22 July 2022 ~ Dangerous Day

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jul 22, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif
    22 July 2022 ·

    Good Morning folks (11:30 am in Pakistan right now)
    (2:30 am EST in America)

    Not a good day from Astrology perspective
    as peace of world seems
    to be floating at stack
    & dangerous times ahead,
    as the day progresses or the nights
    in many countries
    could go eccentric & shocking.

    Fixed Signs, please be careful today.
    Taurus, Leo, Scorpio
    & Aquarius Alert!!!

    I have heard already
    "Biden" is diagnosed
    with COVID
    & he's in isolation
    & quarantine yesterday..

    I don't know the authenticity
    of the new though
    but he's got fixed points
    in his horoscope..

    Anyhow, Gibbous Luna
    is separating from Mars
    & Applying to the shocking, disruptive
    & destabilizing URANUS
    as well as getting really close
    to the ☊ Caput Draconis ☊ as well
    (Which is a part of Uranus these days)..

    Themes & Dangers:

    The main problem
    with all this configuration
    with Celestial Bodies
    creating Unrest & disruption
    with evaporation of emotions
    & sentimental rhetoric
    in different countries

    (Seems like) is like Luna
    + Rahu + URA + Mars calling
    for some kind of freedom
    & independence but only
    at their own "Terms & Conditions".,
    this is why i mentioned
    & wrote in Tweet that whole theme is;
    "i only want Liberation,
    Freedom & Independence
    on my own terms & conditions".

    Be careful folks & avoid clashes
    & wrathful revenge

    Or activities like
    Liberation from Government

    Or against leaders at any cost
    because this can create danger
    & unrest in the country
    you are living in or suffering
    from Political Unrest
    like Pakistan these days,
    although TAURUS is slow to react
    & consequences are unfelt
    & unconsidered until
    the maximum damage is done
    but URANUS should bring uncertainty
    & destabilizing factor
    to the slower reactions of Taurus...
    270d. 1fae3. 1f975. 1f525.
    Astrologer Aatif
    #Taurus #uranus #uranusintaurus #NorthNodeinTaurus #LunaTic #lunarcycle #disruption #liberation #Warmongering #war #Leo #LeoSeason #Aquarius #Scorpio #Sting

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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