Soulight Space March 12 at 8:06 PM · March 16-the most DANGEROUS DAY this month - share to warn others MOST AFFECTED BY NEPTUNIAN DECEPTION, SCAM, ILLUSION, LIES THIS WEEK: Mutuables: PISCES GEMINI VIRGO SAGITTARIUS - especially if you have planets in those signs between 20°-29° degree- watch out! DOUBLE CHECK messages, emails, prices, documents, phone calls, links Sun & Mercury meet with Neptune only once per year.This week all 3 planets meet in the sign of Pisces - which Neptune rules.Things may not be as they seem this week so don't trust words & thoughts 100% until the end of Pisces Season (March 21). Careful with idealization. Use this week to work with positive qualities of Neptune: spirituality, compassion, forgiveness, artistic creativity, manifestation. For balance: use Virgo qualities (logical mind, careful analysis, attention to details) Pluto is at anaretic degree until March 23. This together with hard neptunian aspects to Mars this week creates a very manipulative, dark, secretive energy. Careful with fake news & propaganda in media. Many important conversations may be happenning away from public eye now... Jolanta, Soulight Space _________________________________________ MARCH 2023: ■ Pluto in Aquarius ■ Saturn in Pisces ■ Saturn Return - free insights available on You Tube or Spotify, welcome everybody! Let's get ready for those upcoming changes! All videos here: ---> Comments Jaymie Barcoma Me seeing this with 333 reacts I am divinely protected
That's a highly spiritual, compassionate day as well, connecting us with the divine, metaphysical We can always use this energy in a positive way More on my Instagram