24 Mar 2022 ~ Tricky & Deceptive Influence In Sky Right Now ~ Astrologer Aatif

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Mar 24, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    23 Mar 2022
    Astrology by Aatif
    Astro Aatif · 1h ·


    Tricky & deceptive influence in sky right now:
    2650. Luna 90 degrees Poseidon ♆ & Hermes ☿ in Pisces 2653. :
    Theme is: The Galactic Center Of The Milky Way Upon The Heavens Floats The Sagittarius Lunacy!!!

    "A highly curious grownup wild child inside you who is acting immature & larger than life excitable & fun loving.."
    As soon as LUNA while floating into Sagittarius 2650. Sign and getting Close to the middle or center Point in UNIVERSE above called "Galactic", she has started to create stressful Mutable 90° energies with the misunderstandings & deceptions of the dual FISHES...
    An exact 90 degrees stressful angles are always disturbing when it comes to your nurturing side of Feminine energies and that too in the Pisces & Sagittarius signs meaning that; you need to be careful for taken as a granted and you could be the victim of highly confused Contracts being signed today or could be making a deceptive & manipulative SCAMS deal out of Vehicle Transfer or even playing a fool in the hands of REAL ESTATE Dealers.. be careful because all celestial Mutable Bodies are floating in the last zones of each sign, Pisces & Sagittarius Respectively...
    Other than a Deceptive element in sky, these are great energies for learning, Teaching, counseling and even creating some thesis on Belief-system regarding RELIGIOUS matters etc
    Also if you are GEMINIS on ASC & DSC or even Midheaven in Gemini, you should be careful about not getting into the GOSSIPS & Schemes because in that way, if you do this shit, its gonna backfire because what happens is Neptune makes Sagittarius extra jovial and they take this energy as a granted and they start to draw more bigger pictures in excitement and people might use you against their rivals (Out of jealousy) and create a conspiracies using your name in the Workplace (Professional environment) or Over the Internet (because of Mercurial Pisces efforts), they might play you a FOOL and you fall Victim because what happens is, you keep on narrating secrets to them about that person whom they are gossiping with you against and through making the SCHEMES (Which you are obviously unaware of), they are putting in trouble in the end by taking your name behind you and after using you, you are gonna break up a lot of important ties.. So if you are GEMINI OR Sagittarius, be careful because your natural /9 axis are under a lot of stress and 3rd rules the siblings & short distance neighbors, close friends or anyone whom you have to deal with through the internet….. Mercury rules the internet…
    So my suggestion is, dont engage yourself into some gossips or if someone reveals juicy stories about some of your close neighbor, sibling or any student or classmates or colleagues, dont pay attention and dont get carried away with excitement that you also start to bash or backbiting against those people whom you are gonna be answerable in the end because the “Conspirator” is gonna hide and take your name lol (it had happened to one of my ASTROLOGICAL client in past and i warned her about this influence because some of her close FRIEND was using her through discussions against some of other lady involved and in the end, that girl disappeared and my client got in trouble and it had brought bad name to her reputation in her office)....
    Also, until LUNA enters into CAPRICORN, she is going to create a lot of confusion about others but also the highly curious mind of Sagittarius Luna is going to study a lot of Books for you and you could end up having a Research on something big and giant ahead because of highly receptive & knowledge hungry mind.. Which is great and essential for ASTROLOGY Exploration…
    Also, due to Poseidon - Nep involvement, you are extremely empathetic towards the people who are in need of Moral support as well as financial or emotional because this influence makes you compassionate towards the sufferings of humanity & those who is in need of you today, are gonna get enough support from you. Because, you are highly sensitive in MOODS today, you are going to be very very receptive towards the Deceptive elements in society.. Be careful about some needy WOMAN in your Family who could act as a dubious character tonight and she might end up deceiving you through mind games and playing a trick to LOO you financially through her SOB STORIES….
    Other than that, GALACTIC Luna provides information to your wandering & highly curious mind today with lust for connecting with people and sharing your brilliant ideas, because with Sagittarius LUNACY, you draw a bigger picture out of small matters or element (lol this is a dilemma with Sagittarius sign) and its a great day to connect to overseas friends and share your knowledge as well as different belief system.
    Note: With Sagittarius & Pisces transits, there is always an opportunity to not only be empathetic, religious & compassionate genius character or explorer of one of his own kind, but also crafting some highly Spiritual matters are also favorable with this transit (Despite having stressful 90 deg energies between them)...​
    Also LUNACY disappears within hours because she travels quickly between the signs and in the sky so any harmful and evil-spirit lessons she is learning and bestowing upon you from the HEAVENS is not going to last longer.. So hang in there and dont worry…. Just be careful for a few hours.. Especially with the VOID OF COURSE phase….
    Its wiser not to do anything important in your life until this phase is completely over…. You can ask me in a private message for further details and for personal readings.. I am always up..
    Astrologer Aatif

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    24 Mar 2022 - Wisdom of Galactic Center of MilkY Way 26-27 Degrees of Sagittarius
    (give my 27 asc in taurus - part of its purpose) @13LiNESofSPiRiT

    24th March, 2022!
    Astrology Update: The Zeus Day - Thursday
    Tricky & deceptive influence in sky right now:
    VOID 2650. Luna 90 deg Poseidon ♆ & Hermes ☿ in Pisces 2653. :
    Theme is: The Galactic Center Of The Milky Way Upon The Heavens Floats The Sagittarius Lunacy!!!
    "A highly curious grownup wild child inside you who is acting immature & larger than life excitable & fun loving.."
    As soon as LUNA while floating into Sagittarius 2650. Sign and getting Close to the middle or center Point in UNIVERSE above called "Galactic", she has started to create stressful Mutable 90° energies with the misunderstandings & deceptions of the dual FISHES...
    An exact 90 degrees stressful angles are always disturbing when it comes to your nurturing side of Feminine energies and that too in the Pisces & Sagittarius signs meaning that; you need to be careful for taken as a granted and you could be the victim of highly confused Contracts being signed today or could be making a deceptive & manipulative SCAMS deal out of Vehicle Transfer or even playing a fool in the hands of REAL ESTATE Dealers.. be careful because all celestial Mutable Bodies are floating in the last zones of each sign, Pisces & Sagittarius Respectively...
    Other than a Deceptive element in sky, these are great energies for learning, Teaching, counseling and even creating some thesis on Belief-system regarding RELIGIOUS matters etc
    Also if you are GEM 264a. on ASC & DSC or even MC in Mercurial Gem 264a. , you should be careful about not getting into the GOSSIPS & Schemes because in that way, if you do this shit, its gonna backfire because what happens is Neptune makes Sagittarius extra jovial and they take this energy as a granted and they start to draw more bigger pictures in excitement and people might use you against their rivals (Out of jealousy) and create a conspiracies using your name in the Workplace (Professional environment) or Over the Internet (because of Mercurial Pisces efforts), they might play you a FOOL and you fall Victim because what happens is, you keep on narrating secrets to them about that person whom they are gossiping with you against and through making the SCHEMES (Which you are obviously unaware of), they are putting in trouble in the end by taking your name behind you and after using you, you are gonna break up a lot of important ties.. So if you are GEMINI OR Sagittarius, be careful because your natural /9 axis are under a lot of stress and 3rd rules the siblings & short distance neighbors, close friends or anyone whom you have to deal with through the internet….. Mercury rules the internet…
    So my suggestion is, dont engage yourself into some gossips or if someone reveals juicy stories about some of your close neighbor, sibling or any student or classmates or colleagues, dont pay attention and dont get carried away with excitement that you also start to bash or backbiting against those people whom you are gonna be answerable in the end because the “Conspirator” is gonna hide and take your name lol (it had happened to one of my ASTROLOGICAL client in past and i warned her about this influence because some of her close FRIEND was using her through discussions against some of other lady involved and in the end, that girl disappeared and my client got in trouble and it had brought bad name to her reputation in her office)....
    Also, until LUNA enters into CAPRICORN, she is going to create a lot of confusion about others but also the highly curious mind of Sagittarius Luna is going to study a lot of Books for you and you could end up having a Research on something big and giant ahead because of highly receptive & knowledge hungry mind.. Which is great and essential for ASTROLOGY Exploration…
    Also, due to Poseidon - Nep involvement, you are extremely empathetic towards the people who are in need of Moral support as well as financial or emotional because this influence makes you compassionate towards the sufferings of humanity & those who is in need of you today, are gonna get enough support from you. Because, you are highly sensitive in MOODS today, you are going to be very very receptive towards the Deceptive elements in society.. Be careful about some needy WOMAN in your Family who could act as a dubious character tonight and she might end up deceiving you through mind games and playing a trick to LOO you financially through her SOB STORIES….
    Other than that, GALACTIC Luna provides information to your wandering & highly curious mind today with lust for connecting with people and sharing your brilliant ideas, because with Sagittarius LUNACY, you draw a bigger picture out of small matters or element (lol this is a dilemma with Sagittarius sign) and its a great day to connect to overseas friends and share your knowledge as well as different belief system.
    Note: With Sagittarius & Pisces transits, there is always an opportunity to not only be empathetic, religious & compassionate genius character or explorer of one of his own kind, but also crafting some highly Spiritual matters are also favorable with this transit (Despite having stressful 90 deg energies between them)...
    Also LUNACY disappears within hours because she travels quickly between the signs and in the sky so any harmful and evil-spirit lessons she is learning and bestowing upon you from the HEAVENS is not going to last longer.. So hang in there and dont worry…. Just be careful for a few hours.. Especially with the VOID OF COURSE phase….
    Its wiser not to do anything important in your life until this phase is completely over…. You can ask me in a private message for further details and for personal readings.. I am always up..
    Astrologer Aatif 1f929. 270d. 1f64f.
    Note: For pricing about Scheduling your personal READINGS, Send me Private Message (PM) for Booking & details....
    #Astrology #Planets #Archetypes #ZEUS #Jupiter #Sagittarius #Luna #Hemes #Poseidon #SolarSystem

    Last edited: Mar 24, 2022

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Disseminating Luna floats in the middle of GALACTIC CENTER 26 Deg Sagittarius in the Milky Way....
    This Lunacy is also having VOID phase which is an idle energy and pushes you to take a rest at home and do nothing but watch a movie, Room service or any kind of meditation process you may have at home or could be Reading ASTROLOGY BOOKS and gain knowledge (Sagittarius Moon)...

    Astro Aatif

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