25 Sep 2022 ~ Libra New Moon By Dale Osadchuk

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Sep 26, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Dale Osadchuk

    2022 Libra New Moon

    25 Sept at 2.55 pm PDT- 5.55 pm EDT- 10.55 pm BST (summer time GMT)
    26 Sept at 5.55 am AWST Perth- 7.55 am AEST Sydney NSW Australia

    This Libra New Moon cycle is about finding balance in all
    our relating including the relationship to self.

    It activates the Tarot Constellation of The High Priestess,
    balanced judgment through Intuitive Awareness.

    The other energies found here are The Moon, inner knowing
    and guidance, and Pluto, releasing what no longer serves us
    and transformation.

    We are headed into Eclipse season with the Scorpio Solar Eclipse
    on Oct 25, 2022
    and the Taurus/Scorpio Lunar Eclipse on Nov 08, 2022.

    Pluto plays an important role in both those Eclipses
    so pay attention to what he is offering you in this Libra Moon cycle.

    More about Pluto later.

    Our current New Moon is at 02 degrees Libra 49
    opposite the Earth at 02 degrees Aries 49
    and retrograde Jupiter at 03 degrees Aries 48
    (looking within and connecting with our spiritual essence and Truth).

    The Moon is guided by Venus at 25 degrees Virgo 44
    (healing into wholeness).

    She is travelling with retrograde Mercury at 27 degrees Virgo 32 (rethinking what is of true value)
    and they are trine (removal of obstacles) Pluto retrograde
    at 26 degrees Capricorn 09 (personal and universal transformation).

    The Virgo planets are opposite (healing polarity)
    Neptune retrograde at 23 degrees Pisces 46 (illusion or illumination).

    But Neptune is sextile (new opportunities)
    Pluto (healing, release, and transformation). Pluto’s gift.

    Now here comes Mars.

    He and Venus are the relationship planets.

    This is the relationship Moon cycle.

    He is currently at 18 degrees Gemini 13 (duality or integration)
    ]and is the ruler of Earth and Jupiter Rx in Aries.

    He also guides retrograde Chiron at 14 degrees Aries 40
    (healing wounds of rejection and abandonment).

    Chiron is inconjunct the South Node at 13 degrees Scorpio
    (releasing past wounds). Mars (action) also guides the South Node
    as does Pluto (healing and transformation).

    On Sept 16, 2022
    Mars and Venus entered the First Quarter Phase
    of their relationship cycle
    (making a decision, taking action, and breaking through
    to new ways of relating).

    Their new cycle began early March.

    Guess who they invited to the party back then?
    PLUTO (healing, release, and transformation).

    In Esoteric Astrology the planet Uranus
    is the Soul Centered guide of Libra.

    He is currently retrograde at 18 degrees Taurus 30
    travelling with the North Node at 13 degrees Taurus 56
    (breaking through to what is of true value and importance).

    They are square (motivation for change and finding new ways
    of doing things) retrograde Saturn at 19 degrees Aquarius 11
    (breaking through limitation and restriction and breaking free).

    Although this square is not exact it still echoes the theme
    of their 2021 journey, revision and realignment.

    This is a Fourth Quarter Square that asks us if something
    is not working let it go. Mars (action) is trine Saturn
    (removal of obstacles).

    Our Animal Totem guides for this Libra Moon cycle are Crow,
    sacred law and justice and fairness for all,
    and Raven, magic and The Mysteries.

    For the Aries energies we are guided by Falcon, clear inspired vision,
    and Red Tailed Hawk, spiritual messenger and messages.

    They are reversed for the Southern Hemisphere.

    For all of the Clan Mother for Libra is Weaves The Web.

    She is the manifester of dreams who helps us bring
    our visions into reality.

    For Aries we are guided by Looks Far Woman.

    She is the guardian of the crack in the universe
    and the golden door of illumination.

    (The 13 Original Clan Mothers by Jamie Sams)

    We are a little late posting this.

    The whole time I have been writing the energy around me is chaotic, noisy, and distracting.

    Then to top it off The Thunderbeings sent us a thunderstorm and lightening.

    The gift is finding inner balance whatever is going on.

    My wish for all of us on this Libra Moon cycle journey.

    Namaste and blessings,
    To contact me e-mail at daleosadchuk@rogers.com

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

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