27 Aug 2022 ~ Virgo New Moon ~ Looking Within / Finding Sacred Center

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Aug 27, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Dale Osadchuk
    20m ·

    2022 Virgo New Moon

    27 Aug at 1.17 am PDT- 4.17 am EDT- 9.17 am BST (summer time GMT)
    4.17 pm AWST Perth- 6.17 pm AEST Sydney NSW Australia

    New Moons are seen as new beginnings.

    But this Virgo New Moon is about looking within
    and finding our Sacred Center.

    The Sun/Moon are at 04 degrees Virgo 04
    and the Astrological Earth is at 04 degrees Pisces 04.

    Together they activate the Tarot Constellation of The Hermit,
    Introspection and Personal Integrity.

    It is about journeying within and connecting
    with our Inner Universe which allows us to experience
    The Oneness of Source.

    On a personality level Virgo is seen as analytical, detail oriented,
    critical, and seeking perfection.

    But her essence is to be the bridge of Healing into Wholeness.

    That is what this Moon cycle is asking of us.

    Our last post was about the long Mars journey through Gemini
    “change your thoughts and you can your life”.

    At this New Moon the planet of desire and action
    is at 04 degrees Gemini 00 and creates a T Square
    with Sun/Moon and Earth.

    A T Square makes us feel backed into a corner with no way out.

    But the mid-point between the Luminaries
    and Earth is at 04 degrees Sagittarius 04.

    The way out is to embrace our spiritual vision and be guided by it.

    The highest expression of Mars in Gemini is to heal duality
    and integrate opposites.

    Squares are motivation for change and in this case thinking in new ways.

    The planetary guide for this Virgo New Moon
    and also for Mars in Gemini is Mercury, our thoughts,
    perceptions, and how we communicate.

    Remember the Mars theme is words are windows or walls.

    Virgo’s desire for perfection can creates walls.

    But her goal is really wanting to do things the correct way.

    At this New Moon Mercury is at 01 degree Libra 17
    asking us to be peacemakers and focus on harmony and balance.

    But he will turn Retrograde on Sept 09 at 08 degrees Libra
    and be in backward motion until Oct 02.

    He is already in his retrograde shadow which he entered on
    Aug 20 at 24 degrees Virgo and was opposite Neptune Rx
    at 24 degrees Pisces.

    What is true, what is not true, what can never be true.

    Neptune is the guide for the Earth in Pisces.

    When Mercury moves direct on Oct 02 he will again be
    at 24 degrees Virgo opposite Neptune.

    Healing into wholeness.

    When we are at oneness within WE ARE WHOLE.

    I have always seen Chiron, the wounded healer,
    as the spiritual guide for Virgo.

    He is currently retrograde at 15 degrees Aries 48
    and carries the wound of rejection, betrayal,
    and fear of abandonment.

    He is trine (removal of obstacles) Ceres at 15 degrees Leo
    (the nurturing heart) and Venus at 19 degrees Leo
    (the compassionate heart).

    He is also inconjunct the South Node at 16 degrees Scorpio
    and Hygeia, the Goddess of healing, at 15 degrees Scorpio
    asking us to heal and release past emotional wounds
    that keep us broken.

    Interesting Mars is the traditional ruler of this Chiron in Aries journey
    and Mercury is the Soul centered guide of Aries.

    Ceres and Venus (love and kindness)
    are Square the South Node (releasing the past)
    and square the North Node at 16 degrees Taurus
    and Uranus at 18 degrees Taurus
    (breaking through to what is of true value and importance).

    Uranus just turned retrograde on Aug 24.

    Review, re-access, rethink, and revise.

    When Mercury moves retrograde we will have 6 planets in backward motion.

    And Mars will enter his retrograde shadow on Sept 04.

    The message really is this Virgo New Moon cycle
    is a looking within time to heal and find your sacred center.

    Our Animal Totem guides confirm this is a Looking Within Time.

    The Virgo New Moon is guided by Brown Bear, introspection, healing,
    and The Healer.

    The Earth and Neptune in Pisces are guided by Cougar,
    spiritual power, and Wolf, the teacher who guides us through change.

    They are reversed for the Southern Hemisphere.

    For all of us Clan Mother Setting Sun Woman guides us
    on this Virgo New Moon cycle (until the Libra New Moon of Sept 25).

    She is the keeper of tomorrow’s goals and dreams.

    She teaches us the proper use of will, personal integrity,
    and how to live our truth.

    The Clan Mother who guides Mars in Gemini is Storyteller,
    the guardian of The Magical Spirit.

    Together they guide us as we write our new story.

    I am sure I have missed some things but the message is clear.

    Healing into Wholeness is being asked of all of us.

    Namaste and blessings,

    To contact me email at daleosadchuk@rogers.com

    I am offering astrological telephone sessions again.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Dennis Binns
    August 27, 2022 at 7:47 AM ·

    Rise Up
    by Dennis Binns

    It is time to rise up, cleanse your spirit.
    It is time to rise up, give thanks to the Creator.
    It is time to rise up, people are yearning
    Can you hear it?
    It is time to rise up, it is awakening.
    It is time to rise up, too much destruction.
    It is time to rise up, too much hatred.
    Can you see it?
    It is time to rise up.
    Rise up.
    Rise up.
    Rise up.
    Be the light amid the darkness.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Steven JD Beattie Moffat

    27 Aug 2022

    video on facebook

    View: https://www.facebook.com/1178940494/videos/405685418299733

    August 28, 2022 at 10:41 PM ·

    Aug. 27th , 2022

    New Moon on the Analemma cross_Volturnalia Day

    more videos:

    • comment
      Anna Iers
      ..nu moon..in the virgin sea..what u think u r, u will be..mercury,
      Thoth, also in the head of the Pure Sea,re-thinking and re- going over the ground
      we just came throo..Venus rising before the sun,
      both with Fixed Fire energy, the 1st and 2nd, Speak With Everything Above The GFirmament...

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    in the new moon, i had a dream visit from a kachina
    who remind me of this
    NOW, a friend joe Elgo @JoeElgo post this !!!

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