to express ourself
    through the air and embody the flow of life.

    This concept ‘speaks’ of sound and vibration.

    The Arsayan people who were the Atlantean school teachers
    were people that ‘spoke to the world’.

    They were the magicians of spelling.

    Each element had its own set of expressions within the 9 dimensions
    that connected us with god.

    The four elements and nucleotides connected to our DNA
    through 9 different sounds each.

    4x9 =36 and the 36 consonants in the Atlantean language
    to perform the ‘Khem-ical’ alchemy within the cells
    through the vibration of sounds and spells.

    All the sounds combined created the Aum or Ohm sound
    that embodied all the vibrations of god within everything.

    It merged the 36 decans and channeled life forces acting
    within our grid to restore our 36 dormant energy strands.

    The Freemason square compass is angled at 47 degrees
    and the right angle square measure is 90 degrees.

    47 + 90 = 137 degrees.

    Both the words Kabbalah and hemoglobin equate to 137 in gemantria.

    Therefore the knowledge of who we are is inside our blood.

    The four elements connect through the vibration of our blood
    so we can access the heart energy and tap into the info of all creation.

    You find truth by becoming it, and you find ultimate truth
    by becoming it all.

    That means dropping labels of who you think and have been told you are.

    This was taught through the ‘great work’ and alchemical process
    within of becoming gold through the Magnum Opus.

    These stages directly correspond to mastering the elements
    through the zodiac wheel constellations.

    3 is often called the magic number because you can only manifest
    through the trinity.

    Therefore you need 3 of something and in this case,
    the zodiac as 4 elements categorised through 4 trinities
    create the 12.

    Each element has a Cardinal, fixed and mutable sign

    Fire - Aries, Leo, Sag

    Air - Libra, Aquarius, Gemini

    Earth - Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo

    Water - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

    The 12 alchemical processes of the zodiac wheel (upgraded from 7)
    gave you access to the Magnum Opus
    and the Philosopher’s stone through accessing
    the 12 Agatha portals on the planet
    through the dodecahedron Zion grid.

    The 12 stages to manipulate matter could only manifest
    when you aligned your 7 base chakras with mind body
    and spirit which is the triple lucky 777.

    3x7= the 21 major life lessons in the tarot
    and Major Arcana (plus the fool which is you to give you 22).

    Add the 10 sephiroth in the Kabbalah which are the 10 planetary energies
    to help you understand those paths from different perspectives
    and you get the 32 paths of wisdom (10+22).

    32 is Jacob’s ladder and DNA.

    Jacob means to follow, as in to follow the path back to the light
    and the white rabbit.

    It is the process of accessing Kether at the top of the tree of life
    as we climb up to reach the central sun and merge
    with the apple at the top of the tree;
    the masculine and feminine hemispheres if the brain in balance.

    The 32nd path in the Kabbalah Tree of Life Occult map
    is the path of Saturn and the ‘wisdom in the matrix’.

    Also known as the path of Tav/Tau,
    the T in which the serpent wraps itself around
    (like the Saturn symbol) means Theosophy
    which is god and Sophia matrix wisdom combined.

    Saturn is the 6th planet that unlocks the 6th chakra of the third eye
    to awaken the wisdom of the Uraeus Egyptian snake to the truth within.

    The ‘Dj’ in Djedi (Atlantean priests/priestesses )
    meant the wisdom of the cobra and hence why the Egyptians
    made snake gestures with their arms and hands in their dance rituals.

    Anyhow here are the 12 stages in alchemy to manipulate matter
    in chronological order of the zodiac signs:

    1) calcination 2) congelation 3) fixation

    4) dissolution 5) digestion 6) distillation

    7) sublimation 8.) separation 9) ceration

    10) fermentation 11) multiplication 12) projection

    Saturn and the moon code our matrix system.

    The moon was an amplifier for the 32 paths of Saturn
    helping us to understand our emotions through the 13 lunar cycles.

    In Atlantean times, it was the moon that was the masculine polarity
    because it was the light to illuminate the path in the dark
    to help us understand ourselves and our mission.

    It was the white rabbit in the cosmic darkness.

    In Mexico, Tecciztecatl was a god of the moon
    who competed to become a sun god.

    In doing so the other gods would throw a rabbit at him,
    dimming his light and creating a rabbit pattern on the moon.

    The rabbit is not always bright as it holds the shadow of the unconscious.

    There is darkness in light and light in darkness.

    The movement Q is a representation of the the letter Q
    which in ancient times meant the darkness of the unconscious mind.

    Q brings darkness into light.

    R was the opposite as Ra or Resh of the sun represented the conscious rays
    or ‘Raz’ of light.

    Resh also means mind.

    QR codes today are made up of black and white squares
    like the 64 piece chessboard (kamea of mercury)
    that encode shadow and light together to give you the 32 paths of light
    and 32 paths of dark which is the game of snakes and ladders
    within the octohedron geometry and merkaba
    (going up and down through the rhythm of wave frequency).

    Together they merge to activate a transcendence within,
    like a supernova to bridge you back with your 64 codons
    and the 64 points within the 6th dimension
    where you created this reality for yourself.

    Much love 1f64f. 1f49a.

    Jamie Phillips


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