18 July 2016 - A Quadruple Rainbow, Waubaushene, Ontario - Photographer: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Apr 28, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    18 jul 2016 - A quadruple rainbow - Photographer: susan lynne schwenger​

    18 July 2016​
    A Quadruple Rainbow​
    i left, and, almost did NOT look back​
    and, as, i turned around to look​
    the rarest of 4 rainbows appeared,​
    fortunately; i managed to photograph it !!!​
    Photographer: Susan Lynne Schwenger @13linesofspirit @in12d​

    18 July 2016
    Waubaushene, Ontario

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    A rare sight in Waubaushene, Ontario, Canada
    appeared in the form of a Quadruple Rainbow...
    although, it might NOT sound like a big deal
    energetically speaking, this is very rare !!!

    A single rainbow, is said to be
    The Symbol of Restoration & New Beginnings...
    and, represents the calmness & peace that prevails after a bad storm.

    A Quadruple Rainbow is very special...
    because, it comes in, to signify...
    A Time of The Great Transformation, multiplied four fold.

    It also signifies that whatever is coming our way...
    will lead us all, to an extraordinary new era in our lives...

    Future times, that will be filled with good fortune,
    joy, peace and fulfillment.

    A rainbow is a confirmation from the Universe...
    that we are about to have something miraculous enter our lives,
    so to see four of them at the exact same time, is an amazing & rare occurrence,
    may you be drenched with its transformative blessings, and, its energies.

    Enjoy it
    Photographer: susan lynne schwenger @13linesofspirit

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