28 Jul 2022 ~ Leo New Moon Is Creation Energy ~ What Is Your Vision ?

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jul 29, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Dale Osadchuk
    10h ·

    2022 Leo New Moon

    28 July at 10 55am PDT- 1.55pm EDT- 6.55 pm BST (summer time GMT)

    29 July at 1.55 am AWST Perth- 3.55 am AEST Sydney NSW Australia

    This New Moon is creation energy.

    But personally ever since the Sun entered Leo on July 22, 2022
    everything I have tried to create has been blocked.

    That is because I do not really know what it is I want to create.

    I have disconnected from the Universe.

    If I do not know what *new* I want to create the Universe
    cannot support me.

    So I am going to explore with this Leo New Moon what my new vision is.

    This New Moon is activating my natal Pluto in Leo
    (releasing what no longer serves me and making space for the new).

    Jupiter in Aries is supporting me but he is standing still
    as he turned retrograde at 4.37 pm EDT today.

    So I am embarking on a new journey with no idea what the destination is.

    But that is okay.

    Once I reconnect the Universe will guide me.

    So I am going to share the insights we posted for the Sun journey
    through Leo.

    It is very significance for this Leo New Moon.

    The Sun in Leo is creation energy.

    It asks us to be centered in our compassionate heart
    as we create with Loving Kindness for all.

    The Earth in Aquarius asks us to be cosmically conscious
    and share our gifts of knowledge and healing with the world.

    Leo and Aquarius are active on the Tarot Constellation of Strength.

    The theme for this part of the journey is

    “Courage of your convictions, connecting with your inner strength,
    courage to be your true self, and strengthening your connection to Source”.

    And always being guided by the compassionate heart.

    In Esoteric Astrology they are 5th Ray signs.

    It is the Ray of sharing your knowledge for healing.

    We are guided by Archangel Raphael, the Shinning One who Heals,
    and Archangel Mary, Universal Love and Unity.

    In times of challenge call on them to support and guide you.

    In the Northern Hemisphere this New Moon is the Ripening Time
    on our Medicine Wheel.

    Our Animal Totem guide for the Leo New Moon is Salmon,
    courage and determination to create the new.

    For the Earth in Aquarius we are guided by Otter,
    curiosity, adaptability, and joyful companionship.

    In the Southern Hemisphere this is your Resting and Purification Time.
    The animal Totems are reversed for you.

    For all of us the Clan Mother for Leo is She Who Heals.

    She is the Keeper of the healing arts and teaches us how to serve others
    using our healing abilities.

    The Clan Mother for Aquarius is Wisdom Keeper.

    The Mother of friendship, planetary unity, and mutual understanding.

    (The 13 Original Clan Mothers by Jamie Sams)

    I love, love, love how it all interconnects to support us on our journey.

    These guides will continue to support us at the Aquarius Super Full Moon
    of Aug 11, 2022

    This Moon cycle is filled with opportunities for Change.

    Embrace the journey as you create the new.

    Thank you and blessings,
    Namaste Dale

    To contact me e-mail at daleosadchuk@rogers.com

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif
    29 July 2022 ·

    Astrology Update For Fixed Signs!!! 29th July 2022 Predictions

    LEO ♌︎ Taurus 2649. , Scorpio ♏︎ & Aquarius ♒︎ Alert

    Astrologer Aatif presents!!!

    The Distinctive Cosmic Typologies For 29th July 2022
    – The Post New Moon Challenges For Fixed Signs (Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio & Taurus)

    Some important keynotes & aspects related to the Post NEW MOON energies
    affecting Taurus, Leo & Aquarius occurring in a few hours today.

    Fixed Modality & TSQUARE in the sky...

    Formation of nasty FIXED T-Square in Sky:
    Willpower & Determination Used To Satisfy One`s Own Desires & Personal Likes & Dislikes
    1- Luna ☌ Mercury in Leo
    2- Squaring URANUS ☌ RAHU in Taurus
    3- Opposing The Rx-Saturn in Aquarius
    Lessons & Themes: Work on your belief system and find some constructive ways
    to reevaluate & formulate your own value system which is highly possessive today.

    The Challenges & Themes Of Fixed Modality:

    For Leo – How Do I Look?, I am Always Right, Need To Shine & My Sun to Live Life To The Fullest According To My Rules

    For Taurus – I Am Badly Involved In You, & Leaving You Is Absolutely Not My Territory

    For Scorpion – I Am Obsessed Now, Or Are You Obsessed With Me?

    4- For Aquarius – It Is Enough Now, I Want My Personal Space,
    Please Leave Me Now & I Would Make My Rules To Control You Because I Am Way Too Sensitive To Compromise

    With Mercury & Luna opposing Saturn in Aquarius is like, your energies will be building up slowly
    & gradually increase in power with an emotional powerful release in the end which could be very very destructing
    for your personal relationships, especially when it comes to the making connections with the people
    who are not from the same belief system which you possess today.
    Also, Education restrictions could also be possible due to SAT-MERC opposing each other
    & this could also mean that URAN in Taurus will be pushing your mind to waste your energies
    in some wandering stuff like electronics & wastefulness in the sky pushes you away from constructive studies
    & academic research, but other than that, a great to utilize mind into modern technologies
    & fiction based research work which requires more interest in this field & definitely it won’t be boring
    like conventional serious degrees because, Modern Technologies & Computer-based systems
    are always captivating for mindfulness & instincts that require more depth innovation
    & research centers to bring out more revolutionary results into science, space & other technical fields.

    Tips & Survival Instinctual Lessons: Work on your belief system and find some constructive ways
    to reevaluate & formulate your own value system which is highly possessive today (Taurus & Aquarius Opposition)
    and gain control of your frustrations that could occur as a result of other peoples intention to surpass your desires
    & values today because you would definitely want to resist that kind of energy negating your values
    & fixed internal system (Leo Mercury), & you will be resisting to their attempts to change your belief system
    but you need to be a little bit flexible to retain & continue with connections with those people
    coming up with their strong opinions & energies against you or testing your patience, value
    & stubbornness or possessiveness, a little bit compromise is always fine in your case.

    Because Fixed signs like Leo, Taurus, Aquarius & Scorpion need to understand that,
    in order to make more connections or continue with some valuable people in life
    (If you take or consider them as your possessions), you need to show some flexibility
    & sensitivity towards other people belief-system,

    Needs, desires & values of their traditions which are definitely different from your traditions & values.

    With the composition of T-SQUARE with Saturn sitting in Aquarius is like,
    getting melancholy in personal relationships because of the lack of flexibility being shown by the Taurus
    & Leo signs today and this way, by getting conservatively miserable
    Or possessive about your own belief system & values, you could go into isolation
    because opening up would be very very difficult for you because other people
    would not like or demand from you to demonstrate your opinions because they are very strongly rigid
    & persuading other people by challenging their system of values, traditions & beliefs.

    Regards, & utilize these Fixed energies in the sky wisely & calmly with making compromises to your rigidity & stubbornness

    & dont lose important connections with important people for the sake of securing your own ego, values, traditions & belief-system…

    Slow down & Relax because nothing is permanent & this too shall pass away quickly & too soon…

    As URA will definitely push people away from your life Or pushes you away from them by sudden clashes
    & breaking free attitude just to gain your freedom & personal space…

    Formation of connections & maintaining them would be highly difficult this weekend…

    Astrologer Aatif

    Read the full article below for complete insights about Luna Conjunct Mercury Opposing Saturn in Aquarius Squaring RAHU & URANUS in TAURUS: https://aatifastrology.wordpress.com/.../tsquare-fixed.../

    Regards, & utilize these Fixed energies in the sky wisely & calmly with making compromises to your rigidity & stubbornness & dont lose important connections 270d. 1f981. 2764.
    Astrologer Aatif
    #Taurus #Aquarius #Leo #Scorpio #zodiac #astrologyreadings #astrology #zodiacsigns #fixedsigns #modalities
    Fixed T-Square Formation In Sky For 29th July 2022 – Leo, Taurus, Scorpion & Aquarius Alert!!! – Astrology By Aatif (wordpress.com)

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astrology by Aatif
    Astro Aatif · Yesterday at 6:43 AM ·

    The Distinctive Cosmical Archetypal Lover Energies For New Moon On AMOR #1221 In Leo On July 28, 2022
    Here comes the New Moon on Amor #1221 at 5° Leo 38’ Trines Jupiter in ARIES
    - The Recognition & Showmanship Of Leo Targets The Conditions Putting in Unconditional Love
    & Amorous Passions For Intimacy, Creativity & Self-Centeredness 270d.

    Energies & Themes: I Am The Passionate & Desire-fullness Fire, Roars The Lover Lion
    – Emotional Baggage & Blockades For Emotionalism With High Mood Swings
    Due To Darkness/Mysteriousness In Sky

    The Number Game – 5 LEO
    This number shows the high talents of a native such as Powerful sports, Rockstar with Ego-Driven nature…
    A strong & compassionate love for Children & also makes a high Erotic Charisma in his nature
    & wherever he goes, will definitely attract the audience who could be attracted Or drawn to him magnetically & physically…
    The Sabian Symbol: LEO (5° – 6°) – An Old-fashioned woman and up-to-date girl (Dane Rudhyar)
    Awareness and wisdom arise through differentiation
    In The Systematically Changed Generation Gap From Old Conservative Women To The Modernly Adaptive & Fashionable Hippie Girl
    New Moon In LEO: Some Concerning Shadows Of Leo
    Negatively, this influence of the darkest Lunacy in the mysterious blackout sky
    brings about emotional rhetoric which leads a person towards craves attention so badly that they can become “Attention seekers” for nothing...
    Amor 1221 In Leo: A Constant Guarantee & Assurance For The Best Lover A Person
    With AMOR In Leo Thinks He Is – Expressing The Highest Form Of Love For Children & Creativity
    For complete insights, read the full insightful article on the influence of the New Moon On Amor #1221
    & Trines To Jupiter on my blog here:


    Regards & enjoy the New Moon & Creates a good positive Wish-list for achievement towards the rest of August (As New Moon cycles are the new Lunar Month initiations).
    270d. 1f525. 1f981. 2764.
    Astrologer Aatif
    #newmooninleo #newmoonmagic #newmoonritual #newmoon #newmoonenergy #LeoSeason #Leo #LeoSzn #leozodiac #LeoGang #Lionesses #lioness #lions #LeoZodiacSign #July #july2022 #astrology #astronomy #degree #tarot #astrologyreadings #astrologypost

    Distinctive archetypal New Moon On AMOR #1221 At 5° Leo 38’ ♌︎ 120 Deg Jupiter In ARIES – The Ram ♈︎ ❤️ – Astrology By Aatif (wordpress.com)


    Distinctive archetypal New Moon On AMOR #1221 At 5° Leo 38’ ♌︎ 120 Deg Jupiter In ARIES – The Ram ♈︎ 1f981. 1f525. 1f975. 2764.

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