25 Mar 2023 To 20 May 2023

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Mar 25, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Sissy Sierra
    24 mar 2023
    Alberta Canada

    Astro Aatif

    25 MAR 2023 T0 20 MAY 2023

    : Mars Goes Into Cancer

    Predictions For Cancer, Aries, Capricorn, Libra, Scorpio & Pisces

    & “ - ”...

    From 25th March - 20th May 2023

    - 1f980.

    The Distinctive Cosmical Shift In Energies
    As The Mars Warrior Goes Into A Sign Where Lies A Strong Protective
    Hideouts Of The Intuitive & Cuddling & Clingy Lover Crab 1f980.


    A Strong Sense Of Loyalty Towards Our Motherland,
    our Ancestral belongings & Our Entire Domestic Structure Is
    Dependent On Our Intuition & Protection Which Is Very Cautious,
    Conservative & We Will Do Everything To Bring
    Nurturing To The People We Are Highly Cling To (Emotionally & Physically)...

    , :

    Mar 25th, 2023, Mars enters Cancer

    Mar 30th, 2023, Mars Trine Saturn In Pisces

    April 5th, 2023, Mars Sextile Rahu-Node In Taurus

    April 8th, 2023, Mars Sextile Mercury In Taurus

    April 27th, 2023, Mars Square Chiron In Aries

    April 29th, 2023, Mars Sextile Uranus In Taurus

    May 15th, 2023, Mars Trine Neptune In Pisces

    ` & : Mars Energies
    Are For Taking Revenge While Cancer Energies
    Are For Family, Protection, Comfort & Cautiousness

    This is a very tricky & somewhat inauspicious transit of Mars…

    What happens is, Cancer is the sign which acts & reacts inward while Mars
    is where we strive to revolt, quarrel &
    react through anger & instigatingly

    So when Mars transits through the Domestic structure of the 4th House ruled by
    Cancer zodiac, everything you revolt, instigate,
    & rebel will be towards your own family system
    & for the sake of their protection… & this is where a problem may arise
    with the family structure if you dont handle these Martian energies wisely,
    especially around 27th April 2023 where this Mangal will discord with the Arian points
    which might bring the serious old wounds resurfacing again
    & where you`d want to revolt against the authorities who were once busy in
    repressing your childhood rights & your protection was sabotaged
    because of those forces, events & the times you
    had no control over… Now it's time to rebel
    & take revenge within the family & expose those authorities
    because you are young & protective of your rights in 2023…

    According to ancient belief, this transit of Mars in Cancer has been thought
    & suggested as an indication of natives
    start hating their mothers.

    Because Cancer rules Moon & Moon rules Motherhood & Mother in your life,
    so be careful about your ties & relationship go eccentric,
    under stress in terms of power stuggle & revolting with your
    mother until 20th May, 2023 of Mars stay inside Cancer…

    A remedy to defuse & survive this tricky inauspiciousness & evil-spirit malefic Mars
    in the 4th H Cancer zone transition is to use a lot of SILVER as well as
    use ivory-made real decoration pieces or wall hanging ornaments & this
    will defuse the ill-intentions of the Mars & your family will be safe from differences,
    revolting & rebelling arise within the otherwise very calm, protective & nurturing family system…

    With much love & care,

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.

    #Mars #marsincancer #marsingress #planets #zodiacsigns #zodiac #astrologypost #astrologymemes #astrology
    #4thhouseastrology #watersigns #watertriplicity #crab #cuddle #motherhood #loyalty #patrioticvibes #patriotic #revolt #revenge #mother #mothercare #predictions #predictions #april


    Last edited: Apr 3, 2023

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Who's ready? Do you realize the magnitude of what we are about to witness!!
    Everything is about to change, even the ground your standing on 1f64c. 1f64f. 1f4ab.
    Best time to be alive 1f64f.
    Jason Mackay

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    This energy is off the charts for claiming your power.

    Feel what arises and allow.

    It may feel very heavy and hard to process.

    It’s deep shadow work.

    But, after the emotions pass,

    you’ll feel more strength and power to embrace your authenticity.

    1f9ff. 262f.

    Phoenix Intuitive Healing

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    23 MAR 2023 Photographer: Jay Vincent · ·
    Doesn’t quite compare to the quality of most of the pics posted here
    but I wanted to share one of mine anyway.
    The spirits really were alive last night, and my god it was incredible.
    Found myself an angel-I hope everyone had an amazing night.
    **taken on an iPhone** Alberta Aurora Chasers
    Les Ormiston

    Priscilla Miller I see the heavenly Guardian light 1f337.
    Nanette Crist Fabulous 1f929.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Planet News by Zoe

    Mercury Retrograde in Taurus
    April 21, 2023 - May 14, 2023
    The second Mercury Retrograde of the year unfolds in the practical, patient sign of Taurus.

    In fact, all three of the Mercury Retrogrades in 2023 happen in the earth signs,

    with the last one of the year transitioning from earth into fire.

    Thus, the reflection that will be important to do during these times is on our connection to the physical world.

    This comes down to the food that we eat, the money we make, the security of our work,
    the relationships we have, and the nourishment of our bodies.

    All these and more are ruled by the grounded, tangible element of sensual Earth, and especially by Taurus.

    With Mercury retrograde in this sign, from April 21st until May 14th, our thoughts are likely to turn more
    and more towards these issues. Reviewing our relationship to money, for example, may be something to ponder upon.

    We might even face problems with these topics. A slowdown, so to speak.

    After all, retrogrades do tend to decelerate the natural progress of any planet,
    whilst at the same time, emphasizing their energy.

    With Mercury, there’s the usual miscommunication and potential misunderstandings,
    but only if we’re in a rush to make decisions or react before responding.

    Fortunately, Taurus has a special, earthly wisdom that is simple, yet practical.

    What often seems like the most complicated issue can be solved by the most straightforward
    , down-to-earth solution.

    Because this is also a patient, methodical sign, it’s important to linger before we make up our minds.

    We need more time to think before we can commit to anything.

    We can’t be pushed, hurried up or persuaded before we’re ready.

    A good question to ask might be whether or not we’re communicating these mental boundaries to others,
    or if we are simply shutting them out.

    How can others know that we need their patience, if we don’t tell them?

    Remember, Taurus is also a ‘fixed’ sign, which means that it’s consistent, yet stubborn.

    Mercury in Taurus can be the most opinionated of all. Changing their mind after it's made up is almost unheard of.

    Yet, flexibility is key if we don’t want to stonewall or be stonewalled.

    There is a gift in what may seem like blind obstinacy.

    Because Mercury in Taurus takes so much time to ponder a thing, once a conclusion is reached,
    it’s done with the greatest of integrity.

    There’s commitment. There’s consistency. There’s reliability.

    Qualities that are, sometimes, quite frankly, somewhat missing in an instant-gratification society.

    And so, this Mercury retrograde may actually come as quite a blessing,
    especially seeing as it happens during Eclipse Season.

    With the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 5th, Mercury will be closely connected to the Sun,
    acting as the quintessential “Messenger of the Gods”.

    It’ll be important to listen closely to the whispers from within.

    We need to pay attention to the voice that urges us towards contemplation before we take any action.

    With certain situations, people and circumstances being removed from our worlds at this time,
    it’s essential that we heed the prudent advice of wise Hermes.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Jupiter in Taurus will be a once in a lifetime opportunity
    for financial endeavors,
    as his conjunction to Uranus in this sign
    won't happen for another 84 years.

    Joseph Milnes

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Gemma Star

    She is the space
    He is the words
    In the poetry of love
    Bringing Heaven to Earth
    The space she births life
    The words he builds worlds
    Divine dance of the lovers
    To one we return
    ~ Gemma Star 2764.

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