19 Apr 2023, 20 Apr 2023 Solar Eclipse & New Moon Of 20 Apr 2023

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Apr 14, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    The eclipse season is about to start. We will start feeling its powerful yet destabilizing energies as of April 14, 2023.

    Eclipses affect all of us to a degree.

    You might find yourself edgier then usual and your decision-making not as reliable during the eclipse season.

    This is because eclipses pack a punch of powerful but destabilizing energy.

    In fact, traditional astrology doesn't recommend making any major decisions 3 days before
    and after an eclipse, and I've found it to be good advice on several occasions!

    New information might come to light that will change your course anyway.

    And this year, as mentioned, the eclipse season and Mercury retrograde overlap.

    But, for those comfortable with risk, eclipses can also open a powerful portal!

    (More on this in an upcoming post).

    The eclipse season will last from April 14 to May 11, 2023
    with the first eclipse coming on April 19/20, 2023.

    And, another thing to pay attention to: the eclipse axis is starting to shift into Aries-Libra,
    although we'll still have a pair of eclipses in Taurus-Scorpio this year.

    When eclipses shift into another pair of signs, they start energizing a brand-new area.

    Eclipses in Aries and Libra tend to bring developments in matters related to war and peace,
    legislation, gender relations, international relations and personal relationships
    (especially if they hit your chart just right).

    Read more here: http://www.astrologgia.com/.../eclipses-in-aries-and...
    #eclipseseason #SolarEclipse #LunarEclipse #Libra #Aries #Scorpio #Taurus

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Etem Nekpes

    Preparation for the solar eclipse

    Prepare “Now” for the Solar Eclipse!

    Solar eclipse on Thursday, April 20th, 2023.

    Since our Sun enters Tropical Aries in March, the portal for this eclipse is already open

    As the eclipse approaches, hot energies will rise.

    Me personally yesterday 4/12/2023 with ear ringing and body fever
    that got intense and going on pretty much all day

    I was at a certain calmness when I went into downloads together.

    It’s like all the annoying noises and energies that are daily at once
    it has ended.

    Before, during and after an eclipse, take a deep breath before you engage in arguments
    and even physical fights
    and situations that might require calmness to unfold themselves.

    Remember, cosmic events and our planet Earth/Gaia are both harmonious
    and inconsistent are the response to human-based events

    its giving

    Technology reporting the daily "Schumann Resonance" (the vibration frequency
    and depth of our planet), a few from yesterday

    Been "black out" for hours.

    This is, as it has been discussed before, that cosmic events are so powerful that human devices
    cannot record them shows.

    Above and around and certainly above our planet, the higher energies are having a "blank space day".
    (calmness that is felt)

    Here are a few more details on preparation for the Solar Eclipse,
    which will already contribute to the cosmic energy's ascension

    1. ) Wrap the "Pillar of LIGHT" every day with your arms open, eyes closed and palms looking up.

    Imagine SOURCE LIGHT perched through your crown and moving through your entire physical body
    - inside and out.

    Then say (loudly) "I AM BLESSED BY THE LIGHT"

    2. )Choose a strong protective symbol no matter what the symbol is,
    man of the ONE GOD, compassion, healing, protector, enriching
    it reminds you of your power!.

    Or if you're more comfortable than you're used to on a regular basis, a protective way you prefer

    This symbol can be replaced in a verse or a prayer

    3. ) Spend some time daily to meditate. Give your focus to your heart and breathe deeply.

    But if it was possible,

    Choose to initiate a particular meditation path that is in line with ancient teachings
    - not something someone made up.

    This is the SOURCE

    It is a way to connect to the FREQUENCY of LIGHT and its Divine revelations.

    4. ) Apply the healing and protective oils of Amber, Frankincense,
    Myrrh and Sandalwood on its own or by mixing crawl.

    These 5 senses help to alert your organs and make them work consciously

    5. )if you wear meditation or prayer garlands, trees are mainly made of healing
    and protective substances
    (and mentioned several times)

    Piss off wear mala daily to keep your system calm and also while watching or listening to mainstream news.

    6. ) Write down your needs and wants for the upcoming Eclipse energy.
    (create in ecological field and harmonic reactor)

    This can be written as a letter to the source.

    Symbolism between pages of your preferred scripture when completed
    Post it as “post it “. Look and read periodically.

    Ingredients Recommendations;

    1. ) Keep the Bach FLOWER "SAVOR REMEDY" at your hand to protect you from stress.
    2 drops under your tongue 4 times a day
    get it. If you are challenged with fatigue, like many are with increased cosmic powers,
    2 of Bach Flowers 4 times a day.

    get a drop of “olive oil”.

    These can be picked up together.

    Also can drop 4 drops into at least half a liter of spring water
    and day you can sip along.

    However, you should drink plenty of other spring water throughout the day
    don't forget.

    Take your weight, divide this number into two and the achieved number reflects
    how much water you should drink per day per liter.

    For example, a person who weighs 150 pounds is half of that number "75".

    Therefore, this individual should drink 2 liters of water a day.

    Lemon in the water and
    Adding organic apple cider vinegar will provide alkalinity.

    2. ) Eat organic fruits, vegetables, shells, seeds, beans and grains

    3. ) Get natural vitamins and minerals. sadder if you have amethyst
    or quartz crystals put them in water in the evening and next
    drink this water today so you will benefit from its minerals

    4. ) Try to avoid people whose lives are filled with chaos and confusion
    (especially those of their own creation).

    Messy auric spaces, mismatched frequencies to be added to yours if your space
    is not yet powerful enough to keep the discordance away from you includes.

    You may experience a sudden fatigue, anxiety, or upset stomach.

    If this happens, get a dose of "Rescue Solution" immediately
    and put the "PILLAR OF LIGHT" back around you.

    There always seems to be some kind of mismatch in the world.

    Before going grocery shopping, banking transactions, meetings or any other chore,
    consider adopting a "Rescue Solution".

    Even meeting friends for lunch that you think would be a relaxing time,
    puts all your problems on you it may be when they choose to pour.

    Whatever is being discussed may enter the vibrations of the food.

    Especially eating this kind of stuff
    don't do it while eating Therefore, free will
    use it wisely.

    You can cut the visit short or tell your friend
    you don't want to discuss the topic while eating.
    If they get offended that's their problem not yours.

    5. )In case the store clerks and credit card machines don't work
    (only probability No fear but eyes open)
    have enough cash on your side.

    Stores can only accept cash in cases like this.

    That SOURCE will always defend the truth regardless
    of the disagreements that may arise on the world stage.

    don't forget.

    Pray for an increase in the percentage of right people in our world.

    Then LIGHT won't have to do so much cleaning.

    Only "HIGHER KNOWLEDGE" should bless us with continuous ILLUMINATION.

    Wishing everyone the best with love



    Turkish language: (see english below)

    Güneş tutulmasına hazırlık
    Güneş Tutulmasına “Şimdi” Hazır Olun!20 Nisan peşembe günü Güneş tutulması
    Mart ayında Güneşimizin Tropik Koç burcuna girmesinden Bu tutulma için portal zaten açık bulunmaktadır
    Tutulma yaklaştıkça, ateşli enerjiler yükselecek.
    Ben şahsen dün 4/12/2023 de yoğun halde gelen ve hemen hemen bütün gün devam
    eden kulak çınlamaları ve vücut ısınmasıyla…
    beraber indirmeler içine girdiğim çok belirli bir sakinlikteydim .Sanki günlük olan bütün rahatsızlık veren sesler ve enerjiler bir anda
    sona erdi.
    Tutulma öncesinde, sırasında ve sonrasında, tartışmalara ve hatta fiziksel kavgalara girmeden önce derin bir nefes almanın
    ve sakin olmanın gerekli olacağı durumlar kendini gösterebilir.
    Unutmayın, kozmik olaylar ve Dünya/Gaia gezegenimiz hem uyumlu hem de uyumsuz insan tarafından yönetilen olaylara yanıt
    Günlük "Schumann Rezonansını" (gezegenimizin titreşim frekansı ve genliği) bildiren teknoloji, dünden itibaren birkaç
    saattir "karartmada".
    Bu, daha önce tartışıldığı gibi, kozmik olayların o kadar güçlü olduğunu ve insanlığın cihazlarının onları kaydedemeyeceğini
    gösterir. Gezegenimizin yukarısında ve çevresinde ve kesinlikle üzerinde, yüksek enerjiler bir "boş alan günü" geçiriyor.
    (hissedilen sakinlik)
    İşte, kozmik enerjinin zaten yukarı doğru tırmanışına katkıda bulunacak olan Güneş Tutulmasına hazırlık için birkaç ayrıntılı bilgiler
    1.) Her gün kollarınız açık, gözleriniz kapalı ve avuç içleriniz yukarı bakacak şekilde “IŞIK Sütunu”na sarın.
    KAYNAK IŞIĞININ tacınıza doğru döndüğünü ve tüm fiziksel bedeniniz boyunca -içte ve dışta- hareket ettiğini tasavvur edin.
    O zaman şöyle deyin:(yüksek sesle) "IŞIK KAYNAĞINDAN MUTLUYUM".
    2.) Her ne olursa olsun güçlü bir koruyucu sembol seçin sembol, TEK TANRI'nın insan, şefkat, şifa, koruyucu, zenginleştirici
    kudretini hatırlatır!.Veya düzenli olarak alışık olduklarınızdan daha rahatsanız, tercih ettiğiniz şekilde koruyucu bir
    ayet veya bir duada bu sembolün yerini alabilir
    3.) Her gün meditasyon yaparak bir zaman geçirin. Konsantrasyonunuzu kalbinize verin ve derin nefes alın. Ancak mümkünse,
    eski öğretilerle uyumlu olan belirli bir meditasyon yoluna inisiyasyonu seçin - birinin uydurduğu bir şey değil. Bu, KAYNAK
    IŞIK FREKANSINA ve onun İlahi vahiylerine bağlanmanın bir yoludur.
    4.) Amber, Frankincense, Myrrh ve Sandalwood'un iyileştirici ve koruyucu yağlarını tek başına veya karıştırarak vücudunuza
    sürün.Bu 5 duyu organlarınızı uyarmasına ve bilinçli olarak işlemsine yarar
    5.)meditasyon veyahut dua malaları takıyorsanız, ağaçların özellikle şifalı ve koruyucu maddelerinden yapılan
    (ve birkaç kez daha bahsedilen) olanlar şunlardır: AMBER, BODDHI TOHUMU, GÜL AĞACI, RUDRAKSHA ve SANDAL AĞACI. Sinir
    sisteminizin sakin kalması için günlük olarak ve ayrıca ana akım haberleri izlerken veya dinlerken mala giyin.
    6.) Yaklaşan Tutulma enerjisi için ihtiyaç ve isteklerinizin neler olduğunu yazın.(eterik alanda yaratmak ve harmonik reaktör)
    Bu, kaynak'ğa bir mektup olarak yazılabilir. Tamamlandığında, tercih ettiğiniz kutsal kitabın sayfaları arasında sembolik
    olarak “postalayın”. Periyodik olarak çıkarın bakın ve okuyun.
    Malzeme Önerileri;
    1.) Stresten korunmak için Bach ÇİÇEĞİ “KURTARICI ÇARESİ”yi elinizin altında bulundurun. Günde 4 kez dilinizin altına 2 damla
    alın. Artan kozmik güçlerle birçok kişinin olduğu gibi siz de yorgunluğa meydan okuyorsanız, günde 4 kez Bach Flowers'tan 2
    damla “zeytin yağı” alın. Bunlar birlikte alınabilir. Ayrıca en az yarım litre kaynak suyuna 4 damla damlatabilir ve gün
    boyunca yudumlayabilirsiniz. Bununla birlikte, gün içinde bol miktarda diğer kaynak sularını da içmeniz gerektiğini
    unutmayın. Kilonuzu alın, bu sayıyı ikiye bölün ve elde edilen sayı, günde litre cinsinden ne kadar su içmeniz gerektiğini gösterir.
    Örneğin 150 kilo olan bir kişi bu rakamın yarısı “75”tir. Bu nedenle, bu birey günde 2 litre su içmelidir. Suya limon ve
    organik elma sirkesi eklemek,uygun olur alkaliliği sağlayacaktır.
    2.) Organik meyveler, sebzeler, kabuklu yemişler, tohumlar, fasulye ve tahıllar yiyin
    3.) Doğal vitamin ve mineraller alın. eyer amatist veya kuarts kiristalleriniz varsa bunları akşamdan suya koyun ve ertesi
    gün bu suyu için böylece minerallerinden faydalanacaksınız
    4.) Hayatları kaos ve karmaşa ile dolu insanlardan (özellikle kendi yarattıkları ise) uzak durmaya çalışın. Düzensiz aurik
    alanları, alanınız henüz uyumsuzluğu sizden uzak tutacak kadar güçlü değilse, sizinkine eklenebilecek uyumsuz frekanslar
    içerir. Ani bir yorgunluk, endişe veya mide rahatsızlığı hissedebilirsiniz. Bu olursa, hemen bir doz "Kurtarma Çözümü" alın
    ve "IŞIK Sütunu"nu tekrar etrafınıza yerleştirin. Dünyada her zaman bir tür uyumsuzluk var gibi görünüyor. Bu nedenle,
    market alışverişine, banka işlemlerine, toplantılara ya da diğer işleri yapmadan önce "Kurtarma Çözümü" almayı düşünün.
    Dinlendirici bir zaman olacağını düşündüğünüz öğle yemeği için arkadaşlarla buluşmak bile, tüm sorunlarını üzerinize
    dökmeyi seçtikleri zaman olabilir. Tartışılan her ne ise, yemeğin titreşimlerine girebilir.Böyle şeyleri bilhassa yemek
    yerken yapmayın Bu nedenle, özgür iradenizi
    akıllıca kullanın. Ziyareti kısa kesebilir veya arkadaşınıza yemek yerken konuyu tartışmak istemediğinizi söyleyebilirsiniz.
    Hakarete uğrarlarsa, bu onların sorunudur, sizin değil.
    5.) Mağaza yazarkasalarının ve kredi kartı makinelerinin çalışmaması ihtimaline(sadece olasılık Korku yok fakat gözler açık)
    karşı yanınızda yeterli miktarda nakit bulundurun.
    Bu gibi durumlarda mağazalar sadece nakit kabul edebilir.
    Dünya sahnesinde ortaya çıkabilecek anlaşmazlık durumlarından bağımsız olarak, SOURCE'un her zaman doğruları koruyacağını
    Dünyamızdaki doğru insanların yüzdesinin yükselmesi için dua edin.
    O zaman IŞIĞIN çok fazla temizlik yapmasına gerek kalmayacak.
    Sadece bizi "YÜKSEK BİLGİNİN" sürekli AYDINLATMASI ile kutsaması gerekecek.
    Herkese hayırlı olması dileği ile sevgiler



    • Songul Coşgun
      Sir, can we drink 1 spoon of olive oil? I give thanks. Slightly freaked out by this eclipse

      • Etem Nekpes
        I am truly sorry for your fear.
      • You are going on a trip to a place that you have never been before.
      • There is a beautiful stream that flows as if it invites you in.
      • A shepherd is coming to you from there.
      • Look brother, there are stones in this part of the river
      • and thorns on this part of the stream.
      • But if you enter from here, he teaches you about the stream saying
      • sand dunes and goes away saying the rest is up to you.
      • Whether you enter or not, the stream will flow with all its beauty.
      • Of course, it is useful to ask permission from him
      • and introduce yourself to him before entering new water.
      • love

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    SOMEONE asked for more info - on post # 4
    (here is the preceeding post)

    Etem Nekpes
    Absoluterra Activated

    And Updated Gaia's Multiverse

    On 27 Mar 2023

    Successfully Integrated 3d-14d

    31 MAR 2023

    March 31 at 3:18 AM ·
    UPDATE 3/31/2023
    23.03.2023 at 11:23 pm

    Gaia and the Absolutes, a new and powerful form of energy emerged.

    This was the Logos of AbsoluTERRA itself.


    TERRA = First name in the world

    What does this event mean for the 3D World and us Earthlings?

    Actively raising their vibrations to enter the 4B and 5B

    this is another great gift for.

    From the Great Cosmos that is bombing our planet every second
    and from the energies of the 3B and

    In addition to thousands of high frequency streams
    that help accelerate our detachment from reality,
    interacting with the Absolutes

    The last obstacle in our channel is being removed. .

    Those who still refuse to wake up,
    don't want to see, hear anything and the toxic swamp of low vibrations

    hard days are coming for those who do not want to enjoy.


    These energies are in the physical and Subtile Plane,
    with Pleroma's and Higher Light earth teams
    cleaning the outer space Grey and Black matter of bodies
    (our and the planet) with the original multidimensional matter of Light

    Argorians, Siriusians, Pleiadians, Arcturians
    and other sources tell you what you've changed in their daily updates

    as reported, this is currently 7/24
    and very actively carrying on these energies.

    The activation of AbsoluTERRA and the Causal Matrix
    of the new Earth will accelerate the transformation.

    Starting from the month of April,

    During May and June, stabilization of the 4B high-frequency etheric field
    will be completed and is estimated to be by the end of 2023
    it will completely fill the space of the planet.

    Those who emit decisive vibrations from 4.0D to 4.8D,
    by increasing their frequencies simultaneously
    with the transitional four-dimensional Matrix and
    they will live normal and feel good in alignment.

    The outer and inner part are entirely conditional;
    in fact, all quantum waves

    4B flows to the person and interacts with
    and enters him or rather his Subtle Bodies
    and the neurons of the field brain.
    Co-Creators actively helping those
    who help themselves to get out of 3D.

    But on a low frequency

    Spirits will no longer be incarnated on our planet.

    Three timetable (from 16) permanently closed
    as of March 26, 2023.

    Friendly cosmic races evacuate tens of billions of Souls
    of this kind from the etheral and astral areas of Earth
    and resemble them

    placement in other Galaxies on planets that have vibrations.

    And lastly, breaking news.

    Absoluterra activated and updated Gaia's Multiverse on Mar 27, 2023
    11:43 CET

    Successfully integrated into 3D-14D

    We wish all a Happy NOW

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse 29 2648. 50
    02:17 PM Brisbane 20th April 2023
    05:17 AM London 20th April 2023
    12:17 AM New York 20th April 2023
    08:17 PM Los Angeles 19th April 2023
    You have the Courage & strength of A Warrior.
    With new beginnings or turning point, prepare yourself for a shift in your life.
    Greg George

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Maryanne Savino

    We're coming upon Eclipse Season with the first one of 2023 in the fire 1f525. sign of Aries 2648. at 29°, it will be a New Moon 1f31a. Solar 1f31e. Eclipse on April 19th/20th. 1f30f. 1f320. 1f300. 1f31f. 2764. 1fa90.





    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    ABSM Wise
    Patricia Pal · ·


    Carole Young
    Carole's Astro Update: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries:
    20th April 2023 @ 29*50 of The Ram. Universal Time 3.12

    Clearing Dead Wood from our lives to let the New Moon shine a fresh start for us.
    A powerful SOLAR ECLIPSE coming up in fire sign ARIES on 20th April.

    Eclipses bring endings, revelations and transformational changes,
    for everyone but especially powerful for Aries, especially those Aries born at the end of their sign,
    so that's around 20th of April of any year give or take a few days either side.
    So ARIES expect new beginnings at the New Moon which represents fresh starts,
    new phases in your life is about that but as there's a solar eclipse in Aries
    then expect some endings that then lead to fresh starts, new beginnings.

    The effect of Eclipses can last 6 months.
    The New Moon Eclipse in Aries makes a harsh and dynamic square angle over to Pluto
    at the very start of Aquarius.

    The last degree of Aries and 0 degrees of Aquarius are both critical degrees
    and so render this Eclipse even more powerful.

    So, AQUARIUS you can also expect transformation changes around this New Moon Eclipse
    but leading to new beginnings along with Aries. Sometimes toxic memories or events,
    people or situations need to be cleansed
    and ended before you can embark on a new journey in life.

    This is all about 'shadow' work which is very valuable to the life development of evolving souls.

    Acknowledge your shadows, deal with them, cleanse them so they don't RUN you!
    The Eclipse in aspect to Pluto will reveal much that needs to be cleansed and released and healed from.

    This Eclipse is another indicator that we are moving deeper into the threshold of the Age of Aquarius!

    The Sign of HUMANITY beckons ever stronger and stronger and these astrological aspects indicate this.


    This is the potential that is shown. The individual preparing to work with and for HUMANITY
    as equals but also retaining their own unique individuality.

    An awakening of the COMPASSION of Aquarius for his/her FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS

    as kinsmen, family. All through knowledge and awareness that leads to compassionate actions.
    The Solar Eclipsed New Moon will tend to highlight all matters of an ARIES nature. That is Cardinal Fire action and enterprise, moving forward and taking initiatory action, courage and strength.

    Conflicts and Wars, the Warrior, sportsmen or women.

    Independence Fiery actions that can also be acting and leaping before looking
    or it can be powerful and effective drive and actions. Soldiers and battles.

    So the eclipse highlights all this and can indicate endings and massive changes.

    The true Aries will tackle all this with the quality of a warrior. Then new starts can commence.

    RED is the colour of Aries. Energy!!!

    Aries is I AM and from that all else springs forth. Aries is also the sign
    of the start of the astrological year and Spring. Nature bursts forth powerfully like Aries.
    We are living in powerful times of change and transformation and this Eclipse echoes and highlights this.
    Aquarius reminds us all at this Eclipse that this is the time of Aquarian energy and to acknowledge
    the changes coming about and work with them for their highest good.

    WE are NOT passive in this but through consciousness and awareness we choose the highest vibration
    of this shift of times.

    This is something I have discussed many times in my updates and snippets and now doubt will again.
    How will the other Signs of the Zodiac relate to this New Moon Solar Eclipse?

    Well, to start off Libra is the opposite sign so the opportunity is offered for Libran's
    to bring in the balance to the Aries energy and that is about consideration of other's ,
    measured thought out approach, logic and positive and harmonious relating.

    A love of peace and harmony.

    So there you go Libra you got a job to do if you so wish to take it up,
    that is if it organically presents itself to you around the Eclipse. 2764.

    Fellow fire signs Leo and Sagittarius relating very well to this New Moon
    and also finding transformation and positive changes in their lives.

    Air signs Gemini and Aquarius responding powerfully and positively
    and finding opportunities presenting in their lives. Libra more challenged
    and finding the need to bring in the balance at times. Aries - Libra polarity. 2764.

    Water signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces feeling some tension and challenges
    with this New Moon Eclipse as well as earth signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
    but finding through the challenges they can achieve much that is of value. 2764.

    If you have Sun, Moon, Mars or Aries Ascendent this New Moon Eclipse will be powerful for you.
    I have spoken to some Aries today and over the last few days and they have reported positive changes
    and surge forwards in their life and new starts. So that sounds promising. 2764.

    I will put a link in the comments section below about the Eclipse
    and where it is visible from an astronomical perspective. 2764.

    and I will add to this update as well.
    Lots more going on astrologically with the planets but this update has got rather long
    so I will do some astro snippets about other planet moves when I can. 2764.

    Also I will be back for the Full Moon in Scorpio on 5th May 2023
    which is a Total Lunar Eclipse
    - we are in Eclipse Season.


    Love, Light and Peace and Let Your Golden Love Light SHINE!!!

    ~ Carole Young.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The Butterfly Nebula. ❤️✨

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