19 Jul 2022 To 03 Aug 2022 ~ Powerful Ingress ~ Mercury In Fiery Beast Of Leo

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jul 20, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif
    15m ·

    Hi folks, how's it going?
    Powerful Ingress - Mercury In Fiery Beast of Leo
    From 19 July - 3 August 2022
    Here come the mercury ingresses the Leo anticipation - Roars The Lion 1f981. 270d. 1f525.
    Major Themes, Challenges & Traits:
    Inflexibility In opinion-making Instincts, Is BECOMING A MAJOR CHALLENGE Not For The Native Himself But For Other People Close To Him Or Working With Him Due To Rigidity & Leadership Pride (I Know It All Syndrome).
    Every opinion & Solution for the problems is usually coming through the highly creative mind of this Lion Mercurial Transits & Traits. They are not digging deep into the matters the way their adjacent & fellow Virgo Mercurial Sign though but still drawing a bigger picture out of creative & strong-willed mind is matchless with these Lions.
    Virgo & Gemini kind of mindfulness & Detail-oriented instincts just bog LEOS down & they get easily bored in such situations which demand highly precise work where they require to dig deep into matters, considering every minor detail. Leo Mind usually does not waste the time on such work & details, they just draw a bigger picture using their creative mind and fly away to other tasks, topics & problems.
    The best trait & quality associated with this placement is, that LEO Mercurial powers just attract the audience big time due to their strong & prominent opinion-making skills & they can easily persuade others through their creative mind & strong & fixed belief system which rules the “Confidence & Boldness” & such Mercurial Lion does not sit at one place for too long because MERCURY is movable Planet & Leo never sit idle because they are social beasts & extroverts as hell...
    Regards, 1f981. 270d. 1f525.
    Astrologer Aatif
    #Leo #leozodiac #lions #lionking #lioness #Mercury #mercuryinleo #LeoSeason #leozodiac #astrology #predictions #fortuneteller #mindfulness #mindset #will #Opinion #OpinionLeader

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif
    17m ·

    Sun In Crab Opposition Pluto In Goat Capricorn
    Here comes the greatest struggle for Cancer/Capricorn & Libra/Aries
    on 19 July - Sun 264b. Opposing Hades/Pluto in Goat-Horned 2651. Squaring Luna in Aries
    “There are some days in your emotional life where you would definitely require a silent place
    to write your thoughts & depression to vent, just to hear yourself, your true inner being…”
    Themes & Challenges: Wiping Your Tears With Strong Ambitions & Will To Succeed Ahead
    Energies: Manipulation, Abuse, Power-Struggle & Using Libido & High Sexual Drive
    To Manipulate Partners & Richest To Make Wealth & Money & Control Sexual Partners
    Through Cheating Psychologically & Blackmailing Them For Personal Gains 270d.
    Formation Of TSquare Between Aries, Cancer & Capricorn in SKY:
    The Emotional Vs Professional Needs To Feel Safe & Powerfully Important Within Relationships… 270d. 1f64f. 1f982.
    Sun at 27 Cancer
    Pluto At 27 Capricorn
    Gibbous Moon at 27 Aries
    The Number Game: 27 Number indicates the matters & secrets revealed between Siblings,
    neighbors & incidents being happened inside the SMALL TOWNS & Small Cities.

    Also, it could be dangerously active in the sky for Murderers & Assassins who could today,
    using the Vehicles of "Yellow Color". So keep an eye on a mischievous sibling
    or manipulative authorities or dubious dual characters with Gemini Placements,
    because Gemini Rules Documents, Signatures & Manipulation
    through "Forgery & Stealing Important Documents" & use them for personal gains & cheating...
    So be careful,
    Read the full article here for more insights & details about all this psychological mess in the sky.

    Astrologer Aatif

    #pluto #Capricorn #Gemini #Cardinals #cancerzodiac #cancerseason #LunaTic
    #lunation #lunarcycle #lunarcalendar #vehicle #murders #degree #numerology
    #Capricorn #pluto #plutoreturn #retrograde #retrogradeseason #plutoretrograde
    #retrogradepluto #astrology #predictions #tarotchallenge #tarot #predictions2022
    #july2022 #August #tsquares #square

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