27 Sep 2022 ~ Elephant Trunk Nebula ~ Galactic Neighborhood At Just 2,400 Light Years Away

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Sep 27, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Elephant's Trunk nebula,
    It's a beautiful column of dark gas and dust
    that is in our galactic neighborhood at just 2,400 light years away.

    Usually seen in narrowband showing just the ionized gasses,
    this is a broadband view in the visible light spectrum
    showing natural colors and tons of details.

    The nuances of the dust in the "head" of the column,
    and the details through the "donut hole"
    which is a cavity being blown out by a small number
    of very young stars (some less than 100k years old).

    All lit by the backdrop and edge of strongly ionized hydrogen
    glowing bright red due to the radiation
    of a massive star just out of frame.

    Photo: @gazingoutwards

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