20 & 21 & 22 Mar 2023 - Black Moon Phase - Awakening Of The Octarine Indigo Elders

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Mar 16, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member



    March 13 at 9:32 PM ·

    There is still a lot going on astrologically in March 2023 I need to write about.

    There was an interesting aspect yesterday with Venus conjunct Eris
    at 24 degrees Aries as well as Jupiter conjunct Vesta at 14 degrees.

    The Venus/Eris aspect was very political
    and its interesting that two world leaders
    met at this time for the first time,
    the USA president and the Australian PM in USA.

    Joe is a Scorpio and Anthony is Pisces.

    Eris is a more ruthless force than Venus
    and will stop at nothing to get the unity she craves, even war.

    Whereas Venus is more about personality and mediation being ruler of Libra,
    ( and Taurus which is rising in the chart of the Aust PM).

    Venus re Libra however is a very a political effect,
    so lets hope there was a calming of war like urges from this meeting of planets.

    Eris is the bigger power and a more aggressive force, a more fierce warrioress than Venus.

    As a planet she is in the outer regions of the solar system keeping an eye on everything,
    and is not often activated but when she is, things happen depending on the activator .

    Venus is the least of our worries in that regard.

    I will mention the Mars/Neptune square tomorrow on
    14th/15th March depending on where you are in the world,
    at 25 Gemini and Pisces.

    This aspect has been known to cause explosions of chemical substances
    or for that matter simply explosions. And it could be at sea.

    This could also bring shipping incidents as it’s a fire/water energy,
    People with planets or points near this degree could be affected
    in more of a passive/ aggressive type of way depending on the circumstances.

    On the other hand it can be a very active creative force and activate
    the same in some of us, especially Arians and Pisceans.

    The day after, in 2 days time the Sun will conjunct Neptune
    at the same degree so there is a lot of focus for people born around that time in Pisces.

    This could bring a special event or location for those who are born
    around the 15th/16th or 17th, maybe a meeting with someone
    who is talented musically or spiritually.

    Its very special and otherworldly too for any Pisces,
    or Leo for that matter or any of us as the SUn includes us all.

    This is a very multidimensional energy to take note of your dreams
    and signs from spirit or nature around you at this time, no matter what sign you are .

    I need to mention the “Black Moon" period coming and the new set of eclipses.

    The black moon begins in Aries on the 22nd March in NZ,
    21st in most countries except Australia
    and a few others in our time zones, just before Pluto moves into Aquarius.

    A“black Moon” carries a certain power like a Blue Moon
    as there will be two in one lunar month both in Aries
    with the 2nd being one of the new eclipse series
    making it even more unusual and bringing something different
    and special during that lunar month.

    Plus it’s a rare hybrid eclipse as there are only a few of these every century.

    (More about the meaning of these Aries/Libran eclipses soon as they are very political).

    Each New Moon will be a more intense effect than usual
    and there is bound to be some unexpected events for many of us .

    A word on a New moon and the Black Moon effect where Moonless nights
    are regarded as a time of inward focus, quiet contemplation,
    and intention setting so the black Moon brings an extra dose
    of this cosmic energy.

    If the New Moon plants seeds of intention and inspiration,
    the black Moon compounds those intentions.

    If the new Moon is regarded as a reset button,
    then the black Moon is the ultimate lunar reboot.

    So there is a "double dose" of Aries new Moon fire energy
    on its way to tap into for bold moves for Aries
    as well as all of us, depending where Aries falls in our own birth charts.

    And of course Pluto will move into Aquarius in the energy of the Arian New Moon
    which will take some of us back to memories of past lives in civilisations
    such as Atlantis, where we used very advanced technology,
    crystal power for instance and awaken many memories
    and pockets of knowledge after this date.

    I do believe that the very gifted children that were once called indigo children
    in the last few decades will be waking up more to the tasks they chose to be born
    to carry out in this life time, with pockets of hidden knowledge being activated.

    As well as those of us that are part of the 3 waves of volunteers
    written about by Dolores Cannon and also Suzy Hanson
    (independent information as they didn’t know each other),
    begin to “remember” more of their own hidden information
    that they chose to use when the time is right.

    So life is about to get even more unusual for those who are alert enough
    to pick up on the effects already on many of us and the repercussions,
    but also the awakening.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    We are just entering the Disseminating Moon phase which is a time to share information with those who are receptive, so I will share some with you .
    By this time you will be settling into the new influence of Saturn in Pisces. Some of the effects are about slowly letting go of the control all we have held onto for far too long and flowing with the universal energies in much more natural ways.
    This is not as easy as one may think and can be confusing to many but those who have held onto a belief and trust in a certain way of living according to social or Gov "rules" and principles as well as trusting in the same, are waking slowly up to a new reality, and "reality bites" as we all know.
    New people are appearing out of the woodwork for want of a better expression who are also a little confusing at first as we process the role they are meant to have in our lives. Some are startlingly familiar such as true kindred souls may be. Others more obscure.
    Generally we are leaving old patterns behind and learning new ones with somewhat undefined boundaries. So people are leaving, new ones coming in, and those from our past appear to be changing before our eyes.
    The trick is to recognise if its them who have changed or us.
    For myself I have had some of both. The lines are not so clearly defined any more so this means we need to go within as much as we can and follow that gut instinct or intuition while we also go with the flow of life. So yes it complicated!
    VERY fascinating though, educational even. So we need to remain receptive but keep an eye on our boundaries.. Its all SO “Saturn in Pisces” on personal levels and collectively.
    New rules that are undefined. How can such a thing be!
    I really need to write about tomorrow which is a book in the making so will try and keep it simple.
    Kaali and Sedna are conjunct at around 29 Taurus, two strong Goddesses, two powerful forces and combined, their energies are urging the strength and power of the feminine to arise so we can fight adversity and the demons within as well.
    Kaali or Kali is the Goddess of enlightenment or liberation and is about the changing aspect of nature that means transformation from death to life, She is revered as the Goddess of Time, creation, Destruction and Power. Alongside being the Goddess of darkness, destruction, and death, Kali is also a symbol of Mother Nature because she is believed to be timeless and formless, representing the creation of life and the universe as well.
    Sedna is the ocean Goddess that provides for her people.
    After, as a human, suffering abuse and betrayal, death by the hands of her father and drowned in the ocean , she refused to be a victim so arose as a Goddess to provide food from the ocean for her people…
    This combination puts me in mind of Saturn in Pisces also and the transformation we are going through at this time which is also fairly intense.
    With Pluto, a planet very in tune with the transformation process, death/rebirth being about to move into a new sign, its perfectly understandable that many people are feeling some at times conflicting energies.
    Taureans born near the end of the sign could find this having an effect on your lives in one way or another.
    Mercury will conjunct Nessus tomorrow, the latter having potential to be quite nasty so there is or can be a lot of manipulation with this aspect, often unconscious as Nessus can bring an energy that has built over time , even being ancestral in areas of jealousy, blame and revenge. Its about releasing deep patterns of helplessness so one is not being taken advantage of, not to be oppressed but to say “this is where it stops”. Nessus activations correspond with times when things really do end and transcend to another level, when release occurs.
    So thoughts along these lines are very possible where we want to and can take action and find within self the strength and power to move away from any of the above no matter what it takes to do so.
    This happens at about 3 degrees Pisces so naturally people with planets or points near that degree could feel this a little more than most whatever form it comes in. Its really about changing old patterns and sometimes to do that we need to change our own behaviour that draws it to us . But in the coming days its good to stay away from known sources of trouble who may have hidden motives.
    Pisces, Virgos and Geminis could keep their eyes on this one.
    The main aspect tomorrow is Jupiter conjunct Chiron at around 16/17 degrees Aries. This is the saving grace for us all, as both planetary bodies bring the influence of the higher mind, of knowledge and the deepest wisdom, so with the Aries influence we have all the energy needed if only we can make the effort to delve deeply into our minds and soul memories to find what is needed to tackle anything life tosses our way in the next 48 hours.
    It surely cant be any stranger or more unsettling than this last Full Moons gifts and challenges.

    All reactions:


    Art by Susan Boulet


    HAPPY FULL MOON VIRGOS! 7 or 8th mar 2023

    The exact time of the Moon was 1 40 AM in NZ so just after midnight
    on the 8th. Most other places it was the 7th .
    It fell at 16 40 Virgo which is exactly opposite to my Mercury
    and I did wonder about communication and what it would bring me
    but so far everything is fairly normal or as normal as it can be in my world.…
    See more
    All reactions:


    There is much more to March than meets the eye, April too which I will touch on briefly.

    I spoke of Saturn yesterday moving into Pisces on the 8th March although that’s in NZ.

    In USA it’s the 7th and a few other countries too that are behind us. In Aust its the 7th also

    And Saturns move definitely happens on the Virgo Full Moon wherever you are
    and this is why I am writing this post to remind

    you all of this as this adds power to the move, and also to the Full Moon.

    Its not a Perigee Full Moon but still most Full Moons
    are fairly potent and this one falls in VIRGO which is the opposite sign to PISCES
    where the move happens, putting the spotlight fully on Virgo people
    almost moreso than Pisces in a sense at that specific time.

    I have a feeling this means something big in the lives of Virgos in areas of relationships
    and I touched on it in the last post , but also in the lives of Pisces for the same.

    The idea of commitments and meeting new people of the Pisces /Capricorn type, or
    older /younger people who have a karmic link to those born in those first 7/8 degrees
    of the sign really is possible as is the responsibility factor.

    We could say the same for those with Pisces or Virgo ascending signs.

    As far as midheaven and career are concerned , people who have a Midheaven up to 7 or 8 Pisces
    may find themselves stepping
    down from one job and changing their status
    within their career or anything else they have been doing for far too long ,
    a position of any kind.

    And back to the Full Moon we are in that energy now as the week before a Full Moon is the most powerful part of it for so much
    including emotional over-reactions.,
    feelings such as fears or anxiety being a little higher than usual, health issues coming out
    to be healed, but also a build up of energies in positive areas also.

    We have the crazy drivers to contend with ,
    the overthinking in this case with the Virgo effect and the pickiness and criticism.

    Maybe overhelping as Virgo does.

    This is the worriers Moon and for Virgos in particular there could be a time
    of extra details to take care of , research and
    preparation, a lot to think about
    so please take one step at a time
    and delegate if you need to.

    Im hoping Saturn popping up in your place of “others” wont add to this.

    Hopefully he will provide some stability to your busy mind.

    It IS a health Full Moon but that just means be aware
    of your diet and health in general , take extra Vit C .

    I am as it’s a big Moon for Pisces too.

    Stay hydrated with Saturn around.

    The same general effect as I described would be for everyone.

    But the main thing is the exaggeration of the new energy of Saturn into Pisces on this Moon.

    A very special one to observe and
    learn from for all of us.

    I will briefly mention there is a "Black Moon" in March/April 2023 ,
    two New Moons in one month and the last is an eclipse.

    This happens in Aries from the 21st/22nd April and 20th April, 2023.

    This means the Move of Pluto on the 23rd March 2023
    will happen during the black moon period.

    I will explain more of the effect of a Black moon in another post .

    Tomorrow Venus will conjunct Chiron at 13 degrees Aries on the Apogee Moon,
    a rather strong Moon even though its furthest rather than closest to the Earth…

    It has the same strong effect on tides on all levels , ocean, earth
    and air as the Moon affects all layers.

    I would call this a day of great healing when we can call on our inner wise healer/teacher
    for guidance and help with old wounds that may surface from our pasts in the days ahead .

    This aspect is a gift and could bring just the person we need to
    provide the answers to questions that we have never before found answers
    for especially for Arians, Taureans and Librans.

    Saturn could help with that if it’s a karmic matter so close to Pisces now
    as Pisces is a karmic/spiritual sign

    The Moon will be in Leo these coming days to provide a bit of fire
    to help us prepare for the big switch of energies coming up.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Greg George
    59m ·

    Aries New Moon 00 2648. 49
    03:22 AM Bris 22nd March 2023
    04:22 AM Syd 22nd March 2023
    05:22 PM Lon 21st March 2023
    01:22 PM NY 21st March 2023
    09:22 AM LA 21st March 2023
    Make those resolutions & Plant those seeds in your Life.
    May you always be filled with Light, carrying a spark of The Divine within you.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    =AZUzfpM2B5fBiXI7hPyqdonYrnFUUdvrnVGb7EV7JghsnOrIiWY9R7QPh7ZbijmO5pwdItygbKEbFptroNXcGx8SYuMFdV727yrhkND9BEwKcxhZws66_7o0KVSNCy-u7Qk7upGgI6vfU6ZlujDYnvdXpLiqdMYZxxA7ZeWmOaCwpw&__tn__=-UC%2CP-R'] g_s960x960&_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=Tpg10s13qlMAX_0U1bj&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.

    20 MAR 2023
    As we are fast approaching March Equinox Stargate 2023 (March 20th, 2023),
    we will also have the upcoming New Moon (March 21 st, 2023)
    and one of the main energetic events of 2023 -Pluto's Shift to Aquarius
    - the Collective Rebirth.

    The Sacred Moment of Stillness of March Equinox,
    when everything is being brought into Equilibrium,
    is assisting with our Personal Rebirth, Renewal,
    and a New Chapter on our Journeys,
    also marking the start of a new astrological year.

    Powerful Solar Storm currently in effect is bringing
    the Transmissions of the Higher Frequencies
    of the Ascension Plasma Waves, from the Great Central Sun,
    through our Sun, carrying Light Body Activations
    through the opening March Equinox Stargate,
    that will be arriving at Zero Degrees Aries on March 20th, 2023.

    The Equinox Stargate is Zero Point Energy of Ascension,
    the rare point of Galactic Equilibrium.

    This is the powerful time of closing of Cycle we've been in
    since Sept 2022 Equinox, and it culminates with a Timeline Jump.

    Zero Point Energy Alchemy is collapsing the old cycles
    and patterns into the void, as old energetic patterns
    are being released and dissolved, closing out the Old Timeline.

    As we are stepping into the Aries Equinox Portal,
    we are in the preparation stage of entering New Cycle,
    that will bring New Beginnings for all of us

    Jaz TheOracle

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    20 MAR 2023
    From Celia Fenn
    March 20th, 2023 : The Eagle Rises
    Today is the Equinox...
    and like the Eagle
    we are rising into a new life
    and a New Earth.

    We are stepping into our power
    and becoming a stronger
    and more radiant version of who we are.

    This image of a Black Eagle
    was taken by one of my neighbours in the valley
    where I live yesterday.

    There is a pair of black eagles
    that sometimes circles near the waterfall.

    They are rare as there are only 17 pairs
    left in reserve areas in South Africa.

    This area above where I live
    belongs to the Cape Point Nature Reserve.

    Black Eagles are symbols of power
    and the ability to rise up into higher dimensions.

    May we all step up today into Higher Dimensions
    and the highest version of ourselves
    as the Ascension Spiral continues to unfold. 1f618. 1f985.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Black Eagle in SPRiNG EQUiNOX
    20 MAR 2023
    artist; susan lynne schwenger

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Black Eagle in SPRiNG EQUiNOX
    20 MAR 2023
    artist; susan lynne schwenger

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