31 Mar 2017 ~ The Stories, Tales And Visions Of Thoth, The Sacred Scribe Of Ancient Egypt

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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    [​IMG] 31 Mar 2017 ~ The stories, tales and visions of Thoth, the Sacred Scribe of ancient Egypt

    [​IMG] THEeXchanger Today at 3:57 am
    31 Mar 2017 ~ The stories, tales and visions of Thoth, the Sacred Scribe of ancient Egypt


    Today (March 31, 2017 ), Mercury enters the earth sign Taurus.
    In the language of Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Taurus is aligned with Hathor,
    an ancient archetypal representation of the Great Goddess.

    According to a myth of Egypt, Sekhmet, beloved of Ra, became angry with the Sun god.

    She felt unacknowledged, unseen by him and so she left, taking her strength and power with her.

    She roamed the desert in her lioness form, isolated and alone. Ra wanted his powerful feminine ally back
    and so sent his servants to ask her to return but to no avail. Sekhmet refused to speak to them.

    She was angry, furious, and in her rage, she brought drought and famine to the land.

    As a last resort, Ra sent Thoth. Thoth visited Sekhmet in his form as a Baboon;
    Sekhmet was amused and agreed to listen.

    Thoth begged Sekhmet to return.

    He promised her that there would be temples built in her honor and celebrations of her beauty.

    She listened to his tales, seeing the pictures he painted in her mind.

    Her anger and rage softened, and she remembered how much she loved the Earth.

    She agreed to return, and with each step she took, the rains came, the Earth softened,
    and the plants began to grow.

    The Great Goddess who left as the angry Sekhmet, returned as the lush, loving and gentle Hathor.

    Opening to the emanation of Thoth through Hathor can help us to ground our new visions in our bodies
    – our Earth. This is a growing time; a grounding time. Our thoughts and words create our reality.

    It is time to nurture through our imagination and our thoughts and words the sprouting seeds
    of our new visions for ourselves and our world. Open your energetic field to the emanation
    of Thoth through the bountiful Hathor and create something beautiful in your world.

    Mercury will turn retrograde in Taurus on April 9 and will re-enter Aries from April 20 – May 16, 2017.

    Mercury will then remain in Taurus until June 6. We have a long and fruitful growing time ahead of us,
    with many opportunities to listen to the stories, tales and visions of Thoth, the Sacred Scribe of ancient Egypt.
    Ruby Falconer


    Image: Hathor-Sekhmet

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