23 Dec 2022 ~ New Moon

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Dec 23, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Ruby Falconer
    1h ·

    December 23, 2022: New Moon at Capricorn
    01°32’, 5:16 am EST; Chiron Stationary.

    This New Moon aligns with a station of Chiron in Aries,
    turning direct after being retrograde since July.

    Where Chiron falls in our chart describes our core wound.

    The core wound for Chiron in Aries involves difficulties
    in identifying and then initiating our unique expression.

    This concept applies collectively as well. Humanity
    is struggling to initiate a new collective expression.

    Jupiter – the principle of expansion – has recently (December 20)
    reentered Aries for the final time.

    The Capricorn Sun/Moon conjunction is
    in a tight T-square with Jupiter and also with Ceres.

    The last two play primary roles in one of the most important myths
    of Greek and Roman culture
    – the kidnapping and rape of Persephone by Pluto/Hades.

    Ceres – Demeter to the Greeks
    – was the Goddess of Agriculture and
    mother of Persephone. Jupiter
    – Zeus
    – was the King of the Gods and
    Persephone’s father.

    A turning point in this long and complicated story
    occurs when Ceres/Demeter is forced to make a deal
    with Jupiter/Zeus
    around the return of her daughter.

    Persephone can live above ground for
    nine months of the year but for the other three,
    she must accept her kidnapper as her husband
    and live with him in the underworld.

    The resonance of this myth is strong at this New Moon
    and will be particularly apparent in the dynamics
    between opposing parties.

    As Jupiter completes its transit through Aries over the next few months,
    expect partisan conflicts to increase as opposing factions
    attempt to implement what they believe to be right.

    Negotiation will be required and is also

    Is compromise possible when both parties know they are right
    and the other is absolutely wrong?

    And, what are the unexpected consequences?

    December 22, 2022, by Ruby Falconer.

    Available for chart readings. www.shamanicstarology.com.

    Art: Persephone by Susan Seddon-Boulet
    “Shamanic Egyptian Astrology;
    Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
    #astrology #ShamanicStarology #ShamanicEgyptianAstrology #CapricornNewMoon #ChironStationary

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