24 June 2022 ~ Amazing Energies Coming Into Earth

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jun 24, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    24 june 2022
    The Cosmos is GREAT.
    And whatever is Happening in this NOW Moment. . .
    it is Happening in the Name of UNIVERSAL HARMONY!
    Our SOULs are Pure ENERGY. . .
    which. . . one way or another. . . sooner or later. . .
    Will get Rid Of ALL Worldly Heaviness and Dissolve into the INFINITY of LIGHT of GOD SOURCE Consciousness!
    Within DIVINE LOVE of ONE
    Pars Kutay
    ~ ~
    Photo: Incoming Intense New Earth Energies
    - captured over Sweden today
    24.06.2022 - 666 by Kasia Basia della Orba

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Golden Light Army
    Andrea Ixl · 2h ·

    Dear friends,
    during my morning meditation, my cosmic contacts (councils of lights and multiple star races
    speaking with one voice) have asked me to share the following message to as many as possible.
    I hope that this can help some of you.
    Most/all of us are working hard on healing ourselves and this is needed to realign with our divine purpose on this planet.
    However, self-healing should not become our end goal. It is just part of a process towards overcoming the illusion of separation,
    towards unity consciousness and connecting to the others. None of us is supposed to get trapped into a never-ending self-healing cycle.

    Self-healing should not become an alibi for focusing solely on ourselves.
    Think about the recurring sentence: "You heal the others by healing yourself".

    This is true only if we get to give something back to the collective at some point:
    light is meant to be shared in order to implement the shift of consciousness to bring in the New Earth.
    Think about truth. If you get to know some truth and you keep it all for yourself, this can perhaps satisfy your own ego by knowing that YOU know what's right and THEY don't, but how does this help the collective? Isn't more helpful to humanity when truth is shared? The same applies to healing and ability to work with energies: these should be shared too. Even if we are meditating alone, let's always devote a few minutes to send light to mankind or animals/plants or specific events/locations/people, not just asking healing, abundance or messages only for ourselves and our dearest ones.
    Whenever we hear somebody inviting us to work on ourselves and ourselves alone, because "that's enough", because anything else will be taken care if you do that, we should question this narrative and the source of such message and see whether we can do better than that. The logic behind this kind of invitation may be the same separation we are asked to overcome, the same "divide and conquer" logic which has ruled on this planet for eons.
    The crystalline grid of the planet is more efficiently restored once we are all able to shine our light (that's where self-healing helps) AND connect to each other (with intention to do so) in order to amplify the overall energetic/vibrational field and implement the shift. Think about a power grid: you not only need the single nodes to be reliable but also need to build robust connections between nodes to make it work properly.
    Namaste 1f64f.

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