21 - 22 - 23 - 24 July 2022 ~ Solar Tsunami

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jul 22, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Trevor McGrath
    7h · 21 jul 2022

    "Solar tsunami" hits earth and impacts
    for the next 2-3 days, interesting timing
    given this is the time of year the sun,
    Sirius (the mother son) and earth
    begin to align for Lion's gate.

    Plus all that is going on, the mass resignations
    of corrupt politicians, guide stone time capsule
    perhaps back in the hands of the Rosecrucians
    after the topple.

    BRICS nations taking the world by storm
    for a gold standard along with
    Uganda's giant gold discovery.
    CERN now launching a satelite.

    July 22nd (tomorrow, or today in the UK)
    is the feast day of Mary Magdalene
    when the blue apples
    will appear in the Lincoln cathedral
    (the also appear in Rennes Les Chateau
    on Jan 16th),

    this time supercharged
    by the geomagnetic/geomantic storm.
    The toroidal field is shaped like a grail cup,
    it's the earth's grail.

    We have the same field around us,
    it's fractal, from atoms to universes,
    this field is a covenant/contract
    to hold a form/concept together.

    The shape of the uterus
    aligns with the grail too,
    and other parts of the human body
    have this shape but it's because
    of the toroidal flow/shape of magnetism
    forming matter in various ways.

    The earth's magnetic-toroidal field
    is being directly impacted on the day of Magdalene
    (keeper of the grail so to speak)
    causing the blue light phenomenon
    to appear through the stained glass
    in Lincoln cathedral.

    The color blue it produces is in alignment
    with octaves of 149.3 hz,
    so is the geomagnetic field of earth
    and according the the 21 gram theory
    of the human soul, the human soul
    also aligns centrally with 149.3 hz range.
    So does the Jerusalem cube in the bible,
    the wavelength to Sirius star system
    and so does the Lincoln cathedral.

    149.3 hz connects all of these concepts
    through sympathetic resonance.

    Implying that the cathedral
    will enhance its own frequency
    via the solar geomagnetic storm
    along with the human soul,
    resonance of biblical Jerusalem
    and the blue stained glass
    in the Lincoln cathedral.
    It's all the same wavelength.

    This is mathematical proof
    via basic resonance calculations
    (which I van explain in depth if interested)
    showing how Sirius, the Lincoln cathedral,
    the blue stained glass light of the cathedral,
    biblical Jerusalem, the human soul,
    and the geomagnetic field (earth-grail)
    all resonate at the same frequency octaves
    sympathetically in unison.

    Incredible divine order.

    Sirius aligns withe the sun and earth,
    spits a G class solar burst towards earth
    impacting the geomagnetic field
    while making the blue orbs
    in the Lincoln cathedral
    on Magdalene/Magnetic
    field feast day
    to activate the human soul
    and anchoring in the gold cube/metallic
    gold standard of Jerusalem
    (world peace) and it's all
    the same sound frequency octaves.

    149.3 hz resonates with octaves
    (halves or doubles) of 147 meters.

    Note that July 7th
    (7/22 in Gregorian time keeping)
    reflects the ratio Egyptian pi,
    also the same ratio
    between the solar poles shifting every 22 years
    and our 7 year cellular regeneration cycle.

    I know it's a lot to take in
    but perhaps look at it in
    this condensed way.

    One divine frequency expressing itself
    in various different ways simultaneously
    for the sake of evolving the planet.

    For more info specifically
    on the blue apples in the Lincoln cathedral
    there are some posts of mine
    in the comments below
    and some info online
    from other sources.
    Grail activation
    Soul activation
    Jerusalem activation
    Sirius-earth-sun resonance
    Lincoln cathedral grand activation
    (standing waves optimal
    in the cathedral,
    tomorrow more than ever).





    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member















    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Trevor McGrath
    June 11 ·

    This woman ignites my heart.

    When I feel down

    about myself she lifts me up.

    When I tell her

    about my thoughts

    she builds with me.

    When I tell her how I feel,

    she doesn't just listen.

    She feels me.

    When I do my music she encourages me.

    Even though she knows

    the sweets I eat aren't good for me,

    she buys them for me anyways

    when she's out shopping

    because she knows I enjoy them.

    When I'm mad at the world, she holds space for me.

    When I have an airhead moment, she laughs with me.

    She finds humor in the things about me that could easily drive her crazy.

    She accepts me completely.

    She doesn't pressure me to be anything more or less than myself.

    A lot of people look for the perfect one.

    Or you could say, looking for a condition

    and mistaking it as love.

    Sometimes we want someone

    to be the perfect one

    before we step

    into the relationship with them.

    However, the "perfect" compatibility
    is created between the trial and error of giving it a shot.

    The limb of faith.

    A lot of magic happens
    when we set aside the act of trying
    to be more masculine or more feminine
    and step into just being ourselves.

    All polarities can balance out
    and harmonize between two people
    who love each other
    simply as they are, scars and all.
    She loves me this way,
    so I count my four leaf clovers. 1f49a.

    9180_n.?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=K6c5mlONYf8AX_SlfKK&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1. — with Erin Arnold.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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