19 Nov 2022 ~ A Message From The Thunderbirds / Zhaawano Giizhik

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Nov 21, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    "Wenabozho and the Message from the Thunderbirds" ©2022
    Zhaawano Giizhik

    19 nov 2022

    Zhaawano Giizhik



    A maji-ishkode, or fireball from the Sky,
    hit Aki (Planet Earth) on Saturday morning (November 19),
    near Niigaani-gichigami (Lake Erie).

    Western astronomers dubbed the asteroid "#c8ff042."

    An asteroid is a relatively small chunk of rocky minerals
    that orbits the Sun, and is often described as a minor planet.

    When the orbiting object is larger, it's called a planetoid.

    There are several names in in our language that denote an asteroid.

    Baashkanangoog (shooting stars);
    waazoowaad anangoog (long-tailed stars);
    wiiyagasenhmood anangoog (dust-tailed stars); onwaachigewin/niigaanaajimowin anangoog
    (foreboding/prophecy stars),
    and enwaachiged anangoog (prophet stars).

    An asteroid is a minor planet of the inner Solar System.

    Most can be found orbiting in biinj-ayi'ii waawiweyaa
    (the "inner" asteroid belt between Ogichidaa (Planet Mars)
    and Ogimaa (Planet Jupiter)).

    Sizes and shapes of asteroids vary significantly,
    ranging from 1-meter rocks to a dwarf planet
    almost 1000 km in diameter;
    they are rocky, metallic or icy bodies with no atmosphere.

    The maji-ishkode that hit the earth yesterday
    was less than a meter (about 3 feet) in size.

    Impact should have been around Brantford, Ontario.

    That’s north of Lake Erie; west of Buffalo, New York;
    east of Detroit and southwest of Toronto.

    With such a populated area, many people had the chance to see the fireball’s entry into the atmosphere.

    People on Twitter reported seeing the bright flash of light,
    along with the sound of atmospheric entry
    and even shaking, probably from the sonic boom.

    An Anishinaabe tradition relates how the great bay
    Azhashkiiwaaboo-wiikwed ("Muddy Bay," nowadays Hudson Bay)
    was created by a MAJI-ISHKODE ("evil fire" from the sky).

    Many moons ago, young thunderbirds roamed the skies freely.

    They were troublesome birds always causing great,
    destructive storms in their rambunctious play.

    One day their fathers held counsel and agreed
    that the troubled young thunderbirds needed an activity
    to keep them out of trouble.

    The Elder thunderbirds decided that they were going to teach
    them how to play baaga'adowewin (lacrosse).

    Instead of baaga'adowaanag (lacrosse sticks),
    the young thunderbirds used their wings to wield a ball
    that their fathers had made from lightning.

    However, their furious play and flapping of wings
    caused a great storm and the ball fell to earth.

    The lightning ball hit the earth and the impact
    created what is known today as the Hudson Bay.

    The smaller pieces of the lightning ball created all
    of the smaller lakes in Northern Ontario.

    The stars fell from the sky and broke into thousands of pieces
    that blink off and on.

    The rest of the falling stars changed into fireflies
    and the young thunderbirds promised
    to never cause trouble again...

    "Wenabozho and the Message from the Thunderbirds" ©2022
    Zhaawano Giizhik

    Illustration: "Wenabozho and the Message from the Thunderbirds" ©2022 Zhaawano Giizhik

    Source: https://www.zhaawanart.com/.../star-stories-part-26-a...

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