22 Feb 2022 ~ Rocca Calascio Castle, Abruzzo, Italy

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Feb 23, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    1. c-aqmqo9jumbtcwxdcnjd4lei0dmkisgaaptwhsmi2cgzoe7xro5vdm4sueown7op7glq-_nc_ht-scontent-yyz1-1-.
      22 FEB 2022 (#flashback one year)

      The clear night sky tonight brought a subtle note of Spring,
      and those of you who looked likely saw the sight of Venus and Zeus approaching.

      If you haven't done so you still have plenty of opportunities to enjoy it.

      For several of the following nights the two planets will come closer and closer,
      until they hold their magnificent meeting on the evening of March 1, 2023.

      One of the following evenings so look to the West,
      and you'll be able to see Aphrodite shining like the brightest body
      in the star-filled background.

      Aphrodite is currently the brightest body after the Moon.

      A little above it and to the left you can see the planet Jupiter shining brightly.

      Their meeting astrologically marks a unique auspicious cycle
      as the two auspicious planets in their union bring love, luck, increased popularity and good-times.

      It's a session that helps you attract beauty around you,
      make you feel harmony, and brings joy, creativity, self-confidence,
      and rewards on both emotional and material levels.

      The conference cycle of the two planets repeats itself in the same sign every 12 years,
      with some years due to Aphrodite's retrograde movement making the conference three times
      within the same year.

      The last time they met in Aries was in 2nd destiny, on May 11, 2011 in 24th destiny,
      while their next Aries meeting will be on May 8, 2046 in 7th destiny.

      This year their meeting takes place in the 12° fate of Aries.

      So if you have your personal planets, your Horoscope or Mesuranimas,
      between the fates 10° to 14° and the Signs of Aries, Leo, Sagittarius,
      or Libra the universe is preparing you a wonderful surprise in a few days from today!

      Favorable opportunities also for Gemini and Aquarius with personal planets
      or angles of their Horoscope in the above fates.

      Enjoy the sight of Venus and Zeus in the night sky tonight, and for the next few days
      In the photo Aphrodite and Zeus from their meeting last year,
      in the sky above Rocca Calascio Castle, Abruzzo, Italy.

      Astrologer Andrew Ifandis

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