2020 Scorpio Super Full Moon ~ Dale Osadchuk

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, May 8, 2020.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    2020 Scorpio Super Full Moon

    07 May at 3.45 am PDT- 6.45 am EDT- 11.45 am BST
    (summer time GMT)

    6.45 pm AWST Perth, Australia
    - 8.45 pm AEST Sydney, NSW, Austalia

    Whenever the Moon visits Scorpio
    the energy is intense and deep.

    Scorpio is Fixed Water.

    It invites us to explore what lies beneath.

    Like the iceberg we only see the tip.

    Underneath is the massiveness.

    This Scorpio Full Moon is the last in the series
    of Super Full Moons
    (Mar 09- healing mind, body, and spirit,
    and April 07- new vision for relationship to others and self).

    Super Moons make whatever we are focused on more intense.

    This Full Moon is healing, release and transformation.

    It is about facing our greatest Shadow and emerging into the Light.

    Our Shadows hold our fear. Fear makes us feel powerless.

    Love empowers us.

    Full Moons are the blossoming time.

    This one asks us to continue to allow our true values
    and what is really important to guide us
    through these transformational times.

    That was the theme of the Taurus New Moon of Apr 22.

    But Full Moons are also about completion.

    If we look at the previous Scorpio New Moon
    (healing, release, and transformation)
    we go back to Oct 27, 2019.


    That New Moon at 04 degrees Scorpio
    was ruled by Pluto in Capricorn
    (transformation of society)
    and opposite
    (conflict or co-operation)
    Uranus Rx at 04 degrees Taurus
    (what is of true value and importance).

    Whether we wanted to or not the stage
    for changing what is truly important was set.

    Astrologer Phillip Lindsay believes the first corona virus
    recorded case was in Nov 2019.

    Scorpio is the sign of death, transformation,
    and re-birth.

    And here we are standing at the precipice.

    It is time to take the leap and be re-born.

    The Moon and Earth at this Full Moon
    of completion are at 17 degrees Scorpio 20.

    They are guided by Pluto Rx at 24 degrees Capricorn 57
    (when you transform yourself you heal the world).

    The Sun at 17 degrees Taurus 20
    (personal worth and value) is travelling
    with Mercury at 20 degrees Taurus 23
    (change your thoughts change your life)
    and Uranus is at 07 degrees Taurus 13
    (breaking free from the old).

    They are guided by Venus at 21 degrees Gemini 11
    (choosing to write your new story with Love as your guide).

    PHOTO CREDIT: Gemini Venus by ScraNo on DeviantArt

    The Moon and Earth are trine
    (removal of obstacles so life can flow with ease)
    Neptune at 20 degrees Pisces 22
    (connection to the Oneness of All)
    and Neptune is sextile
    (easy opportunities)
    the Sun and Mercury in Taurus
    (the Buddha’s path of Loving Kindness).

    But if you choose to try to maintain the old ways Neptune
    (deception and illusion) is square Venus in Gemini
    (issues of duality and fear verses love).

    The Square is motivation for change
    and finding new ways of doing things.

    That is no longer a choice.

    It is a necessity.

    We are entering retrograde territory next week
    (review, revise, re-evaluate, refocus, realign).

    Pluto already moved into backward motion
    (inner transformation) on April 25.

    On May 10/11 he is now joined by Saturn in Aquarius
    (strengthening the foundation for a new world).

    May 13 Venus in Gemini turns retrograde
    and is ending her Evening Star journey
    (finding at-oneness-within).

    She becomes a Morning Star
    (Warrior Goddess for change)
    when she meets the Sun at 13 degrees Gemini
    on June 03 and will move direct on June 24/25.

    While Venus is Rx she continues to ask us to unite
    in love by healing ourselves.

    And on May 14 Jupiter in Capricorn turns retrograde
    (revisioning how to create a new world with hope and love).

    The message is strengthen your connection
    to you inner knowing and guidance.

    We are entering Eclipse season June 05 to July 05.

    In fact we are already feeling that energy
    of intensity and it will be intense.

    More about that in a later post.

    Our Animal Totem guide for the Moon and Earth
    in Scorpio is Snake, healing and shedding the old to be re-born,

    For the Sun, Mercury, and Uranus in Taurus it is Beaver,
    clearing the clutter and building the new
    (they are reversed for the Southern Hemisphere).

    Venus in Gemini is guided by Deer,
    sensitivity and compassion
    (Northern Hemisphere)
    and by Owl, wisdom to discern the truth
    (Southern Hemisphere).

    The Clan Mother for Scorpio is Walks Tall Woman.

    She is the guardian of new paths
    and teaches us to walk our truth.

    For Taurus it is Listening Woman,
    the guardian of the stillness and inner knowing.

    She teaches us how to hear the truth, our own truth.

    The Sacred Animal for Scorpio is The Phoenix,
    riding up from the ashes and being re-born.

    I leave you with this song by Barbra Streisand.

    Do not choose to forget choose to heal.

    "The Way We Were"

    Light the corners of my mind
    Misty water-colored memories
    Of the way we were
    Scattered pictures,
    Of the smiles we left behind
    Smiles we gave to one another
    For the way we were
    Can it be that it was all so simple then?
    Or has time re-written every line?
    If we had the chance to do it all again
    Tell me, would we? Could we?
    Memories, may be beautiful and yet
    What's too painful to remember
    We simply choose to forget
    So it's the laughter
    We will remember
    Whenever we remember...
    The way we were...
    The way we were...

    Namaste and blessings, Dale


    To contact Dale e-mail daleosadchuk@rogers.com
    she is available for telephone sessions to guide you are your path.
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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