21 Aug 2017 ~ Eclipse ~ Is Trump Holding Up The Shadow ???

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Aug 22, 2017.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Christopher Kosel says:
    "Lovely. Astrology properly understood makes us so utterly rational,
    that it is bound to infuriate those whose hysterics are certain of only one thing:
    The “other” guy is the enemy, and will be the death of us.
    May those souls see into their own shadow
    so they can finally realize that the ugliness
    they hate so much is internal to their psyche
    and is simply the light gone astray. Thanks for this Donna !"

    Photographer: Fierce Force

    Donna Woodwell
    Astrologer, Writer, Shaman. Astrology Hub Managing Editor. Kepler College Instructor.
    Aug 1
    What Astrologers Know About Eclipses

    That You Don’t

    Change is coming,

    so what will you do about it?

    Total Solar Eclipse to oveshadow United States Aug. 21, 2017. Credit: Shutterstock.
    Eclipse fever is seizing the United States.

    The nation has ringside seats for literally the “Greatest Show on Earth” 
    — the appropriately named “Great American Eclipse” on Aug. 21, 2017.

    Right now, the news is filled with viewing tips and advice for avoiding traffic jams
    during what’s slated to become the most-watched cosmic event in human history.

    Experts say 200 million Americans will be able to witness the eclipse at least in part,
    while perhaps a billion more will tune in online from around the world.

    But, as a former journalist turned professional astrologer,
    I want to share with you a secret: W

    hat astrologers see in an eclipse that you don’t.

    (I’ll give you a hint.

    Astrology predicts massive changes for the U.S. And it also suggests what you can do about it.)
    So, astrology… really?

    First, drop your perception of astrology as merely the mildly entertaining horoscopes
    you read on the Internet.

    Those have as much relationship to “Astrology” as fortune cookies have to “Chinese Philosophy”
    (not that I have anything against horoscopes, or fortune cookies — both can be an art form!)

    Astrology is a vast and ancient art.

    Some form of astrology is practiced by many indigenous cultures around the world
    as they’ve sought to discover meaningful connections in the appearance of events
    in the sky with humanity’s more mundane world.

    Over the millennia, astrologers

     — those who studied the heavens in order to interpret such cosmic signs

     — have devised numerous techniques to tease out the details of what a particular eclipse
    might mean for nations, their rulers and people.
    The Great American Eclipse

    Today’s astrologers are no different.

    They see this Aug. 21 “Great American Eclipse” as the harbinger of a major turning point for the U.S.

    While astrologers may not be “freaking out”
    (as Newsweek had it in the original title of their recent article),
    they are watching closely as events unfold.

    But how exactly do astrologers interpret events such as eclipses?

    How does a physical event take on a meta-physical meaning?

    Put succinctly: in astrology’s astro-logic what happens “above” (in the heavens)
    is like (qualitatively similar to) what happens “below” (in the realm of kickable objects).

    So what it “looks like” in the sky becomes a metaphor for how it might play out
    in the course of human events.

    Let’s use the Great American Eclipse as an example of how this works.
    Location, Location, Location

    First, the location from which an eclipse is visible indicates the areas of the world ripe for changes in society, cultures or leadership.

    (There’s a reason why ancient kings and emperors beheaded astrologers who failed to predict eclipses
     — they wanted fair warning for threats to the country or their authority.)

    Of course, the “Great American Eclipse” puts the U.S. in the crosshairs of change.

    Path of totality of the Aug. 21 “Great American Eclipse.” Credit: NASA.
    It’s the first total solar eclipse to be visible coast-to-coast across the U.S. in nearly 100 years;
    the last time was in June 1918.

    Another pivotal year in U.S. history, 1918 saw a dramatic increase in the size of the U.S. government
    and armed forces, as the nation sent the first major deployment of troops overseas in the nation’s history.

    The Aug. 21 eclipse is also the first total solar eclipse to be visible in totality only from the U.S. since the nation was founded in 1776.

    The “Great American Eclipse” certainly fits its name.
    Symbolism of Saros 145

    No eclipse stands alone. All are part of a larger family of eclipses, called a Saros series.
    Each Saros series begins at either the north or south pole.

    Then over the next 1,300 years, it develops from partial to total as it moves toward the equator,
    then dwindles back to partial as it ends at the opposite pole.

    Saros 145 evolves over 1300 years.Watch closely and you’ll catch the Great American Eclipse.
    The Great American Eclipse is part of Saros series 145. So, to get sense of how August’s eclipse
    may play out, astrologers look to past events in the series. For example.
    • The first eclipse in Saros 145 occurred in 1639, just weeks before the signing of the first state constitution (for Connecticut).
    • Also, the first eclipse in Saros 145 occurred at 13 degrees of the Zodiac sign Capricorn. It’s important because it’s exactly opposite the point in the Zodiac at which the Sun was located at the birth of the U.S. on July 4, 1776 (13 Cancer). In other words, the first eclipse occurred on the U.S. half-birthday, so to speak.
    • Saros 145 eclipses have a long history appearing before major events in U.S., including the bombing of Hiroshima in 1945 and the assassination of JFK in 1963.
    But wait! There’s more…
    It’s all about The Donald

    Now, anyone reading the news understands that President Trump enjoys being at the center of attention.

    Well, the “Great American Eclipse” is certainly part of the script to “Make America Great,”
    and Trump may have been the man destined to make it happen.

    For starters, the Aug. 21 eclipse occurs conjunct the fixed star Regulus.

    As the lion’s heart of the constellation Leo, Regulus since ancient times
    has been associated with kings and kingship.

    A solar eclipse conjunct Regulus would have been an omen for the fall of the king.
    (And most certainly not news a court astrologer would want to have to deliver to his royal patron.)

    And, if that weren’t enough, the Great American Eclipse falls directly on the point
    that was rising over the horizon at the moment of President Trump’s birth
    (assuming the birth certificate released by the campaign is accurate).

    This “rising degree” is one of the most pivotal points in a horoscope (aka a birth chart),
    one that changes every four minutes as the Earth turns.

    So, an eclipse on the “star of kings” 
    — especially when it falls so precisely on the birth chart of the leader of the country over which the eclipse occurs 

    — becomes the astrological equivalent of a Vegas-style flashing neon sign.

    Oh, and by the way, let’s not forget, President Trump was born on the day of a lunar eclipse.

    So, as an eclipse baby himself, he’s even more sensitive to their triggering influence.

    And there’s still more…
    The Season of Change

    For everything there is a season, and that includes change.

    And, in astrological terms, one of our handy timekeepers for deep, long-term changes
    is plucky little dwarf-planet-with-a-bit-heart Pluto.

    Thanks to his 248-year orbit, he returns to exactly the same place he was in the sky
    when the United States was born in 1776 in just a few years — in 2024…

    If you’ve been paying attention to eclipse news, then you already know
    that the next total solar eclipse to overshadow the US is in — you guessed it — 2024.

    “Great American Eclipse, Reprise” coming soon on April 8, 2024. Credit: NASA
    The Great American Eclipse also occurs at the Moon’s North (Ascending) Node,
    which is another old astrological symbol that it’s time for something new to be born.

    Another clue: the Great American Eclipse occurs at 28 degrees of Leo, which is exactly opposite the position of the Moon (27 Aquarius)
    at the birth of the U.S. on July 4, 1776.

    If the Sun is the king or leader, the Moon is the public.

    It’s also the foundational values of the nation
     — our national soul —that we must reclaim from the shadow.
    But, what does it all MEAN !?!

    Even for astrology, that’s a lot of cosmic coincidence !

    (Or, what astrologers say amongst ourselves:
    “You can’t make this shit up!” Another thing all long-time astrologers know
     — the Cosmos has a sense of humor.)

    Each one of these points in isolation might be seen as “no big deal” or “just coincidence.”
    But when the coincidences pile up like this, the chances of all of them
    happening concurrently become, well, astronomically high.
    This eclipse is the cosmic reflection of what we already know:
    We are at a crossroads in American history.
    If you are engaged in the world in any way, you know this is true.

    Everywhere, we are reaching tipping points. Globally, the climate is shifting.

    Technology is changing so fast, experts predict 40–60 million Americans
    may be working jobs that will no longer exist in a decade.

    Not to mention the profound paralysis of “us versus them” thinking on all levels of government
    and society.

    Something has to give.

    By the ancient rules of astrology, the Great American Eclipse says the change begins NOW.
    Into the Shadow

    Eclipses are all about working with shadows.
    A solar eclipse is literally the Moon’s shadow falling on the surface of the Earth.
    Metaphorically speaking eclipses then are moments when we must face our individual
    and collective shadow, to allow us to find healing through a new level of understanding.
    In this sense, Donald Trump was never the “enemy of progress.”

    President Trump, the man who would “Make America Great,” basks in the glow of his introduction. Credit: White House.
    He was the right man, in the right place, at the right time.

    In this sense, Trump is a man destined from birth to hold the projection of the collective shadow
    of our nation.

    So that we can clean up our shit and move on to the next phase of our history.

    He’s holding up a mirror to see what’s broken within ourselves and within our society.

    He’s a proverbial match that lights the bonfire, already stacked long before he arrived.

    Now it’s our turn as a nation to ask the crucial questions: who are we as a nation,
    and what do we want to become?

    Over the next few years, we must develop a process for having this conversation.

    Because, to echo Ben Franklin’s sentiments, if we don’t learn to hang together,
    we shall most certainly hang separately.

    Benjamin Franklin’s Famous Cartoon on the need to unite the 13 original American colonies. Credit: Wikimedia Commons.
    We must break free of the “curse of duality” 

    — the either-or thinking that’s plaguing so much of our discourse at the moment.
    Rarely is life black and white, either/or.

    Dualistic thinking is what creates The Shadow in the Jungian sense.

    We project our monsters onto the other, so we can avoid looking at the darkness within.

    Eclipses are the cosmic reminders that opposites can be complementary poles
    which attract one another.

    The eternal dance of Yin giving way to Yang, to Yang giving way to Yin.

    There are no winners and losers in the dance. Only endless change.
    Remembering Eudaimonia

    Over next few years, as we struggle over the “soul of America,”
    you will hear commentators harkening back to our foundational documents.

    Especially the Declaration of Independence.

    In it, Thomas Jefferson famously penned:
    We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.​
    The “pursuit of happiness” has little to do with the right to buy a sports car
    or scarf down any other form of instant gratification.

    Thomas Jefferson’s choice of phrase could be traced back to the political philosopher John Locke,
    who borrowed the word from the ancient Greeks.

    That word for “happiness” is “Eudaimonia.”

    Eudaimonia, quite literally translates as “union with the good spirit.”

    Whatever you call it — union with one’s personal genius, higher self, true will,
    or the divine spark within 

    — the meaning is the same:

    The foundational value of our nation is to empower each person to be able to pursue
    their full human potential. In other words: human flourishing.

    Which means, every choice that we make as individuals, or as a society must be grounded
    in the simple question:

    Will this bring us closer to universal human flourishing, or further away from it?
    Astrology as a Spiritual Practice

    Remember what I said at the beginning of this essay?

    Dump your notions about what astrology is…

    Astrology is an ancient tool designed to help us reflect on and clarify our path toward Eudaimonia.

    For individuals and for nations.

    And it’s a spiritual practice designed to help us cultivate virtue and strength of character
    that can lead us toward fulfilling our own potential.

    It is the direct, and ancient, forerunner to today’s “Positive Psychology” movement.

    While modern astrology at large may have forgotten this fact, astrologers have not.
    Time to Anchor Love

    Astrology Hub, a website dedicated to bringing the spirit back to astrology,
    and astrology back to the world, is picking up the torch.

    To this end, Astrology Hub is hosting a 14-day free, live,
    online, global meditation series
    between the lunar eclipse on Aug. 7 and the solar eclipse on Aug. 21.
    Each day some of the world’s top spiritual teachers and astrologers
    will offer a guided meditation on how to anchor love on a personal and collective level.

    Meditation guides include George Mumford, Dawa Tarchin Phillips,
    Hawaiian Kahuna Aunty Mahealani Kuamo’o-Henry, Hank Wesselman, Divine Harmony,
    Kim Wilborn, Adam Gainsburg, Anita Briggs and Achintya Devi. (And me!)

    Astrology Hub’s Global Eclipse Meditation Series to raise funds to teach children how to meditate.
    But to make this Global Eclipse Meditation Series truly great,
    Astrology Hub is donating all proceeds from the sales of the event’s recordings
    to support Ivy Child International, an organization dedicated to making meditation
    and mindfulness training available to children to secure our future generations.

    If Astrology Hub reaches its goal of 40,000 registrants
    , it could present Ivy Child a check for an estimated $100,000.

    With this, Ivy Child can:
    • teach 10,000 more children to learn how to meditate or do yoga
    • enable 20 more schools and community sites to have an ongoing mindfulness program
    • coach 1,000 teachers to develop the necessary skills to teach meditation to their students
    Whether you believe in astrology or not is irrelevant.

    The world will only change if we envision the future we want to create.
    ~ Donna

    Come join us for the Global Eclipse Meditation. All faiths are welcome.
    Go to AnchoringLoveMeditation.com to reserve your space.
    (If you enjoyed this article, please share the love and recommend it to your friends.)

    Please visit Donna's site at:

    Posted by: susan lynne schwenger #the13thbridge

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    President Trump used naked eyes

    to stare into solar eclipse

    Justin Boggs
    1:54 PM, Aug 21, 2017
    4 hours ago

    trump stares at solar eclipse | trump stares at the sun | trump stares at solar eclipse sun

    Copyright Associated Press

    President Donald Trump, along with First Lady Melania and son Barron,
    viewed Monday's historical solar eclipse from the balcony of the White House.
    Embed from Getty Images - see
    But despite warning from media outlets, scientists and others, the president looked directly
    into the sun for a brief second.

    Trump turned away as soon as someone yelled, "Don't look."

    Fortunately for Trump, he quickly looked away from the sun and used proper solar filters
    to look at the sun more in depth.

    Nearly 80 percent of the sun was blocked by the moon on Monday afternoon in Washington.

    Embed from Getty Images - see
    According to experts, looking directly at the sun could cause temporary or permanent eye damage.
    The longer a person stares into the sun, the more damage that can be done to the eye.

    The image of Trump looking into the sun has caused amusement on social media on Monday.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Melody Emmett asks...

    Dale, what do you think of this?

    Dale Osadchuk says:

    Thanks Melody, I have been participating in Astro Hubs Global Meditation Series.

    Donna is one of the organizers and I respect her perspective.

    Her views of President Trump make sense to me on a spiritual level.

    He is shinning light on the great divide between people who are driven by ego.

    This Eclipse (Aug 21/22) is asking us all to become heart centered and heal the world.

    Blessings Dale Osadchuk

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Bob Goulais says:
    Like many, I'm excited to experience the solar eclipse this afternoon.
    Remember, we need not look directly at the eclipse and risk damage to our eyes.
    We can experience the eclipse with all our other senses, including our spiritual self.
    2764. ❤DRG

    Susan Lynne Schwenger says:


    they have conditioned you to be scared of Grandfather Sun 1f609. ;)

    funny thing people who put all sorts of sun blockers on
    seem to be the ones who get cancer, and, people who allow the sun
    - like me, who are almost 60 do NOT look old ?
    nor, do they have cancer,
    almost every sun worshipper, i know, is ultra healthy

    so, it makes you wonder who has told us such stories ?

    there are many people who are sun gazers, and, a lot of them are found in Indigenous Tribes worldwide
    they do NOT look old, in fact, they are healthy and, very very awake ~susan lynne schwenger

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Patti Phelan Sinclair's post.

    Patti Phelan Sinclair was feeling optimistic.

    I hope you are all doing ok. I feel "wicked" tired and praying tonight brings a nice, quiet, rest.

    I'm glad so many of you benefited from the energy update.

    It's always a relief to know we're not alone. 1f609.

    I'm no astrological wizard but I do my research.

    What happened today, and all that August has delivered from the Heavens,
    is significant.

    Many of us walking a "spiritual" path have been feeling stuck.

    The main cause of this is the fact that we give too much to others.

    Picture yourself like an octopus 1f419. with every arm outstretched to help another.

    Very little returns to you (us).

    This portal that we've walked through today allows you the opportunity to shed some old skin.

    This IS the time to really take inventory of the people, habits, choices and life situations
    that have been dragging you down.

    I know it's not easy but if you open your heart 2764. ❤️

    I can promise you that God, your angels and guides will "move Heaven and Earth"
    to help you usher in some fabulous NEW energy!

    This is YOUR time!

    A time to throw caution to the wind... 1f4a8. 1f604.

    Grab a hold of each gift that you have been blessed with and share them with the world.

    You see the world NEEDS people like you!

    Yes, you! We need you to share your gifts, shine your light and breathe NEW life into this world!

    I am so, deeply, grateful for each of you.... 2665. ♥️ 2665. ♥️ 2665. ♥️

    May Gods richest blessings pour over you and give you a renewed sense of hope!

    Patti Phelan Sinclair

    Join me at my professional page at Spiritual Medium Patti Sinclair

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Five year flashback

    Susan Lynne Schwenger
    August 21, 2017 ·
    Shared with Public
    and while so many in this country are busy hating and spreading lies,

    this is what Trump has been up to.

    Obama did not do that much in 8 years!

    Actions speak louder than words...

    he is not a trained professional speaker...

    But he does try to keep his WORD

    and do what he said he could do for the country.

    Hatred is a reflection of what is inside us.

    Perhaps it is fear based.

    Not those that get their news from the main stream media!

    They only talk about the phony Russian story.

    Every Lefty in the US is trying to

    derail the Trump Administration.

    It’s time that we fight back. Spread the word.


    1. Supreme Court Judge Gorsuch

    2. 59 missiles dropped in Syria

    3. He took us out of TPP

    4. Illegal immigration is now down 70% ( the lowest in 17 years)

    5. Consumer confidence highest since 2000 at index 125.6

    6. Mortgage applications for new homes rise to a seven year high

    7. Arranged from 7% to 24% Tariff on lumber from Canada

    8. Bids for border wall are well underway

    9. Pulled out of the lopsided Paris accord

    10. Keystone pipeline approved

    11. NATO allies boost spending by 4.3%

    12. Allowing VA to terminate bad employees

    13. Allowing private healthcare choices for veterans

    14. More than 600,000. Jobs created

    15. Median household income at a 7 year high

    16. The Stock Market is at the highest ever in its history

    17. China agreed to American import of beef

    18. $89 Billion saved in regulation rollbacks

    19. Rollback of A Regulation to boost coal mining

    20. MOAB for ISIS

    21. Travel ban reinstated

    22. Executive order for religious freedom

    23. Jump started NASA

    24. $600 million cut from UN peacekeeping budget

    25. Targeting of MS13 gangs

    26. Deporting violent illegal immigrants

    27. Signed 41 bills to date

    28. Created a commission on child trafficking

    29. Created a commission on voter fraud

    30. Created a commission for opioids addiction

    31. Giving power to states to drug test unemployment recipients

    32. Unemployment lowest since May 2007

    33. Historic Black College University initiative

    34. Women In Entrepreneurship Act

    35. Created an office for illegal immigrant crime victims

    36. Reversed Dodd-Frank

    37. Repealed DOT ruling which would have taken power away from local governments for infrastructure planning

    38. Order to stop crime against law enforcement

    39. End of DAPA program

    40. Stopped companies from moving out of America

    41. Promoted businesses to create American Jobs

    42. Encouraged country to once again - 'Buy American and hire American'

    43. Cutting regulations - 2 for every one created

    45. Review of all trade agreements to make sure they are America first

    46. Apprentice program

    47. Highest manufacturing surge in 3 years

    48. $78 Billion promised reinvestment from major businesses like Exxon, Bayer, Apple, SoftBank, Toyota

    49. Denied FBI a new building

    50. $700 million saved with F-35 renegotiation

    51. Saves $22 million by reducing white house payroll

    52. Dept of Treasury reports a $182 billion surplus for April 2017 (2nd largest in history)

    53. Negotiated the release of 6 US humanitarian workers held captive in Egypt

    54. Gas prices lowest in more than 12 years

    55. Signed An Executive Order To Promote Energy Independence and Economic Growth

    56. Has already accomplished more to stop government interference into people's lives
    than any President in the history of America

    57. President Trump has worked with Congress to pass more legislation
    in his first 100 days than any President since Truman

    58. Has given head executive of each branches 6 month time frame, dated March 15, 2017,
    to trim the fat, restructure and improve efficiency of
    their branch. (Observe the push-back the leaks the lies
    as entrenched POWER refuses to go silently into that good night!)

    59. Last, refused his Presidential pay check. Donated it to Veterans issues

    I hope each and every one of you copy and paste this every where,
    every time you hear some dimwit say Trump hadn't done a thing!

    Ray Schneider, PhD

    Associate Professor Emeritus
    Bridgewater College

    21 Aug 2017 ~ Eclipse ~ Is Trump Holding Up The Shadow ???

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