21 July 2022 ~ Astrologer Aatif ~ Healing To Heal Ourselves & Earth

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jul 21, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif

    The Archetypal Goddess Of "Food, Healing, Nurturing
    & Agriculture/Harvests" Ceres ⚳ Conjunct Sun In Cancer
    Opposite Pluto In Capricorn.

    Here comes Sun Conjunction Ceres at 28 Cancer Opposite Pluto at 27 Capricorn 270d. 1f980. 2764. 1f64f.

    Themes Revolve Around: “When we heal the Earth By Providing Food, Water & Other Basic Necessities Of Daily Life, We Heal Ourselves.”. 270d.
    First of all the Number Game myth: The Sabian Symbol 28 Cancer
    According to Rudhyar On Cancer 28°

    “A GREEK MUSE WEIGHING NEW-BORN TWINS IN GOLDEN SCALES” means “Balancing our personal experiences against accepted knowledge” So we must find a balance between personal experience & already accepted knowledge...
    Ceres In Cancer: These people believe in nurturing others through sentiments, selfless service based on Emotionalism & high grudges towards past memories & this way they expect the same humble, protective & acknowledged treatment for others... (Different from Pisces)

    Ceres Conjunct Sun In Cancer Opposition Pluto In Capricorn
    Themes & Core Healing: By the power of the Holy Spirit,
    Transformation Through Death & Rebirth Of Genes,
    Generation, Medical Treatment, Nurturing & Healing,
    you may abound in hope of getting alive again
    with better living standards
    with complete awareness
    of the natural resources
    to protect the Environmental
    from Water & Food crisis
    as well other medical problems
    like uncured diseases.

    Read the whole article on my blog below for detailed insights about this influence:

    The Distinctive Archetypal Energies Of The Asteroid Goddess “Ceres” Conjunction Sun In Cancer & Opposition Pluto In Capricorn – Astrology By Aatif

    https://aatifastrology.wordpress.com/2022/07/21/ceres-conjunct-sun-opposite-pluto-21july2022/?fbclid=IwAR0CrjsxOoWhej4ujH8HMeRlOeelTGaH7Yn0e9iqVYyGnNUTdtLFJvNx6hE (wordpress.com)

    Regards, 270d. 1f980. 2764. 1f64f.
    Astrologer Aatif

    #ceres #ceresincancer #cancerseason #cancerzodiac #astrology #asteroid #asteroids #goddess #goddessenergy #pluto #Capricorn #LeoSeason #Leo #degrees #numerologyreading #numerology #astrologymemes #astrologyreadings #predictions #tarot #predictions2022 #fortuneteller

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The Distinctive Archetypal Energies Of The Asteroid Goddess “Ceres” Conjunction Sun In Cancer & Opposition Pluto In Capricorn
    Astrologer Aatif #8thHouse\, #Abuse, #AdolfHitler, #Aldebaran, #AlgolInTaurus, #Aquarius, #Asteroids, #Astrology, #Cancer, #CaputAlgol, #DeathCharts #PrincessDiana #AdolfHitler, #DemonStars, #FixedStars, #HeadInjuries, #Hekate, #JackieKennedy, #LEO, #Libra, #Lunatics, #MARS, #MarsInAries, #MarsInTaurus, #May2022Transits, #MoonInCancer, Cancer Season, Ceres Conjunct Sun, Ceres Opposition Pluto, PLUTO in Capricorn, Sun Conjunct Ceres July 21, 2022 5 Minutes
    Here comes Sun Conjunction Ceres at 28 Cancer Opposite Pluto at 27 Capricorn
    Themes Revolve Around: “When we heal the Earth By Providing Food, Water & Other Basic Necessities Of Daily Life, We Heal Ourselves.”.
    First of all the Number Game myth: The Sabian Symbol 28 Cancer
    According to Rudhyar On Cancer 28°:

    “A GREEK MUSE WEIGHING NEW-BORN TWINS IN GOLDEN SCALES” means “Balancing our personal experiences against accepted knowledge” So we must find a balance between personal experience & already accepted knowledge
    Knowledge and experience are the twin poles of existence…
    These have been identified and related in modern psychology to the operation of the two sides of the brain. The right is more intuitive, the left more rational; the one leads us into situations, and the other tries to understand them.
    Number Game For Ceres Conjunct Sun at 28 Cancer:
    This 28 number belongs to the matters which are related to the Homeland, Nearby Water environments, Mother & Nurturing Domestic environment as well as the Family Roots & feminine attached to the high emotionalism & carrying the legacies of their Ancestry…
    Pluto Retrograde At 27 Capricorn: Neighbors, Hands, Fingers & Shoulders & also important Documents (Either lost ones or forgery of them through smart genius work)
    Ceres Archetypes: The Mother Of Nurturing, Agriculture Food & Environmental Changes & Awareness Level… Because Ceres was a Goddess of Earth (Supposed to be the Virgin Maiden/Virgo) who believed in Service to the mankind & societies for betterment towards food supply like Agriculture departments & huge lands associated & ideal for “Cropping Season” for the industry & field of “Harvests”.
    Ceres In Cancer: These people believe in nurturing others through sentiments, selfless service based on Emotionalism & high grudges towards past memories & this way they expect the same treatment for others, if they don’t receive service, nurturing & Healing from compassionate people in return, they become depressed & start to develop Grudging instincts & don’t forget the illicit treatment for a long long time in their life course… Balance is required in servicing, protectiveness & receiving & giving.
    Sun in Cancer: The protection towards the family & leading the role to feed & nurture your whole family members who are dependent on your skills & intuition.
    Now connect the dots & link between these two bodies Sun & Ceres & their togetherness For Nurturing & Providing Food For Poor & Needy People Through a Proper Awareness Campaign To Save The World/Earth From Starving…
    Sun Conjunct Ceres Opposition Pluto!!!

    The Archetypal Goddess Of Nurturing & Agriculture “Ceres” Brings Healing & Nurturing Through Aspecting Sun & Pluto

    The Polarity Of Cancer/Capricorn Activates

    Ceres Conjunct Sun at 28 Opposite Pluto in Goat-Horned at 27
    Themes & Core Healing:
    By the power of the Holy Spirit, Transformation Through Death & Rebirth Of Genes, Generation, Medical Treatment, Nurturing & Healing, you may abound in hope of getting alive again with better living standards with complete awareness of the natural resources to protect the Environmental from Water & Food crisis as well other medical problems like uncured diseases.

    You play the role of mediator/arbitrator to nurture & bring love into people`s life & this way they are Healed & Nurtured properly because you know many many ways to bring comfort to mankind & work for humanity, especially in the field of Agriculture, Food Processing & Water supply (All environment crisis & issues are addressed through Ceres, Sun & Pluto), and when Pluto is involved, it can bring Healing through a transformation in the Medical Sciences & provide a breakthrough in finding the different solution to save many struggling lives from chronic & dangerous diseases.
    At a mundane level, Ceres/Pluto can bring HEALING & Nurture through the joining of many influential countries to jump in & solve the mysteries of the Food & Water crisis in many third-world countries by working with different FOOD & WATER Supplier Organizations/NGOs who work for humanity through their mass help & rescue programs being made to help “Starving Class” in every society, everywhere in the world/earth.
    Ceres in Cancer Conjunct Sun & Squaring Pluto In Capricorn deals in the living standards & the most appropriate & suitable environment for such combination (Natives have these combinations of celestial bodies by natal) is living near the “WATER”, because Cancer is a Water sign so does the PLUTO (Natural Ruler of SCORP – The 8th), & this way, the Cancer, Scor & Capricorn is activated through this configuration. So today, visiting the seaside is the best ideal to nurture your thought process to remain calm & enjoy the best environmental Goddess of Food, Healing & Agricultural food processing with Water as a medium to get nurtured through natural resources (Cancer & Scorpion Water signs).
    What happens is, Sun & Ceres in Cancer, deep down really wants to live with their MOTHER but Pluto sitting in Capricorn & activating the Polarities of Can/Capricorn really transforms them by pushing them away from their Motherland, Nurturing Mother & Homeland towards some places which are best suitable for the individuality of such natives with these placements. Means, Pluto will help them identify their own identity which would be based on learning the NURTURING & HEALING capabilities in nature or living near water conditions away from their Homeland (Home of their Mother/Ancestry), but anyhow, if possible they could bring their Mother to the new near-water place but I doubt this because Pluto pushes Mother away (Psychological Transformation after completion of the Healing process through going away from Mother towards somewhere closet to Sea/Water or maybe towards faraway islands). This way this process of Sun + Ceres 180 Deg Pluto and they complete the Polarity of the Axis “Cancer/Capricorn” or 4/10 (Healing through a transformation as a result of shifting a balance from Home towards Professional responsibilities).
    Pluto by polarity actually teaches the badly attached Cancer CERES with Motherland, Mother, Ancestry & Homeland that “You cannot be healed & nurtured completely until you live far away from the emotional based life attached with Roots involving clinging to the Ancestral Belongings”, so transformational HEALING based on going away from such environments which demands cling, grudges & protection through parents/guardians and instead, Pluto teaches to start living on their own & leave own legacies based on the memories of the ancestry & family roots & cultural heritage background (Cancer on 4th & Pluto being natural lord of 8th). So yeah makes sense, even with Capricorn PLUTO it surely makes sense, “Transformation & Healing by a psychological transformation through clashes & death/rebirth through confronting controlling Father figure at home”..
    Other than that, Ceres & Pluto aspects have been founded in many Scientists working on “Genes, Chronic & completed diseases & finding transformational patterns, medicines & treatment to cure those diseases through deep research & finding a cure, Which Otherwise, difficult to survive such deadly dangerous diseases”
    Basically, any disease & area of Medical science & medicine that requires HEALING through Deep Research Of Transformation of human lives being a savior are Ceres-Pluto subjects…
    Also, Healing & Nurturing with a Cere-Sun-Pluto (Any set of aspects between these 3 giants) comes from the emotions you heard the most and also, you are unaccustomed to Or uncomfortable with… So yeah that makes sense right? Because Healing, Nurturing & Transformation coming through Pluto is never easy to digest or get familiar or comfortable with… It just transforms & heals you completely & turns you into a different human being altogether after the traumatic & deep recycling of “Transformation & Healing”…
    Astrologer Aatif

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif


    Astrological Insights For The Taurus Heavy Transits For 21st July 2022 1f4aa. 1f975. 1fae3. 270d.
    Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius Alert!!! 1f4aa. 1f975. 1fae3. 270d.

    The Transiting Stable Gibbous Luna in Bull firstly creates conjunction
    with the Red Warrior MARS & then later on hitting URA
    & Rahu configuration in the sign of BULL
    & together they will create nasty
    & destabilizing angle with Saturn in Aquarius
    which is already being retrograde for quite a while now.

    Gibbous Luna In Taurus At 26° 2649. 10 On Algol:
    Later On, Gibbous LUNA in Taurus will hit the degree of ALGOL Star
    At 26°10 Taurus which would be very tricky to handle
    as it instigates violence & danger to the throat and neck,
    murder, violence, mass catastrophe, the Evil One",
    the Demon Star ALGOL ignites the passionate
    & intensity in Hysterical (Hysteria) tendencies
    & affects the Mental & Emotional Health big time,
    as Luna rules Emotions.

    Late on, in the last decans of TAURUS,
    the gibbous luna will hit the dangerous Algol degrees
    which would bring more chaos at the Mundane level..

    I have heard already that “Biden” was diagnosed with COVID
    & he’s in isolation & quarantine yesterday..

    I don't know the authenticity of the new though but he’s got fixed points in his horoscope..

    Note: it’s been a pattern & dance between Uranus & Saturn in the sky in fixed signs.

    Whenever Uranus & Sat between fixed signs,
    start to create Squares due to retrogradation
    or direct motion, we have Covid-19 Virus being active again..

    Themes & Dangers:
    Today the Taurus Warriors will definitely seek liberation,
    independence & freedom from repressive forces in societies
    that have been pressing them for so long through dictatorial regime
    & brutality, at the cost of unknown & slowly felt dangerous consequences
    because URA & Rahu believes in "Liberation at our own terms & conditions"
    & does not believe in trusting the upcoming consequences, they just jump in.

    Avoid unnecessary Air Travel today & watch out for speed limits while traveling through vehicles.
    Read the Full Article on my blog here:

    Astrological Insights For The Taurus Heavy Transits For 21st July 2022 – Astrology By Aatif (wordpress.com)

    Regards, & be careful because Taurus consequences are slowly
    But strongly felt later on & bring more chaos & troublesome results with a heavy price...
    Avoid mass gatherings of RIOTOUS activities as well..
    1f4aa. 1f975. 1fae3. 270d.
    Astrologer Aatif
    #Taurus #moonintaurus #lunarcycle #Aquarius #Leo #Scorpio #NorthNodeinTaurus #nodalaxis #Nodal #astrology #predictions2022 #prediction #fortuneteller #LeoSeason #cancerseason #Leo

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