25 Oct 2022 - New Moon & Eclipse

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 22, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Greg George


    Scorpio New Moon Solar Eclipse
    02 264f. 00 08:50 PM Brisbane

    25th October 2022
    09:50 PM Sydney

    25th October 2022
    11:50 AM Greenwich 25th October 2022

    "Stay in your power, connect to the shadow. As we peal back the layers to reveal a new truth, change the things which can be changed"

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Dale Osadchuk

    2022 Scorpio New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse

    25 Oct at 3.49 am PDT- 6.49am EDT- 11.49 am BST (summer time GMT)
    6.49 pm AWST Perth- 9.49 pm AEDT Sydney NSW Australia

    The days leading up to this important New Moon have been very active.

    On Oct 18/19 first the Sun then Venus in Libra (balance in relationship)
    squared Pluto in Capricorn (releasing what no longer serves us and motivation for change).

    On Oct 22 the Sun and Venus met at 29 degrees Libra (finding new ways of doing things)
    and Venus entered her Libra Evening Star journey (harmony within).

    The last time she was Evening Star at 29 degrees Libra was Oct of 1771.

    That was the beginning of revolution and freedom of the individual.

    Will that be the theme this time?

    It is already happening regarding women’s right.

    Venus represents the Feminine.

    On Oct 22/23 Saturn in Aquarius moved direct after being retrograde since June 04 (opening to cosmic consciousness).

    And on Oct 23 both Venus and the Sun entered Scorpio (healing, transformation, and rebirth).

    And now on Oct 25 we have the Scorpio New Moon Solar Eclipse which carries the theme of healing, release,
    and transformation for the next six months.

    The next Solar Eclipse is at 29 degrees Aries (new inspired beginnings) on Apr 20, 2023.

    The Sun will be visiting Scorpio and the Earth will be visiting Taurus Oct 23 to Nov 22.

    The key phrase for Scorpio is I DESIRE and for Taurus it is I HAVE.

    The focus is on security and empowerment.

    The astrological symbols for Scorpio are the Scorpion who stings when threatened,
    the Eagle who flies above and has keen insight into what is really happening,
    and the Phoenix Dove, transformation and rebirth through healing love.

    For Taurus The Bull is the symbol, integrity and personal strength and power.

    These energies are strong at the Scorpio Solar Eclipse which influences the next six months.

    The Sun and Moon are at 02 degrees Scorpio 00 at this New Moon travelling with Venus at 02 degrees Scorpio 39
    asking us to enter the Mysteries and discover our true value and release what limits and restricts us.

    This is a South Node Eclipse (healing and releasing the past). It creates the theme for the next six months.

    The Scorpio energies are guided by Pluto, now in direct motion, at 26 degrees Capricorn 10
    (release and transformation) and Mars at 25 Gemini 25 (healing duality and choosing integration).

    They are Inconjunct each other. This aspect asks us to change, release and let go of anything that blocks us
    from moving into the new. Transforming and healing is the key.

    Mars is guided by Mercury at 22 degrees Libra 39 (balanced thinking) and Pluto is guided by Saturn
    at 18 degrees Aquarius 25 (being guided by Cosmic Consciousness).

    Mercury and Saturn are trine each other (removal of obstacles and ease and flow).

    In other words be willing to let go what no longer enhances your life path.

    The Earth in Taurus is guided by Venus in Scorpio (transformation and release).

    Venus represents personal talents and resources and what we truly value.

    In Scorpio she is supporting us to become empowered and find our inner strength
    to experience healing and transformation. Remember Venus is now Evening Star (at-oneness-within).

    Whatever is happening in the world you have the power to change your world.

    Our Medicine Wheel Animal Totem guide for the Scorpio Solar Eclipse is Snake, shedding the old and renewal.

    For the Earth in Taurus we are guided by Beaver, clearing the old and building the new.

    They are reversed for the Southern hemisphere.

    For all of us The Phoenix is the Sacred Totem for Scorpio (rising from the ashes and re-birth).

    The Phoenix is guiding us on our journey for the next six months.

    The Clan Mother who guides this Moon cycle is Walks Tall Woman.

    She is the Mother of beauty and grace and the Keeper of New Pathways.

    She teaches us how to Walk The Path of Truth.

    For the Earth in Taurus we are guided by Listening Woman,

    She is the keeper of the stillness and inner knowing. She teaches us how to hear the truth.

    You can find their Medicine Stories in The 13 Original Clan Mothers by Jamie Sams.

    In Esoteric Astrology Scorpio and Taurus are 4th Ray planets.

    Harmony through conflict or harmony through beauty and love.

    It is the Ray of humanity.

    Our Archangel guides are Gabriel, resurrection and rebirth, and Hope, harmony and renewal.

    She reminds us to never give up.

    Here is a saying I discovered in my teen years that has guided me on my path.

    It is appropriate for the journey ahead.

    I’ve left behind my outgrown self

    And softly closed the door,

    The long wide road that lies ahead

    I have not known before.

    Always remember when one door closes another one opens.

    Namaste and blessings on your journey.


    To contact me e-mail daleosadchuk@rogers.com

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    21 oct to 30 oct /2022

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif


    #Astrology Predictions
    ❖❀~ ( ), 2640. ♏︎ ~❀❖
    , , &

    Here comes the Partial Solar Eclipse Of 2022 (The Last One), on 25th October 2022
    At 2 Deg Scorpio

    Most Anticipated & Awaiting Event Of Celestial Dancing Calendar Of Planets Up In The Sky…
    The Distinctive Cosmic Shift In Energy For The Last SOLAR ECLIPSE Of 2022

    - The Closure Of One Chapter With The Beginning Of The Unknown Life Ahead

    (But At What Cost? Obviously Traumatic LOSS Of The Old Order Which No Longer Serves Your Purpose Anymore,

    Has To Go With Sorrowful Withdrawal)...

    Solar Eclipse is basically the simple NEW MOON formation in the sky but with the alignment of EARTH SHADOW

    & this makes it the special & most anticipated CELESTIAL EVENT of the year

    (Depends on how many of them occur inside a single year though)...

    : Some Taboos Are Meant To Be Revealed/Broken Through Investigation

    : , , , -, &

    & , -, , , , & 1f982. 270d. 1f48c.

    The Time Of Conception, Beginning In The Darkness Possible Of The Shadows Of Human Subconscious Side Of 8th House
    (The Scorpio Sting).

    Losing the Most Valuable Desiring Obsession For The Sake Of A New Start In Life

    Means a lot this time around due to the EARTH Shadows on this NEW MOON & making it a Partial Solar Eclipse…

    Although it's the same old pattern of the NEW MOON (Luminary Conjunction In Sky), with Earth Shadow,

    this brings something Painful experience in life ahead.

    & Since this New Moon Aka Eclipse is Conjoining with the VENUS in SCOR,

    this is going to be challenging in terms of Close Relationships by which, the pain,

    suffering & traumatic loss will be felt deeply & for a longer period of time,

    you will never forget it (Perhaps not into this lifetime),

    with the occurrence & mix of an ECLIPSE into the NEW MOON (Solar Eclipse),

    the presence of Earth Shadow is badly & strongly felt & the beginning will be leaving smokescreens

    with the passage of time & will be remembered or not easily forgotten at any cost.

    (Difficulty to move ahead which is pushy & due), that move towards the new & unknown paths

    will be sometimes, lifelong special moments of your life…

    ❖❀~ , ,

    & ~❀❖
    me w
    The main Similarity is 2 Degree activation in SKY between SUN & MOON…

    & it means that the things & new beginning we had started on 25th September 2022

    will be back with KARMIC endings this tiith ECLIPSE occurrence on the same DEGREE/Number, right?

    So you need to recall those memories

    & events because they are going to repeat themselves, but this time, with more passion,

    intensity & KARMA attached to them in the shape of the source of SECRET TAGGING…

    But will be felt with a LOSS nevertheless.

    1f31f. - 2 1f31f.

    Number 2 reveals & indicates the matters which are related to the Powerful Possessions

    (Ares Of Our Daily Life Where We Are Most Possessive About, Be It People, Close Assets & Personal Belongings)

    We Make through Money, & Talents like Singing (Using our throat & vocals), Wealth, Bank, Food, Large Forests/Trees, etc

    1f49d. : - 1f49d.
    This Degree Deals Into Passion & While Floating Between The Polarities Of Early Taurus & Scorpio,

    you will end up getting the results that are associated with DEEP Involvement With PURE Passion

    (Where your heart aggresses toward something in which you are deeply involved)

    & this is exactly how Scorpio 2-3 deg revolves or moves ahead with

    (Be it Childbirth, Sex, Money, Addictions & Possessiveness Towards Something With Extreme Passions),

    also building up the complete trust on your intuitional Passions & this way,

    you will open up the Spiritual Ecstasy ahead for complete HEALING for your PSYCHOLOGICAL Problems

    related to your inward values to merge with another (Soul to soul penetration)...

    Organizing a team effort; building on a solid foundation of goodwill (starting an idealistic new organization);

    rebuilding society from the ground up, with attention to basic principles and especially the education

    of the young; trying to live in harmony with nature and with human nature (undisciplined).

    Let’s Discuss Pluto & Mars’s Influence On This Solar Eclipse (Co-Rulers Of the Scorpio Sign)…
    Partial Solar Eclipse On Venus in Scorpio: Some Taboos Are Meant To Be Revealed/Broken Through Investigation

    Scorpio is a sign that deals with a process of a transformation or transition from CONSCIOUSNESS & Subconsciousness,

    & there is a thin line between it. Actually, SCORPIO does a thing or starts some secret stuff out of their mysterious nature

    (just for the sake of that kind of awareness), & sometimes, that kind of taboo action/planning remains in shadows

    of darkness years & years before the start to realize the outcome & execution plan through Subconscious process,

    only then they can complete this cycle of knowing something with full awareness

    & letting that awareness hitting their psyche/animus system.

    So it’s a process of awareness (Conscious) and feelings or sense of Realization of the outcome (Subconscious)…

    So this highly slow process will only be revealed through proper ECLIPSES

    upon hitting those areas of your LIFE (HOROSCOPE),

    like either you were doing or things were done to you whether with Awareness

    or you realized after the occurrence & felt with KARMA results (Pain, Suffering, Loss Of Children,

    Loss Of Inheritance & even loss of some important extramarital affair that was kept secret

    & processed behind the scenes)…
    Taboo Secrets Of The Entire Family & Eclipse:

    There is some truth about our life which has been haunting us for too long now,

    & this has to be revealed, may some TABOO Or some unknown family secrets including Sex,

    Birth of an unwanting Child which needs to keep hidden from the family for longer period of time

    due to the unknown fears of losing dearest ones (So u simply introduce that Child

    or any hidden extramarital affair or maybe second wife to the family for some reason),

    so this kind of illegitimate affair, child, sex taboo needs to be revealed by the LOYAL family

    who has been kept unaware of the things going on behind the doors, behind the scenes,

    through CHEATING, MANIPULATION Or hidden truths which were untold due to some reasons,

    perhaps this Solar Eclipse on VENUS will let them aware that those truths or stuff related to SEX,

    Money & Spouse (Cheating) was done out of innocence & unintentionally.

    Because SCORPIO is a Subconscious Sign that deals Sex (Mars co-ruler)

    through Cheating/Manipulation & stings the whole family system upon Revelation,

    & if the truth remains hidden or uninvestigated, those Taboos/Secrets will remain a SECRET throughout life…

    This is what a Scorpio sign is capable of (Either intentionally or subconsciously)…
    International & Countries With Eclipse Problems:

    At Mundane Level (Countries Politics): Scorpio Season Is Related To The Interest Rates

    Of The Higher Banking Channel Which Affect The Whole Country As A Nation

    & Since The Co-Ruler Of Scorpio Aka PLUOT is Floating in Capricorn

    & That Too With Retrogradation, This Is Going To Be Tough For The Countries Struggling With “IMF” Loans

    & Heavy Debts That They Might Fall Into The Trap Of “Bankruptcy”,

    Yes Scorpio Rules it… Especially venus is also around

    & Mars dealing with GEMINI with the Retrograde process for months (Longest Transits)…

    This is not going to be an easy Scorpio season this time by any means….

    So Lending Or Borrowing Huge Money/Dollars At the State Bank Level Should Be dealt with care

    because the Scorpio Eclipse will affect the DEBT & Financial System of a country while the Taurus Lunar Eclipse

    In November Will affect The Overall Financial Problems

    of the Countries like the USA itself that will shake up the whole system

    of the FINANCIAL INSTITUTES of the USA & could be other company…

    (This applies at personal level & partnerships as well).

    The start of the Scorpio Season is critical & has to be dealt with with care

    & caution because what happens is, SUN & VENUS despite losing

    Or leaving Libra Sign, are still under the Rays & Radar of PLUTO sitting in Capricorn

    which should create some power struggle in terms of personal relationships

    & disturbs the whole domestic system at “Psychological Level” through High Manipulation Of Sexual

    & Romantic Partners, Extra-Marital Secret Affairs, Manipulation In Joint Resources & Getting Suspicious

    By Some Gold-Digger elements of the Society (At the highly personal level, with whom you are emotionally & psychologically connected)…

    so dont build trust during this Season (Especially a week within the Eclipse takes place)…
    so be careful how you let that energy out lest you inadvertently wipe out the people around you!

    May you all survive this ECLIPSE without any damage done to your either physically or psychologically at least…
    1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338. 1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338.
    #solareclipse2017 #SolarEclipse2022 #partialsolareclipse #solareclipse #SolarEclipseInScorpio #eclipseseason #eclipse #eclipsesolar #partialeclipse #zodiac #zodiacsigns #ScorpioSzn #scorpioseason #Scorpions #Scorpio #venuscazimi #venusinscorpio #transits #predictions #fortuneteller #fortunetelling #Astrologer #astrologymemes #astrologyreadings #tarot #taboo #mysteries #sexual #erotic #manipulation

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Ruby Falconer


    New Moon Solar Eclipse at Scorpio 2°00’, October 25 at 6:49 am EDT.

    With this Scorpio New Moon, we enter a two-week Eclipse Portal
    - October 25 to November 8
    – and complete a five-month phase of experience.

    As you prepare to enter the portal, think back to May 16, 2022,
    the beginning of our current period.

    What has happened in your life?

    Here are a few global events: the ongoing Ukraine war, monk
    eypox, worldwide inflation woes
    and political upheaval, several brutal weather events
    (heat waves in Europe, floods in Pakistan, Hurricanes Fiona and Ian),
    gains by the far-right in European elections (France, Sweden, Italy),
    the death of Queen Elizabeth, and amazing deep space images from the James Webb Space Telescope.

    This is a partial Solar Eclipse, visible primarily in eastern Europe and southwest Asia.

    While a partial eclipse carries less impact, there are overriding factors.

    The current Saturn/Uranus square is strong, and Saturn is still stationary.

    Mars is slowing to station (October 30/2022) square to Neptune,

    and this New Moon is conjunct to Venus (cazimi) in Scorpio, a strong and passionate sign.

    The five-month period between Eclipse Portals aligns with a theme.

    The primary astrological story of this completing phase has been the fourth
    and final Third Quarter square of Saturn and Uranus.

    The theme has been an acceleration of the struggle between the status quo

    – the Patriarchy

    - and a new era striving to be born.

    On a personal level, consider this Eclipse Portal as a passage from one phase of experience to another.

    Enter the tunnel between these two worlds consciously.

    Be like a snake (a Scorpio symbol of transformation), wriggling out of its outworn skin.

    What is it you want to leave in the darkness between the worlds?

    Worthy of note: we will exit the tunnel
    into a Total Lunar Eclipse on US Election Day (November 8th, 2022).

    October 23, 2022, by Ruby Falconer.

    Available for chart readings. www.shamanicstarology.com.

    Artist Unknown
    “Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
    #astrology #ShamanicStarology #ShamanicEgyptianAstrology #SolarEclipse #ScorpioNewMoon


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Photographer: Stonehenge on 25 OCT 2022

    Today, many will observe a partial solar eclipse in parts of the UK and around the world.
    The phenomenon will make it appear like a 'bite' has been taken out of the sun.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Alex Myles


    Happy New Moon Eclipse!
    This New Moon Eclipse in Scorpio will be impacting all zodiac signs but it may feel more intense
    for Scorpio and Taurus and those born during an eclipse.

    New moons represent the closing of a 28-day cycle and the beginning of a new one,
    however as this New Moon is an eclipse it marks the completion of a chapter
    that has been running for the past 6 months (since April/May).

    It also signifies the opening of a new theme and chapter, both in our personal lives
    and the collective, that will continue for the next 6 months
    (until the next eclipse season begins in April 2023).

    Eclipse energy is known to be multiple times more powerful, intense
    and transformational than regular moon phase energy.

    Eclipses are capable of bringing such dramatic and unexpected endings
    and beginnings that can entirely change life as we know it.

    They can also burn out all the karmic energy that has been accumulating over the past 6 months.

    When an eclipse season begins it feels as though a line is carved out,
    that can be perceived as not only a ‘before/after’ chapter, but the completion of the book.

    Any storylines that occurred previously (particularly ones that took place during the past 6 months)
    fade so far into the distance, that they can almost feel like another lifetime, or another dimension
    that we no longer relate to.

    During an eclipse it can feel like there is a sudden timeline switch,
    and we become so focused and intent on evolving and moving forward
    that the past feels almost unrecognisable to us.

    Anything that enters our lives when eclipse season starts is considered to be destined,
    and likely to last into the foreseeable future

    - usually at least until the next eclipse season begins in 6 months time,
    but possibly on a more permanent basis.

    Generally, whatever begins around the same time as eclipse season begins, should last the distance,
    whether that be friendships, romantic relationships, career placements, house moves, hobbies
    or habits we begin or end.

    Not only could they become a permanent fixture, but for the majority will also bring happiness,
    success, blessings, abundance and good fortune.

    Although we normally set intentions on a New Moon, during an eclipse we find that the Universe
    seems to take the reins and fated events occur that can change our pathway.

    This doesn’t mean we are powerless and unable to control what is happening - it is quite the opposite.

    Instead we find the intentions we have been working hard on setting over the past 6 months
    are now manifesting with ease, and in particular whatever was heavy on our mind/heart
    during the last eclipse season, will now feel tangible, either with a major beginning or much needed ending.

    If we think back to where we were 6 months ago, in April of this year, and the intentions we were setting,
    and also what ended or began around that time, we should be able to gain a far better understanding
    of why certain things began or were brought to a close back then, and what is now completing or manifesting in its place.

    The last eclipse was on May 15, 2022, also in Scorpio, so we may find that something significant
    that occurred around that time presents itself once again.

    We may be feeling nostalgic and find ourselves revisiting conversations, connections
    or unresolved conflicts that took place 6 months ago.

    The heightened clarity we have now will help us find the healing, closure and peace we have been seeking.

    Our awareness will be heightened and offering us a far greater understanding of what has taken place
    over the last 6 months, and most importantly, why events unfolded in a particular way.

    Eclipses truly are magnificent periods of transformation, it is as though we move further into alignment
    with the blueprint of what is meant for us.

    We gain new perspectives that allow us to view our future through entirely new lenses
    and we are gifted incredible new opportunities that are in exact alignment with our desires.

    Scorpio kickstarts this new eclipse season, and as it is the sign of manifestation, transformation,
    mystery, heightened intuition, perception, sudden endings, dramatic change and of course rebirth
    and new beginnings, the energy right now is perfectly aligned.
    During a Scorpio moon it is possible we will mysteriously receive a piece of information that had prevented us from seeing the bigger picture with clarity. Scorpio delivers the answers that have long eluded us, and it will likely be during dreamtime that we receive the greatest insights, downloads, truths and revelations.
    Eclipses bring the subconscious to the surface, particularly when they occur during a Scorpio moon, as Scorpio is associated with what is hidden and kept in the darkness. It is also a time when we recognise how our deep-rooted fears hold us back from living the life we dream of and it helps us unapologetically embrace our truest, most authentic selves.
    This New Moon may be showing us where we have been feeling controlled, manipulated and suppressed, and allows us to see hidden intentions and motivations, either within ourselves or others. It will be shining a light on who or what leaves us feeling drained of energy, limited and disempowered.
    Scorpio is a sign associated with emotions that run on the undercurrent.

    It is the feelings we don’t express and when we hold things in for too long it can create emotional intensity
    and cause unexpected and quite heated outbursts.

    We may find during this New Moon we feel far more emotional than normal,
    possibly even quite tearful, whether that be tears of joy or sadness.

    This is a time where the darkness is brought to the light, so we may feel compelled to face our fears,
    be vulnerable and share some of our most innermost, uncomfortable truths with someone we can trust.

    We might also find that our intuition is supercharged right now and that we are able to sense something rippling
    beneath the surface in those closest to us.

    Scorpio’s energy will mean we will be highly perceptive with the ability to read between the lines
    and sense the intention behind words, body language and actions.

    Scorpio cannot bear false pretences, so if our behavior isn’t authentic and doesn’t have meaning
    \and depth behind it, it will be clear to those around us, and we may get called out for insincerity
    or a lack of integrity.

    We often talk about new or full moons being times of transformation, but Scorpio,
    the sign associated with the Phoenix, is the ultimate transformer and eclipses are wake up calls
    that bring a major shift, so if ever there was a time to rise above our fears, embrace change,
    completely recreate ourselves and redesign and redirect our lives - it is now.

    During an eclipse, we find that we feel the urge to purge and cut free from anything that feels harmful,
    limiting, dysfunctional or low vibrational.

    We may feel compelled to end a relationship, make a career change, change our beliefs,
    make a major lifestyle decision, move home - even to a new city.

    We may also want to have a drastic de-cluttering of our belongings and feng-shui our homes.

    Fortunately, decisions made around the time of an eclipse are believed to work in our favor,
    as an energetic cosmic force is guiding and supporting us.

    However, it is highly recommended not to rush into any life-changing moves
    and to wait until a day or two after an eclipse to reassess how we feel.

    An eclipse is a doorway that leads to a new chapter.

    It is the universe’s way of using cosmic powers to stop us in our tracks to ask us to consider changing direction.

    They encourage us to take a few moments to close our eyes and synchronize our energy with the Universe
    and then attune to whatever adventures are written in the stars and ultimately what is fated for us.

    An eclipse is basically nature’s way of awakening us, and then helping us to sweep away the past
    so that we have a clear, vast space to plant and grow into our future.

    On November 7-8, 2022 there will be a total lunar eclipse in Taurus,
    so we can expect this energy to remain heightened over these next few weeks.
    ~Alex Myles


    Townships need to allow tiny homes & make these affordable
    it's perfect for 55 plus or young couples just starting out or singles .......


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

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