28 July 2022 ~ New Moon ~ Spirit Takes Form Because Of “karma”

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jul 20, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    "KARMA is THE GREAT eQualizer"

    ~ susan lynne schwenger @13linesofspirit @in12d

    #TheFinalFire #TheOriginalSpark

    The Journey to: #The13thBridge

    Mattias Nordenmark says:


    28 JULY 2022
    - NEW MOON IN Cancer 264b. - PUSHYA 1f42e. 1f37c. 1f95b.
    (symbol is teats of a cow, where the milk comes from)

    The New Moon represents a union between cosmic forces
    that create physical form. Just like a sexual union,
    when the masculine (Sun) merges with the feminine (Moon),
    a seed gets planted in consciousness (as above, so below).

    In Vedic philosophy, spirit takes form because of “karma”,
    and we evaluate the karma of a cycle using the New Moon’s position
    in the background stars.

    Cancer is an environment that originates from the Moon,
    the divine feminine that governs energy moving from environment
    into consciousness.

    It’s a cycle that will teach us about receptivity.

    However, lacking true acceptance of what is, as it is,
    Cancer represents our emotional reaction as reality
    bounces off our likes & dislikes.

    If you struggle with strong emotional reactions,
    then you have “karma” to work out with the Moon,
    and the Sun illuminates that karma in Cancer.

    This section of the sky is called “Pushya”,
    which means to nourish, grow, or enhance.

    It’s governed by the Vedic deity “Brihaspati”,
    who was the teacher god who advised others
    about how to perform ceremonies and live a sattwic
    (pure, balanced, intuitive) life.

    In one of the stories, he’s so focused on his duties
    that his wife runs off and returns pregnant
    with the Moon’s child (Mercury),
    but Brihaspati raised that child and loved it unconditionally,
    because when a person has achieved true equanimity
    there is no “me & mine” for a child to be of “another”.

    Due to the extra sensitivity of Cancer,
    this can be a time where our “walls” get revealed.

    Due to some past hurt, you guard yourself
    from that same hurt happening again.

    The paradox of that strategy is that the walls
    that keep the danger out will also trap the trauma in.

    Can you allow what is to be as it is?

    Because it already is.

    Relax and welcome the moment and it will nourish your wounds.
    #VedicAstrology #Jyotish #NewMoon #Cancer #Pushya #Receptivity

    Mattias Nordenmark
    Gold Star Astrology
    “Finding direction in the stars”
    Source: @goldstarastrology on Instagram


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