26 Jan 2023 To 19 Feb 2023 - Astrobursts - Astrology By Aatif & Friends

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 26, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif

    26 jan 2023 ·

    Astrology Update: Love & Romantic Life Takes Upheaval Of Melancholic
    & Imagination As VENUS Ingresses Pisces On 26th January 2023

    - From 26th Jan - 19th February 2023


    The distinctive cosmical shift in energies regarding love, creativity, poetic skills
    & the imaginative world of unrequited love as we move into the remaining weeks
    of detached Aquarius Water-bearer…

    Here comes the Mermaid Aphrodite Who Is Ready To Swim Into The Infinite Water Of Imagination, Unrequited Love, Self-Sacrificial Adjustments WIthin Personal Relationships
    & Artistic Endeavors Which Are Based On Melancholy & Creativity…

    “Your Love & Affection Is Innocent, Pure & Based On Imagination, Forgiving Selfless Love,
    & This Is Why Your Swim In Deep Ocean Of Love Is Plain & Simple By Which,
    Using This Compassion Of Tender Swim, You Can Erase & Eradicate The Bitterness
    From This Wild, Liar & Cheater World, A Little Aphrodite...”

    ` :
    My Love Definition Is Misunderstood By The Remorseless World
    Around Me Because An Ideal, Longlasting & True Love Only Exist
    Inside My Head & My Imaginative Tender Heart…

    Love Style Is Dependent Upon Compassionate, Charity
    & Desire To Help Those Lesser Fortunate, Attracted To Those Who Require Emotional Healing
    Inside The Water-Bearers Of Aquarius Season, Be Ready To Make The Flowers Of Unrequited Lover
    Be Blossom on All Sides Of The Ocean & Swim In All Directions Of The Infinite Sea Of Imagination, Compassion, Tragedy, Tenderness & Self-Sacrifice…

    () :

    1- Feb 2nd, 2023, Venus Sextile North Node In Taurus

    2- Feb 5th, 2023, Venus Squares Mars In Gemini

    3- Feb 8th, 2023, Venus Sextile Uranus In Taurus

    4- Feb 15th, 2023, Venus Conjunct Neptune In Pisces

    5- Feb 19th, 2023, Venus Sextiles Pluto In Capricorn

    & ,

    So until 19th Feb, use this compassionate, Imaginative, Sacrificial
    & Mutable Mermaid Aphrodite Inside You To Inspire The World
    With Highly Poetic & Mesmerizing Creativity…
    A lesson with this transit is to avoid falling prey because everything you see in upcoming love
    & Marriage proposals & potential Partner, will be seen through rosetinted imaginative glasses
    & because of that, you will be unable to identify the liars, cheaters & deceptive elements
    of the cruel societies who would take advantage of you selfless, & sacrificial love
    for their own personal gains & you might be left empty-handed, heartbroken & alone again ahead…

    So be careful while you give your heart away for the people who would come to you for mental,
    emotional & physical “Healing”, but once their mean & target is met, they will disappear
    into the infinite ocean of PISCES World, only to make the Romantic Mermaid Inside
    wondering & finding those potential love & partner helplessly…

    Well…instead of becoming romantically vulnerable in personal relationships,
    use this VENUS In PISCES transits in laugh laugh laugh, Paint, Singing, Be Creative & Dancing…

    - :

    So hang in there, as the traditions of this cruel & deceptive world are to forget your passion,
    compassion & selfless/sacrifical loyalty & compassion towards this world.

    So all those Pisces Aphrodite, please teach this world your humbleness,
    sweetness & artistic skills for the whole season of Aquarius ahead…

    To attach some dreamy, with love & best wishes…
    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.
    #venusinpisces #Venus #Aphrodite #aphroditeschild #illusionist #disillusionment #Pisces #piscesmemes #astrologypost #astrologymemes #lovechallenge #love #couplegoals #relationships #relationshipgoals #zodiac #horoscope #astrology #Astrologer #fortuneteller #January #AquariusSeason #Aqua

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    The difference in scale between the Earth and Solar Flares! 1f632.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    The Sun, captured by Turkish astrographer Mehmet Ergün

    Comet C/2022 E3 ZTF over the Observatory 2728. 2604.
    Stacked / Tracked / Blended
    IG : anthonylp.photography
    25 JAN 2023
    This week I took advantage of a clear night to shoot the famous comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF). I really wanted to acquire as much data as possible for a clean and detailed result and that was the case! We can clearly see the 3 tails (ion, dust)
    To obtain such a result I opted for the Sigma 150/600 at 400mm, my motorized mount and guidance. The most complicated thing was to stack the photos of the comet because it moves quickly in the sky and so I had to stack the 30 shots on Photoshop and manually align them with each other. Then integrate the comet into the background of the sky which had remained clear to it because there was no movement. In short, it took a long time but here it is!
    Regarding the foreground is a mountain , Mount Chiran which was all dressed in white! I looked at the beginning of the month when the comet was skirting the northern horizon if it was possible to align it with Chiran and its Observatory and yes!
    Here I hope to have another opportunity next month if the comet is still beautiful...in the meantime if you want to observe it it will be in a very good sky and without Moon otherwise with the naked eye it is not visible .
    Enjoy 2728.
    Nikon Z6 Astromodified Spencer's Camera
    Sigma 150-600 (at 400mm)
    Star Adventurer GTi with autoguiding on
    ZWO camera ASI 120mm mini mono
    ZWO Guidescope 30mm mini
    Sky: 30 x 120sec F6 iso 3200
    FG: 300sec F6 iso800
    Processed in Photoshop, Lightroom & Sequator
    Anthony Lopez Photography
    25 jan 2023


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Still Alive 2012
    January 25 at 2:36 AM ·

    PAX (Planting/Farming Time; The God of Straight Nose; Music)
    JAN 25 – FEB 13:
    25 JAN 2023 TO 13 FEB 2023

    #mayancalendar #mayan #maya #ancientcivilization
    #culture #calendar #spirituality #astrology #history #2012

    ABSM Wise
    Patricia Pal · ·


    Damascena Tanis

    Venus Pisces Transmission

    January 26th, 2023

    Venus moves into her Watery Exaltation, Pisces at 9:32 pm Est

    As soon as we use language to describe something that is inherently ineffable,
    we’ve made it smaller.

    Language limits, and flattens the mystery.

    As soon as we try and understand something sublime with the mind,
    it’s lost its dynamic quality.

    This is why we need art, and music, and poetry.

    It’s why we need communion with nature, animals, and mythology.

    Why we need dreams, imagination, and liminal spaces.

    So that we may come to (g)now more of the world.

    To experience it a new and different way.

    It adds dynamism, and animism to our mundane experience.

    In Pisces Venus becomes the sensory adapt. Like her Sacred Animal, the Dolphin,
    Venus uses extrasensory
    perception to navigate the deep Piscean waters.

    Venus in Pisces offers us an opportunity to drop out of the thinking rational mind
    into something called "nous".

    The land of multisensory gnosis.

    In Pisces, Venus can bring us a sense of pronoia.

    Pronoia, opposite from paranoia,
    means that we believe the world is working out for us.

    In our favor, touched by the hand of divine providence.

    To come into communion with Venus in Pisces,

    Pay attention to the messages
    coming through your dreams.

    Let your womb, and heart space inform you.

    Allow ample space for your intuition and desire to lead the way.

    #astrology #Venus #Pisces

    Last edited: Feb 4, 2023

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    26 jan 2023 & 27 jan 2023

    You can't miss Jupiter near the moon tonight and tomorrow night!
    Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system.
    It reached opposition - when Earth flew between Jupiter and the sun
    - last September 26.
    While it's not as bright now as it was then, it still outshines the brightest stars. 1f30c. 1f312.
    Read about tonight's moon near Jupiter.
    And, for more sky events, visit EarthSky's night sky guide:
    Chart: Tonight and tomorrow night, the very bright object near…


    EarthSky | Moon near Jupiter January 25 and 26
    A daily update by email. Science news, great photos, sky alerts.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    From Astrologer Tisch Aitken 2764. 2653.
    Venus entered the mutable water sign of Pisces on 1/26/23 at 9:33 pm EDT,
    where she absolutely loves to be!

    Venus is in its exaltation in the sign of Pisces and is dreamy, creative, compassionate, and loving.

    Venus transits in the sign of Pisces from 1/26/23 -- 2/20/23.

    Those born under the sign of PIsces will be extra magnetic and mesmerizing

    . For the rest of us, this is a preview of Saturn's transit in Pisces,
    which will begin on 3/7/23 and continue on & off through February of 2026.

    Saturn in PIsces will have its challenges in that Saturn is all about structure;
    Neptune, which rules Pisces, is anything but structure!

    It dissolves structures.

    This is about facing fears, illusions, and dreams.

    With that in mind, Venus LOVES being in Pisces.

    Time to dream what you will structure when Saturn
    anchors your Piscean dreams starting this March.

    Are you a dreamer?

    A mystic?

    A magician?

    An empath?

    An artist or a misfit?

    Well, it's your time to shape the world!

    Let's get ready for Saturn in Pisces.

    In the interim, time to enjoy love, beauty, and kindness!

    #astrology #horosope #zodiac


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    27 Jan 2023

    Astrophotography ·

    Photographer: Moshen Chan · ·
    A close-up view of Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) on January 27th 2023. It was faintly visible to the naked eye in dark skies, and a two-hour exposure shows the greenish glow from carbon gas and a rarely seen antitail.
    More at: https://www.instagram.com/moshen/
    LRGB, 2 hours exposure
    Astro-Physics 130mm refractor (585mm @f/4.5)
    ZWO ASI6200MM
    Rainbow Astro RST-135E mount

    Astro Aatif
    · 27 JAN 2023

    Astrology Update: Crescent Moon Floats in the last decan of Aries...

    Transiting Moon is in Cardinal ARIES right on Discordia Goddess aka "Eris" at 23 Aries...
    & she's going to square PLUTO in Capricorn a couple of hours ahead...

    Mythologically, her family did not invite ERIS to the wedding of Thetis and Peleus,
    so she took one of the apples and threw it among the guests.

    Do not mess with this Crescent Moon folks,
    because she's angry as you did not invite her to your wedding ceremonies...
    Now she's dejected & revengeful... be careful lol
    this too shall pass though..
    so hang in there until the LUNA transits towards the EXALTATION of Taurus ahead...
    With love & best wishes…
    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.
    #moonlight #crescentmoon #waxingcrescent #ariesmoon #astrologypost
    #astrologymemes #astrology #zodiac #zodiacsigns

    All reactions:


    • Amanda Michelle
      Tomorrow night I will do money ritual (28 jan 2023)

      I'm trying to manifest a new housing situation so that would be good time while moon is in Taurus

      • Sove Reign Heather
        you're right. It is a good time!
        I was upset that I wasn't motivated to do spell work on the full moon, but... I'm feeling it now.. 1f64f.

      • Amanda Michelle
        I actually use the full moon to rest/absorb moon energy to be worked the rest of the month.
        I manifest from new moon to full. Then I rest and use waning moon to cleanse, banish, unblock.

      • Sove Reign Heather
        I like to either charge things under or absorb the full moon energy too.. 1f917.

    • Alyson Thiessen
      Oh yessss. Aries here decan2. Took care of the noxious stimuli …
      she was never invited. Now what will happen nexxxxxt??? 1f60e. 1f60e. 1f60e.
    • Jeffrey Ryan Chavez
      Does anyone else see the face

    • Sove Reign Heather
      I'm 24° Aries 1f31e. ..
      I'm right at home with this energy 1f923. .

    • Melissa Hachey
      Looks like a p’d off face too 1f602.

    • Astro Doyna
      We will try to obey & abide by her wishes 1f607. 1f923.

    • Armin Ogorinac

    Last edited: Jan 28, 2023

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