18 Jan 2023 To 31 Jan 2023 ~ Astrologer Aatif

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 16, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif

    16 JAN 2023 ·

    & : So many Planets changing direction in January 2023

    A Celestial Shift In Energies For Remaining Days Of January 2023 Ahead...

    & :

    After Mars & Saturn get direct inside January 2023, some more Planets are leaving the Retrograde heavy
    season & getting on business again, finally with the start of 2023. So it's going to be a huge month & setting
    the tone for the rest of the Year ahead…

    Note: Mars Mars stations and turns direct at 8° Gemini 08’D on On January 12, 2023, But Ruler of MARS
    aka MERCURY is still in Retrograde but luckily, Mercury/Hermes is also going to direct inside January as
    well, so thats kool, right?

    But, Mars will continue to float in Post-Shadows of Retrograde for some more months though, & going to
    leave the post Retrograde Zone on 15th March 2023 at 25° Gemini 37′

    Whereas, Saturn got station direct on October 22, 2022, at 18° Aquarius 35′ but continue to float in Post-
    Shadows of Retrograde until January 26th, 2023... So luckily Saturn is going to manifest its boundaries &
    discipline upon us with a full throttle of energies from January 26th ahead.

    1- On January 18th, Mercury Is Getting Direct at 8° 2651. 08’ In Capricorn

    Mercury is finally going to turn direct today after being in Retrograde since December 29th. This will ease
    the pressure our mind has been taking in terms of decision-making, confusion, & irritability of thought
    process, now we should be thinking clearly without any fog on our mind & signing documents, making vows,
    & executing the plans should be appropriate, but could be tricky as Mercury will float in POST-Shadows for
    some more days ahead though…

    2- On Jan 18th, the Sun conjuncts Pluto In Capricorn At 28° 2651. 13’

    3- On Jan 20th, Sun Ingresses Aquarius 2652.

    4- On Jan 22nd, A New Moon Occurrence In Aquarius At 1° 2652. 32’

    5- On Jan 22nd, Venus Conjunction Saturn In Aqua At 24° 2652. 47’

    Will make a dedicated post about this heavy energy…

    6- On Jan 22nd, Uranus Goes Direct After many months In Taurus at 14° 2649. 56′

    So after staying in the Retrograde phase of madness, Uranus is finally getting station direct on 22nd January
    2023 & this will be a huge sigh of relief for Taurus, Leo & Scorpio signs & they will find it more appropriate
    to settle down & utilize this eccentricity & shocking energies & getting some pace in life while leaving the
    laziness of the past behind… Adapting new ways by leaving the stubbornness behind would be a somewhat
    easy manifestation process for Bulls ahead in 2023 (Especially when Mars hits LEO with Venus ahead in
    2023)... So yeah, good news for Taurus ahead…

    That said, Uranus will continue to float in the Post-Shadow period for some more months though, until the
    9th of May 2023, when Uranus will finally leave POST-SHADOW zones behind & fully direct ahead… So

    7- On Jan 26th, Saturn leaves Post-Shadow Retrograde on January 26, At In Aquarius At 25° Aqua 2652. 15′

    So after many months of floating in Shadows (Since 22nd October 2022), Saturn finally leaves its Post-
    Shadow zone of Retrogardation process from January 26th, 2023... So luckily Saturn is going to manifest its
    boundaries & discipline upon us with a full throttle of energies from January 26th ahead.

    8- On Jan 26th, Venus Ingresses Pisces 2653. At The Same Day Saturn Leaves Shadows In Aquarius

    9- On Jan 30th, Sun In Aquarius Trines Mars In Gemini 264a.

    10- On Jan 30th, Mercury In Capricorn Trines Uranus In Taurus 2649.

    Enjoy the remaining crafting & celestial happening month of January ahead… & keep on manifesting the
    dreams & resolutions you have created through the wish lists of the new year 2023 (Resolutions)... time to
    leave the laziness behind & prove yourself & shine in the world as we advance down the remaining 2023…
    January is going to be an extremely lucky & manifesting month for sure & a really fresh start for this 2023
    year… & no wonder 2023 is full of surprises & a collectively different year globally, all together in terms of
    celestial dance taking upheaval & shift in energies… you name the energies getting changed this year… My
    God, the list is huge & I am writing another post about the rest of the 2023 year influence on FIXED Signs &
    Aries as well…

    With much love & care, & do not miss any signs in the time..

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.

    #celestial #Mercury #mercuryretrograde #saturninaquarius #saturnretrograde #saturnreturn #saturninpisces #pluto #CapricornSeason #AquariusSeason #January #astrologypost #astrologyreadings
    #astrologymemes #astrology #transits #CelestialUniverse #venus #Mars #zodiac #signs


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Thoth by Amaryan
    Ruby Falconer
    17 JAN 2023 ·

    January 18, 2023: Mercury Direct in Capricorn.

    In the language of Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Mercury is allied with Thoth, the Sacred Scribe.

    Capricorn is allied with Khnum.

    Thoth and Khnum are ancient archetypes
    – their stories emerge from the mists of pre-history
    - and both play a role in the Egyptian creation story.

    Khnum created the living beings of Earth on a potter’s wheel.

    Thoth is the creator of language, writing, and time.

    These three
    – language, writing, time
    – are central to our perception of reality.

    Our thoughts determine what we believe reality to be.

    Our words reinforce that perception and communicate it to others.

    Language is crucial to building a collective vision; a collective vision is key to our survival.

    This collective vision becomes our reality construct.

    Our reality construct isn’t static; it is a perception that changes over time.

    Whenever we go through a process of transformation and
    change, Khnum invites us back on his potter’s wheel and gives us a spin.

    He remakes our energetic body so that our container can better
    hold the transformations we are experiencing.

    Collectively, we are experiencing a shift in our reality construct.

    We need a new structure
    – a new container – to better hold this change.

    Our present time is rife with conflict generated by the dissolution
    of our old reality construct and uncertainty of what our new reality will be.

    There’s not a whole lot we as individuals can do about this;
    we’re pretty much just along for the ride.

    But we can examine our own containers and create structures that better address our changing reality.

    As we exit this Mercury in Capricorn retrograde period,
    commit to making changes in your own life structures
    that will support internal and external change.

    Mercury turns direct on January 18 at Capricorn 8°08’.

    January 17, 2023, by Ruby Falconer.

    Thoth by Amaryan

    Available for chart readings. www.shamanicstarology.com.

    “Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods”
    by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.

    astrology #ShamanicStarology #ShamanicEgyptianAstrology #MercuryDirect #Thoth #Capricorn #Khnum

    Last edited: Jan 20, 2023

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Raising Vibrations

    The fourth and final Mercury retrograde of last year
    the one that has carried us over and into 2023
    — finally comes to an end on January 18.

    Now that the Planet of Communication is direct, we can really start 2023 with a bang.

    For those who have given up on resolutions already or felt like the first half of January
    was a little off, now's your chance for astrological redemption.

    Lisa Stardust, astrologer and author of The Love Deck,
    says that although Mercury may be direct, the planet is now in its post-retrograde shadow until February 7. "

    The retroshade phase gives us a tendency to experience situations for a third time,
    allowing us a moment of reflection," she tells
    Refinery29, adding that we'll begin to understand and process everything
    that has been going on since the pre-retrograde phase.

    "Exes, drama, travel issues, and miscommunications can still come to fruition now,
    which is why it’s important to make sure you’re being heard clearly
    and listen to what other people say with open ears," Stardust says.

    Meaning, while we may have found the right path, we're
    not quite out of the woods yet.

    This new astrological moment will have us taking back control and focusing on our priorities.

    "You will feel driven and motivated to
    clear the air between you and your loved ones, friends, colleagues, or bosses,"
    says Iva Naskova, astrologer at the Nebula app.

    "Gaining clarity and direction is now easier, and your goals and objectives are more tangible.

    On top of that, this transition inspires you to start fresh and let go of what was holding you back
    so you can become the best version of
    yourself in the new year."

    Although this "new year, new me" energy is behind schedule, that doesn't mean
    we can't harness it and move forward with ease into the remaining year.

    Think of this as a powerful, albeit late, start to 2023.

    Because this past retrograde happened in ambitious Capricorn,
    Mercury's backwards dance had us asking questions about our profession and ambitions,
    including, Is our career aligned with our true path?

    Are we working just to survive without any real direction?

    Do we truly believe in what we do?

    Unlock Your Inner Luminary Power.

    "While Capricorn energy is about vocation, it’s also about our life’s purpose," she explains.
    "It's a sign that doesn’t mess around, and having Mercury retrograde
    here always generates big questions as well as big lessons.

    Mercury getting back to normal isn't the only great news in the sky
    — four days after Mercury goes direct Uranus follows,
    meaning that zero planets will be retrograde planets until April 20.

    This is an occurrence that only happens once a year,
    when we tend to see fewer obstacles and delays along our path

    From this moment on, we can pull all of our learnings not only from Mercury retrograde but also from Mars retrograde.

    This will see many of us make considerable changes in the realm of career.

    The sun will also have its annual conjunction with Pluto, the Planet of Power and Transformation,
    in the last degrees of Capricorn.

    We can now see the path towards the manifestation of our goals, and by all means,
    we should push forward, as nothing can stop us now!

    This is a time to leave the past behind and make brave,
    bold moves that will have a long-term effect.

    We can use Mercury's direct movement to look ahead at an upcoming retrograde in 2023.

    It serves as a bridge between our last Mercury retrograde in Capricorn,
    which took place in December 2021, and our next, which will
    take place this December, .

    In December 2023, Mercury will station retrograde at the same exact degree
    that it is turning direct on January 18.

    We will be teleported back to finish up any tasks,
    themes, or conversations that took place around this time.

    Knowing what we know, Campos says that we can use this insight to take some
    of the pressure off of ourselves to have all the answers now.

    Do your best, and bookmark the rest
    — it will come back up later this year for refining..

    Although this advice is geared more towards the end of 2023,
    it holds relevancy all year round and can be followed regardless of what
    astrological happenings are going on in the sky.

    Do your best — as long as you try, how can you fail?

    Elizabeth Gulino

    Instagram 'raisingvibrationswithjo'

    Looking forward to working with you
    Love and divine ascension
    Jo 1f48b.
    PS. One appointment left in the clinic (Brisbane, Australia) this Friday 20th January xo

    Sue McLeod Ceramics

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member



    18 JAN 2023
    You never know what you'll see when you're observing the sky.

    For astronomers using the Subaru-Asahi Star Camera located in Hawaii's Mauna Kea Observatory on January 18, 2023 they saw something quite unusual.

    A mysterious spiral formed and then dissipated

    over the course of about half an hour.

    It was most likely from a SpaceX satellite that launched earlier that day.

    See video of the mysterious spiral here.
    EarthSky | See the mysterious spiral over Hawaii observatory


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Live for today ,
    enjoy what happened yesterday
    and see the beauty of what is to come tomorrow .

    (HELP...WHO SAID THAT; and; was there a meme ???)

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