19 July 2022 ~ Moon

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jul 19, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif

    The Distinctive cosmic energies In Sky right now.
    Luna Conjunct Jupiter in ARIES On 19 July 2022
    Here comes the fieriest Aries Transit of the week…
    A Gibbous Luna Conjunct The Zeus(Jupiter)
    in the Ram/Aries Sign At 8 Degrees Aries

    Themes & Energies: The Sabian
    "Sensitive, The visionary concentration of attention"

    According To Rudhyar: A Crystal Gazer
    The world and the individual are thus in a cosmic interactive partnership,
    each in time reflecting the other in every mood and every situation.

    So this allows a rough indication of what is to come
    since what we feel now must somehow be reflected in the future.

    The Number Game 8:

    8 indicates Psychological traumas coming through control & manipulation,
    high passions, jealousy, controlling partners & intense mood swings
    when things not going in your favor.

    So be careful about receiving high criticism from Partners, Lover, Nurturing members of the family, and getting combative & aggressive with them
    because this Fiery Luna just goes overboard with everything she receives
    or touches through exciting passions & highly inflammable desires
    & mood swings.

    Basically, She (Aries Luna) is inconsistent in her emotional life
    & when triggered through the 8th number, she can become revengeful...

    Especially Mothers can reach strangely for few hours
    because of this number towards their children
    & it could lead her towards power struggle at home

    (If she or her children or partner/spouse is naturally rebellious in nature).

    So yeah, humbleness is needed to avoid a hasty show of emotional
    & vengeful “Rhetoric” tonight...

    Luna Conjunction Jupiter: Traveling, Generosity & Humor

    Usually, Fiery RAM Luna is very aggressive in dealing
    & highly social beast in nature & always takes a stand
    for individual own rights, because ARIES is a very personal sign
    & this LUNA is very directive & combative in approach
    because she just wants to create a great perception
    of her competitiveness & boldness, so does everything to give a statement;

    “Hey look, I am here to stay & not gonna give up easily
    & I can do anything you throw a challenge at me for”.

    This influence Of Jupiter On This RAM LUNA will give you
    an instinctual generosity towards the needy people
    & you could not wait or be hesitant to get direct
    in your approach to find out the repressive forces
    which have been creating trouble for such poor
    or middle suffering class in society & you would definitely jump in
    & trying to teach those forces some lesson
    & rescue the needy people out of their problems,
    either with money, financial Or fighting for their freedom & rights…

    So enjoy your night & be careful about fights & clashes with authorities
    & especially look for the mood swings of your mother
    Or if you are Mother, stay humble & utilize these high energies
    in some adventurous outdoors, instead of staying at home
    & shouting/yelling at children lol

    Astrologer Aatif
    #Aries #gibbousmoon #luna #fire #fiery #adventure #bold #combat #action #challenge #Astrologer #astrology #Prediction #predictions2022 #july2022
    #July #lunarcycle #LunaTic #lunar #luna #Jupiter #jupiterinaries

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