30 Jul 2022 - 01 Aug 2022 ~ Astrologer Aatif

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jul 31, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif

    1m ·

    Moon Ingresses Virgo ♍︎: From 30 July To 1st August 2022
    Energies & Themes:

    Nurturing Through Hygiene & Critique Over People Who Are Not Being Tidy
    & Orderly Obeying Or Punctual To The Health Matters As Well As
    Getting Insecure If Mental Security & Service Is Not Properly Done
    Body Organs Associated With Virgo 264d. LUNA:
    Pancreas, small intestine & digestive tract

    “Mental security is linked with the emotional nurturing & sense of security & challenges appear when you are not expressly

    Or you are unable expressing your true emotions due to internal insecurities & nervousness…”

    Time to clean your Microwave, build some hygiene-related
    discipline at home in terms of cleaning,
    use Herbal medicines to improve Health & also,
    and bring service to the family members or people close to you & these Lunar conditions also bring analytical & skeptical mindfulness with the ability to work tirelessly to improve the house In Terms Of getting tidy…

    But problems associated with such LUNAR Cycle Or Placement is,
    that you could get nervous at times of opening up & showing your true hidden emotional character because with Luna in Virgo, your emotionalism
    & Nurturing instincts are interconnected to finding details, fault-finding,
    self-critique & release of emotional rhetoric in terms of catharsis
    related to the self-scrutiny & all that harshness that one can do to himself
    before they become picky & critiques to other people around them
    Or present at home.

    Enjoy these 2.5 days of a hygienic regime & improve your mental conditions
    through gathering the details & work with the system
    to bring stability & try to express your true emotions
    to the people who demand cling & expressions these days…
    Regards, 270d. 2764. 1f917. 264d.
    Astrologer Aatif

    #mooninvirgo #Virgo #VIRGOGANG #virgomoon #virgomemes #astrology #astrologer #prediction #lunarcalendar #lunarcycle #LunaTic #lunacy #lunar #moon #transits #july #August #august2022 #predictions #prediction

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