17 Jan 2021 - 777 Th Anniversary Of Blue Apples - Mary Magdalene

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 17, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Trevor McGrath replied to a comment on a post from December 31, 2020.
    Trevor McGrath

    In 2021 the Cathar prophecy will be fulfilled.

    Every year on January 17th at the church of Mary Magdalene in Rennes Les Chateau,
    the anomaly we know as “blue apples at noon” will play out.

    The sun shining through the Lazarus (ressurection) stained-glass window of the church will cause blue and red orbs of light to dance in the church.
    In the summer these blue apples or orbs appear again on the feast day of Mary Magdalene (July 22nd) in the Lincoln Cathedral.
    The summer symbolizes the full fruition of birth (spring).
    2021 marks 777 years from the “feminine crucifixion” of the Cathars at Montsegur.
    777 is the number of divine intervention.
    “Segur” means “for sure” or “safe” in French and Mont is generally mountain.
    The mountain of safety and peace, same metaphor as Zion/Sion.
    In 1321, the Last “pure cathar” or what they called “parfait/perfect), Guillaume Belibaste, was burned at the stake by the inquisition and declared that in 700 years they would return (700 years from 1321 is 2021). In this prophecy made by Belibaste he also stated that the “laurels would turn green again.”
    That “good people” will return.
    The good or God in people is Christ consciousness.
    The laurels turning green is indicative of many things. The mother (nature) thriving once again, despite the odds modern-day means have placed against her.
    Laurels are flora, the green. The trees, shrubs, flowers etc will rebirth. The Devine feminine will resurrect.
    Also the laurels turning green makes me think of the symbol of the Fleur de Lis, the symbol of the priory that has protected the bloodline of Christ and Magdalene. The Priory of Sion, or the priory of the “Safe Mountain” one could say, which is still metaphorical. The fleur de lis (Christ blood in humanity) will turn green (heart) balancing the blue orbs (pineal) and red orbs (perineum).
    We are all born Christed.
    There comes a time where someone is born and remains unusually centered in that Christed nature. The birth of this particular sort of Christed being marks the awakening of the supreme atom that lies at the solar plexus of every woman, child and man.
    Meaning when Yeshua/Jesus was born, it was a marker that a new potential was born within all of humanity. It wasn’t initially intended to be idol worship. It was meant to be a metaphor that appeared externally to remind us of the internal stage we are collectively in. “As within, so without.”
    Will the book of love (collaborative text of Mary consciousness and Christ consciousness) be unveiled and re-uploaded into the collective consciousness of humanity?
    3 days before the inauguration the blue apples will appear from the sun shining through the stained-glass window of Lazarus (Lazarus=resurrection or rebirth) in the Church of Mary Magdalene. In this stained-glass picture it shows Yeshua (symbolic of Christed nature) raising his hand and raising Lazarus from the dead as he walks out of a tomb (resurrection ceremony).
    Will this spark rebirth of the laurels mentioned in the cathar prophecy?
    Will the blue apples in the Lincoln cathedral marking the fruition of the green laurels during the feast day of Mary Magdalene (July 22nd 2021)?
    Prophetic days are usually markers more so than the actual day of some big event, but I find it highly significant that the inauguration is always 3 days before the blue apples in the Church of Magdalene, and that this year is the fulfillment of the Cathar prophecy making this alignment even more significant, especially given it's shortly after then conjunction where Jupiter/Zeus (HeyZeus/Jesus) made Saturn/Chronos spit out all that he wrongfully consumed. Karmic reconciliation.
    A parchment was found within the Church of Mary Magdalene stating the following:
    "Shepherdess no temptation that poussin and teniers hold the key pax 681 by the cross and this horse of god I complete this guardian demon at midday blue apples."
    In the last pic below there is a picture of the demon/daemon (guarded knowledge) statue found within the church. All of the pictures below are taken in the Church of Mary Magdalene in Rennes Les Chateau France, except of course the meme. The daemon/knowledge being completed resonates with Saturn/Chronos (karma and time) being made to spit out all that he consumed. The unveiling of knowledge to a higher degree. The completion of the daemon, the blue apple activation. The second one in the summer is in the general time-frame of the Lion's gate portal. The Saturn-Jupiter conjunction "completed the Daemon" (red and blue apples dancing) and this happened Aquarius, which represents Ganymede, the cup bearer to the Olympian gods in Greek mythology.
    On a personal level, we can shift our paradigm at any moment and in turn contribute to the collective shift.
    On the collective level, we are in a time where the paradigm we all experience is centering back in the heart, love.
    The laurels will turn green and we will return from the tangles of the convoluted brain back to the center of the body/temple.
    The treasure is in the chest 2764.





    412Tina Hammond, Kimberley Ann Montgomery and 410 others






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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif

    Astrology Update: A Cosmical jovial & clowning shift in energies for today..!!

    1f318. - 2650.

    Perhaps the most exciting transits of Moon inside the Capricorn heavy Season, & try utilizing this Moon in Sagittarius, for minimizing
    the SUN Conjunction Pluto influence with this Lunar Cycle ahead...

    : Emotionalism Is Connected To Philosophies & Excitements, Freedom Loving, Adventurous,
    Sense Of Humor, Larger Than Life, Outdoor Activities, High Curiosity & Love For Optimism With a Ray Of Hopes Alive

    Cycle or Transit brings high Intellectualism Of The High Vision With Broad Mindedness & this way, archers/centaurs
    become Fun-loving jovial who start on many adventures at a time with their highly changeable & restless minds of the 9th House, which
    may take them to explore new horizons using the Jupiter floating inside your Heart & Horoscope.

    This 1f318. 2650. Will Create Following Energies From 17th - 19th January 2023 Ahead: 2.5 days of adventurism,
    excitement & lauging out loudly on stupid & clowned jokes

    Jan 17th Mon At Sagittarius 00°00’ Ingresses 0°Sagittarius

    Jan 18th Moon At Sag 03°35’ Trines Jupiter In Aries

    Jan 18th Moon At Sag 08°18’ Opposition Mars In Gemini

    Jan 19th Moon At Sag 20°03’ Sextiles Venus In Aquarius

    Jan 19th Moon At Sag 23°14’ Squares Neptune In Pisces

    Jan 19th Moon At Sag 24°23’ Sextiles Saturn In Aquarius

    Sagittarius Lunar Cycles are all about Prophetic implications & perception on public minds, Generous & Charitable with people who are
    in need of moral & financial support, Sympathetic, Gambles with fair gameplay without cheating, Honest, and Truthfulness.

    She has The ability to manage the pain & grief & sorrows in life & always remains hopeful & faithful & Sagittarius Moon has the ability
    to act as a naturally flirtatious person because of high jovialness & ability to attract the audience by cracking jokes & good sense of
    humor (Typical Jupiter) & this Full Moon can entertain the crowds more than any other placement of LUNAR conditions.

    Sagittarius Transitory Moon cycles keep us Remain Friendly with everyone, & easily forget what has happened to us previously & move
    on because we have zero time to focus on RANTING & holding grudges... So this way, MOON in Sagittarius provides natives with better
    anger-management skills because of highly mutable & moving activities, both mentally & physically because Sagittarius does not only
    rules the thighs & hips but also the “Higher Mind Of 9th House” & this transit of Sag Moon makes us aware of exactly know, how to
    move on…

    So by the end of the Moon cycle in the sign of Sagittarius around late degrees (at 27 Sagittarius precisely), when she approaches the
    Galactic Center of “Divine & Intellectual Downloads”, you should be best utilizing this MOON TRANSITS By Throwing Arrows Using
    Wisdom Of Bows Pointing At The Target 27°♐︎ Which Is Very Near To The Galactic Center Of Our Universe - A high sensitivity towards
    the awareness of the finding truths using the high sense of vision & higher mind to understand the meaning of life & human

    Enjoy this madness of fun, and excitement & make some intellectual & adventures of wisdom (Both mentally & physically) ahead for 2.5
    days, until the Moon leaves Sagittarius & enters the serious & structured Capricorn ahead...

    With much love & care,

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.

    #Sagittarius #mooninsagittarius #Sagitario #Capricorn #capricornseason #newmoon #waningmoon #waningcrescent
    #waningcrescentmoon #crescentmoon #lunaryear #lunarcycle #Lunatic #astrologypost #astrologyreadings #astrologymemes
    #Astrologer #astrology #tarot #January2023 #predictions #Predict


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